Chapter 308
In the early morning, Luo Yi pushed open the glass and came to the open-air balcony to look down.

Although he can't open the ghost domain through his eyes like Yang Jian, but his eyes are also ghost eyes, and he can see much more than ordinary people.

Luo Yi looked at it for a while, and then turned to the other side to look down. In his line of sight, there was no difference between more than a thousand meters and more than ten meters, so at least he could confirm the safety conditions of more than ten streets around the office building.

Patrolling, this is also the job of the city director.

The city leaders are not like ordinary office workers. There is no requirement to punch in and go to and from work, nor do they have fixed work tasks, but since it is work, they naturally cannot sleep at home every day. The purpose of looking around is to look for possible supernatural events.

Of course, if you don't want to patrol, you can just sleep. As long as you can deal with the supernatural events that happen, the headquarters won't say anything.

Luo Yi sent all the members of the ghost masters in Yuzhou City to various regions, and let them do things on their behalf, so he could save most of the inspection time, and just read the report when he remembered, or like now, Just look around.

"Very peaceful."

Luo Yi withdrew his gaze, Yuzhou City has a vast area, and there is no supernatural place to sit in. In fact, there are many supernatural events, but thanks to his last sleeping incident, the ghost realm has enveloped the entire area, and many hidden dangers have been pre-empted. It can be solved by drawing out, and he has trained a lot of ghost masters, so he can also share a lot of things.

"Captain, would you like a cup of tea?"

Rowling followed the open door, carrying tea, and walked out with two long legs.

Luo Yi picked up a cup and took a sip, and found that the supposedly rich and refreshing tea was as light as clear water. The evil spirit changed not only the emotions, but also the human senses of the outside world.

"Suddenly I miss old man Luo's tea." Luo Yi said in his heart. For ghost masters, only things contaminated with supernatural powers can satisfy their appetite.

Rowling glanced at the cup that was put down, but she didn't care. She knew that many ghost masters had lost interest in ordinary food, first Luo Yi, then Zhang Han, Meng Yi, and now Han Ji, Wei Xun, Wu Ning and others.

This trend seems to be contagious.

But so far, she has only met Luo Yi who can truly leave the food of ordinary people and live entirely on supernatural powers.

"Captain, a new building will be opened there recently, facing the river and the mountains, with fresh air and a wide view. If you are interested, take the first floor down." Rowling pointed to the other side of the river.

Construction has already started there, with long red banners hanging around the perimeter, Yingjiangzhou Community.

Although Luo Yi is the person in charge of Yuzhou City, he does not actually have a residence in the true sense, or the penthouse of Raffles City is his residence plus office area.

That's why Rowling asked this question.

Work is work, and life is life. If the two are mixed together for too long, people will easily get tired and feel that life is meaningless.

"Forget it, I'm just lying to myself." Luo Yi understood what Rowling meant, but still refused.

Once you fall into the supernatural, you can't escape until you die.

Luo Yi won't do things that deceive himself and others.

"This time you came to see me, you didn't just come to drink tea with me. Besides, your tea is not good. Remember to make a stronger tea next time."

"Captain, the best Yuqian Longjing is not enough, the requirements are too high!" Rowling exaggerated, but she still remembered it in her heart.

"People from the island country are here again, and they are on their way here, and they will arrive in ten minutes or so." Rowling looked at the time and said.

Luo Yi sat down, "It seems that what they encountered this time is really troublesome, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious."

"Yeah, it's only been three days since they came here for the second time." Rowling nodded.

Don't people in island countries know that the more eager they are, the easier it is for others to manipulate them?They naturally knew it, but they still acted like this knowing that this was the case. This shows that there is a lot of pressure inside them and they urgently need to open a breakthrough.

In the past, when the internal situation was unstable, they might choose to launch a war and target the outside world in order to quell internal conflicts, but the times have changed now.

It is no longer individual politicians who are the masters of the country, but ghost masters.

To start a war among ghost masters, they dare not do it, and they can't afford to bet on it. The most important thing is that they can't win.

So I can only beg for help in a low voice.

"Look, it's coming!" Rowling rested her chin on her hand, her eyes lowered, she looked at the scene at the bottom of the building. Although she couldn't see the people clearly, she could still see the convoy slowly approaching at the bottom.

