Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 191 The Ownership of the Hatchet

Chapter 191 The Ownership of the Hatchet

Although there have been some twists and turns, all tasks have been completed.

Luo Yi glanced back at this gorgeous and exquisite hotel, feeling cold in his heart.

After several people came out, Zhang Gao approached immediately. He had been guarding here for several hours.

"Seeing that everyone is fine, I am really relieved!" Zhang Gaodao, the scene he saw outside the morgue last time almost became the shadow of his life.

If these top ghost masters are all killed, Zhongshan City can basically give up.

Luo Yi nodded and did not speak, his mind was still on the male corpse.

"Captain Yang, is that Tong Qian?" Zhang Gao asked, pointing to the face in Yang Jian's hand.

Even with his eyes closed and no physical support, he recognized that face at a glance.

"It's her, she will come back to life later." Yang Jian said flatly.

He finally decided to save Tong Qian, but in order to prevent this face from being weird, he decided to do some tricks and verify it again.

"The operation in Zhongshan City ends here. For the specific situation, I will contact the headquarters and explain to them. Zhang Gao, you should completely block this place and don't let anyone approach it." Luo Yi ordered.

"Okay, don't worry, I will send someone to guard here 24 hours a day, and no one will enter." Zhang Gao assured, as Tong Qian's deputy, he has this right.

Luo Yi continued: "As long as the spirit inside doesn't seep out, no matter what noises inside, don't bother, tell Tong Qian this sentence!"

This hotel is connected to a supernatural place, and anything can happen. If possible, it is best to isolate to avoid accidents.

"I will tell the boy team exactly what I said." Zhang Gao said solemnly, and instantly understood the hidden meaning in Luo Yi's words.

There is still a lot of trouble in this hotel, and Tong Qian can't handle this trouble.

"Luomei, you're here, it's great to see you're all right!" At this moment, two people rushed out from behind Zhang Gao's military pickup.

Several people gathered around happily, muttering to themselves.

"Luo Yi, what are your plans?" Yang Jian took back the spirit from Zhao Lei, and asked Zhang Gao to find a coffin to temporarily put it in place.

"Let's go back to Yuzhou City first and rest for two days." Luo Yi said, he has been busy dealing with supernatural events recently, and it's not a good thing to be tense for too long.

"This knife..." Yang Jian took out a rusty old hatchet full of gaps from the gold bag on his body.

Gritting his teeth, he handed it directly to Luo Yi.

Although this knife was rolled up by Yang Jian, in the final analysis, Luo Yi forcibly chopped it off from the tall male corpse. For this reason, he also endured the fatal attack of the male corpse.

So this knife should belong to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi looked at the yearning Yang Jian and felt amused.

The hatchet is indeed a powerful spiritual item, but it is not suitable for Luo Yi.

There is no splicing of headless ghosts, and every time you use it, you have to bear the pain of being cut off.

Even if it can be restarted and restored, the intermediate process will be longer than using the Ghost Slaying Knife.

Sometimes this millisecond time difference is enough to determine the direction of a supernatural event.

Luo Yi took the hatchet, and it was cold. It was covered with rust and soil, as if it had been buried in the ground for decades and had just been dug out recently.

"This is a good weapon, hardly weaker than the Ghost Slaying Knife, but unfortunately my body is not as strong as that male corpse." Luo Yi thought to himself.

This led to the confrontation between the two, the speed of the male corpse was faster, because he did not restart the repair process.

Even he couldn't ignore the severing of the Ghost Slaying Knife, but he could bear a few more knives than Luo Yi.

Although Luo Yi has little use for this knife, it would not be in Luo Yi's interest if it was simply given to Yang Jian like this.

"You want this knife, what can you exchange with me?" Luo Yi asked.

"Are you willing to exchange it for me?" Yang Jian's eyes were filled with surprise. According to his thinking, he would never exchange the hatchet.

"Why not, as long as you can afford the price, there is nothing wrong with it."

Luo Yi already has the supernatural weapon, and it would be a good thing if he could replace the hatchet with other resources to help him grow.

"I have four evil ghosts. Counting the merits of this time, I also have three white ghost candles, one red ghost candle, and a supernatural item, but its effect is mediocre." Yang Jian thought for a while and put the candle in his hand All resources are listed.

As for the human skin paper, ghost mirror, and ghost cabinet, Yang Jian didn't mention them, Luo Yi knew about them, and if he wanted them, they wouldn't be left in Yang Jian's hands.

"Not enough!" Luo Yi shook his head.

One red ghost candle is worth five evil spirits, and this hatchet can almost cut off half of the ghost candles with one blow. Although it has the supernatural blessing of the male corpse, it also shows the power and high value of the hatchet.

"These things are at most half the value of the hatchet." Luo Yi continued.

"Then I really don't have anything good to offer." Yang Jian shook his head with a wry smile. He has not yet become the head of law enforcement at the headquarters, and he doesn't have that many resources at hand.

"How about this, the circle of friends offended me before, if you help me destroy the circle of friends, it will be worth the other half of the value of the hatchet." Luo Yi said.

"Kill the circle of friends, you really think highly of me!" Yang Jian exclaimed.

Because of Luo Yi's appearance, the eyes of the circle of friends are more focused on him, and he doesn't provoke Yang Jian much, so they don't have any direct conflict now.

But if he agreed to Luo Yi, he would be immortal.

Going against the top ghost master forces in the country, you can know the risks just by thinking about it.

"Fang Shiming is the earliest ghost master, I'm afraid..." Although there is no real confrontation, the news in the supernatural circle will not be false. It is conceivable that he can pull such a large force and make the headquarters have to be constrained by it. In short, this Fang Shiming is definitely not simple.

"Fang Shiming, I will deal with him personally, you just need to deal with those ghost masters." Luo Yi said.

The ghost scissors in Fang Shiming's hand, which can kill people from a distance, is also a good supernatural weapon, and Luo Yi intends to keep it in his pocket.

"In that case, I agree!" Yang Jian said decisively, Fang Shiming may not be able to handle it, but there should be no other ghost masters who can match him.

Yang Jian has come all the way from a student to today, and he still has some confidence in this.

"In that case, let's make a deal!" Luo Yi directly threw the hatchet in his hand to Yang Jian.

The two are already familiar with each other, so there is no need to worry about the other party's repudiation.

"I'm going to leave. I want to bring Zhao Lei back to Dachang City for burial, which can be regarded as a friendship between classmates." Yang Jian said.

Of course, Zhao Lei's death was due to his own reasons for chasing the ghost, and also Yang Jian's reasons. If it wasn't for the evil ghost trying to lure Yang Jian into the game, Zhao Lei might not have been controlled by the evil ghost, and he would not have died so early.

This is also the reason why Yang Jian has been insisting on finding Zhao Lei.

But it was too late now, death meant the end of everything, and the rest of revenge could only be left to Yang Jian himself.

(End of this chapter)

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