Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 270 Temporary Takeover

Chapter 270 Temporary Takeover
"He Tianxiong, whether you survive or not depends on yourself."

Luo Yi unfolded a piece of paper in his palm, on which was an address, which was given to him by He Tianxiong on his first day in Dajing City.

The speed of Huangquan is very fast, and the distance of more than [-] kilometers can be reached in the blink of an eye.

Under Huang Quan's ability to isolate ghosts and modify reality, Luo Yi crashed into a villa with a straight, brutal and fierce posture.

The turbulent spirit washed away like a tide, and all the doors, furniture, and home appliances were quickly removed one by one, then the ceiling, the partition, and then the entire villa.

Cao Yang looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help being speechless. This man's style of dealing with supernatural powers completely overturned his cognition.

Soon, a huge void appeared where the two were standing, and Luo Yi once again erased the building in front of him, leaving only a small room with a square of three meters.

Cao Yang stretched out his hand to grab it, and the white wall peeled off, revealing a touch of gold inside, "This is covered with a layer of gold, and Fang Shiming may be inside."

"Light the ghost candle, and we'll deal with him here this time!" Luo Yi ordered coldly.

Cao Yang ignited the red ghost candle with his hands and feet, and the ghostly green ghost fire swayed, reflecting the gloomy surroundings.

Luo Yi controlled a huge stone in the distance to knock open the gate, and quickly forced in with a knife.

"People are not here!"

Luo Yi looked around, and he could see everything in the small room. There was a table, a chair, a simple bookshelf behind it, and nothing else.

"The drawer is opened, and there are still a few gold boxes left on the bookshelf. Fang Shiming just left!" Cao Yang quickly analyzed, "It should be your restart that interrupted his hunting, making him feel unsure of how to deal with it." You, so I chose to escape from here in advance."

"I have to say that this Fang Shiming is very vigilant. He has already thought that you may have obtained the location of his residence."

Luo Yi calmly said: "He can live for such a long time, so he will not be an idiot, but now he is in trouble."

As soon as Fang Shiming left, the note in Luo Yi's hand was useless. Now that the offense and defense were switched, Luo Yi was in the light and Fang Shiming was in the dark.

The consequences of being targeted by a top ghost master are even more terrifying than carrying an evil ghost on your back, because you don't know when his attack will come.

"I'm here to find him!" Cao Yang took out a thin and thin box from his arms, which looked a bit like a women's makeup foundation box, but Luo Yi knew it was not because it was made of gold.

"It seems that Cao Yanhua was right to send me here," Cao Yang thought, "I'm afraid he is also betting that Luo's ability will survive Fang Shiming's long-range attack, and betting that Fang Shiming will not dare to confront him head-on."

Fang Shiming chose to leave, which explained a lot of things, and Cao Yang's hanging heart was a little more stable at the moment.

"This supernatural object of mine can track people and locate them. As long as Fang Shiming is not hiding in a safe house, I can determine his location."

Cao Yang opened the small box while speaking, and inside was an object similar to a pocket watch.

"This is a compass?" Luo Yi said, although the style was quite different from the current one, he recognized it immediately.

As a forest ranger in his previous life, he had to deal with this thing a lot.

"That's right, but I prefer to call it the ghost needle. I got it in a supernatural event." Cao Yang placed the compass on the table.

This object is covered with traces of time, the glass is broken, the paint on the outside has fallen off, there are still many scratches on the edges, and the scale inside has been blurred, almost unrecognizable.

The only thing that is well preserved is the pointer inside, but this pointer is not consistent with the usual ones, the whole body of this pointer is pitch black, and the tip is sharp.

When Luo Yi touched the object, he didn't feel the roundness of the old object at all, but instead felt a chilling coldness.

"How does this thing work?" Luo Yi asked.

A compass will point the way, but this thing obviously doesn't point south, since it's used to find ghosts.

"I just need a bit of Fang Shiming's supernatural power." Cao Yang opened the drawer, found some things that Fang Shiming might have used, and put them under the ghost needle.

Soon, the pitch-black pointer began to move like a shark smelling blood, and began to rotate continuously inside the dial.

When the ghost appeared, the feeling of gloom was even worse.

Soon, the fingertips stopped.

"Over there!" Cao Yang grabbed the pointer and stood beside Luo Yi.

A red light flashed, and Luo Yi led him forward at high speed.

"Huh!" Cao Yang let out a light snort, feeling very surprised.

"what happened?"

"It seems to have passed?"

