Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 194 The Inviolable Ghost Domain

Chapter 194 The Inviolable Ghost Domain

After questioning, Rowling already understood why this group of people were looking for her, but unfortunately, she didn't know where Luo Yi was at the moment.

"Can you confirm that this is Team Luo's Ghost Domain?" Rowling confirmed. She is not a ghost master, and her knowledge of Ghost Domain is lower than that of Zhang Han and Meng Yi.

"I'm sure, I've been on a mission with the captain, and I've seen his ghost domain." Zhang Han said.

"I can also confirm that this is Team Luo's Ghost Domain." Wu Ning, who came over later, also said that she had seen Luo Yi's Ghost Domain with her own eyes during Guo Cun's group last time, and it was so bloody.

Wei Xun also nodded. He also saw it during the Qili Corridor Street incident.

"Is Team Luo planning to make the matter of the spiritual recovery public?" Zhang Han asked.

Only in this way can they explain everything in front of them. As for another possibility, they dare not think about it!
"No, Team Luo just said it last time, and now is not the right time to make it public." Rowling shook her head, this matter was a bit weird.

"Zhang Han, Meng Yi, Wei Xun, and Wu Ning went upstairs with me, and everyone else went back to work. The 24-hour emergency system was activated, and everyone was on duty around the clock."

After Rowling gave the order, she opened the door first and went out. She was going to the top floor to check Luo Yi's status.

According to He Qin's previous description, the blood color first spread from Laifushi, and the psychic ability spread out, which proved that Luo Yi was not in the safe house, so the rest of the place could only be the top floor.

A few people got up from the elevator, and within a dozen breaths they came to the only black door on the top floor.

"Push the door!" Rowling took a step back and let the door out of the way. This door has no handle, no switch, and can only be pushed open by hand.

But usually when Luo Yi is around, this door will open, making it easier for Rowling to come in and out.

But now, something clearly went wrong.

Several people felt uneasy, not only because the whole city was shrouded in ghost domain, but also because they were all Luo Yi's direct descendants, and they were already used to his situation in everything.

This is a subtle influence. If something happens to Luo Yi, it will be like a bolt from the blue to them.

Zhang Han and Wei Xun took a step forward, separated their left and right sides, and put their four hands on the door together, their arms exerting strength.

The heavy and abnormal door opened slowly.

Through the dark red blood, Luo Yi was on the recliner outside, with his eyes closed, his expression stable, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Captain Luo!" Rowling shouted.

However, Luo Yi didn't move at all, as if he had lost consciousness and didn't respond to external noises.

"Captain!" Zhang Han stopped after taking a few steps forward.

He is blocked!
"No, the captain's ghost domain has deepened here, and I can't get in!" Zhang Han recovered the evil spirit on his body, and a blood-colored, skinless evil spirit emerged from his chest. He pressed his hands in front of him, wanting to try Invade the past.

But obviously, he failed!

If Luo Yi's ghost domain was torn apart so easily, then he wouldn't deserve to be called a top ghost master.

"Tell me, what happened to Team Luo?" Wu Ning said.

"It's a bit like a ghost revived!" Wei Xun said cautiously.

He couldn't help thinking otherwise, Luo Yi's ghost domain had been covered for two hours, and it wasn't just a few meters away, but the entire city of Yuzhou, and it was still expanding and invading surrounding cities.

Even the starving ghosts in Dachang City have never achieved this level. Apart from the recovery of the evil spirits, he can't imagine what else is possible?
"Impossible, the captain's strength is beyond what you can imagine. Others can't do it to this level, but it doesn't mean the captain can't do it!" Meng Yi scolded angrily, his expression full of ruthlessness.

"Whoever dares to spread rumors here again, no matter who it is, I will kill him first!"

Meng Yi's dark eyes swept across the people present. At this time, even Zhang Han did not dare to look at her.

No one doubted her words, and no one dared to question her strength. After controlling the two grimaces of crying and laughing, Meng Yi's strength is also the best among the best in the whole country.

As the first member of Luo Yi's ghost master team, Meng Yi is the most loyal and blind admirer to Luo Yi. She will never allow anyone to maliciously hurt Luo Yi.

