Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 162 Secret and Cooperation

Chapter 162 Secret and Cooperation

Because he had never been to Zhongshan City before, there was no anchor point, and the arrival was unavailable, Luo Yi chose to use Dachang City as a springboard, where he gathered everyone and set off together.

In the room, the two of them flipped through the information of this incident together, making final preparations, and at the same time waiting for the arrival of the soul boy detective Xiong Wenwen.

"Actually, I'm looking for you this time with some selfish motives in it, and it's not just to solve the supernatural incident in Zhongshan City."

After thinking about it, Yang Jian decided to tell Luo Yi the truth. After all, the two wanted to cooperate, and this matter was not a secret, so there was no need to hide it.

"Tell me?" Luo Yi didn't change his face, obviously he had expected all this.

"Zhao Lei was controlled by an evil spirit that can modify memory. I have seen this evil spirit after the Dachang No. [-] Middle School incident. At that time, it also modified my memory, so I was very impressed by it." Mentioning this, Yang Jian still had a trace of fear on his face.

If he hadn't contacted Liu Xiaoyu at that time, he wouldn't even have found out that the 'person' at home wasn't his father at all.

"So this time you go to Zhongshan City, the main purpose is to find Zhao Lei and imprison the evil spirit that controls him." Luo Yi said.

For Zhao Lei, Luo Yi still has some impressions. This person has always wanted to follow in the footsteps of Luo Yi and Yang Jian and become a ghost master.

Originally relying on Yang Jian's friendship, Luo Yi planned to help him, but unfortunately, this person has high eyesight and low abilities, he cherishes his life when he does big things, forgets righteousness when he sees small profits, and throws away the opportunity he got in the mirror ghost incident. .

Now it seems that after that, he didn't learn to be smart, but continued to blindly participate in supernatural events, which led to being targeted by evil spirits and falling into a situation of life and death.

"Yes, he is my classmate after all. If possible, I still want to bring back his body. The other evil spirit is very harmful. It can modify memory and get other people's memory. Just give it a chance. It can complete the transformation from ghost to human, and you must be aware of the danger involved." Yang Jian said worriedly.

Even an ordinary person can imagine how terrifying an evil ghost that can perfectly hide itself in the crowd, let alone a top ghost master like Luo Yi.

It can be said that as long as it is given a chance, it can steal the memory of any person, thereby perfectly replacing that person. This replacement is even more perfect than the mirror ghost that needs to imitate to replace a person.

Luo Yi thought for a while: "I understand what's going on, but these should not be difficult for you. It's just a matter of finding a person or a ghost. Whether it's human skin paper or a ghost cabinet, they can help you."

What Luo Yi meant was very straightforward, you Yang Jian don't need to ask me to do this.

"I did get some information from the ghost cabinet, but the information was inconsistent with the information I got from Zhao Lei." Yang Jian explained, "And for this information, the ghost cabinet gave me a year to find one person."

Looking for a person in a year is by no means the loose and easy conditions that normal people think. On the contrary, the longer the ghost cabinet gives, the more difficult it is to complete this matter.

After Luo Yi listened, he understood Yang Jian's real scruples. When dealing with the ghost cabinet, it will judge the value provided by both parties. Only when the value is equal, the transaction will be concluded.

No one dares to say how far Yang Jian will grow in a year, and a person needs Yang Jian to grow to this level to be found, which only shows that this person is terrifying, maybe he doesn't exist in the world at all. In reality.

Yang Jian paid such a high price in exchange for a location information.

This proves from the side that this place is very dangerous, which is also the fundamental reason why he still wants Luo Yi's support after applying for the soul boy detective Xiong Wenwen who can predict the future.

"If it's about the Caesars Hotel, I can help you if it happens." Luo Yi thought for a while, and directly agreed to Yang Jian's request.

With the advantage of foresight, this matter is not difficult to deal with. Besides, Caesar Hotel has a lot of secrets, and he will not feel at ease if he does not try it himself.

"Thank you!"

Yang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that he had made the decision honestly, because Luo Yi obviously already knew something about the Caesars Hotel, and before that he had never mentioned that the specific information given by the ghost cabinet was point there.

"Let's study the information of this incident first. Don't think too much about the hotel. The situation there is very complicated, involving the layout of people like Li Qingzhi." Luo Yi said.

"Do you know what's inside?"

Yang Jian didn't expect that a foreign aid he recruited while being cautious would have unexpected gains.

"It's just a small part."

Luo Yi shook his head, and didn't say any more, and Yang Jian also tactfully didn't ask further questions.

Everyone has their own secrets. Sometimes deliberately concealing them doesn't mean that Luo Yi doesn't trust him. Maybe it's just that the timing hasn't come. It's like he also keeps his mouth shut about things related to supernatural beings to his classmates. This is a reason.

It is enough to have Luo Yi's willingness to help, and these are also the direct purpose of his seeking Luo Yi's support.

"Then take a look at the mission assigned by Zhao Jianguo this time. This is the file of the personnel who went to the rescue this time. Take a look." Yang Jian handed over a stack of documents while speaking.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the person in charge of Zhongshan City, Tong Qian's information.

In addition to basic personal information such as photos, names, and code names, there are also descriptions of her personal abilities and records of supernatural events resolved.

The previous ones are all public information in the criminal police, but the latter part requires certain permissions to call and view.

Luo Yi directly skipped over Tong Qian. He helped control the evil spirit on her body, and Luo Yi was quite clear about its abilities and characteristics.

After Tong Qian, there were two veteran ghost masters whom Zhao Jianguo placed high hopes on. One was called Lin Long and the other was called Guo Fan.

These two were the first batch of Interpol, who belonged to the same era as Cao Yang, but there was still a certain gap in ability compared to Cao Yang, and they belonged to the middle-class ghost masters who were more than enough than the bottom.

"These are a few mid-level ghost masters. Zhao Jianguo thinks highly of them for counting on them to deal with this incident." Luo Yi looked through their records and found that most of these people dealt with C-level evil ghosts Events, even B-level ones are rare.

"The abilities of these people are actually not bad. Ghost masters who can live for more than a year can't be much worse. Besides, what is your mid-level class divided by? Do you use yourself as the benchmark? ?” Yang Jian asked curiously.

Luo Yi looked at Yang Jian, and said as a matter of course: "If I am the standard, they should be called indecent, but this term is not very civilized. Out of respect, I raised them a level and called them middle-class. "

(End of this chapter)

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