Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 256 Noisy Conference Room

Chapter 256 Noisy Conference Room
Dajing City Headquarters meeting room.

Cao Yanhua, as the direct person in charge, sat in the first seat, frowning, and below sat Chen Yi, Gao Ming, Guo Fan, Jiang Shangbai, Cao Yang and others.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere in the entire meeting room was low and oppressive, as if shrouded in a layer of fog.

Outside the building, ghost masters quickly passed through the security check one by one, and more and more people began to enter, preparing to attend this emergency meeting.

There is only one theme for this urgent meeting: Escape from ghosts.

Cao Yanhua knocked on the table, looking anxious.

"Don't wait, the meeting must start immediately. Notify all the people in charge who are still on the road, and use the satellite phone to access the meeting first."

"Is there a need to be so anxious?" Gao Ming asked while holding the thermos.

Cao Yanhua looked serious, "It's more important than I imagined. This time not only the evil spirit escaped, but Professor Wang was also involved in this incident. If it is not handled properly, it is very likely that it will lead to an S-level incident and cause Loss of Headquarters Researcher."

"It's so serious, it seems that this incident is really serious." Chen Yidao.

"Be quiet, everyone. Next, I will broadcast the information about this incident that Professor Wang sent back." Cao Yanhua waved his hand to signal everyone present to be quiet.

The staff turned on the audio equipment, and Wang Xiaoming's calm and heavy voice came.

"I am Wang Xiaoming. Something happened in the laboratory. The source is the ghost coffin brought back from the incident in Huanggang Village. This coffin can transform people into ghosts. I have seen in it the way to end supernatural powers: transforming people into living beings." A ghost of human consciousness."

"After I took out the first conceived evil spirit from the ghost coffin, I made a bolder attempt to put the dying Interpol Wei Jing into the coffin."

"The experiment was successful, but it also failed. Wei Jing successfully transformed into an evil ghost, but unfortunately he lost his consciousness as a human being. Simply put, he was controlled by a ghost. After on-site observation, I have reason to suspect that the evil The ghost not only controlled Wei Jing, but also stole part of his consciousness, becoming an evil ghost with part of human consciousness."

"At the end of the experiment, due to some unknown reasons, the coffin lid of the ghost coffin was opened, and the evil spirit inside ran out. This evil spirit has the same ability as the evil spirit that ravaged Huanggang Village. After consideration, I named it the ghost. , which means the ghost that catches ghosts, and the event level is A-level."

"After the ghost came out, it killed everyone in the laboratory, including the three resident ghost masters. Now its suppression quota is 4."

"The law of killing is that the number of evil spirits is suppressed. If the number of evil spirits possessed by a ghost master is less than 4, he will be suppressed by no brains. That is to say, Guicha is a growing evil ghost, and the upper limit is unknown."

"The way to deal with ghost messengers is to hold a group. In the case of no contact, it is considered effective to hold a group of ghost masters within three meters. Note that ghost messengers cannot be imprisoned within their ghost domain."

"At present, the living people living in the laboratory include me, Li Jun, and Luo Yi. We will try our best to deal with the evil spirits and prevent the ghosts from leaking out."

The recording is played here, and it is completely over.

Everyone knows that things are getting worse, how terrifying a ghost with an unknown growth limit is, just thinking about it makes the scalp tingle.

Cao Yanhua said in a deep voice: "Everyone who is trapped in the laboratory now should know that two of the best ghost masters, a researcher at the national treasure level, are extremely valuable. When necessary, I will authorize to forcibly open the lab." The closed laboratory, rescue the three of them."

"I understand, what do we need to do now?" Chen Yi wore a black mask, and his hoarse voice sounded.

Strictly speaking, Wang Xiaoming's laboratory belongs to his management area, and he is the first person responsible for accidents in this place, but due to the particularity of Wang Xiaoming and the laboratory, he cannot bear this responsibility.

Cao Yanhua said: "Two or ten minutes ago, I contacted Professor Wang once, and his answer at that time was that there is a solution, but it is hard to say whether it will be successful."

"Since Professor Wang said that there is a plan, and there are two best ghost masters cooperating and coordinating, there should be no need to worry too much about this matter, right?" a person in charge said.

