Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 156 Is Human or Ghost?

Chapter 156 Is Human or Ghost?

The drunk suddenly appeared while several people were discussing. Luo Yi didn't know how it got here, but it was not important anymore.

Although it is dangerous to face the evil spirits, it is the most direct and quickest way to be imprisoned.

"Zhang Han, open the door!" Luo Yi's face was grim, the evil spirit had already appeared, and this room was just an ordinary brick and tile building, which could not serve as a protection at all.

That being the case, you might as well go out and have a look.

Zhang Han removed the obstacle behind the door, and pulled open the closed door with all his strength.

The moment the door was opened, with the cold wind pouring down at night, a stiff and blackened arm stretched in, reaching for Zhang Han's chest.

"Ghosts will sneak attack!" Zhang Han snorted coldly, the ghost skin on his chest twisted for a while, a bloody hand tore the flesh and stretched out from it, and grabbed the black ghost hand first.

After Zhang Han pinched the ghost's hand, the tattooed ghost in his body tore through the ghost's skin again, stretched out an arm, and pushed away the evil ghost blocking the door with force with two ghost hands.

"He is also a monster!" Liu Ermei looked at the four-armed Zhang Han, and was so frightened that she passed out immediately.

Luo Yi ignored her, followed Zhang Han's pace and walked out the door. With the soles of his feet stepping over the threshold, turbulent spirits burst out, and the ghost domain appeared behind him, and stiff and twisted ghost figures loomed in the depths of the ghost domain.

"Captain, this is not a real evil spirit!" Zhang Hanxue picked up the limp drunk man and threw it in front of him.

"It's just a ghost. He was already dead before I made a move." Zhang Han said.

The so-called drunks are actually ghost slaves!

Luo Yi stretched out his palm and made a light move, and there was a "click, click" sound from the ghost slave's chest on the ground.

A corpse worm the size of a thumb broke out of his body.

"There are corpse worms hidden in Guocun's wine. These people are corpse worms who died in their bodies, drunks?" Luo Yi frowned slightly, "Go and bring the ghost slaves around."

Luo Yi gave an order, and a few strange shadows stepped out from the bloody behind him. After a few steps, they disappeared in the darkness and scattered towards the surroundings.

"Captain, what is this?" Zhang Han's eyes twitched, just now he felt the aura of evil spirits, cold and stiff, strange and frightening, making people creepy.

"A few evil spirits!" Luo Yi looked into the darkness, his eyes constantly searching.

Black shadows appeared and disappeared one after another, and corpses were piled up one after another at the door of the house, until they almost formed a hill at the end.

"Captain, are these ghost slaves? Why are there so many?" Zhang Han wondered, they had searched a whole circle during the day, but they had never seen these people before, and the village was so small that there was nowhere to hide so many of them. people.

"Take photos of them and let the intelligence department check their identities." Luo Yi's eyes were cold, and the killing intent on his body was undoubtedly revealed.

"No way..." Zhang Han's eyes shrank, "If this is the case, then they really deserve to die!"

Luo Yi sat at the door of the house, just watching the evil spirits walking through the darkness.

On the other hand, Zhang Han contacted the team of ghost masters in Yuzhou City, checking the identities of this group of people.

Five minutes later, all the wandering ghosts returned to Luo Yi's ghost domain, and Zhang Han handed over the phone with a gloomy expression.

"Captain Luo, it has been verified that these drunks are all missing persons in Yuzhou City."

"Do you think Li Changgen knows about this?" Luo Yi patted the blade, with no expression of joy or anger on his face.

Zhang Han sneered: "Will he not know these customers for the wine he sells?"

"I don't think it's just him, these villagers probably know it, even her!" Luo Yi twisted his head, and Liu Ermei, who was standing in the corner, held her head in her hands with a terrified expression, but she had already come to her senses.

"You know the weirdness of this wine, and you still sell it to others?" Zhang Han pulled up Liu Ermei who was limp on the ground, and said angrily.

"I don't want to, I don't want to, at first I didn't know that this wine would harm people, wait until later, wait until later..." Liu Ermei broke down in tears.

