Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 207 Out of trouble

Chapter 207 Out of trouble
In the terrace garden of Raffles City, a pale man in black robe suddenly opened his eyes.

The overwhelming blood-colored red light was quickly contained like an ebbing tide, and finally gathered on the man's body, breaking away from the powerlessness in the dream, Luo Yi once again controlled the incomparable mighty power of Sishen.

"Brother Luo!" A pretty ten-year-old girl stood up beside the chair and looked at Luo Yi with concern.

"I'm fine!" Luo Yi patted the top of her head and comforted her.

After this incident, the relationship between the two became more intimate than before.

In the past, Luo Yi took care of her just because she was pitiful and took his grandpa's ghost money. Although he didn't say it in his mouth, he still felt pity in his heart. Now he really feels a little bit of family.

"Let's go, let's go out, they should be in a hurry!" Luo Yi took Huang Shiyu and stepped out, the ghost domain flickered, and he came to the meeting room in the blink of an eye.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"


"Team Luo!"

"Xiao Luo!"

Several titles are mixed, and only Meng Yi and Zhang Han are called captains, because they are the real members of Luo Yi's ghost master team, and Luo Yi is Yang Jian, Li Jun, and Wang Xiaoming, all of whom are in the headquarters. The people called Team Luo are some ordinary people, such as members of the special operations team and the action team.

As for the one named Ronaldinho?Then there is only one brat who owes a beating.

"Are you all right?" Wang Xiaoming glanced at Luo Yi, looking inquiringly, as if he wanted to see some clues from Luo Yi's expression.

"It's okay, thank you everyone." He understood that so many people from the city, outside the city, headquarters, and localities gathered here, naturally not to see Luo Yi's jokes, but to help.

This favor cannot be recognized.

"Is it the Caesars Hotel's problem?" Yang Jian asked.

This evil spirit could make Luo Yi unconscious for such a long time, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

"That's right, the ghost in room 25 is a blood-eyed evil spirit. Its ability is to pull people's consciousness into a madhouse. I met a few people inside and was plotted against, so I have been delaying the time to come out."

"Who is so bold that he dares to plot against you, captain?" Zhang Han asked in surprise.

Now Luo Yi's name is almost known to everyone in the domestic ghost master circle, and there are still people who don't open their eyes and dare to entrap him.

Isn't this the old birthday star hanged himself - impatient to live?

"It's a ghost master force from abroad, and I'm just an ordinary person in the conscious world. It's not surprising that these people dare to attack me." Luo Yi said calmly.

"Captain, do you want to investigate their details and eradicate them completely?" Meng Yi's eyes flashed sharply.

Even though Luo Yi didn't say it clearly, the people present were not stupid, so they couldn't hear the danger inside.

"I've already got rid of those two people." Luo Yi didn't say anything about Huang Shiyu. She is not an adult after all, and her mind is not as strong as Luo Yi and Yang Jian. Some strange eyes are not a good thing for her. .

"Also, Rowling, please investigate two people. One is Jason, a man with good Chinese. He has been a doctor in China for five years. The other is Chen Mu, a woman of mixed race. She is a psychiatrist."

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter. With this information, it's not difficult for these two people to find out." Rowling said confidently.

People left voices, and geese took pictures. Since these two people have been in the country for a few years, they must be able to find their information.

"Check out the forces behind them. You can't just swallow this loss." Luo Yi said sharply. Since his debut, Luo Yi has never suffered such a big loss.

Moreover, these two people used to be in the country, especially that Chen Mu, who actually took refuge in foreign forces, which shows that the domestic supernatural circle has shown signs of being infiltrated.

This matter must be checked before it happens.

Li Jun looked resolute, with murderous intentions on his face, "I will ask the intelligence department of the headquarters to cooperate with you in investigating this matter. These ghosts dare to put their hands into the country. They really don't know what to do."

Li Jun was born in the Special Forces, and the concept of defending the country has been engraved in his bones. He will definitely take care of these things when they encounter them.

"Since you're fine, I'll go back. I still have a few important experiments to complete." Wang Xiaoming pushed his glasses.

Luo Yi frowned and said, "You are not far from sudden death in this state."

Wang Xiaoming looked tired and had bags under his eyes, and through supernatural induction, he could clearly feel that this person had some symptoms of arrhythmia and qi deficiency.

This is a long period of staying up late and working overtime, coupled with the backlash of being exposed to supernatural beings, that is, he is in the headquarters and has various top medical teams to take care of him.

"I know my body. I won't die for a while, so you don't have to worry about it." Wang Xiaoming grinned. As a top scientific researcher, he still has a good understanding of his physical condition.

"You don't want to die, otherwise, with your younger brother Wang Xiaoqiang's character, if you go ahead, he will follow." Luo Yi warned.

Wang Xiaoming lowered his eyelids, his brows were wrinkled, and there was some worry visible to the naked eye.

Wang Xiaoming already understood what Luo Yi meant, and lost his protection. With Wang Xiaoqiang's bad deeds in the past, one mouthful of offended people would be enough to drown him.

"Professor Wang has such a good relationship with his brother?" Xiong Wenwen asked.

"Shut up!" Yang Jian glared at Xiong Wenwen, this brat was always picking up whichever pot he didn't open.

Two brothers, Wang Xiaoming and Wang Xiaoqiang, love each other and kill each other. They look down on each other and care about each other. The relationship is quite complicated.

"You look like you don't intend to take care of him after I die." Wang Xiaoming said.

Luo Yi shrugged: "You speak, I will help you, but I am not his bodyguard, I can't follow him all the time, I can at most avenge him."

Wang Xiaoming sighed, anyone who has such an uneasy younger brother will probably have a headache.

"Let's go, Li Jun, we should go back to Dajing City."

"Okay!" Li Jun nodded and did not speak. His duty is to obey and protect, and he doesn't care much about other things.

"By the way, I brought two supernatural items this time, and these two will be deducted from your credit. Now you only have the qualification to select one supernatural item." Wang Xiaoming entered the elevator after finishing speaking.

"Oh, it seems that Professor Wang also has a temper." Yang Jian laughed.

"Although he is smart, he is still an ordinary person after all. He can't escape his emotions and desires. As long as Wang Xiaoqiang continues to be such an asshole, he will always be his weakness." Luo Yi said.

"He knows it himself. It's just that if you poke him like this, you will inevitably touch him. No, he left without saying hello." Yang Jian said.

"What about you, when are you leaving?" Luo Yi glanced at him.

"Cut, boring." Yang Jian rolled his eyes, "When are you going to Dajing City?"

His promise is not fulfilled yet!
"Hurry up, wait until I finish dealing with my affairs." Luo Yi's eyes were dim.

Yang Jian's pupils shrank, and he suddenly understood the meaning of his words, the evil ghost is still there!

(End of this chapter)

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