After the man finished speaking, many people nodded along. After all, the abilities of Wang Xiaoming, Luo Yi, and Li Jun were obvious to all, so it shouldn't be a big problem to have them in there.

Cao Yanhua looked around, "I thought so too, but when I contacted Professor Wang for the second time 10 minutes ago, the signal was cut off. You are all talents from the headquarters. Everyone must be clear about what this means."

Almost all the ghost masters fell into silence at this moment, their brows were furrowed, and they were a little uneasy.

Cao Yanhua's meaning was obvious, if Wang Xiaoming and others couldn't stand up anymore, the people present would stand up no matter how reluctant they were.

Because this is Dajing City, which is the headquarters of the Asian Interpol ghost master, there can be supernatural events here, but uncontrolled evil spirits are never allowed to appear.

Besides, Wang Xiaoming, Luo Yi, and Li Jun are very valuable, and the headquarters will try their best to save their lives.

"So, we need to be prepared to rush in to save people at any time?" Gao Ming concluded.

Cao Yanhua agreed, "Yes, now I need a plan, a plan to deal with the evil spirits. All of you here are experienced old people. Faced with this situation, what will you do? Let's brainstorm and try to solve it within 10 minutes. Come up with a plan."

Gao Ming and Chen Yi looked at each other, a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes, they suppressed 4 evil spirits at the first start, and among the crowd present, there were only a handful of people who controlled three evil spirits.
Seeing that no one responded, Cao Yanhua felt a little annoyed.

"Is Yang Jian here?"

"I'm coming!" As soon as the voice fell, a pale figure with a sullen complexion came in. As soon as this person entered, the scarlet eyes under his forehead swept around, peering at everyone like a poisonous snake.

"You're here, hurry up and sit down." Cao Yanhua stood up enthusiastically, and signaled the staff to bring a chair for him to sit down.

"That is to say, now that the laboratory is out of contact, we don't even know whether Li Jun and Luo Yi are alive?" Chen Yi said.

"The probability of them having an accident is very small. Now that I know the law of evil spirits killing people, I don't think Professor Wang will stumble. The most likely situation now is that the ghost has cut off the signal."

Cao Yanhua continued: "But in order to prevent accidents, we still have an alternative plan."

"Speaking of the ghost coffin incident, Yang Jian, it was you and Luo Yi who solved it together. How did you succeed at that time?" Cao Yanhua frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly looked at the man sitting not far away. Yang Jian.

"Sure enough, nothing good will happen once you come here." Yang Jian complained in his heart.

He just controlled the ghost palm today and regained his body balance. He came here this time to get his supernatural material, but he didn't expect to fall into such a thing again.

Yang Jian smiled wryly, "It's hard to solve. I have come into contact with this evil ghost. It almost killed me when I was in Huanggang Village. I personally think it is quite incomprehensible, and it is much more difficult to deal with than the door-knocking ghost. "

"But you survived, didn't you?" Chen Yi looked at Yang Jiandao, "Don't hide your secrets at this time, I hope you can teach us some experience, so that we won't be at a loss when facing evil spirits."

"I didn't hide my secrets. In fact, the last time I came back alive was because Luo Yi dragged Feng Quan out of the ghost coffin at a critical moment. The ghost guard was afraid that other ghost masters would enter the coffin again, so he took the initiative. returned to the coffin, and the Huanggang Village incident ended in this way."

"In this way, it's not difficult to solve this incident, just open the ghost messenger's coffin." A ghost master said.

"If the matter is so simple, then it's our turn to discuss it here, and Wang Xiaoming will lift the ghost's coffin." Gao Ming sneered.

Cao Yangdao: "Gao Ming is right. They still haven't solved it. It is very likely that something happened to the ghost coffin. Either the ghost coffin was damaged or the coffin couldn't be opened. In short, this trick is useless for the ghost messenger. gone."

As expected of a top ghost master, Cao Yang guessed the whole story right away.

"If the ghost messenger can't return to the coffin, then things will be troublesome." Yang Jian said in a deep voice, "The ghost messenger cannot be imprisoned in the ghost domain. Exceeding the ghosts, forming a suppression, the ghosts will disappear immediately, this form is like an infinite restart, until the people on the scene are completely killed, leaving no one behind."

