Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 318 Unique Detention

As soon as the kappa was dealt with, another supernatural event appeared.

The record code name of the Exorcism Club: Scarlet Screen

Event Level: D
The cold wind is blowing, behind the half-covered door is an exquisitely placed screen. Generally speaking, screens are used for wind protection, partition, and concealment, so most of them are made in a simple and elegant and low-key way. This one is not. , it was blood red all over, as if it had been soaked in fresh blood, and all kinds of weird patterns on it gathered into one piece, which made people faintly panic.

"Go and have a look." Luo Yi was dressed in a black robe, his face was calm, and his tone was relaxed and freehand. Sakai, Meijima and others saw him with a confident look, and a strange look flashed in their eyes .

This is not going out for an outing, but dealing with evil spirits. Their lives may be in danger at any time, and just now, they almost confronted the evil spirits face to face.

Luo Yineng showed a calm and confident look, which made several people admire and fear in their hearts.

"Follow!" Sakai gestured to Meijima and Qianxue, and then followed Luo Yi into the door, following every step, not like a ghost master, but like a little follower of a big boss.

The attitudes of several people changed from initial disapproval, to fear, to respect and awe.

Luo Yi saw the changes one by one, but he didn't say much. He came here to imprison the evil spirits, to change the gods, not to win over the younger brother and buy people's hearts.

The room is covered with a wooden floor, with two kneeling cloth cushions on it, and a [-]cm-square low table next to it. The furnishings are extremely simple, and the ground is also quite clean. Black blood.

The whole environment only feels empty at first glance, giving people a sense of tranquility and comfort, but when you see the screen in the middle, you will feel flustered, as if you are being stared at by some ferocious beast, and your heart is terrified.

Logically speaking, this is the last thing to do, because the meaning of the screen has existed since ancient times, and it can be summed up by adding the word "Ya" and the word "Tibet", but the display here is just the opposite.

"Is it just a supernatural object, or a ghost?" Sakai stood beside Luo Yi, carefully looking up and down the screen.

"It should be a supernatural item. Have you ever seen a screen that can also become a ghost?" Meijima retorted, "Since ancient times, only humans have become ghosts, and animals have become ghosts. How can objects such as screens become ghosts?" of?"

Luo Yi was noncommittal to their argument. The evil spirits under supernatural recovery are not the same thing as those in traditional culture. Although Meijima has been exposed to some supernatural events, she has not yet become a ghost driver, and she has no understanding of some of the corresponding information. do not understand.

In the mysteriously revived world, all the ghosts come from evil spirits. The reason why some things do not appear in human form is because they have been artificially modified by some evil spirits.

Like coffin nails and boning knives, they are essentially demons.

Although the screen looked weird, it actually didn't react to the arrival of these people, as if it was really just a supernatural object, which also made the actions of the few people a little bolder.

"Take a look separately." Luo Yi ordered, if there is only this one item here, then you can leave after dealing with it.

Several people dispersed, while Luo Yi checked the door here. He did not forget that the core goal of this trip was to get rid of the door knocker, and to check whether the door knocker has been here, one only needs to look at the door to know up.

"Miss Meijima, Miss Meijima?" Qianxue suddenly called a few times, and then she ran over, "Mr. Luo, Miss Meijima is missing?"

"It's gone, how is this possible, wasn't it still here just now?" Sakai walked over in astonishment when he heard the words.

This room is only [-] square meters square, and there is no other passages around it except for a gate.

How could a living person disappear without seeing it?
"It's true, I saw Ms. Meijima just now, but she disappeared as soon as I turned my head." Qianxue said eagerly.

Sakai walked to the gate, looked around, "It's really gone, are you sure she didn't go out?"

"I'm sure, I've been standing here all this time, if Ms. Meijima goes out, she will definitely pass by me!" Qianxue affirmed.

"Don't look for it, she's here!"

Although I couldn't understand what the two were talking about, I knew they were looking for someone by looking at them.

Sakai and Qianxue hurried over, following Luo Yi's fingers.

"Before I was curious, this screen is placed here, not to say it stands out from the crowd, but it is also quite eye-catching, which means that someone must have been here before." Luo Yi said.

Curiosity is human nature. In the early days of spirituality, Kobe City had a large population, and someone would definitely notice it.

