Chapter 279 Plan ahead
After getting rid of Xiong Wenwen, Luo Yi took Huang Shiyu back to the Peace Building.

As soon as he walked into the elevator, the satellite positioning phone rang. Tang Wanwan asked him to stay in the hotel at three o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, a special person would come to pick him up to participate in the ghost master conference at the headquarters.

The specific content of the meeting, Tang Wanwan did not say clearly, but anyone who is well-informed knows that it is related to the Moments incident.

After all, the destruction of such a large force will bring considerable opportunities and benefits.

Capital is cruel, especially as a force. This meeting is probably a way to divide the cake, and it is also a test and respect for Luo Yi.

This is not contradictory, everyone wants to see his attitude.

"Okay, I know, I will stay in this hotel then." Luo Yi replied.

He has to go to this meeting. He can't take away the sphere of influence and fixed assets of the circle of friends, but he will naturally not let go of some things that can be taken away.

"By the way, bring little sister Xiao Yu with you this time. Mr. Qin will attend the meeting in the afternoon, and you can meet him then." Tang Wanwan added.

"And keep a low profile in the afternoon. You have been too popular these days, and you have attracted the attention and fear of many forces. I know you are not afraid of them, but there is no need to turn against them."

"I understand." Luo Yi said calmly.

If the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it; when it is piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent; if the walking is higher than the people, the crowd will not be against it.

He destroyed the circle of friends, allowing everyone to benefit, but also entered the field of vision of many forces. At this time, being too arrogant and arrogant will only make enemies and only arouse people's hatred.

No one likes the rise of a grassroots, because it usually represents the shock of the situation, and some people fall from the altar.

Everyone will be afraid, you Luo Yi can kill Moments today, can you kill me tomorrow?
Although this reason seems absurd, it actually exists.

Crisis awareness is sometimes made up of such erroneous understanding deviations and transmission noises.

"Who are the people who participated in this meeting?" Luo Yi asked.

"Most of them are candidates for this captain's plan, but not all of them, just a part of them. After all, the branch still needs someone to take charge, and it is impossible to transfer everyone to Dajing City." Tang Wanwan said, "These There is a good chance that it will be your future colleague."

Luo Yi hung up the phone noncommittally, sorted out some things again, and then slowly went downstairs with Huang Shiyu.

The person who picked him up had already arrived.

Jiang Cheng drove the car slowly, his face was stiff, and he looked at Luo Yi with admiration and fear.Although he is an ordinary person, he has been working at the headquarters for a year and has his own channels for understanding many things.

If Luo Yi was just a particularly good ghost master at the beginning, then he is now a one-man army and a power controller.

According to the world view of ordinary people, it is impossible for one person to fight against a force and group, but Luo Yi did it, and he not only managed to fight, but even destroyed the other party.

This is a bit appalling.

It can be said that Luo Yi's actions were expected by all insiders, but they were beyond their expectations.

Luo Yi glanced at him, but didn't speak. He could roughly guess three points of Jiang Cheng's thoughts. When a person who usually laughs and fights with you suddenly rises to the sky after a period of time, he becomes a figure at the top of a pyramid. Sometimes, even individuals will feel unbelievable.

Fear, curiosity, surprise, lack of confidence... All kinds of emotions weighed on Jiang Cheng's heart, making him look quite unnatural.

"He seems to be more indifferent than before, and his power is more profound. When I see him, I feel a little trembling and uneasy." Jiang Cheng peeked through the rearview mirror of the car thinking that there was no trace.

Luo Yi felt his tense palm and slightly accelerated heartbeat, wanted to say something, but finally didn't say it.

Did Luo Yi change? In fact, he didn’t. His attitude towards Jiang Cheng didn’t change because he destroyed the circle of friends. Everything was due to Jiang Cheng’s own inner limit, which made him more cautious, cautious in words and deeds , not daring to show the slightest presumptuousness in front of Luo Yi.

"Perhaps this is why the superiors have fewer and fewer friends!" Luo Yi sighed inwardly.

It's not that I have changed, but that when the things I do reflect back a lot of halo influence, I let other people consciously lower their posture, and when the two ends of the balance are not equal, the relationship is out of the category of friends.

Jiang Cheng looked at Luo Yi with a calm and indifferent face, feeling a little lost in his heart, but what he didn't know was that he didn't lose Luo Yi as a friend, but himself.

The vehicle was driving towards a remote mountainous area. After reaching a certain intersection, there was no display on the map, and there was no clear route on the navigation to allow the vehicle to continue moving forward.

But in fact, a wide and straight road has been extended into the mountains.

The speed of the car was fast, and the road was a bit desolate, full of some weird and mysterious atmosphere, but Luo Yi didn't have much curiosity in his heart.

On the one hand, it is because he has already seen Wang Xiaoming's laboratory, and he knows the autumn when a leaf falls, and the whole leopard when he sees it.