"I'm going, it's so perverted, but as far as I know, the Huanggang Village incident was only defined as a B-level supernatural incident." Gao Ming exclaimed.

Chen Yi nodded slightly, "In my opinion, this is already an S-level supernatural event. It is a miracle that you guys survived at the beginning. No wonder that Luo Yi is so strong and can solve the starving ghost incident. The relationship is cultivated." the ability."

"I can explain this matter," Cao Yanhua cleared his throat, "You have also heard what Professor Wang said before, the ghost coffin is of great significance, once Professor Wang's research is successful, it will transform the ghost master into an evil ghost with human consciousness , it becomes possible to curb the recovery of the supernatural.”

"For security reasons, we have blocked some information about Huanggang Village, and secondly because the information reported by Feng Quan contained some misleading and conflicting information. Based on these two points, we decided to deal with this incident in a low-key manner."

"No wonder." Cao Yang nodded, "That makes sense."

After Cao Yanhua explained, the people at the scene became more and more worried. They asked themselves, if any one of these people went into Huanggang Village, they might be killed.

The early rafters rotted first, and Wang Xiaoming was about to fall, so who would dare to go?

Cao Yanhua looked at the group of ghost masters with their heads buried, and was so angry that he resisted the urge to slap the table and scold their mothers, and stood up, "I know, this incident is a bit troublesome, but believe me, the headquarters will never let everyone For nothing."

"Considering the difficulty of the task and the urgency of time, I decided that everyone who is willing to participate in this event can get two hundred kilograms of gold, as long as they can imprison the evil spirits, the top three ghost masters, and the supernatural items in the headquarters Feel free to choose one, and the person with the lowest credit will be given a place to suppress the recovery of evil spirits, and every two people in the operation will be equipped with a red ghost candle, and a substitute for the dead doll."


As soon as Cao Yanhua finished speaking, everyone below fell silent.

Aside from gold, the supernatural items and places for suppressing evil spirits in the headquarters, including the ghost candles and surrogate dolls used in operations, are all hard currency in the supernatural circle. It can be said that they are priceless and quite precious.

"In that case, I'm willing to take a trip!"

"I would also like to take a trip."

"Isn't it just a ghost? I'm almost dead, so I'm afraid it won't work?"

There must be a brave man under the reward, and several ghost masters stood up one after another, expressing their willingness to go to the rescue.

Cao Yanhua's expression eased a little, but there was still some reluctance in his eyes.

Without him, the few people who voluntarily go now are all ghost masters who are about to revive the evil spirits. These people are brave enough, but they are still a bit weak in ability.

"Very good, is there anyone else who is willing to volunteer?" Cao Yanhua looked around slowly, with encouragement in his eyes.

Before the rest of the people could open their mouths, a contemptuous laugh sounded, "It's just you trash, go in for rescue, don't wake up the evil spirit before you reach the door."

"Jiang Shangbai, this is not a circle of friends, don't be too presumptuous!" The former volunteer looked at Jiang Shangbai with fire in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it, I know this is not a circle of friends, but is there something wrong with what I said?" Jiang Shangbai was wearing a well-tailored suit, and looked coldly at the volunteer who retorted.

"We went to the rescue in response to the call from the headquarters"

"Do you believe this?" Jiang Shangbai sneered, "Obviously he is interested in the resources of the headquarters, and wants to fight to the death for a chance to survive. What to do in such a high-ranking place is really both a bitch and a stand-up man. Torii!"

"You're looking for death!" The man's face suddenly became extremely ugly when his thoughts were punctured. He stretched his arms and stood up all of a sudden, glaring at Jiang Shangbai.

"I think it's you who is looking for death!" Jiang Shangbai slapped the table and chairs angrily, a feeling of cold and windless, the lights in the meeting room began to flicker, and amidst the sound of electric current, a black shadow loomed behind him.

"Okay, stop it!"

Cao Yanhua turned pale with anger, and angrily brushed the teacup on the table to the ground.

