Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 262 The Evil Ghost Released

Chapter 262 The Evil Ghost Released

Dajing City, Ping An Building.

A group of ghost masters sat around the meeting room, the leader was in his early thirties, handsome, with a domineering look when his eyes opened and closed.

This person is the helm of the circle of friends, Fang Shiming.

As for Jiang Shangbai, he is just a spokesperson elected by this force.

"Mr. Fang, why didn't Team He come today?"

The ghost master Liu Xiang asked, Fang Shiming's left and right sides were all vacant, and he knew the person on the right, captain Jiang Shangbai, who had received a mission to kill Luo Yi, but He Tianxiong on the left was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmph," Fang Shiming snorted coldly, "He's sick and went home to recuperate."

"Ill?" Liu Xiang wanted to ask more carefully, but Zhang Jiang next to him held him back and shook his head.

"Don't ask!" After speaking, he pointed to Fang Shiming who was above him with his eyes.

Liu Xiang raised his head and took a cautious look. Fang Shiming, who was seated first, had a cold, pale face, and anger in his tone and eyes.

How can a ghost rider get sick?Or is there a normal time for ghost riders?

What Fang Shiming said is obviously an excuse, and it can make him angry, which means that He Tianxiong just offended him.

"Do you know what we are doing here today?" Zhang Jiang whispered.

Liu Xiang said: "Of course, we have to wait for news from Team Jiang."

"It's because of this matter. You also know that Team Jiang and Team He didn't deal with each other. A few hours ago, they tried their best to recommend themselves in front of Mr. Fang, wanting to lead this mission."

After receiving the mission and killing Luo Yi, the captain of the circle of friends is in his pocket.

This is the position the two have been seeking.

But in the end, Fang Shiming gave the opportunity to Jiang Shangbai, intending to push him to the top.

This naturally aroused He Tianxiong's dissatisfaction.

In terms of seniority, contribution, and ability, he is not inferior to Jiang Shangbai in everything. Why did Jiang Shangbai get this opportunity this time.

So He Tianxiong contradicted Fang Shiming a few words, and Fang Shiming told him to roll back in a rage.

"No wonder, it's a good thing you stopped me, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to get into trouble today." Liu Xianghou said in fear.

Fang Shiming has been in charge of the circle of friends for many years, killing decisively and gaining a lot of power, but if it's just like this, then it's nothing to be afraid of.

The point is that he is still a ghost master, and he is one of the earliest ghost masters, so his mental and emotional instability is not stable.

It is not unheard of for people to kill people just because they disagreed with each other.

If Zhang Jiang hadn't stopped him just now, maybe if he said one more word, Fang Shiming would have shot in anger.

As time passed, Fang Shiming tapped on the table slowly, and the crisp sound echoed, making the entire meeting room quite depressing.

"Mr. Fang, will we provoke Luo Yi with such a big fanfare, will it cause backlash from the headquarters?" Zhang Jiang hesitated for a moment, but asked aloud.

In his heart, Luo Yi was already dead, no ghost master could survive under the siege of a captain and twelve ghost masters.

But it is easy to solve a Luo Yi, how should Moments face the accountability of the headquarters?

How much the headquarters value Luo Yi can be seen from Wang Xiaoming's attitude.

So his worries were not groundless, but based on facts.

"Aren't you worried too?" Fang Shiming opened his eyes, his dangerous eyes swept over everyone's face like a poisonous snake, watching everyone's reaction.

The reason why the circle of friends can influence the decision-making of the headquarters is because there are their spokespersons in the headquarters, not only ghost masters, but also administrative managers and high-level executives.

Similarly, the headquarters has also placed people in the circle of friends. This is like Infernal Affairs. There is me in you, and you in me. How to develop and grow under the constraints of the other party will test the scheming and means of the person at the helm. .

When Zhang Jiang raised this question, it may not mean that the headquarters did not intend to investigate the word of mouth in the circle of friends. Of course, Zhang Jiang may not be from the headquarters, but he may have been influenced by some people.

Zhang Jiang looked at Fang Shiming and said that it was impossible not to be afraid.