On the other hand, it was because he used the ghost domain to cover the entire Dajing City when he was searching for Fang Shiming, so he had a general understanding of the basic situation here.

"Although the confidant's serious troubles have been eliminated, there are still a lot of things left." Luo Yi unconsciously tapped his fingers on the seat, his mind slowly fell silent.

"First of all, it is necessary to sacrifice the evil spirits captured, so that the gods can continue to grow, and then you need to forge a ghost-slaying knife, and then you need to determine the source of materials for the gods to grow."

The first point is fundamental, but it is also the simplest. Luo Yi believes that after he has dealt with those evil spirits, the Kingdom of Sacrificial Gods will definitely become stronger, and there may be some additional surprises.

The second point is important, but it takes a lot of effort to implement it. I'm afraid it can't be decided in a day or two.

The third point is that Luo Yi has a few ideas. He is different from ordinary ghost masters. His ghosts have growth attributes, which requires him to constantly plunder resources to cultivate them.

At the beginning, they were imprisoned and sacrificed one by one through their own efforts. Later, they destroyed the Fenglu Club, and then the circle of friends. Luo Yi had very limited options for the rest. One was the headquarters, one was the headquarters. It's a ghost forum.

Elder Qin in the headquarters is still alive, so he can't move for the time being. The supernatural forum has been huddled in Dahai City, and he has no contact with him.

"Then the rest are the cemetery, the ghost bus, the Caesar Hotel, the ghost post office, the ghost painting, and the ghost lake!"

After thinking about it, Luo Yi was the first to exclude the cemetery, because Luo Qian would not allow himself to dig a grave there.

The uncertainty of the ghost bus is too high. Sometimes you can meet four or five ghosts in one stop, and sometimes you can’t meet one in a day.

The Caesars Hotel is located in a downtown area, and it involves some inexplicable layouts, and because of the blood-eyed ghost incident, Luo Yi doesn't want to go back there.

Although there are many ghosts in the ghost lake, Luo Yi does not want to control its ghosts like Yang Jian. Without controlling the ghost lake, it is very difficult to salvage the evil spirits from it.

"Then the rest are ghost paintings and ghost post offices." Luo Yi slowly recalled the information of these two.

Ghost painting is the revival of the entire mystery. The most powerful evil spirit in the ghost domain, it broke out abroad and created a record of destroying a small country. There are not a few ghost masters who died in it.

And as it transits and moves, many less terrifying ones will be included in ghost paintings, which means it has a lot of resources.

The ghost post office is a supernatural place created a long time ago, which includes several managers, dismembered evil spirits, and some failed messengers such as Yang Xiaotian and others. "

But no matter which one they choose, Luo Yi will inevitably face one person, Zhang Xianguang.

This person is stronger than the captain, but has been willing to hide behind the scenes, planning his ideal peach blossom garden.

While other people are still thinking about how to fight for power, consolidate their status, and prolong their lifespan, this person is already thinking about how to save the world. This also shows from the side that the evil spirit controlled by Zhang Xianguang is very stable, allowing him to think and spare energy to plan for the future. The unfulfilled ideal of a generation.

Throughout the entire mysterious recovery, the history here can be roughly divided into three stages. The first one is the old people of the Republic of China headed by Zhang Dong, Luo Qian, and Qin Lao. They suppressed the spiritual recovery of an era;

The second is the middle-aged generation headed by Zhang Xianguang. This generation includes Yang Jian's father Yang Xiaotian, Chen Qiaoyang who was trapped in the Wang family's ancestral house, and Wang Chaling's parents.
The third stage is now, Luo Yi, Yang Jian, Ye Zhen and the captains in preparation.

In the original book, the reason why Yang Jian finally ended the ghost is not because Yang Jian is stronger than Zhang Xianguang, but because among the younger generation, there are more and stronger ghost masters at the captain level. I support Yang Jian even more.

This is why even though Zhang Xianguang was able to hit five with one, he was still defeated by Yang Jian in the end.

The loser has no right to choose. In the end, even if he is unwilling, he can only solve the supernatural recovery according to Yang Jian's method.

Listed in this way, Luo Yi suddenly discovered that the father and son of this family are really not simple.

Lao Tzu eradicates evil spirits with only one hand, and he can be called the most capable ghost master. His son Zhang Xianguang has also blazed a new path based on his father's generation of suppressing ghosts. If it weren't for the appearance of Yang Jian, Zhang Xianguang would most likely use Ghost paintings create a peach blossom source suitable for human survival.

"Thinking about it this way, I still have one thing to do, and that is to get a group of captain-level top players by my side, otherwise I'm afraid I will be the next Zhang Xianguang."

Moral support from many, scant support.

Although Luo Yi has now reached the forefront of most ghost masters, if he is outnumbered like Zhang Xianguang, he probably cannot do it.

At this time, some support is particularly important.

