Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 325 The Pathfinder

In the world of ghost paintings.

A group of five people moved forward quickly, and they acted quite boldly, with the potential to go on a rampage.

"This world of ghost paintings is so real." Wang Chaling stretched out his hand and grabbed a leaf. The lines on it were clear, the details were clear, and there was even a fresh green grass smell, just like a real leaf.

But everyone knows that this is not a real leaf, but the illusion of ghost painting.

It is also true and false, and the false is confused with the real.

False on the outside, but true on the inside.

"With food, running water, and air, the Peach Blossom Spring Project is indeed feasible, but its shortcomings are also obvious." Luo Yi secretly thought.

"The ghost domain of ghost paintings can already affect reality, no, it's even more special." Li Jun tried to kick a car parked on the side of the road.

Other than the fact that the alarm didn't go off, the feedback felt like the real thing, and even the place where he kicked was realistically dented.

"It's just a pity that there is no sound." Luo Yi said.

After all, it is transformed by the supernatural, and there are still many flaws, but for life, these are not important at all, and the world of ghost paintings can also invade reality, absorbing things in reality, supernatural things cannot make sounds, but real things can.

"How can we find the source if we walk like this?" Wang Chaling asked.

"The world of ghost paintings is interlinked. As long as we go all the way, we will be able to find the root of the evil ghost." Li Jun said.

"A reckless man," Liu San snorted, "When you look for it, Dajing City may have fallen, and you'll even save a bastard."

All roads lead to Rome, but the effect of flying and walking is obviously different.

"Then do you have any good suggestions?" Li Jun said.

"If we light the white ghost candles and attract the evil spirits from the source, we may not be able to deal with so many captains?" Wang Chaling said.

"It's too risky. None of us know how many evil spirits there are in the world of ghost paintings. If we light the ghost candles, we may not find the real owner. The rest of the evil spirits are enough to disperse us, or even pile them up to death." Liu San said.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, so what do you say?" Li Jun said dissatisfied.

Liu San didn't answer, "Luo Yi, what do you think should be done?"

"As far as I know, there are still living people in the world of ghost paintings. These people come from all over the world, and there are even people from abroad. They have stayed here for several months. They must know information about evil spirits. We need to find them."

"This is a method, but the evil spirits in the eyes of ordinary people are all the same, they can't distinguish the source of ghost paintings from other evil spirits." Liu San said.

This is like the fact that Chinese people always think that foreigners have the same appearance, and ordinary people are already frightened when they encounter evil spirits, and their cognition is even more blurred. Whether they can distinguish them is a big question mark.

"So we still have an alternative plan," Luo Yi said: "Liu San, you have a lot of paper figurines, I need you to attract the evil spirits around you, and destroy some potential threats in advance. When necessary, I will use the spirit of the evil spirits to go directly to the source of the ghost painting."

"Then why don't you just use the means of evil spirits to go there, instead of doing so?" Li Jun asked.

"Because there are too many evil ghosts and the interference is too strong, I can't accurately locate them. The only way to do it is to reduce this influence first." Luo Yi replied that he tried the supernatural power of wish ghosts as soon as he came in, but the suppression of ghost paintings and the interference of evil ghosts in the environment made the wish ghosts, which were already weaker than the original book by more than three points, not enough to find the root of ghost paintings.

"I can scatter the paper figurines, but I can't guarantee the efficiency. You also know that although the paper figurines are supernatural, they can't deal with powerful evil spirits. It's very likely that the ghosts would have been torn apart before they were lured." Liu Sandao said that the reasoning was reasonable, after all, this had happened before.

"Then I will light ghost candles and forcibly attract the evil spirits." Luo Yi said coldly, "Since I am the leader of this team, I hope that everyone will cooperate with me and not deliberately hide their secrets."

