Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 252 The Opened Coffin Lid

Chapter 252 The Opened Coffin Lid
After the conflict, Luo Yi left the hotel.

Ghost masters are different, even though they were human beings at the beginning, but from the moment the evil spirits entered the human body, an insoluble boundary already existed.

This boundary may be in the hearts of ordinary people, or it may be in the hearts of ghost masters, but no matter which side it is, ghost masters are incompatible with ordinary people, and forcibly blending in will only make both parties uncomfortable.

Walking on the street, Luo Yi looked around and suddenly felt a little dazed. This is not Yuzhou City, and there are no familiar players and environment. He even needs to be careful to avoid being caught in endless power struggles and disturbances .

Luo Yi is not afraid of fighting with others, but he is afraid of trouble. Too many complicated and trivial things will hinder his growth.

"It's no wonder that the older generation of ghost masters chose to hide from the world. I used to think that it was because I was afraid that the revival of evil spirits would affect the safety of the people around me. Now it seems that the difference in life level may lead to a huge difference in cognition."

Summer insects are not enough to talk about ice, how can ants sleep with the dragon.

Luo Yicai has been a ghost master for less than a year, and he feels this kind of rejection and fear from the world. Although he doesn't care about all kinds of strange eyes, no one wants to be an object of appreciation in the eyes of others.

Minority, horror, spooky, crazy.

These are ordinary people's stereotypes of ghost masters, and this kind of concept cannot be corrected by one person.

Unless one day, the ghost master is no longer a person hiding in the dark corner, but comes to the foreground from behind the scenes, and begins to lead or even take over the entire mainstream society.

Only then will they not be feared by people, will not be outliers of the minority.

"Perhaps the headquarters is already aware of this problem, so this professor Bai was asked to explain the origin and emergence of evil spirits from a historical and humanistic perspective."

Luo Yi recalled the training content this time. Although the training hadn't started yet, Tang Wanwan had already sent him relevant information.

The rhetoric compiled by Professor Bai is not to brainwash the ghost masters, because all ghost masters know what a ghost is like, and they all know that he is talking nonsense, but ordinary people are different, they have no personal experience , It's not like this kind of literary master who has read poetry and books.

It can be said that this is like a brutal clash of cultures, a kind of academic deception and brainwashing that has nothing to do with intelligence.

One person may be wrong, but when a group of experts and masters all pursue a set of theories, this kind of power will be particularly terrifying, because the knowledge of ordinary people has no power to fight back in front of them, and their every word is You can quote classics and classics, so that you have no way or reason to refute.

And when this kind of academics is rampant, a lot of blind fans will appear and regard it as the truth, but if anyone has a doubt, they will be drowned in the sea of ​​spittle.

It can be said that this training is actually a kind of test, to test the acceptance of ghost masters, and then decide whether to fully disclose this statement.

In short, the headquarters hopes to cover up part of the truth in this way, so that people can accept the fact that the evil spirits have appeared, without causing a full-scale panic and driving everyone into despair.

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked one thing. The training has started, so it's time for the ghost messenger to come out again!" Luo Yi thought for a while.

In the original book, the incident of ghosts coming out of the coffin seems to be just the death of some newcomers with poor abilities, but in fact it has extraordinary significance. It is even said that this node determines the direction of many things in the future.

The first is Wang Xiaoming, a national treasure researcher at the headquarters. The ghost coffin has been in his laboratory. Under unknown circumstances, the ghost escaped. Wang Xiaoming insisted that the evil ghost escaped from his laboratory, so he was responsible for imprisoning him. In the laboratory, even if it cost his own life, he would not hesitate.

But obviously, the senior management of the headquarters felt that Wang Xiaoming was worth more than ghosts, so regardless of his objections, Li Jun was forced to rescue him from the laboratory, which led to ghosts raging in the training base.

This incident collapsed Wang Xiaoming's long-standing belief in judging people by value, and he was shrouded in guilt, so that he voluntarily died to make way for Yang Jian later.

The second important thing is that Wang Chaling of Dadong City took advantage of this period to steal the starving ghosts sealed up in the headquarters.

As a result, there was a starving ghost incident in the later period, and he was forced to become a ghost master because of this incident.

"Wang Xiaoming can't die yet, he's still useful to me."

Luo Yi's thoughts turned. He was very optimistic about Wang Xiaoming's research ability, and he had always thought of poaching Wang Xiaoming from the headquarters to Yuzhou City. This captain's plan is an opportunity.