"If Fang Shiming hadn't been a dictator who always wanted to control all the power in his own hands, He Tianxiong would not have betrayed him, and I would never have single-handedly destroyed Moments."

"It's just this person..."

Luo Yi was scratching his head. He could train ordinary ghost masters and even top-notch ghost masters by himself.

But the real captain can't do it. Every captain breaks the tradition and forms a school of his own.

Heart, luck, talent...

There are dozens of chances and coincidences to have such a person.

"Do I want to go the same way as the law enforcement captain?" Luo Yi pondered.

To put it bluntly, this path is to suppress people with great power. Once something happens to him, traitors will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

Therefore, this road is not safe.

Moreover, the reason why Yang Jian was able to become the captain of the law enforcement was not only that he was better than the other captains, but the more important reason was that he had no background and a clean background.

The forces of all parties need such a character to balance the friction and conflict among them.

Luo Yi in the past could also be classified as this type of person, but since he vigorously managed Yuzhou City, trained dozens of ghost masters, and took away the foundation of the circle of friends, he can no longer.

Because all parties will regard him as the new circle of friends by default.

This is why Li Chiguo, Wang Jian, and others at the top of the headquarters opposed him becoming the captain.

"Cao Yang, Li Jun, and Wei Jing are hardcore supporters of the headquarters. Zhang Xun is abroad, but Li Leping can't remember. Liu San is gloomy, Yang Jian is suspicious and selfish, and Shen Lin has little information..."

"Looking at it from this point of view, perhaps the only one who can win over is Yinzi. In addition, Yezhen, who is sick in the second year of middle school, can also be considered, and the quasi-captain named Zhou Deng can also be considered."

"If we train up Xiao Yu, Meng Yi, and Zhang Han, the three of them together can be counted as a captain, plus myself..."

The reason why Luo Yi was not included in Yang Jian was because Yang Jian was too egotistical. He was fine on weekdays, but at critical times, he might abandon Luo Yi and run away.

Several other people also have this risk, but in comparison, it may be better.

"It seems that the ghost lake incident should be mentioned before the ghost post office incident."

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

He Yin'er is a person who refuses to admit defeat, has a bad personality, and accepts death.

To deal with her, just use favors.

Moreover, if you win her over, you might be able to get the approval of the group of Taiping ancient town elders, which is also a good force.

"Captain Luo, we're almost there!" Jiang Cheng reminded softly.

Luo Yi turned his head to face out of the window, and saw a roadblock in the middle of the road, guarded by several special forces with live ammunition. They hung headsets and held special scanning instruments in their hands, carefully checking the special forces. The vehicle with the license plate, the passport in Jiang Cheng's hand, and even confirmed Luo Yi's appearance through the glass.

"Verification passed, release!"

The leader shouted, the roadblock was removed, and Jiang Cheng slowly started the vehicle again.

But this time, after driving for about 10 minutes, I was stopped again, the same inspection steps.

Luo Yi was not impatient, but looked at the surrounding environment.

This place is different from the deserted and deserted place before. Some sentry posts and buildings began to appear here, and there are many satellite communication devices erected on the top of the mountain. These communication devices are in operation with flashing lights.

There were voices coming from behind the mountain. Listening carefully, it seemed to be the chant of the army training. Obviously, the security here is not just a few guards in front of you. Once there is an emergency, a fully armed special forces team can be pulled up here at any time. .

Didi!The phone rang.

Luo Yi took out the satellite phone and found a huge exclamation mark on it, and the network signal in the upper right corner disappeared all of a sudden.

"Have you been blocked?" Luo Yi looked at the phone displaying the warning, wondering.

But soon, he saw the signal display on his satellite positioning mobile phone:
Mode switching.
verify message
Name: Luo Yi, code name: Sishen.
Verification passed, welcome to the headquarters!

"When you get here, the signal will be blocked, and all external devices can only use wireless LAN. This is also to avoid the leakage of confidential information here." Jiang Cheng looked at Luo Yi and explained.

The vehicle finally stopped in front of a building with a large area and magnificent decoration.

"We're here." Jiang Cheng parked the car, walked quickly to the back of the car, and opened the door.

"Well, thank you!" Luo Yi said.

Jiang Cheng grinned, "You're welcome, it's my honor."

Not every special forces team member is qualified to contact ghost masters, especially top ghost masters like Luo Yi, so for Jiang Cheng and the others, sometimes it seems inconspicuous to drive a car, bring water, Maybe these ghost masters can remember themselves.

And this insignificant familiarity might earn him some life in a future supernatural event.

Jiang Cheng sat in the driver's seat and was about to restart the car to leave when Luo Yi's steady and indifferent voice suddenly came from his ear: "Jiang Cheng, Dajing City is the center of the storm, if you are interested, you can consider coming to Yuzhou City. "

"Yuzhou City, I understand, thank you Team Luo!"

Jiang Cheng said softly in the car, because he knew that as long as Luo Yi wanted, he could hear him.

(End of this chapter)

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