Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 296 Failed Attempts

Chapter 296 Failed Attempts

The Ghost Slashing Knife thrown by Luo Yi fell through the air, and the violent air wave brought up only the phantom left in the air.

"Is it a deep ghost domain?" Luo Yi frowned.

"Wu Ning also tried to invade the Shadowless Ghost's location before, but she failed." Meng Yi said.

The ghost mist on Wu Ning's body comes from Feng Quan, the earliest group of ghost masters. Although it can't compare with Yang Jian's ghost eyes, it still surpasses ordinary evil ghosts.

"Have you tried ghost voice?" Luo Yi asked.

"Lin Luomei also tried it at the earliest, but she couldn't find anyone with her ghost voice, and I also tried, but neither the crying face nor the smiling face could make a difference. It should be that the level of supernatural powers is insufficient, and it cannot reach the place where the evil spirits are. "

"The sound is not working either, it's a bit difficult."

Meng Yi's crying face and smiling face were planned with Luo Yi's help. These two ghosts may have mediocre abilities when used alone, but they are quite stable quasi-heterogeneous when combined. As long as they are not used excessively, the possibility of recovery is very low.

In other words, Meng Yi can maintain the recovery of evil spirits for a long time, and under the effect of sound superposition and reverberation, the effect is far greater than one plus one.

Even Yang Jian's third-level ghost domain can hardly isolate this kind of ghost.

"Captain, why don't you try to invade as well. Your ghost domain can cover the entire city. Basically, no evil ghost can reach this level, and the shadowless ghost is no exception."

"The possibility of success is very low," Luo Yi said, "The ghost hand on the ghost knife comes with a ghost domain, and the ghost glove can penetrate the ghost domain. The superposition of the two is difficult even for Fang Shiming's ghost domain." .”

And more importantly, Luo Yi didn't feel the gloomy, cold malice from the evil ghost at all.

This means that the evil spirit has not noticed him yet.

Under the premise of not triggering the law of evil spirits, people are usually ignored, but there is one exception, that is, they cannot attack evil spirits.

The confrontation and interference of the supernatural will stimulate the evil spirits to take the initiative to kill.

Luo Yi stepped forward and picked up the Ghost Slaying Knife on the ground, and inserted it into the scabbard again.

The black robe swayed with the wind, and the ghost eyes on the handle of the knife turned back and forth restlessly, spying on the surrounding prey.

Luo Yi turned around slightly, shielding Meng Yi from the sight of the ghost eyes to prevent her from being attacked by the ghost eyes.

"But it doesn't hurt to try."

With a thought in Luo Yi's mind, a blood-colored world opened behind him, surging spirits poured out like a waterfall, and soon gathered into a scarlet horse.

The air of incense was lingering, and the sound of little praise and worship sounded.

"go with!"

Luo Yi gave an order, and Huang Quan raged forward like a laser beam.

Street lights, flower beds, billboards...

All the things blocking the road of Huangquan disappeared one by one, and a half-meter-deep crack was plowed on the flat and hard asphalt road.

"Hey! Captain, what kind of method is this? It's like a laser cannon." Meng Yi smacked his tongue, "In the blink of an eye, the real street was destroyed to this point? And those destroyed things didn't even have a single residue left !"

"This is no longer modifying reality, but erasing reality!"

Luo Yi didn't pay attention to Meng Yi's shock, now is not the right time for her to use the popular science ghost domain, the key is to deal with the shadowless ghost.

The bloody ghost domain rushed past, and everything that stood in the way was sent to the unknown spiritual world, even the air was no exception.

At this moment, a vacuum passage several kilometers long appeared in front of Luo Yi.

Under the light and shadow, the space seemed to be distorted, and the advancing body of the shadowless evil spirit stopped, and quickly dissipated as if it had lost the medium of shelter.

"Did it succeed?" Meng Yi's eyes showed some surprise.

"I don't know, let's look again." Luo Yi stopped, "It seems a little too smooth."

Although I know that the power of the ghost domain is very strong, it is still a bit unexpected to send away a ghost master from the Republic of China so easily.

"Sure enough, I knew it wasn't that simple!"

Luo Yi looked into the distance, and the dissipated figure slowly solidified again, its appearance, expression, and even a corner of its clothes remained unchanged.

The blow just now was completely ineffective.

"There is no fluctuation in the ghost domain, and there is no supernatural confrontation. The evil ghost reappears after being dispersed, just like I wanted to crucify it before."

"Captain, is it possible that this is just a reflection, like the moon in the water, an illusion in the mirror." Meng Yi speculated.

"It's possible", Luo Yi nodded. Although the previous two shots didn't work, the figure shown by the evil ghost has gone through disappearing and reappearing.

That means something is really interfering with it.

"Is it the light?" Luo Yi thought of Zhang Xianguang, the evil spirit he controlled couldn't see the light, and once it appeared under the light, its strength would be greatly reduced.

