Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 152 The Weirdness in the Wine

Chapter 152 The Weirdness in the Wine
The breeze passes over the mountains, and you can see the low emerald green. At the end of the road, there is a small village next to the water and mountains. The wine flags are flying at the gate of the village, and the smell of fermented grain is in the air.

Guocun has arrived.

"You are Mr. Luo!" At the gate of the village, a slightly fat man in his fifties stepped forward quickly, his eyes shining brightly.

"Yes, you are the head of this village, Li Changgen?" Luo Yi asked.

"It's me, it's me. You are welcome to invest in our village. Our village has been making wine for decades. If you invest in us, you will definitely not lose money."

"We haven't decided whether to invest in you yet. Mr. Luo came here this time just to investigate." Zhang Han snorted coldly, and stood in front of Luo Yi.

Luo Yi was not in the habit of shaking hands with others, so he blocked Li Changgen's hand just in time.

"You are?" Li Changgen resentfully withdrew his hand and wiped his waist.

Zhang Han said blankly: "I am Mr. Luo's driver and part-time bodyguard."

"It's a pleasure to meet, it's a pleasure to meet!" Li Changgen said politely, but he couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart: "It turns out that he is a stinky driver, so why is he so arrogant!"

"Please tell me about the situation in this village." Luo Yi said flatly.

There shouldn't be too many people in this world like Li Changgen who watch people order food. If they were going to get angry, Luo Yi would have been pissed off long ago.

Li Changgen moved nonchalantly, then turned his face to Luo Yi and said, "Boss Luo, I'm not bragging, our Guo village has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the climate is quite suitable for wine making, and all the people in our village are good winemakers. Boss Luo, you nod your head, I can immediately pull up a professional brewing team, and it can be put into production immediately, and it won’t take long before I can even make a profit.”

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. I want to go to the village and take a look." Luo Yi is not impressed by Li Changgen's boasting. He came here this time to invest in Guocun's wine making, but actually to investigate drunks incident and the disappearance of Wu Ning and others.

"Captain Luo, do we need to make false claims with them? According to me, let people seal this place directly. I don't believe you can't find Wu Ning and the others." Zhang Han was very displeased with Li Changgen, who looked down on others with dog eyes.

"Wu Ning and two people entered here, and they didn't even make a splash. Afterwards, these people even asked three questions and said they had never seen it before. Don't you think it's strange?" Luo Yi looked at Li Changgen, who was talking eloquently in front of him. , looking inexplicable.

"Is it possible that Wu Ning's ghost fog obscured their figures, and these people have never seen them before." Zhang Han thought for a while.

"That's unlikely!" Luo Yi shook his head. "Wu Ning is not a top ghost master. She can't keep the ghost domain open for a long time. Besides, she just entered the village to do an investigation. Is it necessary to hide her whereabouts?"

Hearing what Luo Yi said, Zhang Han also felt that something was wrong. If Wu Ning and the others were policemen who came here to arrest people, then the people in the village may collectively give false testimony to cover up the interests of the collective in order to protect the interests of the collective. Some obscure things.

But Wu Ning came to imprison the evil spirits, and they had no direct conflict with the people in the village, so they didn't have the need or motivation to lie.

"Try and try again!" Luo Yi thought for a while, and said to Li Changgen: "Cunchang Li, did you just say that every household here knows how to make wine?"

"That's right. Here, people from 80 years old to children from [-] years old can make wine, and the wine is guaranteed to be produced. The taste of the wine brewed by every household is almost exactly the same. When you sell it, no one will criticize you. Let me just say that the quality is not good." Li Changgen's face was smug when he mentioned this, and his chest slapped loudly.

"Can we take a tour?" Zhang Han asked curiously.

"Of course," Li Changgen said briskly, pointing casually after speaking, "then this one, I'll take you in to have a taste."

Next to the road is a small flat, the walls are painted with white paint, the door is closed, no one can be seen.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Li Changgen patted the door several times.

"Who is it!" A woman's voice came from inside the room, followed by a burst of fine footsteps.

"I, village chief Li Changgen!" Li Changgen responded, and the woman inside opened the door.

The woman was dressed plainly, her face was yellow and rough, her eye circles were a little wet and red, her eyes were extremely baggy, her hands were covered with calluses, and she looked like a peasant woman.

"Second sister, take out your home-brewed wine and taste it. I'm getting us two appetizers. I'll treat this Boss Luo." Li Changgen was not polite, and he pulled a stool and sat on the table when he entered the door.

Luo Yi looked up, the furnishings in this room were simple, there were not many appliances, but there were many awards hanging on the wall, it seemed that the children in this house were good at reading.

"Which Boss Luo, why haven't I heard you mention it?" Liu Ermei looked at Luo Yi and his party with a puzzled expression.

"Big bosses who come to invest in the city, don't ask too many questions, just cook some of your special dishes for me. When the time comes, Boss Luo might invest a lot of money in us when he is happy with the food. When the time comes, the young and old of your family will be happy." Life is guaranteed!"

"Oh, it turns out to be the big boss. Wait, I'm going to cook!" Liu Ermei's eyes lit up when she heard Li Changgen's words, she hurried into the back kitchen and started to work.

Li Changgen was also polite, went to the kitchen to get a few small bowls, opened the wine jar on the cabinet, and poured a spoonful into each small bowl.

"Try it!" Li Changgen handed over the small bowl expectantly.

Luo Yiduan took a look at the bowl, the color of the wine inside was slightly yellow, it seemed that the filter was not thorough, it looked average, but the aroma was tangy, this level of aroma was stronger than the white wine with flavor added outside.

"It's delicious!" Li Changgen smiled proudly, "I can't say anything else about the wine in our village, but the taste is absolutely pure. Even the first-tier wineries can't make it to our level."

"It does smell good, but why don't you improve the purification process for such a good wine, you must know that this is white wine, not yellow rice wine, and the color has lowered the overall quality." Luo Yi smelled it and said.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, the wine in our village is of this color. If the color is lost, the taste will not be good or fragrant. In addition, some big wineries contacted us before, wanting to help us improve, but their improved wine, The quality has declined sharply, and the color has not changed, which is incomparable with our current one." Li Changgen sighed, and seemed to be quite distressed by this problem.

"It's just the color of the wine, and it still stumps you?" Zhang Han said.

Li Changgen said: "It really can't be changed, once the taste is changed, it will be wrong."

"How did you get rid of this color?" Luo Yi slowly rubbed the small bowl with his fingers, his eyes flashed.

"It's just to improve the craftsmanship!" Li Changgen's eyes flickered, "I'll go see how the dishes are, this Liu Ermei, her hands and feet are getting slower."

"Captain, do you suspect that they have tampered with the wine?" Zhang Han has been following Luo Yi for a while, and he can guess a little bit of Luo Yi's thoughts.

"The aroma of this wine is indeed fragrant, but the smell is also really stinky!" Luo Yi put down the wine in his hand with a sullen face.

"What's going on?" Zhang Han twitched his nose and sucked hard, but didn't notice anything unusual.

"I'll show you and you'll understand." Luo Yi stretched out his hand and waved the wine bowl, a blood-colored shadow emerged, and a little red light fell into the small bowl, and the original yellowish white wine instantly changed its appearance.

"This is a corpse worm!"

(End of this chapter)

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