Especially at this critical time!
"That's right. If the captain really revives the evil spirit, we must already be dead. It's not like you don't know how powerful his ghost domain is. We can still come here now, which means that things are not that bad." Zhang Han said.

"I didn't doubt Team Luo, I was just talking about this phenomenon..." Wei Xun hurriedly explained, and it was obvious that he didn't mean anything malicious, but he couldn't say that at this time.

"The order is passed on, saying that Team Luo is experimenting with new supernatural powers, so that everyone should not panic; at the same time, notify the media and ask them to fabricate an astronomical phenomenon to appease the masses; mobilize the combat department to maintain order in the city, and allow force to suppress it when necessary. "

"Tell all the ghost masters to stick to their posts and not leave without permission to shake people's hearts. Whoever violates the order, Wei Xun, Wu Ning, and Han Ji, the three reserve team leaders, will kill them."

"At this time, all of us can't be messed up, especially the few of us!"

A series of orders spit out from Rowling's mouth, showing her iron, rational and strong side.

As she spoke, the few people present seemed to be infected by her calmness, and a little bit of confidence rose in their hearts inexplicably.

At this time, everyone understood why Luo Yi chose her to be the chief manager of Yuzhou City, because her temperament and accomplishment could influence the people around her and make people believe.

Only such a person can truly become a qualified manager.

"The captain's state now seems to have fallen into a deep sleep and lost consciousness to the outside world. The evil spirit in his body is recovering independently, so the first task is to wake up the captain. No one can control such a huge force except him." Zhang Handao.

"Then I'll try it!" Wu Ning stood up, the spirit fluctuated on her body, and wisps of brown mist rose from the bottom of her feet.

She controlled the fog ghost that originally belonged to Feng Quan, and the power of the ghost domain was quite impressive.

The mist fluttered and rushed forward, but when it reached the small open-air garden, it seemed to be blocked by glass. No matter how Wu Ning revived the evil spirit, he couldn't move forward.

"Meng Yi, come here!" Rowling said.

The power of other people can only enter the deep ghost domain by invading Luo Yi, but the sound is different, the sound can be transmitted in the ghost domain.

In particular, Meng Yi's laughter and cries are all ghost sounds, and the power will become stronger and stronger with continuous superimposition, and there is a great chance of passing it to Luo Yi.

"Okay!" Meng Yi's face was serious, Zhang Han and Wu Ning stepped back to make way for her.

With the deployment of power, two grimaces appeared at the back of Meng Yi's head, one crying and one laughing, strange and extraordinary.

Crying and laughing came out, constantly overlapping and echoing in the air.

"Stand back, Wu Ning!" Zhang Han shouted.

The ghost mist on Wu Ning's body surged again, pulling everyone closer to the ghost domain and avoiding it.

Three minutes later, Meng Yi's face was pale, and even she couldn't bear the constant superposition of ghost sounds.

Although her evil spirit has fallen into a preliminary panic, when the evil spirit's power is revived, the erosion of supernatural power will appear again, and her body is just an ordinary person, unable to bear this increasingly terrifying crying and laughing for a long time Ghost voice.

"Meng Yi, stop!" Zhang Han said.

Rowling and the others have retreated again and again, and now they have retreated outside the corridor, relying on the cover of the ghost gate and Wu Ning's ghost fog to barely resist the ghost sounds that spread over.

Meng Yi ignored the few people and insisted on gritting his teeth.

"Stop, Meng Yi! Think about Team Luo's words, one point difference in spirituality is ten points difference. This cannot be changed by hard work. If you die here, not only will you not be able to save him, but it will also prevent us from going on. Action!" Rowling looked anxiously and shouted into the door.

Hearing this, Meng Yi withdrew her hands in a slump, the evil ghost behind her head fell silent, and the ghost's voice gradually disappeared.

"What should we do next?" Wu Ning looked at the others and asked.

"Tell the technical department to prepare for the video conference. At the same time, contact the headquarters, Zhongshan City, and Yang Jian. I will have a four-party meeting to find out what caused Team Luo's current situation!"

Rowling took another deep look at Luo Yi, who was sleeping at the edge of the open-air garden, and turned around to sit on Luo Yi's exclusive seat.

Luo Yi is not here, now she has to take on this important task!

(End of this chapter)

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