Chapter 241
Luo Yi returned to the cabin again, he needed to take Huang Shiyu away and get back the pistol.

"Luo Yi, is the matter over?"

Wang Dong looked at Luo Yi with deep expectation in his eyes.

"It's over, it's already arrived in Dajing City, and someone will come to pick you up and rescue you later."


"We survived!"

"I don't have to die!"


Luo Yi's words instantly ignited everyone, and the joy of turning a corner filled everyone's heart. The bursts of cheers passed through the cabin, and even disturbed the crowd who came to rescue from the outside.

"Thank you, Team Luo, if it weren't for you, we would be dead!" Wandelu said sincerely, "To show my sincerity, I will move the headquarters of Wonder Catering to Yuzhou City and make a copy for Yuzhou City. force."

Luo Yi is a ghost driver, he doesn't need Wandelu's help, but Yuzhou City is different, Wandelu is a billionaire, he can make great contributions in Yuzhou City.

"I am also willing to move my women's clothing brand to Yuzhou City, and ask Team Luo to take care of it in the future." Su Su also expressed his opinion.

Not only the two of them, many passengers on the plane began to consider moving.

Although they are not as smart as Wan Delu and Su Su, they also know the importance of making friends with a ghost master.

That could be a second life for ordinary people.

As for their thoughts, Luo Yi could see clearly, "Anyone who wants to go to Yuzhou City is welcome, but now I'm leaving, Wang Dong, give me the gun!"

"Okay, okay." Wang Dong hastily handed over the golden pistol in his hand.

The red light dissipated from Luo Yi's body, and the cabin door in front of him was forcibly opened by him, and the cold wind mixed with fine smog poured into the cabin, making the faces of those still in shock behind him unconcealably happy.

Wan Delu took a deep breath and said, "I've never felt that the smog in Dajing City is so fresh!"

As soon as Luo Yi got off the plane, a group of people greeted him. The leader was in his thirties, with short hair and thick eyebrows, bright eyes, and a look full of energy.

"I'm Shen Liang. On behalf of the headquarters, I welcome you to Dajing City. It's been a hard journey."

Before the person arrived, Shen Liang's voice came, warm and kind, as if he and Luo Yi were old acquaintances.

"You are the new captain who will succeed Zhao Jianguo?" Luo Yi raised his eyelids, and he was not too impressed with this person. He had heard Rowling mention this person before.

"It's me," Shen Liang grinned, "I will ask Team Luo to cooperate more with my work in the future."

Shen Liang's posture was very low, and his speech was very humble. If someone who didn't know saw this scene, he might even think that Luo Yi was the captain of the headquarters.

"Let's cooperate with each other." Luo Yi lacked interest. He was a little tired of these bureaucratic accents and fake politeness. If these people could do things with half their ability to speak, it would not be Luo Yi's turn to play in the supernatural plane incident this time.

When Shen Liang saw the plain Luo Yi, he didn't take it seriously. He was proud of his talent, and most capable people were a bit weird. Shen Liang has come all the way to this day, and he dare not say anything else, but his ability to perceive words and demeanor is not bad.

"The supernatural incident on this flight was handled quite beautifully. The number of casualties was small. The evil spirits were detained in time, and the entire crew of the plane was saved. The headquarters really didn't misunderstand you. You are still reliable at critical times."

Luo Yi waved his hand: "There is no need to say polite words, if you are sincere enough, quickly exchange my accumulated credits for spiritual resources!"

"I'll coordinate when I get back, and I'll coordinate when I get back." Shen Liang rubbed his hands together, not daring to agree directly, nor did he dare to object.

"Well, can you get Liu Xun out, he just said something wrong, and it's almost enough to bury him for a while, there's no need to offend the circle of friends for a small person, right?" Shen Liang persuaded.

Luo Yi raised his brows when he heard the words, and burst out with undisguised anger, "Shen Liang, he said something wrong, and his crime is not worthy of death, so I just buried him, and punished him with a small punishment. Team, then you must die!"

