Chapter 199 Invasion
In the Scarlet Ghost Realm, a group of seven people strode forward. The worst thing about this seven-member team is that they have controlled the existence of two evil spirits, and they are led by a top ghost master like Yang Jian.

If they shot together, it would be easy to win some ordinary A-level events.

But what they are encountering now is obviously beyond the scope of A-level incidents, just look at this boundless ghost domain.

Ghostland, folding space, distorting reality.

It looks only one step away from the outside, but it is thousands of miles away inside.

As long as the owner of the ghost domain is unwilling, ordinary people will not be able to step out even if they are extremely poor.

"Keep moving forward!" The ghostly eyes on Yang Jian's forehead scanned, constantly discerning the direction, Tong Qian was beside him, and the others followed behind him, step by step.

"According to Xiong Wenwen's prediction just now, we will encounter evil spirits. Everyone pay attention, observe carefully, and don't stay too far away from me. If necessary, I will light ghost candles to resist this kind of spiritual attack." Li Jundao, this time he also brought Ghost Candle.

Meng Yi walked in the middle of the team, and the ghost speaker she was carrying was the key to waking Luo Yi up, so her survival must be guaranteed.

Wu Ning owns the ghost domain, and her mobility is stronger than the rest of them, so she is at the end.

Zhang Han and Wei Xun were on the left and the right, guarding both sides.

"A ghost is coming!" Wu Ning turned around suddenly, and a vague figure gradually approached.

"There are also here!" Zhang Han said.

Wei Xun said: "I also have them here!"

"We are surrounded!" Yang Jian's face was not good-looking. Even with Xiong Wenwen's foresight, he was still under a lot of pressure when facing it.

There were dozens of ghost shadows, and dozens of figures came from all directions. Zhang Han roughly counted them, and the number was more than thirty.

In other words, the seven of them were surrounded by more than five times as many evil spirits.

"Light the ghost candle!" Yang Jian said coldly.

"Now?" Li Jun was a little hesitant. The evil spirits hadn't even made a move yet, and the first wave of confrontation between the two sides hadn't started yet. Wouldn't it be a waste to use such strategic materials now?

"They are not ghost slaves, they are real evil ghosts!" Yang Jian turned his head, his eyes were cold and stern.

"A real evil spirit!" Li Jun's hair stood on his head. When he heard Zhang Han's words before, he thought that Luo Yi didn't have a golden container, so he could only temporarily confine the evil spirit to the ghost domain.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yi himself also fell into a supernatural event later, so the evil ghost stayed in the ghost domain all the time.

As for Xiong Wenwen's words, he was somewhat skeptical. Although the bear child evil spirit is special, but he has too little experience after all, it is understandable to think of the ghost slave as an evil spirit.

"Come here!" Meng Yi snorted, tied up her hair, and three grimaces emerged.

Li Jun didn't hesitate anymore, he lit the scarlet ghost candle, and the faint green light spread out, enveloping several people.

It was obviously a weird and cold firework, but at this moment, it gave a few people an unspeakable sense of stability.

"Do it!" Yang Jian yelled, the triple ghost realm superimposed, and the headless ghost behind him stood up, and took out the hatchet with the other hand, but he hesitated for a moment, then put it away again.

The hatchet has a great aftereffect, even though he has a headless ghost, he doesn't dare to use it frequently.

Meng Yi turned on the switch of the ghost speaker, and this time she chose to use the ghost speaker directly.

In Xiong Wenwen's previous prediction, they did not go to Luo Yi's side, so they can no longer be as conservative as before. The best way is to go all out and try to break out before falling into a fierce battle.

With the help of the amplification of the ghost audio, the power of crying and laughing has obviously increased by more than one level.

The iron sheet on the ghost speaker vibrated, and there were bursts of sound waves from the horn, and there were some creaking noises inside, and there was a growing trend.

That is the real evil spirit in the speaker. Once Meng Yi uses it beyond a certain limit, the evil spirit will immediately attack the user.

But judging from the current level of use, I am afraid that the time interval will not be too far away.

Obviously, Meng Yi started desperately.

"Everyone, go all out and wake up Team Luo. As long as we still have breath, we won't die!" Zhang Han roared, and a blood-colored ghost on his chest directly tore open the flesh and came out.

The ghost skin squirmed, locking the blood that flowed wantonly, and stretched out its bloody hand, directly holding down a walking evil ghost.

I don't know whether it was Zhang Han himself or the blood of the evil spirit, which directly stained the face of the evil spirit in front of him red.

The fiend, who was restless, was held down by five fingers, as if bound by an iron chain. He stopped struggling and fell into a brief silence.

"There are very few traces of evil spirits over there, break through there!" The ghost glasses on Wei Xun's face sank, a faint black light appeared on them, and subtle traces suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Wu Ning completely revived the evil spirit, and the brown mist surged, knocking the evil spirit away in an instant.

Li Jun's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly discovered that these ghost masters in Luo Yi's team were not only capable, but also quite reckless in handling supernatural events.

"Based on their level of recovery, the evil spirits probably won't last half an hour!" Li Jun frowned.

Tong Qian opened her pitch-black right eye, and the law of mortality began to be triggered. Under the gaze of her ghost eyes, an evil ghost walked forcibly for another seven steps, and finally stopped.

"Should I also form a small team?" Yang Jian looked at the crazy-looking few people, and his heart was touched.

Even if a person is strong, he can't take care of all aspects. Besides, a ghost master has been dealing with ghosts for a long time, just like walking a tightrope, and there is a risk of falling into the abyss at any time.

At this time, if someone pulls a hand, maybe he can regain his life and linger on for a while.

With the protection of the red ghost candle, the seven of them can unleash all the power of the evil spirits.

Soon, the seven or eight evil spirits in the front right were repelled one by one, and a loophole appeared in the encirclement.


Yang Jian's scarlet ghost domain spread out in an instant, drawing a small path in the ghost domain of worshiping gods.

"Direction!" Wu Ning said to Wei Xun, Zhang Han blood-colored ghost still holding an evil ghost in his hand.

One of these two people controlled the ghost glasses, and the other controlled the ghost ears. Clairvoyance and Shunfeng ears, who belonged to the ghost driver team in Yuzhou City, were the best guides when Yang Jian ghost eyes wanted to control the ghost domain.

Black mist appeared on the ghost glasses on Wei Xun's face, cracks appeared in his line of sight, and the bridge of his nose was pressed to the point of bleeding.

He turned his head and kept looking around, looking for the traces left by Luo Yi.

Wu Ning closed her eyes, lifted her long hair in the shawl, revealing a pale ear.

With the supernatural recovery, black blood flowed in the meridian on the pale ghost's ear, and after a while, the earlobe was dyed black.

"Over there!" They stretched out their hands and shouted at the same time.

Yang Jian didn't question it, and directly controlled Huang Quan to gallop in the direction pointed by the two of them. Although his ghost eye was powerful in Huang Quan, finding people was not part of the ghost eye's ability. At this time, he needed to trust the two of them once.

After half a breath, Yang Jian retracted Scarlet Ghost Domain to his side, his face solemn, as if he was facing an enemy.

Several people stood apart, only to find a stiff black shadow standing in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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