Fang Shiming was not in a hurry to speak, and just let him hang out, which also meant beating.

When a person is no longer a fanatical fan of the circle of friends, it means that this person has more or less strange thoughts, but Fang Shiming doesn't care about all of this, because he knows that as long as he continues to sit in this position, no matter what Whether the people below are traitorous or loyal, they can't make waves.

After a while, Fang Shiming sneered: "Luo Yi may be special, but he will never be the pillar of the headquarters. This is like a decoration. As long as you smashed a load-bearing wall, even if there is some noise that affects other people's rest, so what?" , isn’t it because you can’t eat or drink water, which will delay the spiritual situation in the whole country?”

He is very decisive, instead of being obedient, it is better to admit it directly and face it forcefully.Because he knows that showing weakness at this time is definitely the most stupid behavior.

Fang Shiming's approach is consistent with Luo Yi's immediate declaration of war on the circle of friends after Luo Yi fell into a deep sleep incident. At this time, if you show a little timidity, your opponent will press on like a wolf. Don't dare to move.

Zhang Jiangdao: "Cao Yanhua's identity is there after all, if he is pushed into a hurry"

"If Cao Yanhua dares to take any action, tell him that I can kill Luo Yi, I can also kill Li Jun, I can kill Cao Yang, I can kill all the captains under him, and make his headquarters an empty shell , if he knows current affairs, what happened today will be treated as if nothing happened." Fang Shiming sneered.

Zhang Jian's eyelids twitched, feeling that Fang Shiming had gone too far, "Boss Fang, is it too hard? If Cao Yanhua hears this, I'm afraid he will jump over the wall in a hurry and really start a war with my circle of friends."

"Hahaha", Fang Shiming laughed loudly, "You think highly of Cao Yanhua and others, who are they, some fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid who values ​​face more than anything else?"

"Remember, Cao Yanhua is a politician, he talks about interests, Wang Xiaoming is a researcher, he talks about value, as for other people like Shen Liang, they are just high-level wage earners, their positions naturally determine their thinking, that is to control Control the situation, don't let the situation escalate, under such circumstances, do you think he will be willing to pay a few more captains, just to stand up for Luo Yi, a dead man?"

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if Cao Yanhua is angry in his heart and chooses to fight in a hurry, Li Chiguo is above him, and Mr. Zhang and others are above Li Chiguo. What is Cao Yanhua, and what has he done?"

Fang Shiming took a sip of water with a disdainful expression.

"Do you know why I didn't join the headquarters, and would rather stay in the circle of friends and be the boss of the company? It's because I have seen through this point. These people, looking forward and backward, want everything, and don't want to pay anything. What big things can they accomplish?"

Zhang Jian nodded with understanding, "Boss Fang is right, maybe this matter has not risen to that level, and Cao Yanhua will be opposed by the ghost masters below. People like us have a short life span, and we take our lives as human beings." How many people are willing to do revenge?"

There will only be more people who choose to stop losses in time than imagined.

Don't overestimate people's integrity, and don't underestimate people's greed for life and fear of death.

After a moment of silence, Fang Shiming spoke again: "How long has it been, why is there still no movement?"

According to his estimation, Jiang Shangbai's actions should have results.

Zhang Jiang glanced at the time, "It's been exactly an hour since Team Jiang set off."

"If it goes well, Jiang Shangbai should call back now." Fang Shiming's eyes twitched, "Go and check to see what he is doing, is the matter settled?"

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little bad, but it shouldn't be. Jiang Shangbai, a captain who has controlled three ghosts, plus more than a dozen core members of the circle of friends, can't he handle a Luo Yi?
"Could it be that the headquarters made a move?" Fang Shiming asked suspiciously.

Zhang Jiang grabbed the phone, stood up, and went out to make a call.

At this time, a staff member knocked on the door, "Mr. Fang, Li Yao is asking to see you. Look?"

"Li Yao?"

Fang Shiming frowned, "What is she doing here?"

