Chapter 177

Except for the male head full of malice, all the dead heads fell down.

But Luo Yi knew that it was not a real evil spirit.

It's just that the evil spirit is watching Luo Yi through its vision.

Ascending to the ghost domain, the supernatural power invaded and washed away. Under Luo Yi's control, the connection between the human head and the evil spirit was severed. The dead head closed its eyes unwillingly, and finally fell from the sky.

"Didn't show up?"

All the heads have been removed, but the real evil spirit has not yet appeared. Luo Yi frowned, and couldn't help doubting his guess.

"Something is wrong. If the evil spirit doesn't care about these heads, then it doesn't need to spy on me through the dead heads in the end, but if it does, why does it turn a blind eye to my actions?"

Evil ghosts don't need to fully trigger the law to attack. As long as they get close, their instinctive reaction may be aroused by the collision of spirits, causing them to start killing.

Luo Yi was sure that just now, within a dozen or so breaths that the dead head was staring at, the two sides had met each other.

In other words, the evil spirits already have the conditions to attack.

But it just didn't attack Luo Yi.

"Unless someone touches its rules and makes it kill people, only then can it temporarily ignore me."

Luo Yi thought for a while, and used the power of Huangquan to draw all the heads into the ground.

Suddenly, a red light pierced the sky and went straight down for a distance of more than a thousand meters. Amidst a burst of screams, there were a few more children who believed in light in this world.

"Keep waiting!" Luo Yixin said, not only has he dealt with all the heads now, but he has also sealed off the sky through the ghost domain. As long as there is another head raised, the ghost domain will be triggered to intercept it.

He needs to confirm the location of the evil spirit again.


There is a lot of people below, and the lights of thousands of houses.

Incense is lingering in the sky, thousands of miles are blood red.

Luo Yi stood in the ghost domain, quietly overlooking the entire southern urban area. The Caesar Hotel in the distance shrank like a fist, and the inside was pitch black with no light.

Three minutes later, a human head floated in the wind and slowly lifted into the air.

But on the way up, the dead head opened its eyes, grinned at the corners of its mouth, and let out a silent laugh.

This is the aunt in the hospital who wanted to bite Luo Yi just now.

There is another head under this head, this time it is a middle-aged man.

This time, Luo Yi was still familiar with him, it was the man who rolled up his sleeves and wanted to fight Luo Yi.

These people are relatives of Tong Qian.

"The current three heads have all appeared in the hospital, which means that the evil spirit just now is very likely to be by my side, and even those people were influenced by the evil spirit to attack me!"

He hasn't found the evil spirit yet, the evil spirit has already found him.

Luo Yi called Zhang Gao, and the call was connected soon.

"Zhang Gao, where are Tong Qian's relatives just now?" Luo Yi asked.

"They were all sent to the mortuary building. The living ones are in the second building, and the dead ones are in the first building." Zhang Gao replied.

"Their heads are floating up, immediately send me the location of the morgue." Luo Yi looked at the rising heads from below, feeling a little anxious.

Soon, the location was sent, Luo Yi simply distinguished the direction, spread out the ghost domain, instantly turned into a rainbow, and slanted down several thousand meters.


Yunjin don't build, Huafu in the prosperous age.

This is a residential area.

At least from the outside, but only the people around know that there has never been a real estate sale, and there is no sales ceremony, and there are very few people coming in and out. Every time you travel, the vehicles go straight in and out. It was pitch black, no human voice could be heard, and no human figure could be seen.

According to the official records, this is a piece of unfinished building, but in the eyes of those who are interested, there is definitely something wrong here. There is no unfinished building, and there are burly men who are strictly guarding against it.

Luo Yiluo is in the community, which has excellent greenery, and there are towering trees near the edge, which completely obscure the nearby view.

"That head just now floated from here, which means that the evil spirit is nearby."

Luo Yicheng opened a ghost domain to cover the entire community, and after a while, all the places were screened, except for the two strange buildings in front, where Luo Yi's spirit was affected.

Luo Yi walked forward, and in front of him were seven uniformly sized buildings, thirteen stories high, without balconies, windows, or rooftops. Except for the most immediate gate, there were no other entrances or exits, or even vents.

This is the mortuary building that Zhang Gao said. All the corpses of people who died in supernatural events will be sent here. Only when the evil spirits are imprisoned, the corpses will be burned.

This is also a necessary management measure, because people who are killed by evil spirits are generally contaminated with supernatural powers, and in some cases, accidents will happen.

Such as forming ghost slaves, or being possessed by evil spirits, these corpses cannot be sent back to relatives like ordinary people who are born, old, sick and dead. Relatives decide the way of funeral, but must be managed here in a unified manner.

Luo Yi is also a ghost master, so the people killed by him are no exception. Tong Qian's dead relatives were sent here for corpse control, and the remaining ten or so living people were sent here because of The location of the prison was tight, and they were temporarily sent to the empty building here as a transition.

"The dead are in Building 1, and the living are in Building 2." Luo Yi chose the location of Building 1 according to the numbers on the wall. There were four people who died in the hospital before, but only three heads rose from the sky. In other words, there is still a corpse with a head inside, and he may be the target of the evil spirits.

Luo Yi walked to the gate of Building No. 1, and the gate opened automatically without wind, and opened inward with a bang.

Luo Yi looked up, there was a camera, if nothing unexpected happened, Zhang Gao was on the other side.

On the right hand side of the gate is a long corridor, with iron house numbers extending outwards, increasing from 1-1 to 1-12.

Luo Yi casually unscrewed the door of the first room, and the voice-activated lights turned on automatically. The inside was extremely simple, and the coldness of the cement filled the whole room. This was a rough clear water house.

On the left side of the entrance, facing inward, is a wall of mortuary freezer. A trace of air-conditioning seeps out from inside, making the temperature in the room at least ten degrees lower than the outside world.

Luo Yi opened it casually, and a translucent body bag appeared, inside which was the corpse of an adult man, with a number plate on the big toe of his right foot.

From the feet upwards, the skin was tight and stiff, with the characteristic paleness of the dead, and black and blue corpse spots had formed on the lower part of the body. Even in this freezing environment, it was difficult to hide the stench of the corpse.

Luo Yi looked up, and finally stopped abruptly at the neck, where there was only a blood-stained cavity left, and his head disappeared.

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

The phone on Luo Yi's body rang suddenly, and Luo Yi glanced at it, it was Zhang Gao.

"Team Luo, the body on the first floor was seven days ago, and the body tonight is on the thirteenth floor, 13-6."

Luo Yi hung up the phone, Huang Quan went straight to the thirteenth floor.

The layout of the corridor on the thirteenth floor is exactly the same as that on the first floor, but the temperature here is several degrees lower than that downstairs, which is not a normal phenomenon.

As we all know, the first floor is close to the ground, and the humidity is heavy, and the morgue below is full of corpses, more freezers are used, and the corresponding temperature should be lower.

But here it is just the opposite. Not only is the temperature lower, but the smell of corpses is also stronger.

This can only show that the evil spirits are nearby.

Amidst the unpleasant creaking of teeth, Luo Yi unscrewed the door of room 13-6.

(End of this chapter)

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