Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 335 Zhang Xianguang Appears

"Captain, this is already the fourth batch of people who have entered the ghost painting. Counting the people inside, the number of ghost masters we have invested in Yuzhou City has reached 60 people."

Inside the safe house, Luo Lin held a stack of documents and said to Luo Yi with a solemn expression.

"How about casualties?" Luo Yi asked.

"Fifteen people have died, and almost all of the remaining people are injured. Several of them are on the verge of reviving the evil spirits."

"A quarter of the death rate is still within the acceptable range." Luo Yi remained expressionless, and continued: "How many evil spirits have been imprisoned?"

"Forty of them, but almost all of them are B-level and below evil spirits, and this is the situation where Meng Yi and Huang Shiyu are sweeping by." Luo Lin said.

"Have you encountered any particularly ferocious ghosts?"

Rowling said: "I met them twice, and those 15 people died in these two incidents. Later, they evacuated for a short time until the evil spirits wandered away, and then they continued to act. Otherwise, the number of casualties will increase. double."

Only three days have passed since the last time the ghost painting was imprisoned by a team. With the source painting in his hand, Luo Yi led the evil spirits to a remote mountain forest area, and then organized the ghost masters in Yuzhou City to deal with the evil spirits at the entrance of the maze through derivative paintings. ghost.

In this way, the influence of ghost paintings on Dajing City was basically minimized, and the headquarters' intention to ask Mr. Qin to take action was dispelled.

You must know that Mr. Qin has always been the Dinghai Shenzhen of the headquarters, unless it is a life-and-death situation, he usually will not do it.

The task of forming a team failed, the possibility of Mr. Qin’s action was eliminated, and the influence on Dajing City also weakened. The development of the matter has always followed Luo Yi’s layout, and the rest is to deal with the evil ghosts in the ghost painting , Completely complete the detention of ghost paintings.

It now appears that this process will take several days.

There are too many evil spirits in the ghost painting, and the four captains teamed up before, but they only dealt with a small part, so Luo Yi started to think of the ghost master in Yuzhou City. Lighten your load.

There are a lot of evil spirits imprisoned these days, and there are not a few ghost masters brought out, but overall it is still within the acceptable range.

"Increase the support of psychic items, let Meng Yi, Han Ji, Wu Ning and other team leaders leave the field together, and tell them that the training is over, and I will take down all the evil spirits imprisoned in the ghost painting." Luo Yi said coldly.

More than a hundred evil spirits sacrificed for several days in a row, and the spirituality of Luo Yi's body was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. He felt that the distance from becoming a real sacrificial god was only negligible.

This gap is like a thin layer of window paper, it only needs a little more force to pierce it.

"Captain, with all due respect, ghost paintings have been confined to remote mountainous areas, and have been completely isolated by Captain you using ghost domains, forming a closed place that is almost inaccessible by manpower. Even the headquarters have temporarily put it down. , why do we still have to invest so much manpower and material resources to solve it?" Rowling asked aloud.

Although only 15 people died now, you must know that the number of ghost masters in the entire Yuzhou City is no more than a hundred. If these dead people are kept in the headquarters, they can even be sent to a small remote place to be a city leader.

Not to mention that the remaining ghost masters were all wounded, which almost wiped out half of Yuzhou City's vitality, and this only happened within three days.

"Someone resisted?" Luo Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a fierce light. Almost [-]% of the ghost master team in Yuzhou City was directly trained by him. This training was either selected for the help of evil spirits Controlling, or suppressing the recovery of evil spirits, delaying their lifespan.

It can be said that without him these people would have died long ago.

Rowling picked up the teapot and said softly: "It's not enough to resist, it's just that a small number of people don't understand, and they have some complaints." She filled the cup and placed it in front of Luo Yi and continued: "But you don't have to worry, No one in Yuzhou will disobey your orders."

"Whoever has an opinion asks him to come and talk to me in person, and I will give him a reason." Luo Yi said coldly. Faced with such a large number of casualties, his attitude was still firm, even unbelievably tough.

"Okay." Rowling nodded. Although she didn't know what happened, she could clearly feel that there was some eagerness hidden in Luo Yi's ancient well, just like the eve of a volcanic eruption. Zhang, the feeling of berserk made people dare not look directly at him, and secretly frightened.

"Go down and make arrangements. There shouldn't be many evil spirits in the ghost painting. When they can't solve it, please come and let me know. I will solve this incident thoroughly." Luo Yi waved his hand and asked Luo Lin to go down to work.

When the door was closed again, black and blue figures with faces that were [-]% similar to Zhou Zheng came out of the darkness.

One, two, three.
In the end, a total of fifteen came out directly. These are ghost youths, three-stage starving ghosts, each of which has swallowed at least one evil ghost.

Chains were put around their ankles, binding them together. Wisps of light were transmitted from them to the kingdom of the gods along the chains. The color of the blood moon gradually deepened, and the darkness at the edge quietly dissipated. Quietly grow bigger.

Ten minutes later, a murmur came from the empty room, "Sure enough, it's still close."

In the world of ghost paintings.

