Chapter 236
Following Su Su's opening, the already quiet crowd became noisy again, and many people in the back row even stepped on their seats and jumped out.

The fastest strong man even jumped in front of Huang Shiyu.

"court death!"

Luo Yi shouted angrily, crossed a distance of two meters in the blink of an eye, and pressed the pistol in his hand to the man's forehead.

"how can that be!"

"How did he do it?"

"Did you see, it took him a blink of an eye from sitting to standing in front of this person just now."

"Without a blink of an eye, I saw clearly just now, and he just appeared so suddenly, without any intermediate process, as if teleporting!"

"Kung fu or magic?"

"I now believe he can catch ghosts?"


"Who told you to come here?" Luo Yi pressed his palm hard, and the cold muzzle of the gun carved a deep mark on the man's forehead.

"I..." The man swallowed hard, cold sweat instantly slipped from his forehead and hit his eyelashes, but he didn't dare to blink at all, for fear that Luo Yi, who was right in front of him, would pull the trigger with a flick of his wrist.

"Why are you stuttering? Wasn't it very neat just now?"

"I just, just want to be closer!" The man was sweating coldly, and his heart was pounding.

"What are you afraid of? He's here to deal with ghosts, not to kill people." A person at the bottom shouted.

"Your sister, the muzzle of the gun didn't hit your head, you said it lightly!" the man cursed in his heart.


There was another sharp and piercing sound!

"Go away!"

With a movement of Luo Yi's wrist, a huge force pushed the man's body which was close to two hundred kilograms, and it just hit the front of the first row straight.

"I go!"

When the man saw Luo Yi's wrist twitching, he was almost scared out of his wits.

When Luo Yi passed him and everyone's eyes turned back together, he rubbed his chest and got up in shock.

"What is it, hot?"

The man felt a heat flow on his legs, followed by the wet feeling of his pants against his flesh.

"It's really embarrassing now!"


Here Luo Yi passed through dozens of people in front of him, and came directly to the row at the back.

Here, a woman wearing sunglasses suddenly straightened her whole body, her body trembling slightly, her eyes were fixed on Luo Yi, and her eyes were full of pleading and fear.

The woman kept opening her mouth, but she couldn't say anything!

"She's under control!"

Luo Yi quickly understood her situation. When people are desperate, they will run away, get angry, and collapse.

But it will never be like the woman in front of her, with panicked and complicated eyes, and she is completely motionless.

At the same time, a pale, green and purple palm slowly protruded from behind the woman, with five fingers slightly bent, just like that resting on her shoulder.

The woman's chest rose and fell violently, and the sound of exhaling from her mouth and nose became more and more rapid. Standing a step away, Luo Yi could even clearly see the cold sweat streaming down her neck.

The woman couldn't move, she could only sit there helplessly, feeling that cold, pale hand slowly touching her body.

And this weird palm is obviously not her own, but an extra hand out of thin air.

A slender, sinewy, bloodless woman's palm!
No, it won't be a hand anytime soon.

There were also a few yellowed fingers protruding from the woman's collar.

Then behind her head, a large, rough, lifeless man's hand clasped the back of her neck.

Then came the fast-growing belly, and the wriggling throat.

This ghost can actually invade the human body!

Chen Qing's eyes widened as hard as she could, her mouth kept opening and closing, and she tried desperately to call for help, but she failed.

Something cold was stuck in her throat, making her almost suffocate.

And this thing is still rising along the throat, it feels like a long snake is about to come out of her esophagus.

The sudden foreign body sensation was irritating and strong. The cold, hard, and sharp foreign body slashed across her throat, piercing the delicate flesh, and the bloody breath surged up, causing blood to ooze from her mouth and nose.

"Save, save, save..."

From the shape of her mouth, it can be seen that she keeps repeating the word and wants to ask for help.

But soon, she couldn't even do this most basic movement, because the foreign body that was gradually expanding pried open her mouth from inside and poked out.

That is
Few fingers!

The knuckles are protruding, the fingers are slender, and the tips of the fingers are painted with beautiful red nail polish.

This is the color on the hand of the first deceased.

In other words, this one is still not a real evil spirit, and the four ghost hands that appeared in succession are not the real source. The root ghost hand is still hidden in the dark, controlling everything on the scene from afar.

The four palms were attached to her body, the palms on the front of the forehead and the back of the head began to turn the head, and the palms on the neck pinched together hard.

The evil spirits are going to use their means to kill people!

All this is like a feline animal showing its last ferocious mouth after playing with its prey.

"She's going to die!"

"She's going to be killed!"

"Luo Yi, save her!"

"Master, help her!"


There were all kinds of voices around him, but Luo Yi was still as calm as usual, but his slightly narrowed pupils showed his inner vigilance at the moment.

He was waiting, waiting for the real ghost hand to appear.

Every time the evil spirit kills a person, two supernatural ghosts will appear, so the best time to deal with the evil spirit is at the beginning.

But it's not too late now, with just four ghost hands, Luo Yi can easily identify them.

Chen Qing's head was slowly deviated under the action of the four ghost hands.

30, 60, 90... The angle is getting bigger and bigger.

The struggle in Chen Qing's eyes became smaller and smaller, and despair filled her eyeballs.

She knew that she was going to die!
"Not yet?" Luo Yi asked in surprise.

The woman's head turned more and more, and when the neck bone was about to reach its limit, Luo Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it on her shoulder.

Spiritual ups and downs, the suppression of the sacrificial god was activated, and the dead palms controlling her body fell one after another like puppets on strings being cut off.


After getting rid of the ghost's hand, the woman finally yelled for help for the first time, her voice was hoarse, with a thick turbidity, accompanied by a smell of blood.

Her vocal cords had been severely damaged by the previous evil spirits.

But she doesn't care about these things at all now, the joy of being saved from a desperate situation makes her ecstatic.

Luo Yi looked at the two pairs of dead hands on the ground, "The real evil spirit must have participated in this killing, but I didn't see it. It seems to be hidden in the deep ghost realm."

The blood spread, the power of Huangquan boiled up, the entire cabin was filled with red light, the electric current squeaked, and the only remaining lights went out instantly.

Luo Yi tried to find traces of the evil ghost, but since the ghost's hand was cut off, this ghost domain was closed and buried, making it difficult to find.

"Wait again", Luo Yi withdrew his hand, and the red light flowed back like water.

Now the four ghost hands controlled by the evil ghost are all detained by Luo Yi, and when it makes a move next time, it will definitely be able to catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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