Luo Yi opened Huangquan, bloody pushed forward, covering it forward.

"If it's really the effect of light and shadow, then as long as the world is darkened and the source is isolated, the ghost's figure should disappear."

Even if Luo Yi intends to slow down the rate of erosion, the ghost domain spreads, but it quickly obscures the surrounding scenery.

The sky darkened and then brightened, as if the lights were turned on again immediately after being cut off. Many pedestrians on the street and residents in the buildings felt this abnormality, but most of them didn't take it to heart, because the feeling at this moment Just like people with anemia suddenly standing up after sitting for a long time, it is a relatively common physiological phenomenon.

Only Meng Yi who was by Luo Yi's side knew that this was not an abnormality of the senses, but that the sky had really darkened.

The ghost realm overlaps with the reality, and the ghosts begin to take over the real world. Luo Yi walks within the blood, just like Shura standing on the sea of ​​blood.

"This time, let me see if you have changed."

The blood moon was in the sky, and the scarlet red sprinkled all over the sky, and the power of the gods passed through, isolating the supernatural from the outside world.

At this moment, Luo Yi took advantage of the ghost domain's ability to isolate spirits, and trapped the ghosts in the kingdom of worshiping gods. If there were real evil ghosts, Luo Yi would definitely feel it.

However, all is not going well.

"I still guessed wrong!"

Luo Yi looked at the evil ghost walking alone, his face was a little gloomy, the figure of the evil ghost still did not dissipate in the state of being cut off from light and even in a state of supernatural power.

In a navy blue gown, with a stiff body, his eyes are staring blankly and numbly at the front, like a tireless ascetic, standing alone and walking alone.

Luo Yi looked at the foot of the evil ghost, it was empty.

"Shadowless ghost, shadow?" Luo Yi fell into deep thought, "A ghost without a shadow, what kind of ghost has no shadow?"

Luo Yi has a feeling that perhaps the shadow is the key to the evil spirit, and only by solving the problems on its shadow can it be possible to find out the true location of the evil spirit.

Luo Yi frowned and asked, "Is there anything in this world that has no shadow?"

"If there is no shadow, there are only two things in this world." Meng Yi thought for a moment and said, "One is the light itself, and the other is the shadow itself!"

"If the existence of this evil spirit is a kind of light, then it must be more eye-catching in the dark."

The darker the sky, the brighter the candles will be.

With a wave of Luo Yi's palm, the blood moon in the sky began to be covered by clouds, and light of different strengths and weaknesses shone down, mottled the face of the evil spirit.

"Captain, you want to judge through the change of light and dark, whether the spirit of the evil spirit is related to the light?" Meng Yi blurted out.

"That's right." Luo Yi controlled the blood color in the kingdom of worshiping gods, and at the same time, his left hand hung down to his waist. Once the evil spirit behaved abnormally, he would immediately draw a knife to chop it off.

With the interference of the light, the evil ghost's body was uncertain. Luo Yi also deliberately compared the effect of the blood on Meng Yi's body, and there was no difference between the two.

"It seems that this idea is not right." Meng Yi frowned, "Now it seems that there is only another possibility. This figure is not a real evil ghost at all, it is just a shadow."

"Only the shadow can ignore your attack, captain, and only the shadow can have no shadow." Meng Yi said firmly.

"If it is a shadow, then where should its real body be?" Luo Yi asked, "Besides, I have isolated it from the outside world with my spirit. If it is really a false thing, then it should be It will be wiped out by my ghost immediately, and will never continue to appear in my ghost domain."

"Unless this evil ghost surpasses me too much, when I cover its shadow, it also comes in."

Meng Yi's pupils widened, "Impossible, if you can't even notice the captain, then there is no way to deal with this evil ghost."

Luo Yi's mind turned quickly, "The shadowless ghost in front of us has always existed in our field of vision, even if it was scattered, it can be quickly regrouped, which shows that the connection between the evil ghost and it has never been broken."

"Perhaps this evil spirit is some kind of idealistic existence, just like the blood-eyed evil spirit that followed behind you, captain, and the dreaming evil spirit on Xiaoyu!" Meng Yi recalled, although there are few such evil spirits, she I have followed Luo Yi for the longest time and have seen a few of them.

Luo Yi pondered, "What you said is not unreasonable."

Seeing Luo Yi's affirmation, Meng Yi said dejectedly, "If that's the case, then I won't be able to help you even more."

The reason why idealistic evil spirits are difficult to deal with is that they do not exist in reality, and can only be encountered under certain circumstances, such as falling asleep, dreaming, drunk, and a few other times.

Although the evil spirits controlled by Meng Yi are quiet and powerful, they are all aimed at the ghost masters, because only humans can cry and laugh, and trying to use ghosts to influence unconscious evil spirits is half the effort.

