Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 211 Take Chapter Coffin Nails

Chapter 211 Take Back the Coffin Nails

Luo Yi hesitated for a moment and finally rejected the proposal of the cemetery owner Luo Qian.

Although this proposal is very attractive.

"Did you handle the matter properly last time?" Luo Qian asked.

Luo Yi replied: "It's been dealt with properly, I separated and detained the evil spirits on him."

"Then what's wrong with you coming to me this time?" Luo Qian raised his eyelids and glanced behind Luo Yi.

Luo Yi's heart was shocked, "He saw it, that evil ghost!"

This blood-eyed evil spirit has been following Luo Yi since he escaped from the Caesar Hotel. He once pulled Luo Yi's consciousness into its spirit, and it was through that confrontation that he discovered this Only evil spirits have been staying around him.

The confrontation between Sishen and it has lasted for two days. During this period, Luo Yi was very cautious in using supernatural powers, for fear of breaking the balance between them and allowing the evil spirits to regain the upper hand.

"I didn't come here for it, but since the old man saw it, do you have any good suggestions?" Luo Yi stared at Luo Qian with burning eyes.

These old antiques who have lived from the Republic of China to the present have extraordinary strength and unpredictable methods, and they may have some good ideas.

"Didn't you already have the first-line advantage? Wait slowly, just don't fight with others during this period." Luo Qian glanced at him, as if Luo Yi's rejection just now made him a little dissatisfied.

"Uh," this answer was somewhat beyond Luo Yi's expectations, "Then according to your estimate, how long will this confrontation take?"

"Well, about seven days!" Luo Qiandao, "Your consciousness is still too weak, and you have neither means of attack nor means of protection. In this case, you can only rely on the evil spirits in your body to keep going recovery to fight."

In this situation, Luo Qian didn't need to probe Luo Yi's consciousness at all. He only needed to see this scene to understand that if there was a means, Luo Yi's character would not use it, and if he didn't use it, it meant that he didn't.

"Seven days, plus the two days that have been going on now, it will take a total of nine days." Luo Yi couldn't help but feel a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he has long been regarded as a different kind, otherwise the evil spirits that have maintained the nine-day recovery will make the entire spiritual circle younger. No one in generation can do it.

But even though Luo Yi could do it, it wasn't comfortable. His body had already transformed into a ghost, but his consciousness hadn't yet. This meant that his consciousness had to endure nine consecutive days of spiritual erosion.

This kind of erosion is not only worshiping gods, but also the blood-eyed evil ghost.

It can be said that his current consciousness burden is more than double that of before, which is why Luo Qian told him not to do anything. Once the supernatural power is overused, he will fall into a deep sleep like before.

This was the case after the fight against the tall male corpse at the Caesars Hotel last time.

"You kid, just be a coward for a few days!" Luo Qian twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was quite happy to see Luo Yi deflated.

"I also want to keep a low profile, but the environment doesn't allow it. I don't know how many people are staring at my three-acre land!" Luo Yi said helplessly.

The last sleeping event has already made all forces ready to move. The headquarters, circle of friends, supernatural forum, and several big forces abroad are all watching Luo Yi's performance.

Once Luo Yi backs down, someone will push forward and press harder, constantly eroding the power that belongs to Luo Yi.

No one wants a ghost master who has solved many A-level and S-level incidents to step on his head, not in the circle of friends, not in the supernatural forum, not even certain factions in the headquarters.

This is human nature, never underestimate the greed of human nature, and don't test human nature, otherwise you must lose.

"So you didn't come here to chat with me, an old man, did you?" Luo Qian interrupted Luo Yi's meditation.

"I want to ask senior to help me remove the coffin nails. You also know my current situation. I really need this magical weapon that can make a final decision." Luo Yi said.

He wasn't worried that Luo Qian would take a fancy to his coffin nail, because there was one on the outside door.

Moreover, with Luo Qian's method of burying the evil spirits, it is estimated that the effect of a random shot would be as good as the coffin nail, otherwise the coffin nail would not be nailed to the door and rust.

Luo Qian looked calm, took another sip and said: "Take it out and let me see!"

The flat tone and casual movements clearly revealed the confidence of this era's top ghost master.

"it is good!"

Luo Yi responded and took a gold box from his body.

"This is Huang Sanshui's heart-trapping ghost. It can be restarted, and its ghost domain ability even exceeds mine by one point, so I can only nail it to death with coffin nails!" Luo Yi explained and opened the box.

The spirit strikes, and there is an inexplicable coolness in the air.

Luo Yi pushed the box over, and there was a vague shadow inside, between the entity and the shadow, with an old rusty coffin nail stuck in it.

This scene is a little strange and a little scary.

"This ghost..." Luo Qian grabbed the shadow with a flutter of emotion in his eyes.

"The old man knows this ghost?" Luo Qian asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the old man helped him out when he was controlling this ghost, but I didn't expect him to be buried in the ground now." Luo Qian sighed.

After decades, when we see each other again, things are different.

"I'm afraid you didn't even leave a whole body behind you!" Luo Qian exclaimed.

Luo Yi shook his head and smiled wryly: "This is the only way to go."

None of these three evil spirits is simple, and it is considered good if they can be dealt with.

Luo Qian stretched out his withered right hand, grabbed the rusty coffin nail, and pulled it out.

The coffin nails were separated from the body, the heart-picking ghost quickly revived, darkness filled the air in an instant, and the biting cold rushed over.

Luo Yi's eyes shrank, and he stared closely at the evil spirit in the old man's hand. He wanted to see how the old man would imprison the evil spirit.

The evil ghost recovered very quickly, the heart-trapping ghost twisted its body and began to struggle, the old man snorted coldly, turned his wrist, loosened his five fingers, and let it fall freely.

Luo Yi's heart trembled, and he unconsciously pressed his right hand on the Ghost Slaying Knife.

"Bury!" Luo Qian spat out the word, and following the word came a crushing palm.

The speed of this palm was not fast, even in Luo Yi's eyes, it was not as fast as an ordinary child's hand, but with such a seemingly slow and weak palm, the body of the fidgety ghost below trembled In an instant, he froze as if dead, and couldn't even show his ability to cast ghost domain.

It came late but came first, and it was slow but with unparalleled power. With this blow, the evil spirit was completely silent, just lying quietly on the table, as if it was nailed to the coffin just now.

"The nail you want!" Luo Qian said as he threw the coffin nail over.

It was cold to the touch, with the smell of rust and soil on it, like old ironware buried deep underground for decades, and at the same time, there was a strong sense of threat from above.

This feeling meant that even Luo Yi couldn't withstand its absolute suppression.

"Old man, what are you going to do next?" Luo Yi asked.

Although the heart-picking ghost has fallen into silence now, the evil ghost is immortal, and sooner or later it will revive again, so it is impossible to just keep it on the table.

"Bury it, follow me, the old man will teach you how to do it!" Luo Qian brushed the dust off his clothes, got up and went out first.

Luo Yi was overjoyed, stretched out his right hand to pick up the silent ghost, and followed Luo Qian's footsteps to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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