"In order to prevent anyone from telling the truth, the villagers in the back naturally let everyone participate in wine making. When everyone's hands are stained with blood, who would sue, who would dare to sue?" Luo Yi sneered, but his heart was A piece of ice cold.

Luo Yi now understands why this village is so united. Obviously Wu Ning and Zhang Feng have been here before, but they can say that they don't know in unison.

It's not that the village chief Li Changgen has prestige, nor is it that these people have a tacit understanding, but that they are all afraid, afraid that their murder will be exposed, and that their chain of interests will be broken.

"Bastard!" Zhang Han cursed angrily.

"Heh, whatever you want to scold, how do you people in the city understand our difficulties? We are in a remote village with no environment, no geographical advantages, no policies, and we have no other skills, so we can only make wine. Yes, our wine has Question, but so what, we have to survive, we have to survive, you big bosses, rich people, how can you understand the lives of us lowly people!" Liu Ermei's eyes were crazy, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

The more honest you are, the crazier you will be when cornered!
"Do you know that it was you who killed your husband, and it was you who made you unable to leave the village. You can only stay here for the rest of your life, enduring these tortures."

"If there is one person who is willing to stand up and refuse to do these evil things, your descendants will not suffer from these pains." Zhang Han slapped her hard.

"Yes, but who is willing to be this early bird? You do it or I do it. Aren't you afraid of death? Aren't you afraid of their revenge?" Second Sister Liu had disheveled hair and stared at Zhang Han with resentful eyes.

"I used to think that evil spirits were bad, but now I realize that it's not ghosts at all, but people's hearts that are bad." Luo Yi sighed, then turned and left.

After the two left, the ghost slave who had collapsed together like a pile of garbage opened his eyes again, and under the smell of alcohol, wailing wailing resounded through the entire Guo village.

Luo Yi clapped his hands, and all the switches in the village were automatically turned on, and the lights flickered in the dark and silent night, driving away the darkness of Guocun.

However, these shimmering lights did not bring safety and warmth to people, but instead caused fear and panic.

Countless people have discovered that the lights that are usually at the mercy of others cannot be turned off!

With a ferocious flushed grimace, the ghost slave began to visit the people in the village one by one like locusts crossing the border.

"Captain, where are we now?" Zhang Han's face showed a cheerful expression, but there was also some worry.

Although he found out the strangeness of Guocun, the evil spirit still couldn't be found.

Luo Yi sneered: "If there is anyone in the village who knows the real location of the evil spirit, then it must be Li Changgen!"

"But we don't know where Li Changgen lives." Zhang Han frowned. Who would have thought that a small village chief was the source of all the crimes.

"Based on Li Changgen's greed, which one of these houses do you think will be his residence?" Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the supernatural power exploded like a bomb, instantly dispelling the smell of alcohol around him, and the air instantly became fresh. .

"That's naturally this room." Zhang Han strode out, came in front of a house with the most exquisite decoration, kicked his big feet, and broke into the door.

"Li Changgen, get out!"

"What are you doing? You are breaking into a private house. Be careful and I will sue you!" Li Changgen ran out of the back room barefoot without putting on his shoes when he heard the noise.

"You can tell me whatever you want, but I want to see if you or I were arrested first?" Luo Yi lifted the table in front of him and approached him step by step.

"What are you doing, leave quickly, I'm warning you!" Li Changgen panicked and kept backing away.

"I'll buy you a drink!" Luo Yi took out the small bottle of so-called yeast and shook it in front of his eyes.

Li Changgen's eyes widened, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

"I don't drink, I don't drink!"

"As the head of Guo Village, the leading brewer, how dare you tell me you don't drink!" Luo Yi said.

Luo Yi guessed right, he really knew everything!

"What are you going to do? I called someone. There are hundreds of people in our village. Believe it or not, I ordered you not to leave the village!" Li Changgen said sternly.

"Then you can look outside and see if they will allow you to call someone!" Luo Yi sneered again and again.

Li Changgen looked along the gate, and there were twenty or thirty red-faced ghost slaves outside, reeking of alcohol and grinning strangely!
And this number is still increasing!

(End of this chapter)

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