Chapter 228

Luo Yi and the two quickly completed the boarding process without any accidents. In order to prevent unnecessary accidents, the person in charge of the airport even told the flight attendant on the plane to pay special attention.

As they waited, the surrounding passengers also took their seats one after another. Luo Yi took a look and saw that the men were all in neat suits and the women were all dressed dignifiedly and elegantly. They had the feeling of celebrities and human elites.

"Brother, is this the first-class seat?" Huang Shiyu sat on the seat, looking around anxiously, observing everything around him.

Luo Yi nodded noncommittally, Huang Shiyu seemed to have liberated his nature by his side, no longer pretending to be calm and generous as before, showing a childish side from time to time.

"It seems normal, and there are so many people around?" Huang Shiyu said.

"" What do you think the first class is like? " Luo Yi asked.

"Well," Huang Shiyu turned his head and thought for a while, "I can't describe it well, maybe it's bigger, and there are other modern facilities."

"Little sister, is it your first time to fly?" a man in a suit next to him said.

"How do you know?" Huang Shiyu replied, but she quickly realized, "By the way, you should have heard what I just said."

"It's forbidden to make noise on the plane, my little sister's parents should have taught you!" The man in the suit continued.

Huang Shiyu froze for a moment, the look in his eyes dimmed all of a sudden, he turned his head silently and sat down blankly.

Luo Yi turned his head and took a look. The man had a smile on his lips, and the sarcasm in his eyes disappeared.

"Xiao Yu, I'm your relative, don't be as knowledgeable as these people who don't know the so-called!" Luo Yi touched Huang Shiyu's head, a rare warmth appeared in his eyes.

Huang Shiyu nodded obediently, but the excited look on his face was no longer there.

"I don't know what it means, and I don't know who is that fool who has never seen the world." The man in the suit said.

Luo Yi immediately retorted: "Sometimes you see others as fools, but you don't know that others are a mirror."

The man in the suit glanced at Luo Yi's clothes and said, "You are not a mirror. I am fundamentally different from you. The success I have achieved is beyond the reach of those of you who play role-playing all day long."

"You deserve it too?" Luo Yi said coldly.

"What does this little brother do, tell him to scare him." A young woman wearing sunglasses next to him booed.

"Me?" Luo Yi glanced at her coldly, "I specialize in dealing with things that ordinary people can't handle, and solving some people who create problems. People call Yuzhou City the leader. Even in Dachang City, I can say the same thing. .”

"Speaking of Dachang City, there is a rich second generation named Viagra who has become very popular on the Internet recently. I have watched his live broadcast, and every time he goes online, he will draw a lottery. I heard that he has given away several cars. Do you know him?" A female passenger with sunglasses took off her glasses, revealing a rather seductive pretty face.

"Zhang Wei?" Luo Yi frowned, "No wonder this kid hasn't asked me to play games recently. He has already found a new toy and is now an online anchor."

The woman said with a smile: "I heard that his father is worth tens of billions, so he is allowed to squander every day. People in the live broadcast room call him the stupid son of the landlord's family."

"." Luo Yi was speechless.

The woman looked at the two with strange expressions and said, "Why, do you really know each other?"

Huang Shiyu said excitedly: "My brother and Brother Zhang Wei are good friends. I just played a shooting competition with Brother Zhang Wei. Brother Zhang Wei has always called my brother a god, but he worships my brother."

"Hehe", the man in the suit sneered, "It sounds very tall, I wonder how many W's I can earn per month?"

"My brother said that money is the most useless thing in this world, and we don't care about money at all!" Huang Shiyu turned his face away and said angrily to the man in the suit.

"Hehe, that's a few thousand monthly income?" The man in the suit said disdainfully, "It takes a few months to feel distressed to fly a first-class flight. Did your brother tell you that money is the easiest thing in the world to get, so you don't give it to me?" When you spend money, you are afraid that you will not cherish it if you get it too easily?"

"You!" Huang Shiyu's face flushed with anger, "Who told you that I have no money, I have money!"

"Don't let it be a few hundred, a few thousand, that's enough for a plane ride!" said the man in the suit.

"Why, you have a lot of money?" Luo Yi sneered.

"That's right, this handsome guy, do you have a lot of money?" The beautiful woman just asked back, and she couldn't understand the aggressiveness of the man in the suit.

"With a child, what about it?" The passengers next to him also persuaded.

"It's none of your business, it's what they want to compare with me," the man in the suit continued, "I'm doing this for their own good, and let them learn a lesson so that they can study well in the future and find a job honestly. It's better than just idle around all day."

After finishing speaking, the man still looked like a good person taught by a respectful person, not to mention how annoying he was.

"Is this PUA?" the beautiful woman thought.

All kinds of preaching in the name of your own good are actually interfering in other people's lives and doing PUA.

"You haven't answered my question yet," Luo Yi said calmly.

"Since you want to compare, don't blame me. I am a highly educated returnee who is now the manager of a well-known company. As for managing five or six hundred people, I am in charge of the business of the entire Dachang City branch. I won’t go into details about Young Talent Magazine, but my annual salary alone is seven figures!” The man in the suit said proudly.

"Seven figures!" Huang Shiyu exclaimed.

"How about it, have you never seen so much money in your life?" The man in the suit looked at the shocked Huang Shiyu and couldn't help but proudly said.

Huang Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought I couldn't compare. Seeing how he speaks so well, I think he should have an annual salary of hundreds of millions. I didn't expect it to be only seven figures!"

"What do you mean?" the man in the suit asked.

"Literally, don't you understand? Aren't you a highly educated overseas returnee? Why, can't you understand Chinese?" Huang Shiyu said with wide eyes.

"There's nothing to say, you youngsters love bragging if you don't learn well at such a young age!" The man in the suit refused to accept it, because he didn't believe that Huang Shiyu and Huang Shiyu would have more money than him.

"I know people like you won't give up if you don't see the Yellow River!" Huang Shiyu sneered, took out his mobile phone from his bag, opened the bank application, and displayed the account balance in front of everyone.

"7, 8, 9, 10", the woman stretched her head and counted, "10 digits, a full 10 digits, darling, there are more than a billion?"

"How is it possible?" The man in the suit couldn't believe it, and counted again without giving up, "It's really 10 digits!"

"No, it must be your P picture!"

"This is an app, and it can be exited to refresh!" Huang Shiyu said, exiting and re-entering again, and the 10-digit number was still displayed.

"Impossible." The man in the suit shook his head. "You made the app yourself? Young man, don't deceive yourself. It's not good. Sooner or later you will lose yourself on this road."

"You..." Huang Shiyu was in a hurry.

"Forget it, Xiao Yu, don't use your pocket money to crush other people's wealth, it's too bullying!" Luo Yi said with a sneer.


Hearing Luo Yi's words, the people around him laughed happily, and the eyes they looked at the man in the suit became meaningful.

The man in the suit blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing, "You must be deceiving people, these can't be true", followed by incomprehensible words, such as "big manager" and "studying abroad" Overseas returnees" and the like caused everyone to burst into laughter.

There is a cheerful air both inside and outside the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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