Luo Yi frowned, but the two had just set off, could it be that this thing is broken?
Cao Yang held up the ghost pointer, and could see that the pointer on it was pointing right behind the two of them. Not only that, but there were more and more scratches and cracks on this object. It seemed that it was rapidly damaged as it was used. generally.

"How accurate is this thing?" Luo Yi asked seriously.

Cao Yang also knew that now was not the time to joke, so he immediately said, "I've used it three times, and once was right!"

"Did he not go too far away?" Luo Yi chose to believe Cao Yang.

It is said that Fang Shiming might be playing tricks on the three caves of the cunning rabbit. After all, who would have thought that Fang Shiming who escaped did not go far at all, but was just a street away.

Luo Yi fell back again, but the ghost needle suddenly pointed to the other side, and it trembled greatly, and it quickly turned in a circle. Finally, the glass on it completely peeled off, the black disappeared, and the pointer turned red, as bright as blood.

"No, he disappeared, and it's beyond the scope of the Ghost Needle!" Cao Yang hastily withdrew the use, with a look of distress in his eyes. If this item is used at most once, it will be completely scrapped.

"The Ghost Needle can only search for [-] kilometers around, beyond this distance is useless." Cao Yang explained.

Luo Yi nodded sullenly and said, "Fifty kilometers in an instant, Fang Shiming really has some means, but it's not enough!"

Obviously, he noticed Luo Yi and left quickly.

The ghost domain opened, and blood spread everywhere. Inside the ghost domain, a blood moon emerged, and the smell of incense paper candles filled the air. The terrifying aura broke through the dark clouds in the sky, and the cold wind blew the surrounding high-rise buildings.

"What are you?" Cao Yang couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at the rapidly expanding Ghost Domain.

"I'm taking over this city. Even if the entire city of Dajing is turned upside down tonight, I still have to find Fang Shiming. His life is decided!"

After many days, Luo Yi once again completely spread out the ghost domain of worshiping the gods, but the previous time was spontaneous and supernatural, this time it was Luo Yi's initiative.

But there is not much difference in all of this, because the Huangquan controlled by Luo Yi has completely covered Dajing City.

At this moment, countless people who had not yet fallen into a deep sleep raised their heads and saw a terrifying scene.

A round of blood moon hung high over Dajing City, the dazzling blood color even covered the bright white moonlight, and the blood color continued to condense and deepen until it was almost indistinguishable from blood in the end.

The red light spreads all over the field. This kind of light is different from the moonlight and the light, because it will soak through the cracks and enter one dark place after another.

In just a dozen or so breaths, Dajing City was completely lit up with blood, all the darkness was driven away, and the sins had nowhere to hide.

During this process, Luo Yi met many people, some familiar, some unfamiliar, some completely unfamiliar, and even some strange scientific monsters.

Many people knelt down devoutly under this miraculous scene, even some robbers who robbed and stole stopped their hands, and countless objects slipped from their hands.

Some boldly took out their mobile phones, eager to record the wonderful scene at this moment, but when they turned on the mobile phone camera, they suddenly found that the world was as thick as blood, all the scenery was turning red, and all the colors were turning red. It is fading, and it seems that only this boundless blood is left in the world.

The sound of "chachacha" sounded, and the camera began to shatter. It seemed that this ordinary object could not resist, or even record.

The screen of the mobile phone goes off, and what follows is like a chain reaction, street lights, car lights, office buildings, dormitories, and residential areas.
The light of the whole world was suddenly extinguished, and only the only blood red in the world remained in the eyeballs.

Countless people held broken mobile phones and stood there as if they were stupid.

But the red light came and went quickly.

The lights came on one by one, and Dajing City began to restore its original order. Only those who are sober at this moment know what they have just experienced!
In the headquarters, in the huge conference room, a group of people were smoking cigarettes, waiting for the biggest event of the night to settle down.

"Bu Cao, take a break, you are an ordinary person, you can't stand it." Gao Ming walked over and handed Cao Yanhua a glass of warm water.

He rarely worked overtime today!
"It's not the time yet," Cao Yanhua took a sip of water, bloodshot eyes had covered his eyeballs, making him look a bit scary.

"Tonight is really long, I just hope there will be no more troubles!" Cao Yanhua looked at the neon flickering in the distance, his wrinkles were deep, sitting in this position is not as beautiful as outsiders think, in fact, he is quite haggard and exhausted .

But he knew he couldn't go down just yet, especially tonight.

He has to wait for a result.

