Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 281 Calculating Gao Zhiqiang

Chapter 281 Calculating Gao Zhiqiang

Outside the headquarters building, a black car slowly stopped, the door opened, and a shiny black leather shoe appeared first, followed by a young man wearing a light blue suit and a pair of large brown sunglasses.

Luo Yi took out his phone and compared it. This person is the target of this trip, Gao Zhiqiang.

Gao Zhiqiang is 27 and 1.7 years old, about [-] meters [-] in height, outstanding in appearance, with a ruddy complexion, and a frivolous smile always hangs on the corner of his mouth, as if he looks down on everything.

"The liar is really powerful!" Luo Yixin said.

The skin on the exposed arms and neck of this person is delicate and fair, and there is no stench or corpse spots on his body. On the contrary, he appears to be physically strong through regular exercise. He doesn't look like a ghost master at all, but like a well-maintained rich man.

But according to the data, this person has been a ghost master for almost half a year. Unless he is driving a dead ghost, it is impossible for him to be in such a good physical condition.

After Gao Zhiqiang got out of the car, he stopped at the same spot and looked around. Soon, a woman dressed as an operator walked up to him.

"Captain Gao, you're here!" the woman said.

This woman is 1.6 meters tall, with an oval face, almond eyes, fair skin, and a pretty good figure, but her dress is a bit simple, with only light makeup and no matching jewelry.

"So it was you who received the reception!"

"It's me. Those who came to the meeting today will be received by an exclusive operator. I'll take you to the lounge first, and take a rest?" The woman lowered her head, not daring to stare at Gao Zhiqiang, and her body trembled slightly, as if she was a little scared.

"What are you shaking? Aren't you happy to see me?" Gao Zhiqiang put his right hand on the woman's waist, and with five fingers, he hooked the woman into his arms.

The woman struggled, but she was just human.How to compete with the ghost master who has controlled the evil spirit.

"Don't move around, or it will arouse my anger, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." Gao Zhiqiang looked at the woman's face and chest with burning eyes.

"You perverted lunatic." A chill and fear welled up in the woman's heart at this moment.

She felt a big hand behind her slowly descending along her waist, touching it unstoppably while moving, and finally put her hand on her buttocks, kneading constantly.

"High Team!"

The woman's body tensed up suddenly, her eyes looked around like a frightened animal, for fear of being seen.

"Damn it, what are you doing with such tight clothes? Don't you want me to see it?" Gao Zhiqiang pinched the woman's buttocks with his right hand, feeling the soft, smooth and glutinous flesh full and trembling between his fingers, and his heart The evil fire in his body suddenly rose.

The woman was so anxious that tears rolled in her eyes, but she didn't dare to resist, and couldn't resist, so she could only endure all this with grief.

"I thought today was a big occasion, and if I put on my work clothes tightly, I wouldn't attract this scum's prying eyes. I didn't expect that I would not be able to escape this catastrophe!"

In the woman's heart, panic, fear, anger... all emotions are intertwined, and finally turned into tears, falling down like raindrops.

"Don't cry, it makes me seem like I will coerce you, I will let you serve me willingly."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes became even more frightened, and scenes of the past resurfaced in her mind like a horror movie.

"Willingly." She repeated these words, "Is it really willing?"

Gao Zhiqiang joked and said: "I said you are willing, and you will be willing. I can even deceive ghosts. Do you think you can resist?"

"You want to use a ghost?" What the woman had always suspected was finally confirmed. It turned out that the previous incident was not because of her confusion, but because Gao Zhiqiang influenced her with a deceiving ghost.

And now, he wants to use that method again!

When the woman recalled before, she knew that she couldn't fight against the spirit of the evil spirit, and she couldn't even do a little counterattack and stalemate.

This has nothing to do with personal wishes, the ability of evil spirits is so incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"This is the headquarters, don't mess around, or you will get killed."

The woman warned, of course she didn't want to save Gao Zhiqiang. In fact, she had been expecting Gao Zhiqiang to die from the resuscitation of evil spirits, or be buried in supernatural events, but this Gao Zhiqiang was like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death. Can save the day.

"Then you don't have to worry about it. What you have to worry about is how to serve me well and make me feel comfortable." Gao Zhiqiang smiled, and that fake smile made people feel creepy and cold all over.

"Devil, scum, pervert..." The woman cursed Gao Zhiqiang in her heart.