"You have to know that every minute you stay here, the danger will be greater. Ghost paintings are invading Dajing City. You must know how many ghost masters and evil spirits there are in Dajing City. These ghosts can't do it when they are controlled by people, but they may not be able to recover after recovery. And there may be ghost paintings among them. When the time comes."

The expressions of the few people changed, the current ghost painting is S-rank, if they find another piece of the puzzle, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Mr. Qin to make a move.

"I will try my best." Liu San nodded. Luo Yi had already made it very obvious that if he evaded again, he would appear a little ungrateful. Let alone Li Jun would not tolerate him, even the other captains would not tolerate him.

Forty or fifty paper figurines dispersed, and Liu San's already sallow face became even more sallow.

"Help me find a living person nearby." Luo Yi raised his hand, and a bloody streak appeared on his wrist, which connected with the spirit of the wishing ghost. A wish was made, and then a kind of induction came back from somewhere.

"Follow me." Luo Yi took the lead this time, with a very clear goal.

"Hehe, let's go." Wang Chaling chuckled and followed up first, but his expression was not too serious.

Li Jun and Cao Yang were convinced by Luo Yi, because they had seen him make a move, while Liu San was too cautious and unwilling to fight against a strong player like Luo Yi, but Wang Chaling was different. He had four ghosts in his family, except for Mr. Qin, and the rest of the captains.

The reason why he cooperates is nothing more than asking for help from others. The Wang family cursed him, and he has been wanting to solve it for a long time.

After a few steps, the world in front of me suddenly changed. The buildings, streets, and signboards all changed styles, as if they came to an unknown city abroad from China.

"Someone is watching." Wang Chaling looked towards the second floor of a shopping mall.

"I saw it too. It's a foreign woman with blonde hair and blue eyes." Xiong Wenwen shouted.

The blonde woman with long hair ran away in a hurry when she saw Luo Yi and his party, as if Luo Yi and the others were scourges in her eyes, and didn't mean to say hello at all.

"It's not right." Li Jun said.

Luo Yi nodded, "It's really not right."

Xiong Wenwen raised his head, "What's wrong, what are you two mumbling about?"

"The first reaction of a person who is trapped in the ghost domain is not to flee in panic when he sees a living person." Wang Chaling pushed his glasses, "Unless."

Xiong Wenwen said, "Unless what?"

"Unless she feels that we will pose a threat to her." Luo Yi took a look, and saw that black mist had already emerged on the left side of the street, and the west wind was blowing sand and blowing on the vehicles beside the road, making potholes one after another.

"Have you noticed that when the woman ran away before, she was walking close to the wall, and the direction she was going to was obviously closer here." Li Jun observed.

"So we can't walk this street, otherwise it will trigger the law of evil spirits." Liu San said in a deep voice.

"That's not the end, we are all walking on this road." Xiong Wenwen shouted.

"Then destroy it, and let's step over it again." Li Jun took off his sunglasses, and the miserable green will-o'-the-wisp floated up on his body, and soon spread along the ground, and finally ignited a path full of flames directly in the black mist.

He walked on the alley in Huangquan, as if he was walking on fire, and he was quite high.

But only Li Jun knew that when the will-o'-the-wisp burned the evil spirits, he was also igniting himself. This feeling of being scorched by the fire was like being in a fire scene. Without a firm will, it was unbearable, but Li Jun had become accustomed to it.

Because the other ghost on his body has the function of recovery, as long as he is not burned to death all at once, he can recover slowly, but this process is a bit difficult.

Li Jun entered the ghost domain, simply identified the direction, and disappeared.

"Xiao Luo, do you want to support Xiao Li?" Xiong Wenwen looked at the black fog covering half of the street, feeling a little worried.

Don't look at his little Li Xiaoli every day, in fact, he has a very good relationship with Li Jun. He knows that the rest of the people tolerate him for the sake of the headquarters. They are afraid that one day they will encounter difficult supernatural events and need his help.

But Li Jun is not, he really cares about him, but with Li Jun's heroic character, he won't say it.