After taking control of Yuzhou City, the power of the ghost master team has penetrated into every port, wharf, airport, and expressway, and because of the last ghost painting incident, even ordinary helicopters are now within the scope of supervision.

It can be said that if there is any disturbance in Yuzhou City, the two people at the top cannot be hidden.

The convoy stopped, and it was conceivable that the next step was for the other party to undergo various security checks in Yuzhou City.

In fact, the two of them could give an order to let the people below skip the security check steps, but neither of them said anything. Luo Lin didn't want to, and Luo Yi was too lazy to think about it.

Besides, all outsiders need to be inspected when they come in and out. Does it mean that people from island countries should be special?
What Luo Yi didn't know was that not only did the bottom not relax, but the inspection was even stricter.

Seven people entered the building last time, and only one person walked out in the end. Anyone with a little brain knows what happened inside.

As an employee, you should follow the example, and the leader will do whatever you want.

Under the building, a group of special forces soldiers with weapons on their waists surrounded three men in suits and scanned them with metal detectors and X-ray security detectors.

"Sorry, this box can't be opened, it contains supernatural items." A bald-headed man in a suit headed by stretched out his hand to prevent the special forces from opening the box.

The special forces took a step back to open the safety, raised the muzzle of the gun halfway, and looked at the three people in front of them warily.

"This is a gift from us to Team Luo. It's very expensive. I can't afford to break it." The leader man explained again.

What he said was interesting. He didn't say that the special forces couldn't afford it, but that he put pressure on him without making people disgusted. It can be seen that he really learned a lot this time.

Hearing that it was a gift for Luo Yi, the special forces team members did not dare to continue to investigate, but said a few words into the headset, and after getting the approval from the higher-ups, they waved and let the three of them enter the arena.

"They came up. According to the information, the person who came this time is Wang Xin, whose real name is Hasegawa Shin. He is a team leader of the Island Country Exorcism Society. Wang Ye is mainly responsible for some domestic affairs, and Wang Xin is mainly responsible for some foreign affairs." Rowling said.

This is like the previous Zhao Jianguo and Shen Liang, one internal and the other external, but they are ordinary people with some knowledge, but not much.

"Yeah." Luo Yi turned the cup in his hand, as if he was a little absent-minded and didn't know what he was thinking about.

"I'm afraid that they came here this time not only for a supernatural incident. Although there are not many supernatural incidents that can be solved in China, there are not too few. At least the neighbors Li Leping, Liu San, and Wang Cha Ling and others are very promising."

"But the other party has been obsessed with the captain, I'm afraid it's because the drunkard doesn't want to drink."

After being rejected once, the logic of normal people is to switch objects and not to hit the wall again, but the people in the island country are not like that, they come again like a head iron.

"Then what do you mean?" Luo Yi took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"I think they want to win over you, Captain," Rowling said, "It's a very common operation between the headquarters of various countries to win over their respective ghost masters. Everyone knows this well, and they didn't stop each other. It's a tacit consent. gone."

Small countries can’t object to poaching, and big countries don’t need to object, because they have advantages in this regard, and they can offer higher conditions, so naturally they won’t prohibit it.

This is like the reason why many scientific research talents will choose to go abroad for further study, and then never return. A strong and prosperous country has this kind of capital to attract and retain people.

While the two were talking, the sound of the elevator in the corridor sounded, and several special forces members half-accompanied and half-escorted Wang Xin and the three of them here.

"Captain Luo, seeing is worth seeing a hundred times, and meeting people is even more famous. It is a great honor to meet you today!"

Before the people arrived, a warm and loud middle-aged male voice came over. Just listening to these words, you will never imagine that this is what an islander said. Authentic old pedants in general.

"For those of them who become team leaders, it is the most basic requirement to know a few foreign languages. As far as I know, this man named Wang Xin is proficient in at least seven dominant languages ​​​​of the country, and even more if he has a certain understanding. international dictionary." Rowling bent down and explained something in Luo Yi's ear.

While speaking, three men in black suits appeared.

The leader is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is not tall and looks thin. He has a big bald head and deep wrinkles on his face. He immediately gives people a majestic and fierce feeling. But when he walked outside Luo Yi's office, such a person immediately put on a smiling face, looking very enthusiastic and excited.

"Meet Team Luo!"

As soon as he entered, Wang Xin bent down and bowed.