Gao Zhiqiang naturally didn't know what was going on in the woman's heart, or he didn't care if he knew it, because as long as he used a little trick, the woman would take the initiative to post it, and by the time they realized it, it would have been more than ten days later .

"I just like your twitchy look. It looks like you want to refuse or welcome. Don't worry, I will make you very comfortable later." Gao Zhiqiang buried his head in the end of the woman's hair and took a deep breath , some perverted way.

Most of the others would think that Gao Zhiqiang was in good condition and mentally stable just by looking at his appearance, but only she, the operator, knew that this person's private life was chaotic and irritable.And now it seems that he likes to use the power of evil spirits to force women to do things against their will.

"Why isn't he dead, why isn't he dead, why!" Fear turned into anger in the end, the woman wanted to struggle and scream, but her remaining reason stopped her.

She really wanted to push him away, but she knew she couldn't do it, not only because of the disparity in power between the two parties, but also because the headquarters didn't allow it. A tiny operator goes off to deal with a city superintendent.

"Hmm", the woman's pear-blossoming rainy expression, coupled with the helpless struggle like a little sheep, made Gao Zhiqiang more proud, and even the movements of his hands became bolder.


This Gao Zhiqiang actually reached into her clothes and unbuttoned her underwear.

The woman exclaimed, "No."

Gao Zhiqiang said with a sinister smile, "You say no now, but don't keep begging me for more when you stay on the bed later, come faster, be fierce."

The woman looked desperate, but there were no other ghost masters around who stepped forward to save her.

They either didn't find out, or they did and didn't think it was worth offending a ghost rider for someone else's operator.

The woman's complexion was gloomy. If at the beginning she was afraid of being discovered by others about what happened between her and Gao Zhiqiang, and was afraid of gossip, then she is no longer afraid now, because compared to these gossips, Gao Zhiqiang, the demon, is more frightening.

She longed for someone to stand up and stop Gao Zhiqiang, but when she looked up, there was no one around.

"Don't resist, take me to the lounge now, let's get to know each other better." Gao Zhiqiang stretched out his hand and forcibly turned her face away.

"The meeting is about to start in 10 minutes, why don't you wait until the meeting is over." The woman begged with tears in her eyes.

"10 minutes, although it's a bit rushed, but if you perform well, maybe we can all have a good time."


"Don't be too bad." Gao Zhiqiang's face turned cold, and his expression suddenly became stern. At the same time, a chill came out of his body, making the woman tremble, and goose bumps stood up all at once.

"Hold me now, take me to the lounge, and then show me your ventriloquist." Gao Zhiqiang whispered in her ear, the voice was chaotic, deep, and unsteady, like the neighing of a night owl in the evening, or like a demon whisper.

When the woman heard this, her mind went blank for an instant, and she took the initiative to raise her arm to hold Gao Zhiqiang, leading the way step by step.

Through Luo Yi's line of sight, he found that this woman had a strange smile on her face, her eyes were numb and dazed, her joints twisted a little sluggishly, like a walking dead.

Gao Zhiming smiled complacently, stretched out his hand and tore open the collar of his shirt, his behavior became more and more frivolous.


Just as the two were about to step into the lounge, Luo Yi appeared behind them.

Gao Zhiqiang's face turned cold when he heard the voice, "Who is so ignorant that he dares to delay my good work at this time!"

Unlike him, the woman continued to walk forward as if she didn't hear it. After opening the door, she began to unbutton her clothes, and even took off her underwear, revealing her fair body.
This scene looks somewhat ambiguous and absurd.

"You are." Gao Zhiqiang's expression changed from anger to doubt, but soon turned to panic again, "You are Luo Yi, the sacrificial god Luo Yi!"

"Looking at your actions, I thought you were an arrogant idiot, but I didn't expect you to have some common sense."

"What do you want to do?" Gao Zhiqiang's face was serious, and he took two steps back unconsciously.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!
Regarding the man who killed Fang Shiming and erased the Pingan Building, Gao Zhiqiang said that it is impossible not to be afraid, especially when the other party has followed so close that he didn't notice it at all. If the other party made a move just now, wouldn't it be so easy? can kill himself.

"What do I want to do, don't you know?" Luo Yi held his hands behind his back, looking at Gao Zhiqiang defenselessly as if the door was wide open.