Although Li Yao is a social butterfly in the circle of friends and has connections with many powerful figures in the circle of friends, her status is actually not high. At least in Fang Shiming's eyes, she is just an ordinary person with no special features except for her good looks .

"Let her in." Fang Shiming hesitated and said, he decided to meet Li Yao, in case she had any information?

Soon the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded, and a woman with a good figure and a soft face walked in with her slender waist twisted.

Li Yao's skin is white and beautiful, her upper body is a knitted short jacket, which perfectly covers her upturned and round chest, her lower body is matched with a small black leather skirt, and her white and firm long straight legs are exposed. When walking, It vibrates slightly back and forth, accompanied by a burst of neither light nor heavy perfume, which is quite eye-catching.

"This woman!" Fang Shiming frowned.

Li Yao seems to have a lot of experience in dressing and dressing, knowing what to reveal and what to hide. When it makes people's eyes shine, it also gives people endless reverie.

From the moment she came in, the eyes of all the men present seemed to be glued to her body.

This is a natural stunner, charming and sexy, when the eyes are rolling, the charm catches people.

Li Yao didn't show any dislike for these wolf-like gazes, on the contrary, she brushed her hair around her ear, showing a slightly shy smile.

A mix of slutty and dignified, pure and sexy.

"Fox spirit!"

Fang Shiming cursed from the bottom of his heart, but he had to admit that after the addition of a woman like Li Yao in this conference room, the originally dull atmosphere seemed to come alive all of a sudden.

"Li Yao, what do you want from me?" Fang Shiming said coldly, interrupting Li Yao who was performing there.

Li Yao was taken aback, "Yeah, why am I here?"

Originally, she had already got off work at this time, and she was almost back to her residence, but there seemed to be a traction in the dark that brought her back to the Ping An Building.

And during this process, she didn't notice the slightest abnormality.

"Could it be that I was influenced by ghosts?" Li Yao frowned, a thought flashed in her eyes.

"Is it because I deal too much with ghost masters? Or is someone plotting against me?"

Li Yao suddenly remembered the last time she suddenly appeared on a busy street.

That time was also so inexplicable.

"The biggest possibility is that they were influenced by these people. Most of these ghost masters are perverts. It's normal to have fun and make some messy tricks."

Li Yao didn't doubt it too much, because this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice.

What's more, she works in Ping'an Building, and the people here are basically ghost masters. Over time, they have been infected with a lot of ghosts.

"Li Yao, you can't hear me, are you still pretending to be deep here?" Fang Shiming said dissatisfied.

Ask yourself, this Li Yao just stood there in a daze like a fool.

"Sorry, Mr. Fang, I was just thinking about how to talk to you better."

Li Yao came back to her senses, looked at Fang Shiming with an angry face, her heart sank, she could fool other people in her circle of friends, but she didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of this one.

Those who serve others with color will lose their color and love to relax.

Naturally, Li Yao hasn't reached the point of fading, but her shortcoming is obvious, that is, her work ability is average.

However, Fang Shiming valued this very much.

Her biggest advantage is that she has a good skin, and her scheming and eloquence are also good. This is her capital to walk among many men.

But Fang Shiming was different, he was so deeply eroded by spirituality that he basically no longer had the need for female sex.

The biggest weapon is gone, how dare she dare to act presumptuously in front of Fang Shiming.

While Li Yao was replying, she quickly thought about the countermeasures. Fortunately, she was not stupid, so she jumped out with an excuse immediately.

"I heard that Team Jiang led people to intercept and kill Luo Yi. I was a little worried, and I couldn't let it go after thinking about it. That's why I thought about coming up to have a look."

"Oh, these people talk to you about everything, it seems that you serve them well." Fang Shiming sneered and looked at Li Yao with disdain.

Who they are and how they are served is self-evident.

Hearing this, Li Yao's face turned red, and she didn't know whether it was shame or anger.

Some things can be done but not said, especially in front of so many people.

Fang Shiming watched coldly, while Li Yao in front of him lowered her head, with a pitiful look who dared not speak out.

"Raise your head!" Fang Shiming said forcefully.

Li Yao put her fingers together, her nails stuck into her palms, and a tingling pain came from her, which made her wake up slightly.