"No, Li Jun can handle it." Luo Yi signaled him to be quiet.

Sure enough, Li Jun soon came out dragging a charred corpse. The muscles in his arms tightened and relaxed, and the evil spirit was thrown on the ground in front of him.

"Luo Yi, I'll leave it to you." Li Jun put on his sunglasses and regained his coldness.

"The evil spirit is gone, they solved the evil spirit?"

"Impossible, how could that thing be handled by manpower, there must be some unexpected situation that we don't know about."

"Then what should we do, we can't hide here all the time, what if they have a way out?"

"Yeah, we have been trapped for so long, we should try as long as there is a possibility, otherwise we will definitely die here."

In a house, more than a dozen pairs of staring eyes looked at the street, arguing with each other.

"They're here, should we go see them?" A small man suggested.

"No, they have just come into contact with evil spirits, and it is very likely that they will provoke them." Another person immediately retorted.

"They're here, what should we do?" The blond woman asked a tall man who seemed to be the backbone.

A trace of tangle flashed in the man's eyes, but he glanced at the people around him whose eyeballs were bloodshot, with bags under their eyes, and who were even mentally broken, and he couldn't help sighing, "Ava, let them come here."

The man knows that these people have been trapped here for months, and what they lack now is not food and water, but hope.

Luo Yi walked into a building, where some arrows were painted on the walls with a highlighter, and these arrows all pointed in one direction.

"Ghosts don't read directions, living people do, so this arrow sign is for living people to see."

Luo Yi immediately understood the meaning of these signs. This was not only for asking for help, but also for the convenience of survivors to enter and exit, so that they would not easily lose their position.

Following the direction of the arrow, Luo Yi soon came to an empty aisle.

"Who are you?"

A voice came from the loudspeaker in the corridor, but the voice was in English.

"We are ghost masters. We are here to deal with the ghost painting incident. If you have relevant news, I hope you can cooperate with our work." Wang Chaling came out and asked politely. He is a returnee who has studied abroad for many years and is no stranger to English.

"Ghost masters? Are you an official member of the Federation?" A tall white man came out, followed by several men and women, the woman Luo Yi saw before was one of them.

"Sorry, we are not. The ghost painting incident has come to Dajing City. No matter where you are from, this place is no longer what you think it is." Wang Chaling said.

"Fake, you're not from the Federation. Have we been abandoned?" A man slammed on the door, venting his dissatisfaction.

"It's been a few months. They must have forgotten about us long ago. These vampires are doing nothing with taxpayers' money. I will definitely complain to them when I go back." Another man said angrily.

"And you, hurry up, you just stood on the street, you have already attracted the attention of the evil spirits, you will die sooner or later, don't implicate us." A black man held a baseball bat, staring at Luo Yi and the others viciously, as if he would strike if he disagreed.

"What kind of birdsong are they talking about? It's so loud that I can't even understand it." Xiong Wenwen complained.

At this moment, a man with an Asian face squeezed out from behind them. He looked haggard, his eyes wandered, his figure was very thin, and he seemed to be in a bad state of mind.

"They are warning you that your arrival is likely to cause us trouble, so you must leave," the man said.

"How long have you been here, and what's your name?" Luo Yi kicked open a door, dragged out a chair from inside, placed it in the middle of the aisle, sat down on it, and pointed at the Asian man in front of him.

The man was a little strange, because he found that the group of people in front of him were a little too calm. Instead of showing any fear, he even asked about their affairs.

This could not help but raise some expectations in his heart.

"I'm from Korea. My name is Park Il. I'm an unlucky guy who traveled abroad. I was involved inexplicably. I've been here for three months. We encountered evil spirits before, so we've been hiding here."

"All of you are here?" Liu San said.

"Originally there were more than [-] people, but recently they walked away, died, collapsed, and were attacked by evil spirits a few days ago. Only a dozen or so of us are left." Park Yi said.

