Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 328 The Crisis in the Corridor

After Luo Yi dealt with the door-blocking ghost, he suddenly found that Liu San, who was on the same floor as him, had disappeared.

"At this time, Liu San shouldn't be running around," Luo Yisi said, "The only possibility is to encounter an evil spirit."

However, there are two possibilities when encountering an evil ghost. One is that the ghost is so ferocious that Liu San was involved before he could react. Luo Yi's helper.

"Counting the ghost blocking the door and the ghost on the stairs, two evil spirits have appeared in the bodies of the seven ghost masters, and Liu San obviously encountered one. There are still a lot of evil spirits left, and it is very likely that There are still remnants in this layer." Luo Yi briefly analyzed.

The situation here is more complicated than imagined, but fortunately, the evil spirits that appear are still within the controllable range.

He walked a few steps forward. After the door jammer was imprisoned, the room suddenly became dark. This was because the windows in the room disappeared. The previous two windows were the ghosts maintained by the door jammer. After losing the evil ghost , the spirit of the ghost painting will completely block this floor.

Luo Yi continued to investigate unhurriedly, and did not panic because of Liu San's disappearance. He didn't believe that a captain would fall into a supernatural event so quietly.

One door after another was opened, and Luo Yi tirelessly entered and exited, but unfortunately, he didn't find anything.


Another door was pushed open, and it was still a small living room with one bedroom and one living room.

"So you are here!"

A man with a sallow, ashen complexion and strange wrinkles stood in the center of the living room, without a trace of life, even in broad daylight, his body exuded a refreshing coldness.

This person is Liu San.

It's just that at this time Liu San stood stiffly on the spot, and didn't turn his head when he heard Luo Yi's voice. He seemed to have lost his soul, and his eyes were numb and blankly staring at the front.

"Is something wrong with me, or was I attacked by an evil spirit?" Luo Yi walked up to him and waved his hand, but Liu San was still indifferent.

"Troublesome, it may be a conscious attack."

Luo Yi stopped still. Everything is normal now, which means that the evil spirit's law of killing has not yet been triggered, so he must first stop what he is doing and check the situation on the scene.

He is very strong all over, but consciousness-like attacks are his shortcoming. This is because Sishen can passively protect, but cannot actively attack.

"As long as it doesn't attack indiscriminately, then it's not helpless," Luo Yixin said.

The vast majority of evil spirits will be attached to a specific thing. It can be a person or an object. There are very few evil spirits with pure consciousness. Two ghosts.

"Now I need to confirm the location of the ghost. As long as I confirm the location of the evil ghost, I can crucify it in a split second." Luo Yixin said.

"Judging from Liu San's position, the evil spirit should be right behind me, and there is a high probability that the trigger rule is seeing."

This is not a random guess, but Luo Yi has noticed the middle part of the room since he entered the door, and with his current position, the place behind Liu San is also within sight, the room is quiet, there is no movement or figure, so Touch and hear are also vetoed, visual triggers are highly likely.

"Come out, it's time to do something when you're full."

Luo Yi said faintly, and a ghost boy with a beer belly walked out from behind Luo Yi. In just ten minutes, this ghost boy grew four to five centimeters taller, and his face also changed, and his pale face faded away. , the blue and black underneath emerged.

This is after his own supernatural power has been improved, and the power of the deceiving ghost has been suppressed.

"Look at the wall behind you."

Luo Yi ordered.

Guitong only paused for a second or two this time, then turned around, his pair of dark pupils swaying from side to side, scanning the wall coldly.

Luo Yi put his right hand on the Ghost Slaying Knife, watching Guitong's movements from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, the movement of Guitong turning his head stopped suddenly, this movement was very abrupt, as if being fixed by a pair of invisible hands.

Not only the head, but even the exposed stomach has no movement. You must know that the door blocking ghost has not been completely digested. After the ghost boy swallowed it, the door blocking ghost has been struggling in the stomach, trying to escape the ghost boy's devouring .

But now the door blocker is also quiet.

There is only one reason for this, a stronger demon restrained them.

The cold wind passed by, and the gloomy cold hit, Luo Yi felt as if a huge ice cellar had opened behind him, and the sudden drop in temperature stimulated the pores to shrink.

"The devil has appeared!"