"President Fang, do you have any orders?"

Li Yao is also a character, but she suppressed her dissatisfaction in the blink of an eye and put on a flattering face.

"You seem a little weird today?" Fang Shiming raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

Li Yao's heart moved, and a faint uneasiness emerged, but she didn't investigate it carefully, but chose to deal with Fang Shiming in front of her first.

"Why is it so strange? Could it be that it is beautiful?" Li Yao pursed her red lips, raised her brows, and smiled at Fang Shiming.

Earthy love story, the effect is obvious.

Fang Shiming scolded in dissatisfaction, "What a mess, put away your tricks, it's useless to me!"

"Mr. Fang, look..." Li Yao was not angry when she was reprimanded. As a social butterfly, it is instinctive to listen to others.

In the circle of friends, He Tianxiong is cunning, Jiang Shangbai is arrogant, and Fang Shiming is conceited.

Didn't he look down on her, so as long as you don't provoke him, it will basically not lead to a fatal disaster.

Because the arrogant elephant is too lazy to kill the skinny ants.

"Forget it, go down and find a place to sit down!" Fang Shiming said with a curled lip.

She guessed it right, in Fang Shiming's view, he himself is an elephant, while Li Yao is just a little ant that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, he despises her and doesn't bother to care about her.

"Hehe." Li Yao turned around, secretly proud of herself.

She didn't dare to offend Fang Shiming, but it didn't mean she couldn't deal with people like Fang Shiming.

No, just one word made Fang Shiming bored and told her to go away.

Li Yao glanced at it for a few times, and checked the information of the ghost masters present in her heart.

"It's up to you!" Li Yao made up her mind and walked towards the center.

"Liu Xiang, right? I've heard that there is a very capable ghost master in Moments. I haven't seen you for a long time. Today I saw you in person. You are indeed a good-looking person, quite outstanding!"

Li Yao pulled up the chair and sat next to Liu Xiang familiarly.

Liu Xiang's nose twitched, and a soft, feminine fragrance came. When he raised his eyes, he happened to see the abnormal plumpness.

Hearing Li Yao's praise again, his complexion turned red, and even his bones became lighter by three points.

"Another rookie!" Li Yao secretly laughed inwardly, "See if I can take you down in three minutes!"


Just when Li Yao and Liu Xianglang were having a hot fight, Zhang Jiang ran in quickly.

"It's not good, Mr. Fang!"

Fang Shiming's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he said angrily: "How decent is it to panic!"

Zhang Jiang was caught by the fierceness in Fang Shiming's eyes, and his tone was three minutes slower, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, I lost my composure, but this matter is really urgent!"

"Speak!" Fang Shiming raised his hand.

Zhang Jiang said: "Team Jiang is dead!"

"What, Jiang Shangbai is dead?"

"Zhang Jiang, did you make a mistake?
"How did Jiang Shangbai die? Could it be that the people in charge of the headquarters took action?"

"Damn it, I knew the headquarters was not a good thing, and it really is secretly plotting against us!"


Fang Shiming hadn't spoken yet, but the crowd was already raging.

"Shut up!"

Fang Shiming slapped the table angrily, staring fiercely at the few people who were talking below with a pair of tiger eyes.

After a few breaths, the conference room became quiet again under Fang Shiming's pressure.

"Zhang Jiang, tell me, clarify the matter, and explain it to me clearly!"

"Yes, Mr. Fang," Zhang Jiang swallowed, and said nervously: "When Team Jiang led people to intercept and kill Luo Yi, Luo Yi, Wang Xiaoming, and Li Jun happened to deal with the ghost escape incident. Team Jiang felt that although they It came out of the supernatural incident, but with the ferocity of the ghost messengers, they must have suffered a lot, so they decided to attack directly."

"On the way, Cao Yanhua and others persuaded him once, but under Jiang Dui's insistence and Luo Yi's arrogance, the two sides still fought."

"This fight is not good. Team Jiang and the twelve ghost masters brought with him were wiped out in Luo Yi's ghost domain."