"I know the grievances between you and your circle of friends, but I'm not resident in Dajing City. I don't have much contact with Fang Shiming and the others. I didn't participate in your plan at all. Besides, I've joined the headquarters now, and I'm from Xiaofeng City. Manager, you can't touch me."

Gao Zhiqiang hurriedly explained.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads. He is used to being arrogant on weekdays, but that is in front of ordinary people and ordinary ghost masters. When facing Luo Yi, a ruthless person who destroys his circle of friends with a single disagreement Said, how could his meager skills be on the stage.

"You're right, you are the person in charge of the headquarters now, so I can't move you easily."

Gao Zhiqiang was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Luo Yi to be so easy-going, "Then you stopped me for that."

"The meeting is about to be held. I think you are going in the wrong direction, so I came here to call you." Luo Yi said with a smile on his lips.

"That's it?" Gao Zhiqiang had an incredulous expression on his face, but he reacted quickly, "I'll put something and I'll come right away. Team Luo, why don't you invite me first, and I'll come later?"

When Luo Yi heard his words, he was unmoved in the slightest, and still kept his separated posture in the middle of the aisle.

"I have no grudges with him in the past, and we have no grudges in recent days. Why did he suddenly do something like this today?" Gao Zhiqiang wondered, "People like them would definitely not do things for no reason. I?"

Gao Zhiqiang quickly affirmed this answer in his heart, "It must be so, the captain plan at the headquarters is about to be held, and the current captain quota has been divided up by various forces, leaving only one or two vacant positions for The city leaders across the country are competing, and to win this spot, you need not only high strength, but also prestige and influence among ghost masters."

"Although Luo Yi is strong enough, after all, his time to rise is too short. Except for his one-acre three-point land in Yuzhou City, I am afraid that he doesn't know a few ghost masters. He is blocking me now. I'm afraid they just want me to express my opinion and let me support him in the captain's election."

Thinking of this, Gao Zhiqiang put away the smirk on his face, and said solemnly, "Captain Luo, I think it is more than enough to be the captain of the headquarters with your strength and achievements. Don't worry, I will definitely support you in the captain election this time." , and it's not just me, I also know a lot of people who can talk in the spiritual circle, I will win them over for you, and stand in line for you together!"

The corner of Luo Yi's eyes twitched, looking at Gao Zhiqiang who suddenly became serious, he felt a little funny in his heart.

Gao Zhiqiang looked at Luo Yixin, who couldn't help but feel strange, "I was overwhelmed by your domineering aura, and I bowed to you, shouldn't you show courtesy and corporal, and get my support like Liu Xuande wins the crouching dragon and phoenix Do you feel like a chick?"

"No matter how bad it is, even if it's a big pie!"

This unfolding is wrong, there must be something wrong, but Gao Zhiqiang is puzzled, and has some elusive thoughts.

"Could it be that I'm not being sincere enough, or is it because I haven't taken any real action?" Gao Zhiqiang's mind quickly turned one thought after another, trying to figure out what Luo Yi was thinking.

Luo Yi raised his hand, and Gao Zhiqiang wanted to dodge subconsciously, but when he saw Luo Yi's eyes shrunk suddenly, his fear instantly repelled this instinct and forced him to stay where he was.

The palm fell, although it was extremely cold and even a little strong, but the imaginary spirit did not strike, and Gao Zhiqiang was relieved all of a sudden, "My surrender has worked."

"I have to say that you are very thoughtful. If you were in Yuzhou City, maybe I would train you." Luo Yi said with a smile that was not a smile.

Gao Zhiqiang's eyes turned a few times quickly, and at the same time his heart beat a few times, "He is trying to win me over. With his current status, if I join him, maybe I will be like Jiang Shangbai who chose to join the circle of friends at that time." , Become one of the best figures in Yuzhou City!"

"Don't worry, Team Luo!" Gao Zhiqiang patted his chest, "I will be yours from now on, as long as you say a word, I will immediately resign as the person in charge of the headquarters and go to Yuzhou City to be your team member."

"Hehe", Luo Yi chuckled noncommittally and then looked at him with inexplicable eyes, "You really have a lot of ideas!"

Gao Zhiqiang bowed his head and smiled apologetically, but when he lowered his head, his eyebrows and eyes danced rapidly, and his mind became more and more confused.

"For some reason, I always feel that his reaction is a bit strange?"

(End of this chapter)

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