"But there is no corpse here. At first I thought it was just a dead ghost object, but now it seems that it is not the case. The evil spirit has killed many people, but its way of killing is not in the house, but Inside the screen!"

"Inside the screen?" Qianxue's eyes widened, and she took a step back.

"The one on it seems to be a human face." Sakai pointed to the shadows on the screen, "It's just that the one on it is not three-dimensional and colorful, but gray-black, a human face that has been shrunk several times."

"Miss Meijima is there!" Qianxue pointed to the corner of the screen and said, if you observe carefully, you can find a terrified face in her thirties, and this face is constantly changing expressions, which is different from the surrounding people. The faces are brought together, and it looks like the screen is wriggling.

"It seems that Meijima is not dead yet, but I don't know how she was attracted by the evil spirit?" Sakai said.

Luo Yi recalled that from entering here to losing contact with Meidao, it took only 3 minutes in total, and not too many things would happen in 3 minutes, and Meidao was not abused during the conversation. The ghost is swept away, which shows that language, gender, personal physical characteristics, and clothing will not be the key to the trigger, and the only possibility is behavior.

"What unique behavior did she have before?"

"Unique behavior", Qian Xue frowned, "After we came in, Ms. Mijima and Mr. Sakai argued for a few words, and then they each dispersed to check the surrounding situation."

"Could it be a touch?" Sakai guessed.

"It's possible", Luo Yi nodded, and then the skilled artist boldly stretched out his hand and put it directly on the screen. This extremely reckless behavior made Sakai's eyes twitch.

But for Luo Yi, this was not a reckless act, but a trial and error after evaluation.We must know that Meijima fell into the screen, but did not die immediately, and there are still a small part of human faces moving on the screen except for her, which shows that this evil spirit is not necessarily dead, even if he is trapped like these people , with the Ghost Slaying Knife in hand, it is not difficult to get out of trouble.

"This is not the law of triggering." Luo Yi walked around, looking at the screen that was as tall as a person, and a bold thought emerged in his heart, "Maybe it's not touching, but being covered."

He walked behind the screen, when his figure was completely covered, a force came out from the screen, completely enveloping Luo Yi, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw a whole piece of gray.

Gray floors, gray tatami mats, gray walls, and even a tall screen in the middle of the room, the entire layout is exactly the same as the outside.

"Mr. Luo!" Mishima looked at Luo Yi who suddenly appeared, with surprise in his eyes.

Luo Yi stretched out his hand to signal her to shut up, but Qianxue didn't come in, who knows what she was talking about, it was annoying.

At this moment, a broken Chinese sounded, "Hello, I'm Fujii Hiroki, are you the Luo Yi that Ms. Meijima is talking about?"

Luo Yi glanced at him. This is a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face and wearing black-rimmed glasses. "I didn't expect that there are people here who understand our language. Although it's bad, it's barely enough to communicate."

"I'm sorry. I lived in your country for a year because of work. I learned some languages ​​briefly, but I'm not very familiar with them yet." Hiroki Fujii bowed with a sincere attitude.

"Also, this is Shuichi Ido and Ransuke Sato." Fujii pointed to the other two young men with thin cheeks and bags under their eyes, "We are all residents of the nearby area. We entered here by mistake three days ago. May I ask Mr. Luo to guide us?" go out?"

After Fujii finished speaking, the other two also bowed together and shouted, "Please!"

Luo Yi glanced at the corner, "Of course there is a solution, but do you have something to eat?"

Teng Jing's eyes lit up, and he said, "I'm sorry, we haven't eaten for a few days, but if Mr. Luo takes us out, I'm personally willing to reward Mr. Luo with 100 million yuan."

"Is it strange that a person who has been hungry for a few days is so energetic?" Luo Yi looked at Teng Jing with a frightening expression.

Teng Jing lowered his head, avoiding his gaze, "I don't understand what Mr. Luo is talking about, maybe it's because I exercise regularly, so my body looks better."

"Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Luo Yi waved his sleeve lightly, and the three heads immediately separated from his body and rolled to the ground. The headless body hit the ground heavily, and blood dripped down the floor. Penetrating in, the color of the blood-colored screen outside became deeper and deeper.

"Mr. Luo!" Mei Dao looked at the three corpses, and stayed where she was, like a fool. She couldn't figure out why the few people who were friendly just now suddenly turned against each other, let alone why Luo Yi wanted to kill them. .