A person in charge is not qualified to use researchers from the headquarters, but a team leader is barely qualified. Even if Wang Xiaoming cannot be recruited, it is not impossible to get two other researchers.

"Go back and have a look."

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Yi's body dissipated, and he returned to Wang Xiaoming's research building through the method of descending.

Around the research institute, there is a post every five steps, and a sentry post every ten steps. Teams of special forces patrol back and forth. There are various hidden cameras scattered around tall buildings, corners, and even some trees. Every move here is monitored in real time. The feedback was sent to the monitoring room, where it was analyzed and sorted out by specialized personnel.

It can be said that almost even a fly passing by here has to be audited.

However, if you think that these are all security measures, you are very wrong. According to Luo Yi's perception, there are at least 4 ghost masters in these buildings.

The former is to prevent ordinary people, while the latter is to prevent evil spirits and ghost masters.

With such tight security, one can imagine how high the security level is here.

Luo Yi walked all the way from the door, and after a brief observation, he came directly to the place where he had talked before.


Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, followed by the sound of leather shoes with several big strides, a middle-aged man with a square face and a smile at the corner of his mouth came over.

"Captain Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time." Luo Yi saw the person coming, his eyes shrunk slightly, and a hint of vigilance rose in his heart.

"Hi, I'm not Captain Zhao anymore. After what happened last time, I was fired. Now I am a receptionist, doing some work that attracts and sends people. For example, this training, I will I will stand at the door, guide you ghost masters, chat and so on."

There was some gloom in Zhao Jianguo's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Luo Yi glanced at him, "Is the gap acceptable from holding the power to watching the door?"

Zhao Jianguo smiled freely, "It's all work. Besides, at my age, it's hard to find a job outside, and I know too much, so the headquarters won't let me go out. As it is now, I run errands every day. It’s not idle, it’s actually pretty good.”

"Do you still read newspapers now?" Luo Yi asked inexplicably, and at the same time put his hand on Zhao Jianguo's shoulder.

"I didn't have this hobby before, but recently I'm free at work, so I read it every day." Zhao Jianguo replied nonchalantly, "Why, you also like reading newspapers?"

Luo Yi said noncommittally: "Reading newspapers is not a good habit."

The ghost he knew liked to read newspapers every day, and that ghost was probably on Zhao Jianguo's body.

The blood color spread, and the red light quickly soaked Zhao Jianguo, and the sound of worship was over just as the sound of worship sounded.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Yi had checked Zhao Jianguo's situation through the deep ghost domain.

"Not here?" Luo Yi withdrew his palm without a trace. Zhao Jianguo did have a spiritual remnant on his body, but the ghost was not on his body.

"Did Qin Lao do it, or did the evil ghost change people?"

Although Zhao Jianguo was aware of it, he was an ordinary person after all, and he didn't understand what happened, and based on his previous dealings, he believed that Luo Yi would not attack him for no reason.

"The training meeting hasn't started yet, are you here to see Professor Wang?" Zhao Jianguo asked.

Luo Yi nodded, "I want to take a look at his laboratory, and dig a few more researchers along the way."

The corners of Zhao Jianguo's eyes twitched, "Dug the corner of the headquarters, I'm afraid you're the only one who dares to think about it."

"I just hired a few researchers, and the original Yang Jian emptied out the inventory of the headquarters." Luo Yixin said.

"There are a lot of precautionary measures here, and Professor Wang's laboratory is the most important thing, and the approval is very troublesome. How about this, wait for me, and I will go in and ask for you."

After Zhao Jianguo finished speaking, he walked quickly towards the building. Although his figure was still firm, he was not as vigorous as before.

"Fate tricks people!"

Luo Yi sighed, but had no intention of complaining about Zhao Jianguo.

Dead people in supernatural events are very normal. The number of people killed in the No. [-] Middle School incident or the starving ghost incident is not far greater than the impact of the communication room incident. But why did Zhao Jianguo have no shit in the previous incidents, but why was it later? To the end, became a small character serving tea and water?

In fact, the headquarters dismissed Zhao Jianguo's post, apparently because of the incident in the communication room, but in fact it was because the evil spirit had stayed on him, but the real reason was a bit appalling, and the headquarters' scruples about the stability of the situation were covered up.

For an ordinary person who has been influenced by ghosts, who can guarantee that his decision-making is still rational and selfless, and how can he convince the correspondent and trust the ghost master.

