Chapter 174

As night fell, the sky darkened suddenly.

Yang Jian and Luo Yi were sitting in the conference room of the hotel, while Xiong Wenwen beside him couldn't bear it anymore and fell into a deep sleep.

"This location just happens to be able to see the Caesar Hotel in the distance. If there is any accident, we can know in advance." Luo Yi controlled the seat and took a step back, looking out through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows.

On the left side of the line of sight is the city nightlife with bright stars and feasting lights, and on the right side of the line of sight is the silent and abyss-like supernatural hotel.

Bright as day and pitch black as ink form a stark contrast.

"How is the situation in the urban area now?" Luo Yi knocked on the table and asked, he took over Zhongshan City temporarily, and he is qualified to intervene and intervene in everything here.

"It's fairly stable. We monitored the airport, docks, and high-speed entrances and exits. Although the flow of people leaving is increasing, it has not caused turmoil." Zhang Gaohui reported.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, and the headquarters has transferred so many ghost masters from all over the country at one time, it is inevitable that some well-informed people will find out some information and choose to evacuate early.

"However, the impact of this incident outside is almost uncontrollable, after all, it is too obvious." Zhang Gao pointed out the window.

In the hazy night, human heads floating like balloons, densely packed with darkness, looked a little frightening.

Luo Yi's face was calm, and with his eyesight, he could even see a human head floating in the air, slowly rising to the top. All of this was quite contrary to common sense, even if Newton came back alive, he would be stunned.

"Zhang Gao didn't continue, not because he couldn't describe it, but because the consequences were shocking just by looking.

"Now these people are still dreaming and dying. I really don't know whether to say they are ignorant or arrogant." Yang Jian pointed to a long street below.

Crowds of men and women embraced each other on the street. The men were well-dressed, wore famous watches, had cigarettes in their mouths, and luxury car keys in their bags.

The women wore revealing clothes and heavy makeup. When they walked, their long white legs and low chest dangled, attracting coveting and greedy eyes.

But no one cares, and some women even deliberately raise their heads up when they are being watched, eager to show off the capital of the whole body, so that they can be sold for a price.

This place is called Ninth Street, but Luo Yi felt that he had chosen the wrong name. It should be called Wine Street, because even on the twelfth floor, he could still smell the disgusting strong smell of alcohol and hormones below.

The local tyrant who spends a lot of money, the street gangster with tattoos on his back, the white-collar worker who takes off his mask, the princess who solicits customers, the professional hostess, the frustrated, lovelorn, strange and familiar
All kinds of young men and women, from three religions and nine streams, communicate, exchange, entangle, and exchange here.
"It's hard for me to imagine that we are busy running around and worrying about breaking our legs every day, and it's because of such a group of people." Zhang Gao clenched his fists, and his tone was a little annoyed.

Although they are not ghost masters, they are also front-line fighters, arriving first and evacuating last. To some extent, the risks they bear are no less than ghost masters.

"Hehe, don't think too much, the world is big, and when there are too many people, there will inevitably be some self-deprecation, but look at the lights in the residential buildings and office buildings in the distance, Just take it as if you are protecting them." Luo Yi smiled, and had a good impression of this upright and stubborn clerk.

They are the bottom line of this world.

"Team Luo, Team Yang, the hospital called just now. Tong Qian's attending doctor reported that her condition is not optimistic. We should be mentally prepared. I notified her family. The doctor wants to talk to us alone." At the office, a special forces member reported.

"Mental preparation? She can't die for the time being. What is mental preparation?" Yang Jian asked.

He checked Tong Qian before when he sent her to the hospital. The balance of the two evil spirits in her body was very good, and she didn't seem to be short-lived.

"No, the doctor said that she has an abnormality in her brain. Without brain waves, she is in a vegetable state now, and she may not be able to wake up." The special forces member explained.

"Is there a memory problem?" Luo Yi frowned, "It seems that her memory has been taken away."

The evil ghost took off her face, transferred the memory, and then put the face back on. By the time Luo Yi and the other three entered the hotel, she was already in a vegetable state.

And all this has not aroused the suspicion of the three of them, because Tong Qian has been in a coma, and although Luo Yi and Yang Jian are strong, it is impossible to know whether there will be memory loss in Tong Qian's mind.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry, and they are ghost masters, not doctors of medicine.

"If there is no memory, is Tong Qian still Tong Qian?" Yang Jian's eyes were slightly cold.

This is not the amnesia shown in TV dramas. Amnesia is just a kind of memory dysfunction. The memory is still in the patient's mind, but it cannot be read and processed.

Tong Qian is different, her memory was taken away by evil spirits.

Luo Yi quickly made a decision: "Zhang Gao, take me to the hospital. Yang Jian, you stay and watch Xiong Wenwen. His evil ghost is very special and must not be taken away by others. Do you understand?"

Yang Jian looked at the sleeping Xiong Wenwen and nodded. The ghost was already so terrifying just by getting the memory-modifying ghost newspaper. If he got the evil ghost that can predict the future, it would be so difficult.

Soon, the two drove to Zhongshan Third Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is the hospital with the richest medical resources and the best in the entire urban area.

A team of special forces with live ammunition stretched from the gate of the hospital to the door of a ward on the second floor.

Tong Qian is very important, at least to Zhongshan City, without her, many people in Zhongshan City would die.

Luo Yi got out of the car and walked unimpededly to the second floor. In front of the hospital bed, three doctors in white clothes stood at the door, exchanging treatment opinions with each other.

"Doctor, how is the situation?" Luo Yi stood at the door and glanced through the small window on the door.

This is a medical-grade sterile ward. Inside, Tong Qian was wearing a hospital gown, with a bandage on her head, her eyes closed, and she was lying on the bed with a pale face.

Various authoritative experts and well-known doctors in the city gathered nearby to observe the condition, but it was clear that the process was not going smoothly from the way their brows were furrowed.

"Hello, I'm Qian Zhiqiang, her attending doctor." A middle-aged man wearing glasses stretched out his hand. He didn't ask Luo Yi's identity, and he was able to come here in front of the special forces with guns without any scruples. The person who is here will not be an unknown person.

Luo Yi stared at him, but didn't move.

"It's hard work, Doctor Qian." Zhang Gao stepped forward and took Qian Zhiqiang's hand, "Let me introduce, this is Luo Yi, the person in charge of Yuzhou City, and currently the person in charge of Zhongshan City. , He can resolve all matters with one word, has absolute power, and even asks Dr. Qian to cooperate with him in his work."

"Absolute power!"

Qian Zhiqiang's heart trembled. Just hearing this description made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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