Chapter 294
"Boning knife, ghost scissors", Luo Yi said and placed the two on the table.

The boning knife breaks the ghost domain, dismembers the evil ghost, the ghost scissors cuts off the connection, and kills people by name and portrait.

"Although the two are terrifying, they lack the final word. Maybe I should incorporate this coffin nail." Luo Yi flipped his wrist, and a rusty black coffin nail as thick as a baby's arm appeared in the palm of his hand.

The tentacles were cold, and there was a faint sense of death on them.

In the world of mysterious revival, there are many evil spirits who can get rid of the suppression of the coffin nails, but almost none can completely avoid the suppression. It can be said that the coffin nails are used well, except for those evil spirits of the idealistic type, there are almost no evil spirits that cannot be dealt with.

Of course, the premise is to be able to hit accurately.

So if Luo Yi wants to make this weapon easy to use, he also needs the ability to hit.

"The ability to hit." Luo Yi lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment. In the original book, Yang Jian solved this problem through the wishing ghost. Before making a move, he made a wish first.

It looks full of force, and it has some hints of Tianxian, but in real battles, people have no thoughts and no time to talk.

This is the same as playing games. In a fierce confrontation, the competition is operation and awareness. Even if you want to talk to each other, you have to wait until the screen goes black.

While beating, shouting and yelling, this kind of person can be summed up in one sentence: unprofessional!

"The wishing ghost still doesn't use it anymore, just let it stay in the bead and cooperate with the deceiving ghost. This is a new control method. By deceiving the ghost, the wishing ghost triggers the law, and then makes the wishing ghost think that the wishing What you want is a deceiving ghost, so that you can use the wishing ghost for free."

To some extent, deceiving ghosts are more useful than wishing ghosts.

"If the wish ghost doesn't use it, you can only use the ghost glove."

Luo Yi got up and took out a gold box from the shelf behind him. When he opened it, there was a dark lump inside, and he couldn't see what it was.

Luo Yi took it out, unfolded it carefully, and at the same time used the spirit to infiltrate it. The original black plastic bag swelled up as if blown, and this item revealed its true face. thin leather gloves.

The glove is slender, with stains all over it, and some red and black liquid on the palm, which looks a little scary.

And this glove is not complete, there are several holes in the fingers.

This supernatural item is also Fang Shiming's. Its function is to ignore the distance in a short distance, and it has the ability to penetrate a certain degree of ghost domain, which gives Luo Yi the ability to deal with evil spirits in the ghost domain.

In the past, when facing an evil spirit with a ghost domain, one would either launch an invasion through the bloody ghost domain and then swing the knife, or swing the knife twice in a row to break through the ghost domain first and then deal with the evil spirit.

With the ghost gloves, Luo Yi can attack the evil spirits inside through the ghost domain.

This is not just as simple as saving a step, but it has taken the lead and has the basis for preemptive strikes.

Moreover, the ghost glove can play the role of sharing part of the backlash of the boning knife. When a person triggers the cutting of the boning knife, the boning knife will devour the ghost. This rule can also form a certain suppression on the ghost glove.

After thinking this through, Luo Yi decided to use a boning knife and ghost scissors as the blade, a coffin nail as the keel, and then fix the ghost gloves to the handle.

"Just a ghost glove doesn't seem to be enough to resist the backlash of the boning knife." Luo Yi has used the silicon boning knife for countless times, and he is quite clear about its aftereffect.

To put it simply, the threshold for using the boning knife is to reach the point of restarting itself. After that, every time you swing the knife, the required supernatural power will roughly cost half of the restart cost, and this after effect is not static, but changes with the number of times you swing the knife. The increase will gradually superimpose.

During the battle with Fang Shiming, Luo Yi only swung five knives at most at one time, and after that, he needed to restart himself to restore his level of terror.

Therefore, a ghost glove is not enough to fight against the boning knife, and a "teammate" must be chosen for it to share.

This choice is even more delicate, because what is needed now is to enhance the ghost gloves, which requires that the new evil spirits cannot form a supernatural conflict with the ghost gloves, and the proper auxiliary ghost gloves must be equal to the Eviscerate.

So this is why the road to balance is difficult to walk through.

When controlling the second evil ghost, the ghost driver only needs to consider the balance with one ghost. This balance is like the two ends of the balance. It is relatively easy to achieve, but when controlling the third ghost, it is necessary It turned into a three-party pull, and when it came to the fourth and fifth, there would be more and more concerns. Once the ghost master miscalculated, this fragile balance would be broken instantly.

Death and demise are inevitable.

In fact, if Luo Yi hadn't used coffin nails to separate the boning knife and ghost scissors, the situation to take care of would have been more complicated. Use without hesitation.

"Bone erosion, blood loss, and flesh destruction. The ghost gloves will erode the user's palm. Even Fang Shiming, who has controlled three evil spirits, cannot bear the consequences."

