Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 154 The Light That Cannot Be Turned On

Chapter 154 The Light That Cannot Be Turned On
Guo Village is built along the mountain, and basically all the residents built their houses along the foot of the mountain. Luo Yi and Zhang Han spent an hour walking around the whole village along the path.

"This village is a bit more lively than expected, and there are actually quite a few young adults left." Luo Yi said.

Generally speaking, adults in their 30s and [-]s seldom appear in the village. Even if the young people are willing, the old people in the family are not willing. From the perspective of the older generation, young people should go out and make a fortune. Staying at home is worthless Performance.

This is a characteristic of the entire society. In the public opinion, it is better to go out to study or work than to stay in such a remote mountain village.

"Maybe it is possible to make money in the village. If you can make money at your doorstep, I believe many people will choose to stay." Zhang Han said.

Luo Yi recalled, "I have read the information about this village. The terrain is remote, the environment is average, and there are no natural mines. The government has not yet planned to come here. In the past few years, this place has always been a poor mountain village."

"That's weird, these young people don't go out to earn money, what can they do if they stay in this small village all the time? Could it be that the folk customs here are so simple, and everyone is willing to be poor?" Zhang Han wondered, "What else? No reason to have to stay."

Luo Yi thought of that Second Sister Liu at this moment, "Maybe someone can tell us, let's go back and have a look."

The two walked slowly towards the way they came. The sky outside gradually darkened, and there was a hint of coolness in the air, as well as the smell of alcohol.

"Captain Luo, do you feel that the smell is getting stronger?" Zhang Han frowned, the smell of alcohol made his nose itch.

"It's really thickened a lot." Luo Yi nodded. This feeling is like holding the wine glass under the nose. People with poor alcohol intake may get drunk if they breathe here for a while.

"They're starting to close the door!" Zhang Han looked at the side of the road, one by one figures emerged from the house, no one spoke, even the folks in the village, and the neighbors who faced each other never spoke, let alone communicated or even looked at each other. nothing.

"They're afraid!" Luo Yi said, even though they were far apart, Luo Yi could clearly feel their constricted pupils and sudden heartbeats, all of which were signs of fear.

Not just one family, but the whole village began to close the doors and turn off the lights, without exception.

The night had not completely fallen, and the place was already silent. Luo Yi and Zhang Han stood in the middle of the road, as if they had come to a wilderness, without any light or people.

"When the smell of alcohol is strong, these people start to be abnormal. It seems that the weirdness is coming!" Luo Yi turned his head and looked around. Although the surroundings were dark, there was nothing abnormal. There were no scary voices or scary figures. .

"There is nothing, so what are they afraid of?" Luo Yi was a little puzzled.

"Could it be this smell, like the green and black smog of a starving ghost, inhaling it will trigger the law of the ghost." Zhang Han guessed.

Luo Yi immediately denied: "Impossible, the house can only isolate the living people, but not the air. Even if they close the door, they can't stop the smell of alcohol from entering. If just smelling it will trigger the evil spirits, then there is no place here. There must be someone alive."

"We still don't know the rules of evil spirits. It's best to keep the same behavior as these villagers. They live here all year round. There must be a way for them to avoid this kind of horror. Maybe it can inspire us." Luo Yi continued. road.

"Then I'll knock on the door and have a look at Liu Ermei's house!" Zhang Han nodded, stepped over the fence outside the house, and strode inside.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Second Sister Liu, open the door!" Zhang Han knocked on the door.


There was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground inside the room, and it seemed to be right behind the door.

"Second Sister Liu, it's us, you open the door!" Zhang Han continued.

"Who are you?" Through the glass on the wall, Luo Yi saw a dim figure holding something like a stick in his hand.

"We are investors who come to your house during the day, you forgot, I had dinner with you at noon!" Zhang Han responded.


After a rustling sound, Second Sister Liu opened a crack in the door, poked out half of her head and looked carefully, making sure that Luo Yi and Zhang Han were the only ones with a more stable look.

"Why haven't you left yet? Didn't the village chief say you were leaving in the afternoon?" Second Sister Liu said dissatisfiedly.

"We originally planned to leave in the afternoon, but there was an accident and the car that picked us up hasn't arrived yet. It's inconvenient for you to let us go in and stay for one night. We don't need a bed. There is a place to sit next to the table That's fine." Luo Yi explained.

"Our village does not allow outsiders to stay overnight. Before it is dark, you should hurry out of the village and don't stay in the village." As the darkness deepened, the expression on Liu Ermei's face began to be unclear, but her voice sounded There was a trace of anxiety.

"Second Sister Liu, you should help me. We are unfamiliar with the place here, and it's night now, and we can't even tell the direction. Even if we want to leave, we can't go out!" Zhang Han hurriedly reached out to block the door, Ask Liu Ermei with kind words.

"Don't worry, we won't live in vain, you just think we are here to stay in the hotel, how much should we charge, here is 1000 yuan, will it be considered as the accommodation fee for me and Mr. Luo?" Zhang Han said again He took out a stack of banknotes and handed it over.

Liu Ermei looked at these bright red banknotes, pursed her lips, and looked a little struggling. Out of her personal character, she didn't want to accept them, but she wanted them very much for the sake of her children and her seriously ill father.

"Just accept it. We each take what we need. You provide accommodation and we pay. This is a matter of course." Luo Yi took the money and stuffed it into Liu Ermei's hands.

"Forget it, you leave early tomorrow morning. Don't tell others that you stayed at my house overnight. Otherwise, let alone you, even I will be in danger." Liu Ermei squeezed the money in her hand, gritted her teeth and opened the door, letting Luo Yi and the two entered.

"Stay for one night, it's not enough, there is still danger, we are not bad people, we are here to invest." Luo Yi continued to test.

"It's not that you're dangerous, you're from the village." Second Sister Liu shut her mouth again as if she suddenly remembered something, and said, "I'm afraid that people in the village will gossip."

"say what."

"Okay, don't worry, we will leave early in the morning, and we will never cause you trouble." Luo Yi stopped Zhang Han from continuing to ask, and whispered: "It's too late, take it step by step."

Second Sister Liu went into the back room to rummage around, took out a piece of candle, thought for a while, went forward and closed all the curtains, covering the room tightly, and then lit the candle.

Under the dim candlelight, the three sat around the table.

"Is there a power outage at home?" Zhang Han stood up to press the switch on the wall by the light of the candle.

"Can't drive!" Liu Ermei stood up all of a sudden, and quickly blocked in front of Zhang Han.

"Second Sister Liu, we stay at 1000 yuan a night, so it's not too much to turn on the lights!" Zhang Han's face turned cold, and his tone was a little displeased.

"No," Second Sister Liu looked anxious, "It's not that I'm stingy, it's that the lights really can't be turned on. Look inside the village, and there isn't a single light. It's not because I'm afraid you won't get used to it. I even lit a candle for you. In normal times, there is not even a trace of fire in my house."

"If we insist on driving, what will happen?" Luo Yi sat in front of the table with a glint in his eyes.

"Die at the meeting!"

Liu Ermei blurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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