"Sister Meng, do you think that is a living person in front of you?" Wu Ning pointed to the distance, and a figure gradually approached them. He was tall and wearing a large black exercise suit. When walking, the dragon walks like a tiger, and the wind blows under your feet, just like a martial arts practitioner in the Republic of China.

"Everyone stop!" Meng Yi yelled, making the surrounding team members move closer to him, and then extinguished the white ghost candle in his hand, looking at the person coming with fear.

It was only when he got closer that Meng Yi could see this person clearly. He looked about 40 or [-] years old, with a resolute face, radiant eyes, brows like knives and axes, exposed muscles were high and bulging, tendons on the arms were knotted, wrists Turning around, dragging a big knife that seems to be used by Guan Gong.

wow wow wow~
The long knife slashed across the ground, splashing scattered sparks, leaving a conspicuous scratch.

"Extremely dangerous!"

This was Meng Yi's first reaction when he saw him. Just getting close, Meng Yi felt a layer of goosebumps involuntarily appearing on his skin, and his hairs stood on end. Alarm bells rang in his heart. The grimaces were faintly avoided, as if they didn't dare to face them.

"This person is more ferocious than anyone I've ever seen before, even compared to the captain, and even surpassed in some aspects." Meng Yi gestured twice behind his back, and the expressions of several team members changed , a supernatural power rose from his body, and he was ready to strike at any time.

"Are you a ghost master trapped in the ghost painting world?" Meng Yi asked first.

"You shouldn't have come." The man raised his eyelids, with a look of pity in his eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" Meng Yi frowned, and raised her voice involuntarily. At the same time, the team members behind her fanned out, staring at the man in front of her.

The corner of the man's mouth was raised, and he was completely indifferent to the movements of the dozen or so people in front of him. The supercilious gesture seemed to be that he was surrounding everyone, not that they were surrounding him.

"We are members of the ghost master team in Yuzhou City. Luo Yi is our captain. We are here to deal with the ghost painting incident. If you are a ghost master who accidentally got caught in the ghost painting, please tell us about your situation." If the identity verification is correct, we can take you out." Wu Ning said, "Now, please cooperate with our work and tell us your information honestly."

Wu Ning handled it cautiously.

"I tell you, you may not be able to find out." The man said, "As for your identities, I don't care. Even if Luo Yi is in person, if I ask him to retreat, he must obediently retreat."


"So arrogant!"

"Do you know our captain?" Meng Yi stopped the people behind who were about to make a move, his eyes drooped and his expression was gloomy, "Although I don't know what you rely on, it is not a wise choice to offend our captain."

Meng Yi is unwilling to offend a person who travels through the world of ghost paintings with unknown names and strengths. Although Yuzhou City is powerful, it does not mean that it will make enemies everywhere. Besides, they are currently on a mission. The big loss delayed Luo Yi's plan.

"I admit," the man stood like a pine, with a steady and powerful voice, "Among the younger generation, Luo Yi is indeed outstanding, but looking at the entire supernatural circle, he may not be considered a big shot, you just mention his name." It would be too whimsical to want me to retreat."

He continued: "Yuzhou City is still too small, the small pond can only raise loaches, not real dragons!"

"Damn it, you are not allowed to insult the captain, kill him!" Meng Yi was furious, and the two grimaces in the back of his head suddenly revived, crying and laughing superimposed, and quickly spread far away in this empty world.

"It's these two faces, quite well balanced." The man's eyes showed a thoughtful look, as if he knew how to laugh and cry a long time ago.

The cry is bitter and harsh; the laughter is weird and absurd. The combination of the two makes people twitch the corners of their mouths involuntarily, wanting to release their emotions along with it.

Not only that, a brown haze appeared on Wu Ning's body, and he rolled forward. Wei Xun revived the evil spirit and strode forward, trying to catch the person in front of him and trigger the curse of mortal death.

Behind them, there were more than ten ghost masters who shot one after another. In an instant, more than twenty patterns were triggered instantly, and their targets were directed at the tall man in front of them.

Seeing this scene, the man didn't panic in the slightest, but showed a mocking smile, "If it's only to this extent, you can go to death."

Meng Yi's face was ugly, this man was just leaning on a knife, watching everyone attack coldly, without the slightest intention of taking precautions, but the attack of everyone was blocked by an inexplicable black shadow as soon as they walked up to him, even her The sound is blocked, not an inch in.

"It's broken, he's really a top expert." Meng Yi's heart beat violently, and cold sweat oozes from his temples.

"This person's words are quite conceited. Before, I suspected that he was too deeply corrupted by evil spirits and lost his mind. Now it seems that he really has the confidence and strength. This kind of person is no longer something we can deal with. We must inform Captain." Meng Yi whispered to Wu Ning.

"Sister Meng, you go, I will lead someone to block him." Wu Ning's eyes shrank, and she also realized the horror of the person in front of her.

"Hehe, it's too late to think of running away now." The man clasped his ears, half-smiling.

"You can hear it across the ghost domain, dog ears!" Wu Ning scolded, she could not penetrate the isolation of the fog ghost even if she controlled the ghost ears, but this man could do it, and she felt uncomfortable Seeing the slightest sign of intrusion, this shows that his level of terror is higher than imagined.