Naturally, Luo Yi didn't want his entire palm to rot like Fang Shiming. His purpose of creating supernatural items was to make solving supernatural events more effective with half the effort, not because he had a tendency to be abused.

"Actually, the ghost palm is just right!"

Gloves were originally made for hands. The reason why human palms fester is because they cannot withstand the supernatural power of ghost gloves, but ghost hands can, because evil ghosts are inherently immortal.

Luo Yi took out the ghost palm imprisoned on the plane and put it on the table.

"Combining the two may be more effective than one plus one."

The ghost glove ignores distance and penetrates the ghost domain. The ghost palm itself controls the three-layer ghost domain, and it has growth potential. Every time it kills a person, it will generate another pair of palms.

Either one of the two alone is far from being an opponent of the boning knife, but together they have the basis for confrontation.

Luo Yi took a look, and now there are five evil spirits on the table, but this is still not enough, Luo Yi still needs a layer of safety measures.

Avoid the situation where the supernatural weapon is seized from happening again.

In the end, Luo Yi took out two eyes, one gray and one black. There was a pen stuck in the gray eyeball. The ink soaked in the eyeball and flowed slowly. But if you observe carefully, you will find that the color of the ink is getting darker Shallow, and the pen is pushed out bit by bit by the eyeballs.

This is the evil ghost with different eyes that Fang Shiming and his party met when Luo Yi erased Ping'an Building.

This ghost has two eyes.

Seeing gray eyes will trigger petrification, and everything in sight will be petrified.

Seeing the black eyes will trigger the chaos effect, and the mental state of all surrounding living people will be affected.

This evil ghost was once triggered by Wang Jiang, a ghost master in the circle of friends. That time, half of the evil ghost was petrified and affected his sanity, causing him to abandon Fang Shiming and choose to run away first. It may not be clear, but he still did it. It's not because he was bold and fearless, but because he was influenced by this evil ghost.

After the evil spirits were fully prepared, Luo Yi began to forge supernatural weapons. The most difficult evil spirit to deal with was the coffin nail. Although this evil spirit crashed completely, the supernatural spirit on it was the strongest. He wanted to change It's quite difficult.

Fortunately, Luo Yi planned to make it into a keel, so he only needed to smash it flat.

Three or ten minutes later, a long knife took shape.

The knife is one meter long, cold and airy like a mirror, the keel in the middle protrudes slightly, and the edges on both sides protrude smoothly in a streamlined shape. At the end, three sharp points converge, condensing into a cold light, adding a three-point sharp coolness.

The handle is the most peculiar. It is not the usual straight handle or crank handle, but a black palm that is shown in relief like a relief. There is a ghost eye in the center of the palm and the back of the hand. The weird pupils rotate, It looks around like a cold poisonous snake.

Luo Yi stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and this pitch-black ghost hand fit closely to Luo Yi's palm as if it had come alive, and it actively buckled upside down, locking the two together.

Luo Yi adjusted the angle, covered the restless ghost eyes with his fingers, and the powerful spirit of the sacrificial god gushed out like water, and soon the whole blade was rendered crimson like paint, the smoke was dense, and the blood color as thin as a light mist flowed , coupled with the coldness and bitterness from above,
Beautiful and deadly!
"Try the knife!"

With the thought, a red light suddenly appeared in the room, Luo Yi stepped out with one step, and his body disappeared in an instant.

In an inaccessible suburb outside Yuzhou City, a young man in black with a pale complexion and indifferent eyes suddenly appeared.

Luo Yi looked around, "Very good, there is no one around."

"Choose a few unlucky ones to come out and try the knife." Luo Yi's thoughts sank, a bloody world appeared in his mind, and under the floating thick fog, one after another of figures shuttled back and forth.

"It's all about you."

Luo Yi clapped his hands, and a portal about two meters high was formed in front of him, and a dark-faced, emaciated ghost slowly walked over.

This evil ghost had sunken cheeks, a pair of dark pupils, and a circle of deep black spots around the eyes. The naturally hanging arms reached the lower thighs, and the ten long and narrow nails on the fingertips were glowing black.

It looks like a zombie.

After the ghost zombie came out, he raised his head blankly and turned around. After looking around, he didn't see a living person. He wanted to go, but he seemed to be bound by some rules, so he could only keep kicking, falling, and kicking. , fall again.
Just like a machine that doesn't know how to be tired and won't get tired has stopped, the machine repeats this action stiffly.

This is an ordinary evil ghost without consciousness, not even as good as a puppy. Although it is simple to manipulate, it takes a lot of effort. Even Luo Yi, the controller, feels helpless.


If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

A thin, mournful voice came from the door.