Luo Yi didn't even look at the ground, as if he had done an insignificant thing, he stepped behind the screen, the strange thing was that he stepped on the ground, but the blood on the ground didn't get on his shoes, as if Something is blocking the general.

"If you are covered outside, you will be involved in this ghost domain, and what will happen if you are covered inside, will you go out, or will there be a third layer of ghost domain?" Luo Yi walked behind the screen curiously, Let his figure be completely covered, but this time there is no abnormality.

"That's right, if that's the case, these people should not be here long ago." Teng Jing and the others may not know the law of evil spirits, but they will definitely look for the exit everywhere, and this search will inevitably pass behind the screen.

"Forget it, let's go out first." Luo Yi didn't want to waste time, he went to the front and stood with Mei Dao, and directly used the power of the priest, the blood color diffused, and ripples appeared in the surrounding space. Under the folding of light and shadow, the people in front of him The screen seemed to have shrunk, and the scenery inside the room fluctuated like the surface of water. A corner of the wall was blown up by the wind, revealing several corpses covered with scars underneath. These corpses were bloody and bloody.

"Exquisite design!"

Luo Yi suddenly exclaimed, after the reverse invasion, he understood the usage of this ghost screen.

This screen is indeed a supernatural item, and it can even be regarded as a cage for confinement. The rule of use is that objects covered by the screen will be involved in its ghost domain, and objects that want to get out need to go out Cover the screen.

This can almost be seen as a one-way passage, easy to get in but difficult to get out.

Because an evil ghost that is more powerful than the ghost screen will interfere with its ghost domain and prevent it from being sucked in, and once an evil ghost that is not as terrifying as the ghost screen enters the screen, its own supernatural power will be suppressed.

And unless the ghost domain is used, it is impossible for a person to cover the screen that is more than two meters high by himself.

"No wonder the display in the house is so simple."

The simple decoration arrangement eliminates the possibility of relying on items and opportunism.

"This should be the masterpiece of a certain ghost master." Luo Yixin said, because only ghost masters can actively control their own ghosts, so that they will not resist when they are pulled by the ghost domain, and there is a possibility of entering and exiting the ghost screen.

Use ghosts to create a relatively safe storage space.

"It's just that I don't know if it hasn't been used yet, or some kind of accident happened, so there isn't even a single evil spirit inside."

After figuring out the rules, the detention became easier, and Luo Yi put it away, and this time the incident was considered to be over.

"In about 10 minutes, another supernatural event was dealt with. It seems that the possibility of us getting out alive is getting higher and higher." Sakai was secretly delighted.

From the beginning to the present, his biggest role is to guard the sentry and hold the ghost candle to resist the attack of a wave of ghost slaves.

The effect cannot be said to be non-existent, it can only be said to be approximately equal to zero.

"It's a pity that there is a language barrier, otherwise I must hug this thigh tightly, cheer for the boss, and make the relationship better."

Thinking of this, he quickly walked to Luo Yi's side in two steps, deliberately lagging behind by half a body, with a dog-legged enthusiastic smile on his face.

Seeing that Qianxue frowned secretly, feeling a little chilly.

However, Sakai acted as if he didn't see it, or he didn't care at all, as long as he could survive, it didn't matter if he smiled and stayed low.

History books are written by the victors. As long as they can survive, who can say that he is half wrong, and who dares to say that he is not?
Mishima, Qianxue?

Please, these are just two ordinary people. Although he Sakai is not good at dealing with evil spirits, he can handle a few ordinary people with ease.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, you saved my life again!"

At the side, Meijima bowed respectfully again, with the expression of the rest of her life appearing on her face.

This woman with the weakest personality and the least courage, first survived the attack of the ghost oiran, and survived the ghost screen incident.

Luck is not generally good.

Nagasawa, who was the strongest among them, died the fastest, which is a bit ironic.

But supernatural events are like this, full of uncertainty and randomness, and luck is also a kind of strength.

Several people continued to move forward, and after turning a street corner, Luo Yi keenly noticed some unusual changes in the surrounding situation.

The nearby buildings seem to have aged all of a sudden, becoming old and mottled, completely different from the brand new and clean houses before. It seems that this place has become an old part of the city, and there are traces of time everywhere.

This is the trace left by the knocker! (end of this chapter)

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