"Whether it is an idealistic existence, or its ability is too much beyond the self, it can appear here, it proves that the real evil spirits must be around us!"

"Captain, what do you want?" Meng Yi stared blankly at Luo Yi, who took out a white ghost candle, "Would it be too risky for you to lure it out?"

Luo Yi didn't change his face, "How can anyone not take risks when dealing with supernatural events?"

Meng Yi said anxiously: "Captain, you have already said that this evil ghost is either very deep in the haunted realm, or it is a kind of idealism. It is difficult to deal with either of these two situations."

"No matter how bad it is, I'll call Xiaoyu. She has a dream ghost in her hand. With her by the side, she can take care of more."

Luo Yi said coldly, "Needless to say, I won't do death-killing things. Now that I dare to use the white ghost candle, I naturally have my confidence."

Meng Yi looked at the resolute Luo Yi, knowing that the captain had already made up his mind, no matter how much he tried to dissuade him, it would not be effective, so he could only hope in his heart that everything would go well.

"I'll take you out first, and you seal the outside for me."

"I..." Meng Yi opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, just lowered his head silently.

Because she knew that this kind of ghost master in the period of the Republic of China was not something that she, a group leader who controlled two ghosts, could fight against. Not to mention her, even if she looked at the whole country, I am afraid that there were not many people who could face it with confidence.

The gap of decades cannot be bridged easily.

Seed explosions, breakthroughs in front of battle, these are things that only exist in hot-blooded anime, and they don't exist in real life.

The reason why Luo Yi was able to resist was because of the worship of the gods. The starting point of the sacrifice of the gods was high. For others, controlling evil spirits is to enhance their own strength, but for Luo Yi, this is a process of recovery.

A process of restoring the glory of worshiping gods and ascending to the throne of ghosts and gods again!
"Maybe I should consider controlling the third evil spirit, otherwise I won't be able to help you much."

Although her life expectancy has been guaranteed by controlling the crying face and smiling face, Meng Yi doesn't want to stop there, she has a bigger ambition in her heart.

After Meng Yi left, only Luo Yi and Shadowless Ghost remained in the huge ghost domain.

"Let me see what kind of existence you really are!"

Luo Yi looked at the Shadowless Ghost indifferently, and lit the white ghost candle without hesitation in his hand. When the flame ignited, a small black flame swayed on the white ghost candle, and the surrounding was dark and cold, revealing a strange and ominous breath.

The light of the fire spread out, and groups of strange shadows were reflected on the surrounding ground and walls.

And behind Luo Yi, there is an unusually tall figure. This figure is different from Luo Yi's figure. He is sitting, like a god in a shrine, sitting on a high platform.

This is worshiping the gods, and it is also Luo Yi.

With the resumption of Luo Yi's mastery range, he can now be called a half-step worshiper of the gods, mastering the origin of the worshiper of the gods, and possessing absolute sovereignty, but because of the gap in spirituality, he still cannot perfectly display his ability of worshiping the gods.

The ghost candle was burning, and the wax flowed down drop by drop. This speed was a bit fast, but Luo Yi did not show panic, because everything was expected.

The white ghost candle attracts evil spirits, the more evil spirits come, the faster it burns.

But Luo Yi himself is an evil ghost, with him standing beside the ghost candle, the ghost candle will never burn slowly.

"It doesn't work?"

Luo Yi waited for another minute, and found that there was nothing unusual about the surroundings. The Shadowless Ghost continued to move forward unhurriedly, as if he hadn't been affected in the slightest.

"How is this possible? There are countless evil spirits in the mysterious world of recovery, but it seems that there has never been one that can block the attraction of white ghost candles."

Luo Yi's face was a little ugly. He knew that things were getting out of control. It was no longer a question of whether he could fight or be imprisoned, but that this evil spirit was probably beyond his understanding.

People can't make money beyond the scope of cognition, and the same is true for ghost masters.

"Waiting for 30 seconds!" Luo Yi suppressed his uneasiness and decided to wait.

Time passes quickly, 20 seconds, ten seconds, five seconds, one second.
As soon as the time was up, Luo Yi extinguished the ghost candle in his hand. He was sure that the evil spirit was not far from him. It took a minute and a half to attract it, and a few more minutes would be useless.

"Could it be possible to give up like this?" Luo Yi was at war with heaven and man. If this was Dajing City, then Luo Yi would turn around and leave without hesitation, but this is Yuzhou City, which is his fundamental territory, unless he has no other choice. , otherwise he does not want to give up.

Although the shadowless ghost looks harmless to humans and animals, who knows when it will suddenly erupt. Luo Yi can't imagine how terrifying an evil ghost from the period of the Republic of China would be.

"Perhaps, there is another way!"

Luo Yi raised his wrist, and there were twelve dark beads shining with faint light, and the Wishing Ghost was one of them!

(End of this chapter)

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