Euphemistic and desolate, like the weeping of a grieving woman in a boudoir, and like the sorrow of unrequited love, it makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

"It's been a long time since I saw this evil spirit." A flash of memory flashed in Luo Yi's eyes. This evil spirit could be regarded as one of the first evil spirits he faced.

Peach red face, willow-leaf eyebrows, long hair swaying gently around the waist, wearing a long shirt with water sleeves, and a horse-face skirt, with the right hand raised to cover the face with ink long sleeves, and the left hand is empty, showing a small and beautiful appearance.

If it wasn't for the strong corpse smell, Luo Yi would have praised, "I'm still holding the pipa and half covering my face, what a brilliant appearance!"

The visitor wore colorful boots, moved lightly with lotus steps, and soon appeared in front of Luo Yi.

His arms were lowered, revealing a piercing face.

If it is said that the dressing and graceful figure just now made people think about it, but now that the real face is revealed, it makes people shudder.

One after the other, there is more than a world of difference.

"Since the back view can shock the world, why bother to turn around and mess with Fanghua, if this is placed on the street, it will be a proper back view killer."

Luo Yi shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, Nie Xiaoqian in the movie was a lie.

The human body is no better than a ghost's body. The human body cannot withstand the erosion of spirits.

This evil ghost is the Guidan Tsing Yi that Luo Yi met when he boarded the supernatural bus for the first time. Simply put, he is an actor evil ghost.

At this time, it opened a pair of lifeless eyes, the pupils were pitch black, without any light, the blush on the cheeks had faded, and the corpse oil wrapped the makeup and pulled out marks on the face, as if the oil painting had been washed by water, leaving behind colorful stains. The traces look horrible.

"another one."

Luo Yi took a look and turned his head away. Although the ghost master's emotions and desires have been eroded and diminished, it doesn't mean that he has no aesthetic ability.

Soon, the third evil spirit came out. This evil spirit was more grotesque than the previous two, because it came out with a head.

It was wearing a tattered jacket covered with mud as if it had been rolled in mud. Some red and black fluff grew from the brown cotton inside the jacket, giving off a musty smell of decay.

Looking up, there is a pale neck with protruding Adam's apples, showing the gender of the corpse. Further up is a scarlet granulation, with traces of blood oozing from the cavity. On the neck and the jacket, there are lines of wriggling lines. blood line.

However, Luo Yi didn't care about these things. What he valued most was the head on the corpse's hands. The hair on this head was disheveled, and under the messy hair was a pair of dead eyes, with cloudy and white eyeballs, as if blindfolded. There was a white film, a big mouth that was about to be pulled to the back of the cheek, and there were still blood stains on the teeth that were bared all over the mouth.

This is the devil with a human head balloon in Zhongshan City. Even after being sacrificed by Luo Yi, it still likes human heads as always. During this time, there were hundreds of ghost slaves whose heads were taken off by it.

Fortunately, there are enough evil spirits and ghost slaves in Luo Yi's kingdom of gods, and they can barely support the dismantling of these destructive evil spirits.

"It's just you guys." Luo Yi stomped his feet, the ground shook suddenly, the surrounding scenery flew back, and he was more than [-] meters away from his original position in less than a blink of an eye.

When Luo Yi retreated, the suppression belonging to the sacrificial gods was put away, and a black mist appeared where the three evil spirits were. After a dozen breaths, the bodies of the evil spirits disappeared.

Ghost Zombie revives Ghostland.

"Very good." Luo Yi moved his right hand horizontally to his waist, approached the Ghost Slaying Knife, and spread his five fingers. The ghost hand on the handle of the knife, which looked like a dark work of art, suddenly became flexible and soft, and even actively started to approach Luo Yi's palm.

Spiritual beating, two ghost hands, one black and one white, clenched tightly, the arms exerted strength, the five fingers flicked, and the ghost sword suddenly came out of its sheath in the flash of attention.

The tip of the knife pierced through the air, and the boiling supernatural explosion sounded.

The void vibrated, emitting thousands of air waves like sharp arrows.

Luo Yi held the long knife tightly, staring into the distance, when the blade opened and closed, the thick black mist in the distance was cut into two like blowing hair and breaking hair.


Thirty meters away, gurgling black and foul-smelling blood spilled, and the ghost zombie was split in two.

Luo Yi's wrist was vigorous, and the long knife pierced the void in front of him. From the tip of the knife to the handle, it seemed to be inserted into the water, and disappeared in an instant.

When the Ghost Slaying Knife appeared again, it arrived at the chest of the ghost with the head of the head. The sharp blade pierced through the flesh and blood, and the blood splashed everywhere. This time, it directly penetrated the head and chest held by the evil ghost, and nailed it to death on the big stone behind it. superior.

Not only that, after the long knife was released, the two ghost eyes on the handle of the knife suddenly opened, fixedly staring at Guidan in Tsing Yi in front of him.

Petrification begins!
(End of this chapter)

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