Amidst the sound of the bitter wind, a red cold light flashed across the void, and the long ghost-slaying knife was already out of its sheath. Luo Yiti raised his arms horizontally, pointed the tip of the double-edged knife backwards, and stabbed it down fiercely by virtue of the induction.


It wasn't the sound of a sharp knife piercing through flesh, but rather like a sharp weapon cutting through low-quality metal such as cans.

The cold surroundings suddenly stopped, Luo Yi opened his eyes, a black and white photo frame the size of a human head was strung on the tip of the double-edged ghost knife, the tip of the knife passed through the body, and bright red blood oozes from the photo.

Luo Yi frowned, "Being nailed to the coffin can still display some supernatural powers, no wonder Liu San is restricted."

The last one who was restrained by the coffin nails and was able to show supernatural powers was the Lord of Ghost Eyes, but the Lord of Ghost Eyes could not only ooze blood, but also split a ghost eye, which is obviously more terrifying than this evil ghost cut.

But even so, the horror level of this ghost has reached A level, enough to affect Liu San who has not yet reached the height of the later stage.

As the ghost boy left, Liu San's numb eyes focused instantly, and at the same time retreated quickly, two paper figurines appeared out of thin air, blocking in front of him together.

Luo Yi ignored him, but pulled the Ghost Slaying Knife from the wall, and put the black and white photo frame on the coffee table.

The blood in the photo has stopped oozing, and the little spots of blood dissipated, and the true colors of the photo appeared. Inside was a young European and American man, wearing a black jacket, with a pistol on his waist.

"Another ghost master who died here."

It's just that this ghost left the corpse after the death of the ghost master, and reattached to this photo frame with the appearance of the previous host, and attacked Liu San.

"Thank you." Liu San said sincerely after clarifying the status quo, although even if Luo Yi didn't make a move, he could get rid of the restrictions with a little time, but if he helps, he has to be grateful.

"What's going on?" Luo Yi asked.

Although the evil ghost was imprisoned, Luo Yi didn't know the specific process of the evil ghost's ability, and with him as the temporary captain, he also helped Liu San, who was qualified to ask a question whether public or private.

Liu San shook his head, said with a wry smile: "It's a bit unlucky, you see", he pulled down his collar while talking, his neck was covered with bruises, it looked as if he had been strangled.

"When I entered the door, I triggered the law of a ghost. During the process of imprisoning it, I was followed by the ghost in your hand. It restricted my movement." Liu San pointed to Luo Yi's hand photo frames.

"So that's how it is." Luo Yi made up his mind, and he said that an A-level evil spirit should not have the ability to deal with Liu San. It turned out that two evil spirits attacked together.

"Is that ghost done?"

"It's done, it's here." Liu San spread out his palm, and inside his palm was a piece of nylon rope.

"There are already three evil spirits on this floor. Even if there are still some left, there are probably not many." Luo Yi walked out of the room while imprisoning the evil spirits.

"No, I have sent paper men to check the rest of the rooms, and there is nothing inside."

"I'm afraid we have to go upstairs now." Liu San looked serious, because there was a ghost on the stairs.


All the corpses and evil spirits are concentrated on the third floor and above, which shows that the supernatural interference of ghost paintings focuses on the upper floors.

If you don't have one here, you can only go upstairs.


"I really don't want to go up this staircase." Liu San's expression darkened, the unpleasant voice of grinding his teeth always gave him a bad feeling.

And this ghost is different from the ghost painting. The ghost painting at least knows some information, but it is completely unknown, the degree of terror is unknown, the trigger law is unknown, and the ability is unknown.

The only thing that's certain is that they're bound to hit it somewhere on the stairs.

Because this building has only seven floors, they come up from the bottom floor, and the evil spirits come down from a certain position upstairs and walk towards each other. The fourth floor is the middle point.

"The ghost painting has modified the layout of this building, or the whole building is full of ghost paintings. We can move forward because this ghost is entrenched on the stairs, which affects the layout of the ghost painting. The stairs will disappear like the outside world." Luo Yi said.

This is the same reason as the spirit of the door-blocking ghost maintains the window.

Without the existence of these evil spirits, Ghost Painting would turn this place into a dead building with four walls isolated from each other.

"When you meet this evil ghost later, what are you going to do?" Liu San asked.

If the evil spirits are imprisoned, the stairs will disappear, and they will all be trapped in the floor of the ghost painting structure.

