Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 349 A Sudden Evil Ghost Knocks on the Door at Night

Under the darkness, the figure of the evil spirit was very vague.

This kind of interference is not only the influence of evil spirits, but also the isolation of the gate.

In the land of supernatural beings, everything is shrouded by the power of evil spirits. This is the case with the wooden door in front of you. This kind of wood is not expensive. The reason why it can last for nearly a hundred years is not because the wood is good and well maintained, but because it is stained. Supernatural.

Luo Yi signaled, "Be ready to fight, if possible, imprison it directly."

The lights of the Ghost Post Office were turned off at 6 o'clock. This kind of time when you can't see your fingers will be very long. If Luo Yi and Zhang Han stay here, they will definitely be attacked by evil spirits.

This kind of endless night and endless attacks, Luo Yi can withstand it, but Zhang Han may not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, try to detain the evil spirits once as much as possible to avoid the worst situation from happening.

Zhang Han nodded solemnly with a sullen face.

As soon as the words fell, the evil spirit standing outside the door began to move. It raised its hand, raised it over its chest, put its two fingers together, and knocked lightly on the wooden door in front of it.

"Boom, boom boom!"

"The door knocker!" Zhang Han looked shocked. He couldn't be more familiar with this voice and this rhythm.

But soon, he realized again, "Didn't the door knocker be dealt with by the captain when he was in the island country? Could it be that there are two door knockers in this world, but shouldn't it be?"

According to the researches of various countries, after the supernatural recovery, there have never been two identical evil spirits in the world.

"Keep your voice down," Luo Yi raised his hand, signaling him to be calm, "This should be a puzzle left by Luo Wensong during his lifetime."

"Puzzle", Zhang Han suddenly realized, "That's right, Captain, you said that Luo Wensong was killed by someone, and the evil spirits in his body should have been dispersed, and we have not been attacked by evil spirits now." , which shows that it is indeed not the evil spirit I am familiar with, at least its law is not to knock on the door and kill people."

"It's lights off!" Luo Yi said calmly, "The light in the toilet has already been turned off, just when the evil ghost knocked on the door."

Zhang Han glanced back, the innermost part of the living room, the passage connecting the bathroom was pitch black.

"The entire post office is located in a ghostly place, and there should be no electricity at all, so the lights here are constructed by the power of evil spirits. The only thing that can turn them off is the same thing."

"Human death is like a lamp going out. When the lamp goes out, people kill people. This ghost is very dangerous." Now every household has lights. Once this ghost escapes, the threat level will never be lower than that of the ghost knocking on the door.

Zhang Han tore off his coat, and the ghost tattoos on his body wriggled on his skin, ready to make a move at any time.


Before the sound continued, Luo Yi took a step forward and put his hand behind the door panel. The golden color of his palm boiled, and golden threads swam like little snakes, covering the entire door in just a moment.

The golden threads radiate light and flow alternately, forming a feeling like tendons.

"The same sound of knocking on the door means that this ghost happens to be part of the knocking ghost. I know exactly what the knocking ghost can do, so I can't let it continue to knock on the door."

After Luo Yi made a move, the knock on the door disappeared, but through some gaps, one could see that the evil spirit stopped outside the door, showing no intention of leaving at all.

In the room, the lights in the toilet that had been completely extinguished flickered for a moment, and then began to glow slightly.

"The lights are on! Turning off the lights is really killing people." Zhang Han was secretly surprised by Luo Yi's quick reaction, and he understood the law of evil spirits after only one trigger.

After being blocked once, the ghost outside the door did not give up its attack. It still stubbornly and numbly raised its hand and knocked on the door.

But this time, the two fingers raised together seemed to tap on the thick sponge paper, and there was no sound at all.

The curse that lights out and kills is stopped silently.

If someone takes the door and observes it carefully at this moment, they will find that there are three colors intertwined on this old, simple and inconspicuous door.

One is as black as sewage flowing outside, the other is gray and white twisted in the middle, and the last is Luo Yi's golden color entangled behind.

The three eroded and interfered with each other, and constantly confronted each other, forming a strange balance.

Knock on the door ghost, knock on the door and die!

The remaining puzzle pieces, the lights go out and people die!

It's all a mortal curse!
"Restricted?" Luo Yi felt a little surprised. Although the spirit of the evil ghost was good, it did not meet Luo Yi's expectations.

"No, it's not its problem. It's just that there is a third party here. Under the entanglement of many parties, the evil spirits are not so scary. Moreover, my level of terror has increased recently. It's not surprising that I can overwhelm it by three points."

When he was in the island country of Kobe, Luo Yi was able to deal with the door-knocking ghost, but for no reason, he couldn't suppress it when he arrived at the ghost post office.

"Captain, under your feet?" Zhang Han pointed at the ground, the dark shadow was still flowing in through the gap, and it seemed that because of the knock on the door, the speed of this inflow actually accelerated.

"This should be the ability of another evil ghost, first stand in the ghost domain." Luo Yi opened the ghost domain a little, no matter how this weird shadow wants to kill people, breaking through the ghost domain is essential for it first step.

A little time is enough for Luo Yi to see through its rules and launch a counterattack.


Some small voices appeared, and the hairs on Luo Yi's arms stood up suddenly, and he felt some abnormal movements from the doorknob in his palm.

The door is turning!

After knocking on the door and being unable to kill anyone, the evil spirit is trying to break in!

The third law of killing evil spirits appeared!

"In just a few minutes, we actually triggered three laws." Even with Luo Yi's knowledge and knowledge, he couldn't help but secretly startled. If this was not dismembered, it must be another S-level incident.

"But here comes the problem again. Since the law of this evil ghost is so easy to trigger, why didn't it stay in rooms 1 to 3 when it came over? Is there something I ignored or missed?" Luo Yi He frowned, trying to find the difference.

You must know that evil spirits will not distinguish between killing people. They are like cold and numb machines, without mercy, without thinking, and only fixedly execute their instincts.

"Perhaps the lights in the next room have been turned off." Zhang Han speculated, "Evil ghosts turn off the lights to kill people, so the lights are on to trigger the law. If there is no light, maybe the evil ghosts will not be attracted."

Luo Yi thought for a moment and said: "No, I have carefully observed that the lights in the post office should all come from the spirit of the same evil ghost. In the hall, when the lights go out, danger will come, which shows that this is its law , it must be the same in the room, and they must have lights on."

Zhang Han worked hard, but still had no clue, "There is too little information, I can't analyze it."

The evil spirit just launched an attack, and the time before and after it did not exceed 3 minutes. It is indeed very difficult to find out all the killing patterns of the evil spirit.

"Maybe it's not because of the evil spirit outside the door, but because of this room." Luo Yi raised his head, "I was thinking about the difference between one person and two people in the same room for evil spirits?"

People can count, so they can easily tell the difference, but ghosts can't, and at the moment it is outside the door, separated by the room, it is even more impossible for it to know how many people are inside.

Unless, it was exposed by the evil spirits inside.

"This room will only cover the whereabouts of one person." (End of this chapter)

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