This result is very important, and will even affect the spiritual situation in the country.

"I just hope it will be a good result." Cao Yanhua thought in his heart.

"What is Luo Yi doing? He has used up all of this ghost domain. Is he planning to wipe out Dajing City?"

Suddenly, Chen Yi's slightly panicked voice sounded.

His sound directly woke up everyone in the meeting room.

Before everyone could speak, a red light came from far to near, filling the entire meeting room in just an instant.

The cold came, and ordinary people felt the chill, but the ghost masters felt a little frightened, because their evil spirits were somewhat suppressed, which showed that someone was trying their best to revive the power of the evil spirits.

Guo Fan's expression was shocked, "He won't revive the evil spirit, right? It was like this last time."

"Professor Wang", Li Jun suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his five fingers, but caught nothing.

"Professor Wang is gone!"

"Cao Yanhua is gone too!"

"Not only them, those clerks and guards are gone!"

A little bit of incense rose, and the blood in the air became thicker and more dignified.

The ghost domain deepens!
"It's not that they're gone, maybe we're gone." Li Jun said in a deep voice, "I'm pretty sure that this is Luo Yi's ghost domain. He used this method to isolate the reality and the supernatural, and screened us out."

"Why would he do this?" Gao Ming asked puzzled.

"Perhaps we should ask Fang Shiming about this!"

Luo Yi closed his eyes, but the surrounding vision was constantly presented in his mind. This was the visual world transmitted back from the ghost domain.

"Too much, how much time will it take me to continue like this." Luo Yi felt his head swell slightly, and it was extremely difficult for even the body of the evil spirit to process so much information.

"Get out the ordinary people first, and focus on the ghost masters!"

Press the handle lightly, the three-color field of vision of Ghost Slaying Knife is triggered, and the supernatural power is activated. All the white objects are left in place, and the remaining gray is covered by an irresistible force, and it is pulled away in the blink of an eye. Come in.

These people are ghost masters.

"As expected of Dajing City, there are more ghost masters than I imagined." Luo Yi roughly estimated that he had pulled nearly 300 people into the ghost domain just now.

"I have to check to see if there is anyone I'm looking for among these people!" Luo Yi took a step forward, and this step reached a height of more than a hundred meters, but he didn't fall, as if there was something invisible underneath. supporting him.

He didn't stop, but continued to walk a few steps forward, and finally disappeared strangely with a flicker of his figure.

As his figure dissipated, the biting cold wind that was blowing subsided instantly, and everything around him became lifeless, without a trace of life.

With a thought, Luo Yi came from the west of the city to the east of the city, and saw the first ghost driver he pulled into the kingdom of worshiping gods. A pair of flip flops, with a waist pocket in his left hand, and an adult magazine in his right hand, a few pieces of paper were flying in the air, and there was a smell of fish.

"Unlucky!" Luo Yi waved his sleeves, and the surging spirit knocked him back into reality.

Appears, disappears, appears again, disappears again.
In the whole city, many Luo Yi appeared at the same time. He walked past these ghost masters and disappeared in a flash. Except for a few people, almost no one noticed his existence.

This is Luo Yi's ghost land, as long as he wants, he can appear in any place, no time, no interval, as long as the thought comes together, the person will come.

Except for gold, nothing can stop him. Buildings, shopping malls, bank vaults, etc. can penetrate everything. Unless it is a safe house built with gold, otherwise, this city has almost no secrets in front of his ghost domain. Word.

"Have you found it?" Cao Yang looked at Luo Yi, who was constantly solid and illusory, and knew that this was not the blurred figure caused by the flickering of the light, but the afterimage caused by the speed too fast.

"He's not in the ghost master." Luo Yi's voice came, and the voice was intermittent, because he would leave every time he said a word, and he would add the second word when he came back next time.

"Not among ordinary people, nor among ghost masters, then only the safe house is left." Cao Yang analyzed.

Luo Yi nodded but did not respond. He put all the ghost masters back on the first floor, and ordinary people didn't notice that all the leaders and captains appeared in reality.

Li Jun also saw Wang Xiaoming, Cao Yanhua and others again.

"It seems that Luo Yi is looking for someone, and Fang Shiming may have run away." After Li Jun's description, Wang Xiaoming said calmly.

"It's a good thing, but I wonder if he can find it?" Cao Yanhua murmured as he looked at the re-lit lights.

Guo Fan curled his lips, "I turned Dajing City upside down, if you still can't find it, then it's really strange!"

(End of this chapter)

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