"You can scold me if you want. I am very tolerant of a dead person." The man's expression remained unchanged, his eyes calm and indifferent.

After being a ghost master for many years, the seven emotions and six desires have long been eroded to nothing. Many of the current performances are the reappearance of muscle inertia and memory.

But in the eyes of everyone, this kind of indifference is more terrifying than the evil spirit's smile.

"He is no different from an evil ghost with human thinking." Meng Yi was terrified.

"Don't talk anymore, then I have to send you on the road." The man stretched his neck and stomped his feet fiercely. The darkness beside him was like the sea surface under a typhoon, setting off tens of feet of black waves.

One after another, ghost masters were involved, and in this black ghost land, the evil ghosts on them were like dilapidated small wooden boats being driven into the bottom of the sea by turbulent waves.

"Wei Xun, Xiang Qiang!" Wu Ning yelled, and saw that the two were pinned in place like puppets, their complexions turned black in an instant, and the look in their eyes quickly faded. , but said nothing.

"Wu Ning, let's go!" Meng Yi pushed Wu Ning and said sharply.

"Sister Meng!"

"Your ghost domain is the strongest, and it is the most likely to escape. In addition," Meng Yi looked into her eyes, and there was a bright light in them, which meant to move forward with determination.

"Tell the captain, I, Meng Yi, did not embarrass him!"

With tears in her eyes, Wu Ning struggled a few times, and finally fled out of Huangquan with all her might.

"It's a touching scene," the man's eyes were full of waves, "But I've seen too much, so you don't have to run away, just die obediently!"

The man raised his arms and twisted his waist, dragged to the ground, as if a long knife weighing hundreds of catties suddenly lifted off the ground.

Fierce, bloodthirsty, like a scourge of unparalleled spirits flooding the eyes, depriving all colors and senses, infinitely magnifying the fear in the bottom of my heart, driving people to go crazy and screaming.

"He wants to attack Wu Ning to prevent her from escaping here." The moment Meng Yi raised the long knife, Meng Yi's heart trembled, and then he ran forward almost instinctively. At the same time, he revived the two grimaces on his body and opened the door. The ghost sound at the waist.

She has to rely on herself to block the knife!

No matter what the result is, even if you are killed with a single knife, you will never back down.

With the determination to die, Meng Yi came in front of the tall man, and the crying and laughing ghost voice was blessed by the ghost voice, and its power was doubled instantly. Even Meng Yi himself felt dizzy, dizzy and numb.

She believed that among the beings who also controlled the two evil spirits, absolutely no one could ignore her attack.

The long knife fell, and the vision gradually became clear.

The ghost sound on Meng Yi's body had already exploded, and the evil ghost in it sprang out, and she didn't know where she went. She shook her head, and there was a rumble in her ears, and there was thunder, and it took a long time to slowly hear the surrounding sounds .

"Unexpectedly, you are actually willing to die for her." A cold voice sounded.

Meng Yi turned her gaze, just in time to see the ridiculously big big knife on her neck.

"I'm not for her." Meng Yi tried to mobilize the evil spirits in her body, but there was no response at all, as if she had been scared out of her wits by the knife.

"You don't need to try. Although you two evil spirits are special, they are not far behind my knife." The man looked at her calmly, "I can tell that you are the leader of this group, A gentleman is not good under a dangerous wall, why don't you run for your life?"

As the man spoke, the sharp blade twitched slightly, and the sharp blade cut through Meng Yi's fair neck, and blood oozed out like beads.

Meng Yi showed no fear on his face, and said loudly: "Our Yuzhou ghost master team has always been like this. The leader must be at the forefront and the most dangerous place. I am with them. I must die first, and then it will be their turn. !"

"Whenever there is a war, you have to climb first. It's a grand-sounding statement. If that's the case, why don't you see Luo Yi?" The man asked with a cold snort.

"What do you know? The captain entered here as early as the first day, and he imprisoned hundreds of evil spirits here that day."

The man frowned, "He's alone?"

Meng Yi turned his head away and stopped talking.

The man laughed, and then said: "Although you are a woman, you have a lot of backbone. Are you interested in doing things for me? I can help you control another evil spirit and make you a captain."

After nearly 20 years of silence, those teammates around him have long since died and scattered, and there are almost no helpers left by his side, so this is why he loves talents.

Meng Yi closed her eyes, not even wanting to look at him.

"Very well, it seems that you have already made your choice." The man was not surprised that he didn't get the answer he wanted, but his face turned a little colder.

"If you want to die with all your heart, I will let you seek benevolence and benevolence. Don't worry, my knife is very fast."

As the man spoke, he clenched the handle of the knife with his five fingers, pressed hard from the tiger's mouth, the ape's arms flew up, and a head flew up in an instant.

As the world spins upside down, a beautiful shadow fades away.

"Remember, the one who killed you, Zhang Xianguang!"

After the murder, the man raised his head and looked at the hooded figure in the distance with a gloomy look.

"As for the little mouse that escaped, I will let you go. After all, I wanted to leave someone to inform me."

Killing people is not the goal, Liwei is! (end of this chapter)

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