If Guihua can be imprisoned, everyone will be happy, if not, they will face the embarrassing situation that they will not be able to get support and they will not be able to escape.

"You want to avoid it?" From Liu San's expression and tone, Luo Yi guessed that he might have a different opinion.

Because along the way, Luo Yi's behavior style is very obvious, if he approves of it, he won't do anything unnecessary.

"Avoid it, or light a ghost candle and carry it over." Liu San took out a red candle that seemed to be poured with blood from his arms.

"For this operation, I brought two ghost candles, and I think you have at least one on your body, we can afford it."

Don't think about victory, think about defeat first, this is Liu San.

Luo Yi stopped, and the footsteps of the evil spirit could be clearly heard. Before encountering the evil spirit, the two of them had to agree.

"I understand your concerns, but these ideas are all based on the premise that the evil spirits can only attack on the stairs. If this is not the case, let the ghosts on the stairs move. If it enters the fourth floor with us Lou, attacking us back and forth when facing ghost paintings, the success rate of dealing with ghost paintings will be greatly reduced."

Luo Yi continued: "So my idea is to limit the evil spirit first, at least to ensure that we will not interfere when we make the next shot. If nothing can be done, then release it, let it revive and rebuild a downward passage, just like you That being said, we can afford this little time.”

The plans of the two are similar, but the balance between safety and efficiency is different.

"Then follow what you said." Liu San no longer hesitated, he just wanted to be on the safe side, it didn't mean he wasn't decisive.

The corridor is narrow and cramped, and the width only allows one person to pass through, and the more you go up, the more dim the light, and the creaking sound keeps echoing, making people wonder whether the wooden ladder under their feet can withstand it.

But Luo Yi didn't panic, the evil ghost came down step by step, and wanted to kill people on the corridor, so everything could be broken here, except the stairs.

"The evil spirit is deliberately imitating our footsteps. Once we move, it will also move once. According to the sound recognition, it should be standing on a certain step between the third floor and the fourth floor. If it Let's keep moving forward, we should meet it on the small platform in the middle of the corner of the stairs." Liu San said.

"Now we are less than three steps away from this small platform." Luo Yi raised his head, this position is enough to see the corridor above, but the strange thing is that there is nothing on it, and there is nothing abnormal, but the corpse lingering around the nose is It became more and more intense, as if the evil spirit was already approaching.

Luo Yi said: "According to my observation, this ghost should be attracted by the sound of footsteps. This sound can be the sound of going upstairs or downstairs, but it must be related to the footsteps. Once someone makes the sound of footsteps, the ghost will They will keep approaching, and when the people and ghosts get close to each other, the evil ghosts will attack."

Liu San answered: "But to deal with evil spirits, we have to take this step."

The two walked here from the first floor, only heard the voice of the evil spirit, but did not see the figure of the evil spirit. This is not good news, which means that the evil spirit may only show up when it violently kills people. .

"You defend and I attack", Luo Yi motioned to Liu San.

Liu San nodded with a serious face. Now that the two of them are in the same boat, he won't have any strange thoughts.

A truly smart person is not how high IQ is or how fast he learns, but knowing what to do and when to do it.

Luo Yi drew out the Ghost Slaying Knife, held his fingers forward, and took two steps forward to reach the last small step in front of the platform.

It was as cold as the tide, and the fishy smell was spreading across the surface. Luo Yi felt that the distance between this evil spirit and him was only three inches, as long as he took another step, he would meet him immediately.

The pale green ghost candle was lit, and the green flame kept jumping. Drops of wax oil rolled down the wax body, dripping on the floor and making a squeaking sound.

At the critical moment, Liu San lit a ghost candle.

Luo Yi tightened the Ghost Slaying Knife in his hand, his face was as gloomy as water. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous. In the original book, Yang Jian almost died here under the double protection of the ghost cabinet and the music box. It is enough to show that this evil ghost is extremely terrifying, and more importantly, this evil ghost has finally become one of the puzzles painted by ghosts.

A ghost painting that can be restarted is already extremely difficult to deal with. If it is given a puzzle with mortal supernatural powers, I don't know how fierce it will be.

"Because of the interference of the evil spirits, I can only use split once and restart once. Counting the burning ghost candle, I have at least two chances to make shots. If the evil spirits cannot be dealt with after two times, a fatal attack will come. on me."

After Luo Yi was ready, he immediately took the last step without hesitation.

