Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 181 Chaos at Headquarters

Chapter 181 Chaos at Headquarters

Among the miserable green will-o'-the-wisps, the operator Lin Shu fell to the ground.

Li Jun stepped forward, bent down and squatted down, and stretched out his right hand to open her eyelids. The pupils inside were white and the vitreous was cloudy, which looked like cataracts.

But as the operators of the headquarters, each of them has been strictly selected, both in terms of professional ability and physical fitness, they are all very good, and this situation will never happen.

And she still has supernatural power left in her body.

"She has become a ghost slave!" Li Jun judged.

"Ghost slave, how is this possible? This is the headquarters of the ghost master, the safest place in the whole country and even in Asia!" Zhao Jianguo lost his voice.

"Lin Long, Dachu City, satellite phone!" Wang Xiaoming repeated several key words.

"This should be the evil spirit from Zhongshan City. It invaded here through the satellite positioning phone of the headquarters. No, please connect to the communication room!" Cao Yanhua's expression changed, "If she has been invaded, the operators in the communication room !"

The operator's job seems to be to answer the phone and convey some information, but they are indispensable to both the ghost master and the headquarters.

How to establish a foundation of mutual trust, how to ensure timely and efficient information, how to know the mental state of the ghost master, etc. all depend on them.

It can be said that without these excellent operators, Cao Yanhua, even with superhuman powers, would not be able to deal with the supernatural events reported from various places.

"Immediately seal off the headquarters building, no one is allowed to enter or leave, the supernatural item base, the evil ghost base are completely closed, and go to the communication room immediately, I need to confirm the situation there!"

After Cao Yanhua became angry, he immediately began to arrange work in an orderly manner. As the earliest and most professional person in charge, his professionalism is quite good.

Li Jun opened the way ahead, the will-o'-the-wisp on his body spread, and surrounded several people behind him. After hearing the news, Chen Yi and Gao Ming followed behind. The three quickly ran towards the communication room where the operator was located with horns.

Before getting close, Cao Yanhua's heart sank. Without it, it's too quiet here, so quiet that only the sound of his own footsteps can be heard.

Li Jun pushed open the nearest door, and there were operators lying around inside. These normally lively and dedicated women all fell down lifelessly at this moment, their bodies were stiff, their faces were numb, and their eyes were terrified, as if they had encountered something before their death. Something frightening and powerless.

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

The satellite phone on the desk rang, but no one could pick it up at the moment.

"Lin Shu is the operator under my management. It was my fault for not reporting the situation to them in time." Zhao Jianguo walked out from behind the crowd, looked at the dozens of corpses in front of him, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help crying.

Wang Xiaoming sighed, but didn't speak. It seemed that it was inappropriate to say anything in such a scene.

Zhao Jianguo sat on an operator's chair, picked up the phone in her hand, and felt depressed all of a sudden, no longer as resolute and resolute as before.

Cao Yanhua was furious from the bottom of his heart, and he punched the door, "It will be a later matter to pursue responsibility. Now let me investigate and find that evil spirit. Today's incident is absolutely not allowed to happen again in the headquarters."

The evil spirits have invaded the headquarters.

While everyone was discussing countermeasures, the evil spirit successfully invaded the headquarters through the satellite positioning mobile phone of the dead Interpol Lin Long.

"Now I know why you were so forceful to cut off the connection between the headquarters and Zhongshan City." Yang Jian said.

An evil ghost that is biased towards idealism and has a consciousness beyond normal people, its whereabouts are difficult to track.

Luo Yi asked to disconnect the communication before, leaving only his satellite phone in the entire Zhongshan City to the headquarters of the ghost master, just to prevent the evil spirits from entering the headquarters, which would cause an unstable situation in the rear.

But all precautions are still a hundred secrets.

This ghost escaped from Zhongshan City, and then used the dead Lin Long's satellite phone to catch everyone by surprise.

"So that evil spirit is already in the headquarters?" Yang Jian was a little worried. The headquarters coordinates all the supernatural events in the city. Once something happens there, all the city leaders will be affected.

And what worried him even more was that there were so many evil ghosts and supernatural items imprisoned in the headquarters. Once this evil ghost stole even a small part, it would cause an uncontrollable disaster.

"Should I stop contacting the headquarters and ask how the situation is going?" Zhang Gao looked at the ugly-looking people and asked cautiously.

"No, the headquarters can't be in chaos for the time being. Do you think such a big force is supported by Guo Fan and Lin Long? Naturally, the headquarters has its background and cards, so we don't need to worry about it." Luo Yiyao Shake your head.

"Hey, the plan was disrupted all of a sudden," Zhang Gao sighed, and looked at several people with different colors on the field.

Xiong Wenwen sat with his head buried in his seat without saying a word, his body was shaking constantly, it looked like he was playing a game.

Yang Jian frowned, his face a little ugly.

As for Luo Yi, he squinted his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest unconsciously, as if he also had something on his mind.

"Cough, cough," Zhang Gao coughed, "Although I know that everyone has worked very hard, I still need to ask a few people to make up their minds about the matter of Zhongshan City. After all, I just lost contact with the headquarters. The resolution has not yet been finalized.”

"Yang Jian, what do you think?" Luo Yi opened his eyes and asked.

Yang Jian is the central figure in this matter, the evil spirits are here for him, Zhao Lei is his classmate, and the key items for resurrecting Tong Qian are also in his hands. To some extent, his attitude is even stronger than the decision of the headquarters. important.

"I want to enter the Caesar Hotel again, this time to retrieve Zhao Lei's body and memory, if possible, find Tong Qian's memory, and more importantly, I need to confirm that this evil spirit did not stay inside Some arrangements to deal with me."

"Of course, if something cannot be done, I will come out immediately." Yang Jian said.

The current supernatural incident has been resolved to some extent, and there is no need to desperately.

So speaking of these, Yang Jian was relatively relaxed.

Luo Yi nodded after listening, Yang Jian's character was suspicious, Luo Yi already knew it, and he was not surprised by this result.

"By the way, what happened to that Guo Fan?" Yang Jian said, Lin Long was dead, so what about Guo Fan who was buried with Lin Long?

Luo Yi thought for a while and said, "Let him leave later!"

After coming out of the Caesar Hotel, Luo Yi knew that something was wrong with him. In order to prevent him from being controlled by the evil spirit again, and also to create a trap for the evil spirit to throw himself into the net, Luo Yi also tampered with him, leaving him behind. Even Tong Qian, who has become a vegetative state, has not avoided this point.

But it's a pity that the evil ghost obviously expected this situation and chose to leave directly.

This made Luo Yi's arrangement a decoration.

"Maybe it's not a decoration. It chose to leave precisely because it sensed my movements and knew it could do nothing." Luo Yixin said.

Now that the real evil spirit has left Zhongshan City, it doesn't make any sense to trap Guo Fan at this time.

"Then the rest of the event goes back to the Caesars Hotel."

Luo Yi turned around, and through the glass window, the Caesar Hotel in the distance stood quietly in the same place, under the resplendent appearance, there was a cold malice hidden.

It's heart-pounding!

(End of this chapter)

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