Not only him, but also the two subordinates in suits behind him bent down to salute together.

Neat etiquette and neat movements give people a very high standard of treatment, making ordinary people at the bottom of society feel flattered, and it is easy to satisfy a person's great vanity.

"Nobu Hasegawa, I don't think we have any friendship, and I just killed a man named Wang Ye from your Spirit Elimination Society a few days ago. Are you here to avenge him?"

"It's fine for Captain Luo to call me Wang Xin. As for revenge? Where does this come from? Wang Ye acted recklessly and didn't know etiquette. He offended Captain Luo. Even if you don't teach him a lesson, we will let him commit seppuku I apologize." Wang Xin showed a sincere face and said earnestly.

Wang Ye is dead, no matter how much he has done before, everything will disappear after death.

Besides, if he could use his death to appease the anger of a top ghost master, it would be considered that he continued to shine after death and contributed to the Spirit Elimination Society.

Wang Xin's behavior of stepping down his own people and elevating others can really win the favor of others.

But if you think about it carefully, except for the people in Lingshe who treat their own people so indifferently, how cruel and vicious they can treat others.

This kind of power that only cares about profit and doesn't care about affection is the most worrying, because you don't know when you will be sold by them.

Luo Yi took a sip of tea, but was not moved by his false words.

The expression on Wang Xin's face froze slightly, he knew why Wang Ye missed, and Luo Yi in front of him was a little too rational.

What he just said, although not all the truth, but the mixture of truth and falsehood, humbleness and flattery, can easily blow people up. This routine has been tried and tested, but it has failed in Luo Yi's case.

"Wang Ye is still too conceited." He thought to himself.

Wang Ye is well-known in the country, and his long-term domineering made him seem humble, but in fact he is arrogant. Even if this kind of person keeps low and flatters others, it is difficult to conceal his inner arrogance.

It's fine to fool ordinary people. In front of Luo Yi, that's really not enough. A fake person can be forgiven for being slaughtered.

"Captain Luo, I know you are busy with your affairs, so I won't hide it." Wang Xin simply skipped the previous hypocrisy and pretentiousness, because he knew that his little thought would not be able to fool the person in front of him, so it's better to be simple and straightforward. Maybe you can get a little favor instead.

"Then you have to think it over, I don't want a few more people to die accidentally here later, after all, it's easy to be haunted if too many people die." Luo Yi said.

Hearing the dead man, Wang Xin's heart suddenly shrank, and he felt like his blood was cooling down, and a chill permeated his whole body.

The two people behind him trembled even more, and their hands holding the box trembled. If they hadn't been handcuffed together with the box, the box might have fallen to the ground.

Since Wang Ye, a respected group leader, was dead, ordinary staff members like them were naturally even more afraid.

Wang Xin wiped the sweat from his forehead, swallowed and said, "Naturally, this is naturally."

Luo Yi was not in a hurry, leaning on the backrest and looking at him.

After a while, after Wang Xin sorted out his words, he said cautiously: "This time, there are two main reasons for coming here. The first one is to apologize to Team Luo for Wang Ye's affairs. For this reason, we are willing to send another ghost porcelain .”

After Wang Xin finished speaking, in fact, his heart was quite painful. The dead doll is a strategic supernatural item in China, and the ghost porcelain is also the same in the island country. The starting price of a ghost porcelain in the market is as high as one billion yuan, and the supply is often in short supply. , is an extremely scarce resource.

Wang Ye lost one last time, and this time he took the initiative to give another one to make amends. He didn't do anything, and he lost two supernatural items.

As for the specialties of the two island countries, Wang Xin didn't even think about them. It's just women. Is there still a shortage in the island country?

Luo Yi nodded, "It seems that you are a little sincere this time."

Some smiles appeared on Wang Xin's face, "Of course, we have always been very sincere to our friends."

Rowling raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said to herself, "These people really know how to push their noses."

Seeing Luo Lin's expression, Wang Xin secretly thought it was bad, knowing that what he said was too explicit, he hurriedly continued: "The second thing is to ask Team Luo to help us deal with a supernatural incident. We are willing to deal with this incident. There are two more pieces of ghost porcelain, as long as you agree, one of them will be offered now."

Another two pieces of ghost porcelain!

It's a big deal!
(End of this chapter)

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