I believe that Zhao Jianguo himself understands this, so now he is willing to run errands here, because he knows that the headquarters did not directly deal with him, it is already for the sake of his hard work in the past, otherwise even this half-retreat, half-surveillance He can't get any job.

"Good morning, Professor Wang let you in. He is now in the laboratory on the first floor. You can go in and find him yourself. I should go back and read the newspaper." Zhao Jianguo greeted him, then turned and left with his hands behind his back.

Luo Yi stayed where he was for a moment, then started to walk in.

The doors opened one after another, and Luo Yi's entry was unimpeded. It was obvious that someone was controlling everything behind the surveillance.

Soon, Luo Yi took the elevator and came to Wang Xiaoming's experiment area.

Wearing a white coat, Wang Xiaoming was writing and drawing on a laboratory table. Behind him, Li Jun stood like a sculpture.

Studying supernatural beings is a very dangerous thing, so Li Jun must stay by his side every step of the way to prevent the evil spirits from killing Wang Xiaoming.

Luo Yi has always had a question. When Wang Xiaoming went to the bathroom, was Li Jun also guarding outside?

What if Li Jun also went to the bathroom?
Could it be sitting on two toilets and looking at each other affectionately?

Luo Yi curled his lips in disgust, obliterating this vulgar scene in his mind.

"Why are you back?" Wang Xiaoming said without raising his head.

"I forgot to ask you just now. I still have a few top researchers in Yuzhou City. Are you interested in leading a team there?"

Wang Xiaoming said: "You are not attacking me, tell me, who do you want to poach?"

The two had an agreement before that Wang Xiaoming could come to help Luo Yi, but now is obviously not the right time, Wang Xiaoming knew it, and Luo Yi should know it too, otherwise, Luo Yi would bring it up during the meeting in the morning.

Luo Yi looked around and said casually, "Recommend me one, I believe your vision is not bad."

"You didn't come back to poach people, did you? As soon as you came, you went straight to my laboratory." Wang Xiaoming pushed his glasses, "You came for the ghost coffin!"

Luo Yi showed surprise in his eyes, "How do you say?"

"There are a lot of things in my laboratory, but for you, a layman, there are very few valuable ones, so they are either supernatural items or evil spirits. You have already obtained the supernatural items, and the rest is not obvious? "

"Indeed." Luo Yi nodded.

Basically all the evil spirits detained by Luo Yi were detained, except for the fake starved ghosts, this ghost coffin was handed over to the headquarters.

"Let me guess, you should not want to take away the ghost coffin, nor stop me from studying the ghost coffin, but you came in a hurry. Did you find something, or did you think something would happen to the ghost coffin, or did I Will something happen?"

"You are really smart, Wang Xiaoming." Luo Yi glanced at him, the front layer should be able to be imagined by ordinary smart people, but the latter layer has no clues, and it is impossible to guess the detailed ability.

"It seems that I'm right, you need me to help you do research, so you won't let me have an accident here, but I can't figure it out, science is rigorous, and there can be no mistakes in the slightest. Although I am not the most talented genius, But I've always done a good job of being cautious, so nothing should go wrong in my lab."

"If there is any problem, don't we know if we go and have a look?" Luo Yi stood up and said.

Facts speak louder than words. If there is any problem, you can tell it at a glance.

Wang Xiaoming led the way. He walked very fast. Obviously, although he was confident that he would not make mistakes, he couldn't guarantee that the same would be true for the people around him.

"The ghost coffin is inside!"

Wang Xiaoming pointed, in front of him was a floor-to-ceiling floor-to-ceiling window, but the glass of this window was obviously different from ordinary ones. There was a slight yellow light on it, which was obviously made of specially treated material.

Behind the glass is a small room.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small room. Many people have a stereotyped impression that a top researcher like Wang Xiaoming must have a very large and huge laboratory, but the fact is just the opposite. But more than a dozen square meters, not even comparable to the size of bedrooms in many people's homes.

And the ghost coffin was quietly lying in a corner of this small room.

The vermilion paint was evenly applied on the slightly old-fashioned coffin, and the spiritual influence permeated the air, making the whole room feel a little drowsy.

Under the yellowish light, the paint on the coffin flowed slowly as if it had just been applied lustrously and hadn't dried completely. It was dull and coquettish at the same time, and it felt like the coffin was about to come alive.

But everyone present knew that this was just a manifestation of supernatural influence on reality.

(End of this chapter)

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