Chapter 231 Female Corpse
Pull out the gun!
The man in the suit naturally also heard Wan Delu and Su Su's muttering behind him, and knew in his heart that he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended. Seeing Luo Yi standing up with a gun, his heart immediately hung in his throat.

"Don't you want to do it to me!"

The heart of the man in the suit was pounding, the loud noise made his ears and eyes hurt, his face was pale, his legs were tense, his fingers were firmly grasping the corner of the cushion, his eyes were fixed on Luo Yi, and he didn't even dare to blink.

However, Luo Yi didn't pay attention to him at all, and walked out of the first-class cabin quickly.

Call ~
The man in the suit felt his body go limp, and he slumped on the seat in an instant. When he leaned back in the chair, he suddenly realized that his shirt was soaked in cold sweat.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The man in the suit comforted himself in his heart, and raised his weak palm to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, the joy and fear in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

"Why did you move the gun?" Su Su whispered in surprise.

At this time, the voice of the flight attendant also came from the radio on the plane, asking everyone to sit in their seats and not leave their seats.

Suddenly, Su Su said as if suddenly enlightened: "Do you think someone hijacked the plane, just like in the movie, a large group of strong men with guns controlled the scene and asked everyone to hand over the money!"

Wan Delu glanced at this woman, and found that her face was still a little rosy, was that excited?
"Hijack the plane, you have watched too many European and American movies," Wan Delu scolded, "This is in the mainland, when you board the plane, you can't even bring cosmetics that are one size bigger, and you hijack the plane with two empty hands Grab the captain Jie!"

Su Su pursed her lips, and she also realized that she was a little naive, and she also forgot that she was also on the plane. If something happened, the situation of this little rich woman was even more dangerous than the big bosses around her.

"If someone really makes trouble, it's not a joke. This is a plane, above [-] meters in the sky, and there is no parachute or other equipment on the plane. If one fails, maybe all of them will die!" The man said nervously.

"It's not really such a coincidence, is it? I just said it casually?" Su Su was also a little scared, and looked around unceasingly.

"Didn't you hear what the flight attendant said just now? Something happened in the back cabin. She was notified by the higher-ups to ask Luo Yi for help. When Luo Yi heard about this, he loaded the gun without hesitation. , What does this mean, isn't it obvious?"

The more Wan Delu thought about it, the more worried he became, "No, I have to go and see, I have struggled so hard to this day, so I can't send my life here in a daze!"

Under the astonished eyes of the man in the suit and Su Su, Wan Delu quietly unbuckled his seat belt and slipped over.

"Tell me, if I apologize now, is there still time?" The man in the suit asked Su Su with an embarrassed expression.

Su Su rolled her eyes, "You should first hope that he can solve the following matters and let the plane land smoothly, otherwise you will die, and you will owe me a fart!"

Accompanied by the flight attendant, Luo Yi went to the middle cabin, and behind him there was a wretched figure of a fat man.

Walking slowly, Luo Yi was also observing everything around him, looking for possible traces of ghosts.

This is not a big plane, there are only three rows on the left and right, and there are many people sitting on it, most of them are playing with their mobile phones, a few are sleeping, and some are eating, as if everything is normal , nothing happens in general.

"We blocked the news, so they don't know about it yet." Li Yu, the purser, seemed to have noticed Luo Yi's expression, and took the initiative to explain.

"Continue to inform, let everyone sit in their original seats and not leave their seats!" Luo Yi said.

There are traces of evil ghosts killing people. As long as you can see the process of killing people, it is not difficult to guess the rules.

"Okay!" Li Yu continued to repeat Luo Yi's request in the headset, and soon the radio sounded again.

"Tell me, how did it happen!" Luo Yi continued.

"About 10 minutes ago, a female passenger entered the restroom. There was nothing unusual at first, but then the plane encountered turbulence and turbulence midway, so we asked all customers to return to their seats, including those who entered the restroom."

"But after we knocked on the door many times, there was no movement inside, so we suspected that the passenger might have fainted inside. After all, we have been flying for a long time, and such things are not uncommon." Li Yu, the flight attendant, explained.

Luo Yi nodded, expressing his understanding.

Many people are not able to adapt to the weightlessness and high pressure on the plane, just like many people need to inhale oxygen when they go to plateau areas. This is a very common physiological phenomenon.

"After having doubts, we organized the maintenance personnel on the plane to forcibly open the door. Only then did we see that the person inside was dead, and then we called the police. You must know what happened afterwards." Li Yu said.

Luo Yi nodded slightly, and naturally let him make the move next.

"Didn't this person scream or smash the door before he died?"

Li Yu said: "No, we also asked the passengers near the restroom, and we didn't hear any special noise."

"It seems that the evil spirit kills people very quickly, so there is no time to react!" Luo Yi whispered.

Ordinary people, especially those who are timid, will yell in fear when they encounter some snakes, insects, rats and ants. There is no reason why they become dumb when facing real evil spirits. The dead did not make a sound before. There is only one possibility, and that is to not make a sound.

Under the guidance of the flight attendant, Luo Yi soon came to a small compartment on the passenger plane, where several flight attendants were guarding outside, all of them with blue faces, wanting to vomit but not daring to vomit.

These people were terrified.

Luo Yi pushed open the compartment, and saw a female corpse in a knee-length white skirt lying on the ground, one foot was bare, the other was wearing high heels, her face was covered with a flight attendant's uniform, and the surrounding area was covered with blood. There was an inexplicable coldness, and there seemed to be a faint smell in the air.

It's the smell of corpses.

According to Li Yu, the purser, the death time of this corpse must not exceed half an hour. Logically speaking, it is impossible to completely cool the corpse within this time, let alone the body tissue corruption.

But there was an obvious stench coming from this dead body, which was obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, she was killed by a ghost, and the smell of corpses in the air also came from a ghost, not a dead body.

"Someone moved her body?" Luo Yi snorted coldly, "Who told you to make your own decisions!"

People who die from evil spirits will be infected with supernatural powers, possessing the traits of transforming into ghost slaves. If one is not good, they will kill again.

"I'm sorry, we also know that we shouldn't destroy the scene, but she is in the bathroom after all. It's really inconvenient with so many people on this plane!" A man in uniform stood up and said.

Luo Yi said: "Hmph, you are lucky this time!"

Next to the female body, a young man in a shirt with a calm face came over.

"Hello, Luo Yi, right? I'm Wang Dong, the policeman on duty on this flight. This incident is very serious, and the higher-ups pay special attention to it. I hope we can cooperate to catch the murderer as soon as possible, so as not to let the tragedy happen again. "

Luo Yi ignored his outstretched hand, squatted down, and lifted the clothes from the female corpse's face.

(End of this chapter)

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