"You just kept hiding and didn't go out to find the exit?" Li Jun said.

"Do you know the exit?" The man keenly discovered the loophole in Li Jun's words.

"Where there is an entrance, there will be an exit. This is the most basic thing, but it seems that you know very little, Luo Yi, let's go." Li Jun said, he only cares about the Chinese themselves, and has no sympathy for these foreigners.

After speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, don't go, you have to tell me where the exit is, I want to leave here." The man lost control of his emotions and cried as he spoke, holding Li Jun's arm and not letting go.

"Stop them quickly, they know the exit." Park Yi shouted behind him,
"What, Falk, they knew that they didn't tell us, and they still wanted to throw us away?" The black man was furious when he heard that, and he walked out with a baseball bat, wanting to teach them an unforgettable lesson.

"Go away!"

Luo Yi frowned, and took a quick step forward. With his palm out, he grabbed the black man's shoulder, and with a light flick, he threw the 1.8-meter-high man out.

"Samuel!" The white man shouted, reaching out to help the fallen black man.

"Fuck, Fuck, you asked for this." Samuel got up from the ground, reached out and pulled out a cold pistol from his waist and pointed it at Luo Yi.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do this." Liu San sneered at the man in front of him.

Wang Chaling leaned against the wall, looking relaxed, and even Xiong Wenwen folded his arms, looking like he was watching a show.

A group of five people became more relaxed one by one, completely ignoring the pistol.

"Boom!" Flames burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and a brass bullet spun out of the barrel along the rifling and went straight to Luo Yi's face.

Ava hurriedly closed her eyes, unable to bear to see the bloody scene.

But soon, the sound of a person falling to the ground sounded.

"Samuel!" Park Il shouted in astonishment.

It wasn't Luo Yi who fell to the ground at all, but the black man with the gun.

"But how is that possible?"

Ordinary people don't know it, but the captains all understand Luo Yi's operation. It is naturally very simple for Huang Quan to modify reality and adjust the direction of a bullet.

"Is there anyone else who wants to make a move?" Luo Yi looked around for a week, coldly scanning everyone with his sinister eyes, and everyone who was stared at by these eyes could not help but lower their heads in fear.

"Very well, it seems that there is only one person looking for death, let's go."

Just as Luo Yi and the others were about to walk out of the aisle, a man's voice came out.

"Wait!" The man leaned on the wall, gasping for breath, "Do you want to deal with the evil spirits? I can show you the way."

"You are an ordinary person and lead us the way." Liu San was a little disdainful. The attitude of this group of people just now has already made the few members of the ghost master team disgusted. Humans have tempers, and the ghost master's emotions are more pure.

The man gritted his teeth, "We just want to survive, even if the means and words are a bit extreme, it's not shameful."

Liu San sneered, "Then I can also kill all of you for my own pleasure and anger. According to your logic, this is also not shameful."

The "I" man opened his mouth, but he couldn't argue.

When people are always looking for their own interests, the bottom line is extremely low. This is human nature.

"I have lived here for three months, and I have seen many strange things. If you are willing to take me out, I am willing to cooperate with you." The man tried his best to promote himself: "I can see that you have only come in for a long time, and you will need my help."

"You think too highly of yourself." Liu San said disdainfully.

"What's your name?" Suddenly, Luo Yi asked.

"Li Yang, my name is Li Yang!" The man hurriedly said, asking about his life, this is a good sign, because dead people don't need names.

"Take us to find the source of the evil ghost. If you do it, I will let you go back out, otherwise, you will die a miserable death." Luo Yi said indifferently.

"Okay, I will work hard." Li Yang heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed behind the team.

"Luo Yi, why did you keep him? I don't believe you will soften your heart." Liu San said.

"Because his name is Li Yang." Luo Yi replied lightly, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Li Yang, is there anything special about this name?" Liu San glanced at the submissive man again, but couldn't see that he had the slightest value. (end of this chapter)

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