Since the evil spirits are approaching, cut off the chest first to strike first.

With one step, Luo Yi swung his wrist, and the ghost-slaying long knife cut across a large distance in front of him. To deal with this invisible evil spirit, using the ghost-slaying knife to cut apart is more efficient than the coffin nails.

The air current was turbulent, and the strong wind brought by it blew through the narrow passageway, bringing up whimpering screams.


The flames of the red ghost candle surged up like oil, illuminating the surrounding area brightly and turning yellow.

"It's lost, the evil spirit is not in front of me at all." Liu San's expression changed, and more than half of the candle in his hand burned in just two seconds, and the rhythm didn't stop, "This evil spirit is more powerful than imagined!" fear."

"Not in front of you?"

Luo Yi's face changed, the evil ghost must form a relationship with people if it wants to kill people, this connection can be sensory or conscious, this is a must, he is very sure, the evil ghost must be with it now wandering sideways.

"Ghost painting restricts my use of the ghost domain, and it also restricts the use of evil ghosts. Since it is not hiding in the ghost domain, where else can it hide its tracks?"

Luo Yi squeezed the Ghost Slashing Knife tightly, his eyes drooping, "If it's not above, then it must be below!"

The long knife was clenched again, and this time Luo Yi held the handle of the knife with both hands, aiming at the bottom of the corridor and stabbing it straight.


The red ghost candle went out, Luo Yi felt dizzy in his head, his brain was in chaos as if he had been violently hit, and even his body temporarily lost control.

Numbness and coldness flooded the whole body.

"I was attacked by evil spirits."

"Luo Yi!" Liu San shouted, and at the same time the candle lighted up again. This was the second ghost candle. He stretched out his hand and pulled it forward, but he didn't expect it to be empty.

Luo Yi half-kneeled on the ground, the ghost-slaying knife in his hand pierced through the wooden corridor floor, and the huge force pushed the long knife straight out of the handle.


Three seconds later, Luo Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and he shook his head to wake himself up again.

"Scared me to death." Liu San waved his hand and dispersed the paper figurines in front of the two. Although these paper figurines were not real evil spirits, they were enough to take damage and divert the evil spirits' attention.

"That ghost?" Liu San asked.

"Here." Luo Yi stood up, and blood appeared on the Ghost Slaying Knife. The wooden boards laid on the small platform at the corner of the corridor cracked one by one, and an evil ghost was lifted up following the long knife.

This evil ghost is a vague figure, its upper body is almost invisible, its lower body is covered with corpse spots, and its sole is thick and black, exuding a strong stench.

"Weird thing." Luo Yi looked at the thing and cursed.

This evil spirit walks under the stairs, and will only reveal its real figure when it really starts killing people.

That's why Luo Yi's crosscutting fell through, but luckily he pinpointed the location of the evil spirit according to the sound of his footsteps, and after the first stroke missed, he quickly turned the edge of the blade around and inserted it vertically. This scene of dead evil spirits.

"I have to say that your decision is correct. One attack is half of the red ghost candle. If you really want to let it go, I'm afraid we will be consumed by it soon." Liu San said with lingering fear.

He watched the ghost candle disappear quickly, and the horror in his heart was no less than Luo Yi's confrontation with the evil ghost.

Luo Yi nodded and did not speak. He is still a little dizzy in his head now. Although the second fatal attack of the evil spirit was partially blocked by the ghost candle, the attack of the evil spirit actually invaded Luo Yi during the interval when the candle was extinguished. body.

Fortunately, Sishen was no longer what it used to be. Although this attack was ferocious, it was not fatal.

"Are you okay?" Liu San stretched out his hand, wanting to help Luo Yi.

"No big problem." Luo Yi waved his hand and stood with the knife.

From the fact that the two teamed up against the enemy this time, it can be seen that the tacit understanding of cooperation is still not enough, but fortunately when Luo Yi was injured, Liu San chose to stand in front of him, and planned to take on the next spiritual confrontation.

If not, Luo Yi would immediately restart himself and repair the injury, instead of accepting it abruptly as now, leaving a chance to restart in the future.

Luo Yi imprisoned the ghost into the kingdom of worshiping gods, and secretly launched the sacrifice. The injuries on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye as his spirituality improved.

"What a monster!"

Seeing this scene, Liu San secretly smacked his tongue, calling out perverted. (end of this chapter)

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