Shen Liang's face lost all color, and he said in a panic: "I didn't mean that, it's just that this person was brought out by me after all, if he falls here"

As the person Cao Yanhua chose to replace Zhao Jianguo, he naturally couldn't be a member of the circle of friends. The reason why he said these words was just to save his own face and maintain his dignity as the captain.

"The circle of friends and I are destined to only exist in one. I will never go back unless I flatten the circle of friends when I come this time." Luo Yi continued sharply: "As a member of the headquarters, I don't expect you to help me, but I I hope you stay upright and don't do things that are at the ends of snakes and rats."

Shen Liang's pupils trembled slightly, and for the first time he felt the might of Luo Yi as a top ghost master.

"Don't worry, I am one with the headquarters, and I will resolutely safeguard the interests of the headquarters."

Gao Ming glanced at Shen Liang, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Originally, as the captain, Shen Liangcai should be the leader among the crowd present, but now he obviously doesn't have such authority, and he can't hold down such excellent ghost masters as Luo Yi.

This is also the reason why the captain's plan had to be implemented. The era of ordinary people has passed.

Shen Liang himself also understands this truth. He clearly knows that since Zhao Jianguo was dismissed, the current captain has existed in name only, and his existence is just a transition before the start of the captain's plan.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to offend others. The captain's plan has not yet been settled, and it is easy to cause accidents by placing bets in advance.

"Smart, right?" Luo Yi finished speaking and Shen Liang turned his head to the side, looking at the man holding the thermos.

"Yes, it's me." Gao Ming smiled with surprise in his eyes, "Unexpectedly, Team Luo knew me."

Luo Yi nodded, his expression relaxed a lot, "You were here last time for the Yuzhou incident, so I will remember you."

"Hey, it's not worth mentioning. I didn't help much last time." Gao Ming had an embarrassed smile on his face. He did go to Yuzhou City to support, but it's a pity that ghost domain is not his strong point , he didn't even see Luo Yi's face.

"Whether you can do it or not is a question of the evil spirit's ability. Whether you can do it or not is a question of attitude. If you have the heart, I will accept your love." Like talking about other people.

Shen Liang's head drooped, his forehead wrinkled and then let go, repeated several times, and finally heaved a long sigh in his heart.

"Team Luo's favor, that's amazing, it's no better than a life at critical times!" Gao Ming looked surprised, he didn't expect that he would get his approval for his casual step.

"If you encounter difficulties, you can come to me, maybe I will have some solutions!" Luo Yi said.

Gao Ming hesitated for a while and said, "Although it's a bit of repayment, I heard that Team Luo can help people suppress evil spirits and revive them. I don't know if you can help me deal with the evil spirits on my body?"

It has been a year since Gao Ming became a ghost master, and he is also one of the persons in charge of Dajing City. He usually uses the means of evil spirits, so even if he controls two ghosts, his condition is not good. He soaks wolfberries every day. , in addition to the reasons for having a fierce wife in the family, there are also reasons to make up for the erosion of the body.

"Of course!" Luo Yi stretched out his hand and put it on Gao Ming's shoulder, red light flowed out from his palm like fresh blood, and soon soaked through Gao Ming's whole body.

"My evil ghost is silent!" Gao Ming exclaimed in shock.

In his feeling, the two restless evil spirits began to fall asleep, and the precarious balance was quickly restored, as if he had just controlled the second evil spirit.

"How do you feel?" Luo Yi withdrew his right hand and put it behind his back.

The blood color faded, and Gao Ming regained control of his body. He squeezed his fist lightly and said, "I feel much better, and it's no problem to live a few more months!"

As soon as Gao Ming's words came out, there were more than a dozen eager and longing eyes on Luo Yi's body, including a few people in the circle of friends.

Shen Liang glanced at the ghost masters around him, and felt a chill in his heart: "What a combination of kindness and power, this person is no longer controllable!"

(End of this chapter)

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