Chapter 204
Luo Yi's sudden escape surprised the two people present!
"Hold him down, inject, triple, no, five times the amount!" Jason's complexion changed, but out of caution and suspicion, he didn't shoot immediately, but shouted at Chen Mu, and then became vigilant looked at Luo Yi.

On the contrary, Chen Mu was frightened by Luo Yi's actions, and took a step back while holding the needle, just in time to bump into the cart behind him.

"This is a newcomer!" Luo Yi judged.

Veteran birds generally won't be overwhelmed when faced with such a situation. They either choose to wait and see like Jason, or choose to preemptively strike like Luo Yi.

There will never be panicked behavior.

"If you have this kind of mental quality and imitate others to be a doctor, who dares to let you treat it!"

Luo Yi swung out the needle in Chen Mu's hand with his left hand, and grabbed Chen Mu's slender and fair neck with five fingers of his right hand.

When the arm was pulled back, there was a crackling sound.

In the blink of an eye, he had broken Chen Mu's neck, and the whole process took only one or two breaths.

This ruthlessness, decisiveness and precision are not far behind even if compared to killers.

Chen Mu's soft body fell down weakly, his pupils dilated, and the look in his eyes began to fade away. This beautiful rose-like woman died fragrantly under Luo Yi's ruthless hands.

"I thought you would use her to threaten me." Jason stopped in his tracks and said with fear in his eyes.

"If you were concerned about her life and death, you wouldn't let her get so close to me." As soon as Luo Yi regained consciousness, this man chose to take a step back to observe, and he never reminded Chen Chen from the beginning to the end. Mu.

"This kind of woman can play around, but if you really take her seriously, you are really stupid." Jason looked at Chen Mu who was like a dead dog in front of him and sneered a few times.

"But if you kill her like this, aren't you afraid that she will be turned into a ghost slave by the evil spirit?" Jason said.

"Once she lives, I'll kill her until she doesn't dare to live." Luo Yi sneered, raised his leg and stomped on Chen Mu's neck again.

Chen Mu tilted his head, and his pretty face turned blood red on the ground.

"Treat women so rudely, you don't know how to behave like a gentleman!" Jason sneered.

Luo Yi sneered and said, "A ghost, a crazy woman who worships foreigners, and you two are worthy of talking about demeanor with me?"

"Heh, I advise you not to be too arrogant, or I will let you know what cruelty is!" Jason took off his coat, revealing his tendons and chest hair that had grown to the edge of his collarbone.

"But now you have one less helper, are you sure you can beat me!" Luo Yi grinned, showing a rare cruelty on his face.

As Luo Yi fully woke up, all his memories returned.

After returning from Zhongshan City last time, his consciousness was pulled into this virtual place that does not exist in reality.

Here he was affected by evil spirits and lost his original memory.

Luo Yi is still half a step away from becoming a real sacrificial god, which means that his spiritual influence on the consciousness level is not enough.

Although the ability to survive is much stronger than that of ordinary people, it is weaker than that of real evil spirits, so he fell into a coma when he was pulled in. These two people should have discovered him at that time.

And they probably know his identity.

So these two people have been controlling him through the yellow solution in the syringe for the secret of his body, making him unconscious for nearly a whole night.

"This useless woman is nothing but good-looking!" Jason scolded, "But Luo Yi, we are different, we are both the top ghost masters, as long as you want, we can work together to get out of here .”

"You really know me." Luo Yi's expression darkened.

"There are very few people in the world's top ghost master organizations who don't know about you. After all, there are only four S-level supernatural events in the world." Jason said.

Luo Yi sneered: "You were planning to control me just now, but now you want to discuss cooperation with me, don't you think it's too hypocritical and ridiculous?"

"Using your words, this is called mutual benefit. You and I are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Are personal grievances more important than life and death?" Jason said.

"You are a smart person, you should understand the truth that the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman makes a profit."

Luo Yi snorted coldly: "It seems that you have a deep understanding of our country's language."

"I worked as a surgeon in your country for five years. The one who died at your feet was my colleague, a female psychiatrist." Jason said.

"I'm not interested in knowing your occupations. How much do you know about this place and the evil spirits behind it?" Luo Yi said.

It must be extremely difficult for this evil ghost to be able to pull Luo Yi here under the protection of the god of worship.

"Rarely, I only know that it is entrenched in Room 25 in a supernatural hotel. I have never seen its regularity, horror, or appearance." Speaking of the evil spirit, Jason's face was clearly agitated.

He has been trapped here for a long time, but he has hardly obtained any useful information.

"Where did you enter that hotel?" Luo Yi asked, he had to confirm whether these people were behind the newspaper ghost.

"A small country in Europe, we are the third batch of explorers." Jason kept the specific place and the purpose of their exploration, but this information was enough for Luo Yi.

There are many ways to enter the spirit land, even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, it is not surprising.

"You have asked me so many questions, and I also want to ask you a question, why does Chen Mu always fail when he hypnotizes and extracts your memories? I don't believe that your evil ghost can transmit the supernatural power to the consciousness level through the body. "Jason stared straight at Luo Yi, this question has troubled him for hours.

"Damn it, are you trying to steal my memory?"

Luo Yi's heart was full of murderous intent. He was not an aborigine of this world at all, but came from another world. This was the biggest secret he hid deep in his heart. He would never allow anyone to know about this matter.

"They are not only controlling me and making me sleepy, but they also want to get my secret." Luo Yi's thoughts turned, but soon he realized something was wrong.

"This is the consciousness world of evil spirits, how do you get my memory?" Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, a little suspicious.

"Don't forget, we are experienced doctors. After putting you to sleep, it's okay to do a little medical hypnosis."

Jason didn't expect Luo Yi to be so keen. In order to avoid reminding him of evil spirits, he deliberately replaced the memory of evil spirits' invasion with the memory of trapping them, but he still aroused Luo Yi's vigilance.

"Just hypnosis?"

"Yes, this is a unique method of our psychiatrists." Jason realized that he had said too much, so he could only cover it up with some medical terms.

"Sure enough, you have bad intentions!" Luo Yi snorted coldly, the anger on his face was undisguised.

"Fortunately, I'm a layman!" Jason thought to himself.

Naturally, they do not guide these means through normal hypnosis, but through evil spirits.

Chen Mu's evil ghost can get a person's memory through hypnosis, and then selectively affect a certain part, but just like the ghost newspaper must remove the face to modify the memory, her restrictions are also obvious, that is, it must make people fall asleep completely, and Cannot be interrupted.

That's why they used potions to assist Luo Yi into a coma.

But obviously, she failed.

(End of this chapter)

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