Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 214 Post Office Messenger

Chapter 214 Post Office Messenger
Ghost post office!

This Zhang Yanchu turned out to be the messenger of the ghost post office.

"When did you become a messenger?" Luo Yi asked, the last time he took the flying seat, he didn't notice anything unusual about this woman.

"Just after I went to Dajiang City last time, when I came back, I was dragged into a post office in a daze, and then I got this letter. At first I thought it was all a dream, but when I woke up, I found that This letter is right next to my pillow."

When Zhang Yanchu mentioned this, there was still some fear in her eyes. She was just an ordinary person before, so of course she would be flustered when encountering these things suddenly, and she always felt that this letter was full of ominousness.

What kind of person would use a black letter?

"So you are a newcomer? No wonder." Luo Yi continued to ask, "How many days are left for this mission?"

"About three days." Fang Yanchu said, "So everything that day was not a dream, but real, right?"

After entering the ghost post office once, she found that the world seemed to be a little different from what she had imagined. There really existed some supernatural powers and some frightening things.

"They call it: ghosts!"

Fang Yanchu pursed her lips, and said cautiously: "You are also a messenger, can't you send this letter?"

"If you don't send it, you will be killed by the ghost post office when the time comes!" Luo Yi glanced at her and said.

"Is this really the case?" Someone warned her before, but she still didn't believe it, but now Luo Yi also told her that the letter must be sent, otherwise she will die!

This made her even more shaken and frightened.

"Why don't you call the police for me?" Fang Yanchu stared at the black letter with fear in her pupils.

"The police can't control this matter. The ghost post office has its own set of rules. You people have been selected as couriers, and the task is to help it deliver letters to the evil ghost."

"Evil ghost, are there really ghosts in this world?" Fang Yanchu asked in fear.

"Haven't you already experienced it once in the ghost post office?" Luo Yi said.

Fang Yanchu recalled that eerie place again, and even though it was broad daylight, she couldn't help but feel a chill rising from her body.

Luo Yi continued: "As far as I know, the tasks of the ghost post office are usually organized and cooperated in the newcomer stage. Why are you alone?"

Generally speaking, the messenger's letter will be placed in the hands of the strongest person in the team, because once the letter is lost or damaged, the entire team will die.

So in order to improve safety, the letter will be handed over to the leader of the team, but Fang Yanchu is obviously not such a person.

She is indecisive, timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so she will not be a qualified captain.

"Originally, there were two other people, but they all said it was a prank, and they didn't take it to heart at all. Although I didn't believe it, I still picked up the letter by accident and planned to read it again."

"No wonder!" Luo Yi nodded. Newcomers, especially modern people who have experienced the information explosion, probably find it hard to believe such supernatural information events.

"You are now a team task, if you fail, several of you will die together, so congratulations, you are holding several lives in your hands now," Luo Yi said.

"Then what should we do?" Fang Yanchu was terrified by Luo Yi's words, and felt panicked.

"I can't get in touch with them either!" Fang Yanchu looked at the letter like holding a hot potato.

"Why don't you help me and deliver a letter with me?" Fang Yanchu tentatively said, "I really can't find anyone who understands this, and I'm really scared by myself!"

"I can give you money, although I don't have as much money as you," Fang Yanchu whispered.

She knew that Luo Yi was expensive last time on the plane, but no one would think too much of money, right?
Luo Yi frowned slightly, "Ghost post office..."

Luo Yi is very interested in this place, there are many ghost puzzles in it, and there are some old guys from the previous generation left in it.

Once you become an administrator, you can also leave your own portrait in it. To some extent, this is also a way to extend your life. As long as someone outside remembers you, the ghost will last forever.

Moreover, in the world of oil painting, there are still dyes and some supernatural weapons, which are very useful for ghost masters.

Looking at the hesitant Luo Yi, Zhang Yanchu felt a little joy in her heart. For her, as long as she was not alone, she would feel much better in her heart.

But what Luo Yi said next severely shattered her delusion.

"I won't accompany you on your mission this time. I have no intention of joining the ghost post office yet." Luo Yi said.

The Ghost Post Office is Zhang Xianguang's headquarters. He has been planning the Taohuayuan project in it. With his paranoid personality, he will get rid of anyone who stands in the way. Even Luo Yi, a top ghost master, will not hesitate. hands-on.

But the trouble is that Luo Yi can't use his supernatural power on a large scale for seven days, so it may be very troublesome if he really meets him.

So he can't go to the ghost post office for the time being.

"But you clearly." Zhang Yanchu argued.

"If you want to rely on others to complete the task of delivering the letter, I advise you to give up on it as soon as possible. Even teammates cannot be fully trusted in supernatural events, let alone we are not that familiar yet."

"And if you have this thought, most of the time you won't be able to go up to the second floor, and the ghost post office has five floors, and the tasks on the first floor are more difficult than the first floor. I can retreat completely, but you can't do it."

"Then what should I do, can I throw it away?" Fang Yanchu was really frightened at this moment. According to what Luo Yi said, she was basically doomed.

"You have to do the mission of the ghost post office, but you are an ordinary person and you have just become a messenger. The mission will not be too difficult. If you are careful, the chance of survival is not small, it depends on whether you can grasp it." Luo Luo Heresy.

"If you want to survive, just remember a few words. Ghosts can't be killed. Only ghosts can fight ghosts. Understand the laws of ghosts!"

"These few words could save your life in the event that follows."

"As for other things, you don't have to think too much. You will be qualified to ask me questions after you complete the first mission." Luo Yi said coldly.

"How should I find you?" Fang Yanchu squeezed the channel in her hand tightly.

"You don't need to look for me. As long as you are in Yuzhou City, someone will bring you to me. The premise is that you have survived the supernatural event three days later." Luo Yi waved his hand and started to leave.

"Is that why you don't like me so much?" Fang Yanchu was a little annoyed.

Since she was a child, she has always been a child of someone else's family, with excellent grades and smooth work. She doesn't believe that she can't handle a mere letter.

"If I were you, I would choose a suitable coffin and prepare for the funeral in advance."

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Yi's figure gradually disappeared.

"Ghost Post Office!"

Zhang Yanchu looked at the black envelope in his hand again, and a look of determination appeared on his face.

"I will definitely survive!"

After Zhang Yanchu left, a young man riding a motorcycle and wearing glasses came to this alley, made a general observation here, and then walked along the path Fang Yanchu left.

(End of this chapter)

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