"Jiang Shangbai, enough is enough!" Cao Yang leaned forward slightly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"That's right, the current stage is still mainly dealing with supernatural events." Chen Yi said numbly, "This is my management area after all, please give me face and don't make it difficult for me. If it is difficult for me, I don't think you will have a good time."

Although Chen Yi was talking about everyone, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Shangbai.

Others are afraid of the circle of friends, but he is not afraid, because he is on the verge of awakening the evil spirits, a person who is dying, what else is there to be afraid of.

Jiang Shangbai looked around and found that Gao Ming, Cao Yang, Chen Yi and others were all staring at him sternly, and he knew in his heart that he had played too much.

"For the sake of everyone, I'll go around you once." Jiang Shangbai withdrew his spirituality, and the conference room brightened up again.

The volunteer "you" wanted to say something, but the people around him stopped him and forced him to sit down.

"You don't want to die, that's Jiang Shangbai, Jiang Shangbai from Moments."

"What's wrong with the circle of friends, the big deal is death." The man insisted.

"If you really want to die, I won't stop you, you go." The person beside him let go of his hand.

"I..." the man opened his mouth, his face was a little uneasy, but after hesitating for a moment, he still lowered his eyes in despondency.

That person was right, if he really wanted to die, why did he still take this mission?
Jiang Shangbai said coldly: "Now it's not a matter of voluntary or not. Presumably everyone has already understood how terrifying ghosts are, through Wang Xiaoming's description. This is not a problem that ordinary ghost masters can solve."

Although Jiang Shangbai's words hurt many low-level ghost masters, they all knew that he was right.

The characteristics of ghost difference determine that ghost masters need to be in groups, but the narrow judgment range determines that there should not be too many ghost masters.

Cao Yang sat up straight, "On this point, I agree with what Jiang Shangbai said. I personally suggest that the person in charge who controls less than two evil spirits should not go this time."

"I don't mean to disrespect everyone. The ghost messenger will take the evil spirit in the ghost master's body to grow. An evil ghost almost has little time to react when facing the attack of the ghost messenger."



Gao Ming and Chen Yi agreed one after another that this matter concerns all rescuers, and the number of suppressed ghost messengers has reached 4. This number has made most ghost masters daunting, and it must not be increased.

"Well, I need a reserve person in charge now. If something happens in the laboratory, this person in charge will lead the team to rescue."

"Chen Yi, Gao Ming, Cao Yang, do you have any ideas?" Cao Yanhua directly asked by name.

"It's not that I don't want to go, but that you know my state, it might be difficult..." Chen Yi spoke first.

Cao Yanhua took a sad look at him. Although Chen Yi had a bad temper, he was strong in execution and had a good sense of responsibility.

It is precisely because of this that his recovery of evil spirits is more serious than many people, which can be seen just by looking at his limbs that are too stiff to be well controlled.

This is why Jiang Shangbai was willing to compromise before. A person in charge of Dajing City who is about to recover from the evil spirit will not be much weaker than him.

"I'm willing to go, but if I want to lead the team, I'm afraid I'm not capable enough." Gao Ming looked at Cao Yanhua's turned eyes and expressed his opinion hastily.

It's fine to touch fish normally, if you don't know how to play at this time, I'm afraid the headquarters won't tolerate him.

The corner of Cao Yanhua's mouth curled up into an expected smile, "Okay, with you joining, the chances of winning the rescue are much greater."

"Yang Jian?"

Yang Jian frowned, "I just arrived in Dajing City today, and you're going to ask me to deal with supernatural events, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

"Uh, okay!" Cao Yanhua touched his nose.

"Cao Yang."

"Don't be next to the roll call. You're still so dawdling at this time. I'm really afraid that Wang Xiaoming won't die or something?" Jiang Shangbai interrupted rudely.

Cao Yanhua had an evil fire in his heart, and said sternly, "Jiang Shangbai, what good advice do you have?"

"I do have a suggestion, but I don't know if you agree or not." Jiang Shangbai's eyes moved, and Xiao Jiujiu appeared in his heart.

Cao Yanhua raised the corner of his eyes and looked at him, "You can talk about it."

"It is said that during the starving ghost incident in Dachang City, Luo Yi used a coffin to nail the evil spirit that was the source of the incident, and the evil spirit was sent to the headquarters to be sealed after the incident."