Fang Shiming sat up straight, "Wait a minute, you are saying that Luo Yi was the one who shot, is the information accurate?"

"Exactly, I asked several people present, and I can be sure that he was the only one who made the move from the beginning to the end." Zhang Jiang looked a little scared, Luo Yi can kill Jiang Shangbai and the twelve ghost masters, then he can easily kill them. over him.

"Perhaps, declaring war on the circle of friends is not a gimmick, but that the other party really has the strength." Zhang Jiang thought, but now it is too late to regret, he has long been tied to the big ship of the circle of friends, even if he thinks about it now, It was too late.

"Didn't you say that the circle of friends is the most powerful force of ghost masters? Why did you tell me that the captain was dead as soon as I joined?" Liu Xiang just joined Jiang Shangbai's team, and he was caught by this news before he knew the situation of the circle of friends. The son was stunned.

Fang Shiming was furious, "How dare you dare to kill people in my circle of friends. It seems that Fang Shiming hasn't done anything for a long time, and these newcomers don't know how to respect and order."

"No, Mr. Fang, look quickly." Liu Xiang suddenly screamed, jumped up from the chair as if frightened, and pointed out the window with his hand.

Fang Shiming raised his eyes and saw that the overwhelming red light outside the window was like a tide, and in just an instant, it enveloped the hundreds of meters high Ping An Building.

"This is, Luo Yi?" Fang Shiming's complexion changed, the red light and the strange scent of incense were exactly the same as those in the information.

Fear appeared on Zhang Jiang's face, "It's him. After he killed Captain Jiang, he threatened to bury our entire circle of friends and clean up Dajing City!"

"Hey, are you a pig? You can't tell the urgency of the matter. Why are you reporting this matter now?" Fang Shiming was annoyed, and threw the information in front of Zhang Jiang's face.

Zhang Jiang was a little speechless and aggrieved, "Didn't you ask me to report everything according to what happened? I just happened to say this, and I didn't know he moved so fast!"

"I was killed by you. If you had said earlier that Luo Yi was coming, we could at least set up some traps to lure him. Now, what do you think?" a ghost master said angrily.

"I..." Zhang Jiang was stunned speechless.

Fang Shiming calmed down quickly, "Don't panic, this is our meeting room, all the walls, including the ceiling and the floor, are plated with gold, and his ghosts won't be able to invade here for a while."

Hearing his words, everyone felt a little relieved.

Gold can isolate supernatural beings. With this buffer time, they can at least organize a wave of effective defense and attack strategies.

"Li Yao, what are you doing!"

Below the meeting room, Liu Xiang's voice suddenly sounded.

The ghost masters followed the sound and saw that Li Yao tore off the gold beaded necklace from her neck, picked up the ashtray on the table, and smashed it down like crazy.

"What are you doing?" Liu Xiang asked angrily.

Li Yao's eyes were bloodshot, she didn't care about Liu Xiang's words, and every time she hit her, her face became ugly, as if something was quickly affecting her.

On the table, the gold shattered one by one, and jets of black pus flowed out, accompanied by all kinds of unspeakable stench.

"Stop her quickly, there are evil spirits in that bead!"

Fang Shiming roared angrily, no longer his usual calmness and confidence, replaced by a touch of panic.

The others were directly stunned by this scene.

"There are evil spirits inside the beads. Just now Mr. Fang said that this room is plated with gold, which can isolate the ghosts. What will happen if evil spirits appear here?"

Zhang Jiang felt horrified, because it meant that the consequences would not come out, and they would definitely be targeted by evil spirits!
Liu Xiang grabbed the hair and pulled away the crazy Li Yao, but the next moment his pupils shrank, because he saw that all the golden beads were broken.

The electric current buzzed, the lights went out in the blink of an eye, and the entire conference room was pitch black.

He couldn't see his fingers, and a palm suddenly appeared on his shoulder. At the same time, there were one after another of cold ghosts spreading, and the smell of corpses spread all over the place, and one after another figure walked quickly.

No, that's not human.

Those are all ghosts!
(End of this chapter)

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