Cao Yanhua's eyes flickered, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Take out that coffin nail, gather a top team, led by me, and formulate an action plan that will definitely destroy that ghost." Jiang Shangbai spoke loudly, with a strong sense of confidence in his words.

After laying the groundwork for so long, Jiang Shangbai finally revealed his true intentions.

"He originally wanted that coffin nail." Gao Ming's heart moved, "If there is that coffin nail that is absolutely suppressed, the probability of imprisoning evil spirits will rise sharply, not to mention him, even me."

"No, he is a member of the circle of friends, and he is a deadly enemy with Luo Yi. I'm afraid he doesn't want to rescue him at all, but wants to go through the motions and get rid of this artifact logically."

Cao Yanhua can naturally figure out the problems that Gao Ming can understand.

"I can't satisfy this request."

Jiang Shangbai's complexion changed slightly, "It seems that Wang Xiaoming's value is not very high. You usually value him a lot, but at critical times, you are not even willing to take out a coffin nail."

"It's not that I'm reluctant, but that the coffin nail is still in Luo Yi's hand. When we solved the supernatural incident in Dachang City, it was another evil ghost that was nailed to death, not the starving ghost."

"Wish ghost?"


"It's troublesome." Jiang Shangbai's heart tightened. He thought he could take advantage of this incident to take out the coffin nails from the headquarters, but he didn't expect the coffin nails to be there at all.

"In this way, the coffin nails are still in Luo Yi's hands. I have to remind Mr. Fang of this matter, so as not to capsize in the gutter."

Jiang Shangbai was thinking about the circle of friends in his mind, and the conference room became deserted again for a while.

Cao Yanhua is unwilling to give up this top-notch combat power, "You can change your needs, and you can have any other supernatural items you want."

Jiang Shangbai shook his head without thinking, "Without the coffin nails, I can't solve it!"

Just kidding, he didn't even think about going to the rescue. Who are the people trapped in the laboratory?

Li Jun, who has been choking with him, is a deadly enemy.

Wang Xiaoming, a person who betrayed his circle of friends.

As for Luo Yi, that's even more damned.

Still rescue, not handing the knife to the evil spirits, Jiang Shangbai is already immeasurably virtuous.

Cao Yanhua's face turned green and pale, if he couldn't beat him, he would have given him two slaps.

"I'll go!"

At a critical moment, Cao Yang spoke up.

When Cao Yanhua heard this heavenly voice, he had never thought Cao Yang was so pleasing to the eye.

In fact, Cao Yang is also helpless, because of his relationship with Cao Yanhua, this matter will fall on him sooner or later. Instead of passively accepting it, it is better to actively fight for it, at least to make a good impression of being brave to perform duties and take responsibility.

Furthermore, the captain's plan is approaching, and he, the reserve captain, also needs to improve his presence.

Cao Yang took over the task, and the rest of the ghost masters who bowed their heads felt relieved, with different expressions on their faces.

"Everyone, don't forget, who are the people trapped in the laboratory this time?" Cao Yang turned his eyes and thought of something else.

"Professor Wang's research materials, Luo Yi's suppression of the recovery of evil spirits, these are the things that ghost masters are most in short supply. If we go in and successfully imprison the evil spirits, how much benefit will this bring?"

"Take a step back, even if the evil spirits are not imprisoned by us, as long as they are still alive, this is a favor." Cao Yang did not continue.

Among the ghost masters at the scene, there were many with active brains and quick thoughts. Cao Yang had already hinted at this point. If he didn't understand, he would be really stupid.

"Count me in!"

"Add me!"

A few voices sounded, and Cao Yang took a look. They were all masters who had controlled the two ghosts. Their minds were also simple. They didn't do high-risk things, but they could do high-risk, high-return things.

Marx said that if there is 100% profit, capitalists will take risks, and so will ghost masters.

Soon, a seven-member team was established.

Cao Yanhua waved his hand, "That's it. Cao Yang will lead the team and Gao Ming will assist. After 10 minutes, if Professor Wang has not recovered the connection, we will provide support."

(End of this chapter)

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