Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 355 The next mission

In the end, Yang Jian still didn't do what Luo Yi wanted, and he pushed the letter back.

The content of the letter is simple.

Within two days, the letter was delivered to the owner of tomb No. 78 in Fushouyuan.

He didn't specify the sender, nor did he explain the cost of failure, just a plain sentence.

But Luo Yi knew that if the letter could not be delivered smoothly, the maliciousness in the dark would appear around him immediately, and if there were no accidents, it would be very troublesome.

"Captain, we have already met the conditions for going upstairs, or we should tear up this letter too, and we can go upstairs together." Zhang Han said.

"It's better to be cautious, this letter always gives me a very uneasy feeling." Yang Jian said cautiously.

"I don't believe it anymore, that ghost couldn't kill us last night, can we be killed after tearing up this letter?" Zhang Han came over with confidence.

Zhao Liang's focus was not on this, "I sure as hell didn't make a mistake, what Team Luo wants to introduce to me is the evil ghost."

"It seems that you have gained a lot last night." Yang Jian said, and stopped to refute. The information he knew came from Sun Rui and the intelligence department of the headquarters, which was much less than that of Luo Yi.

So he planned to hand over the decision-making power to Luo Yi.

"Captain, I think this is a trap. The ghost post office failed to kill us last night, so it deliberately led us to a dangerous place, trying to kill us with a knife."

Luo Yi looked at him and said, "Maybe tearing up is the trap?"

"It seems to make sense." Zhang Han froze for a moment.

"Captain Luo, should we send it or not?" Zhao Liang asked.

Several people were discussing with each other one sentence at a time. Qian Rong's legs and feet were already weak and her body was shaking non-stop. She thought to herself: "Two evil spirits have already appeared. These people actually want to tear up the letter and refuse to accept it." Send this red letter, although you are very powerful, but I am just an ordinary person, if something happens, who can take care of me?"

I thought that after losing Wanxing's protection, she would surely die in the next supernatural event, but I didn't expect that today's time will turn around, two team missions will appear in a row, and with the convenience of Luo Yi and Yang Jian, she will be able to do so easily. Had two supernatural events.

The conditions for going upstairs are met directly.

But if you keep tearing it up like this, no matter how lucky you are, there will be a time when it will be over.

"Well, can I go upstairs first?" Qian Rong said weakly.

"Although it's a bit shameless to say this, I can't help you here, can I go upstairs too." Chen Shihao bent slightly, and asked cautiously.

Zhang Han frowned, his face a little dissatisfied.

Strictly speaking, Qian Rong and Chen Shihao's qualifications to go upstairs depended on Luo Yi and Yang Jian's actions. Now that the two masters haven't got the pass to go upstairs, are you going to run away?
"get out!"

Luo Yi waved his sleeves, there was no anger on his face, but there was a hint of indifference in his tone.

"thanks, thanks!"

Chen Shihao and Qian Rong fled in a hurry as if they had been pardoned.

"What about you, aren't you leaving?" Luo Yi turned around and looked at the little fat man Zhao Liang.

"I still know how much I own." Zhao Liang grinned, "The last time I didn't have Han Ge to help me, I would have died on that grave a long time ago. This time it was also thanks to Team Luo. It's because of my strong strength that I got away with it, I don't think I'm a lucky person."

"That's true." Zhang Han answered, "People who are lucky will not fall into supernatural events."

"I want to fight with you. If I am lucky enough to live a few more days, that is my luck. If I am unlucky and die later, I will accept my fate and will not blame anyone."

"So, if possible, please invite Team Luo and Brother Han to take me with you. Although I don't have any skills, I'm still somewhat useful." Zhao Liang put away his playful smile and said solemnly.

This idea was not decided on a temporary basis. In fact, when Zhang Han saved his life last time, he had this idea, but he didn't know Zhang Han's character, so he was still somewhat worried. But after experiencing what happened last night and just now, he made up his mind immediately and was willing to be a pawn.

"I won't bring a oil bottle. If you want to seek my protection, you have to show your value." Luo Yi said coldly. He is not a saint who loves selflessly. After himself, he will save others.

"Don't worry, Captain Luo, I've thought it all out, and I'll be a pawn in the future, only moving forward and never retreating."

Luo Yi was noncommittal, some things were not spoken.

After Zhao Liang finished expressing his position, he retreated silently. Don't look at him laughing and joking all day long, in fact, he understands the rules of the game for adults.

"I didn't expect you to have a kind and helpful side." Yang Jian was quite surprised. In his subconscious, Luo Yi has always been ruthless and domineering, and rarely has a soft-hearted and emotional side.

Luo Yi was silent for a while and said, "It's not me helping him, it's him saving himself."

Heaven helps those who help themselves, and God abandons those who abandon themselves.

Only those who strive for self-improvement are worthy of the help of others.

Moreover, Zhao Liang's words just now reminded him of the Hailin 1462 train incident a year ago. At that time, that's what he said to Meng Yi.

Life is luck, death is fate, life or death is all in the palm of your hand.

Yang Jian stopped talking too much, he was not a talkative person.

And after the Sun Ren incident last time, there was an invisible rift between the two. Although everyone met and communicated as before, both of them knew that today was different from before.

"Captain, let's put their affairs aside for now. Right now, this letter is more important. If we don't accept the mission, maybe something unexpected will happen." Zhang Han said.

Sending letters upstairs, entering the house at night, one room per person, the ghost post office has its own set of rules.

Anyone who breaks this rule will suffer bad luck.

Luo Yi lowered his head and looked down, holding the red letter in his hand, lost in thought.

To send or not to send, in fact, the key to measure is nothing more than one point, whether you can bear the price of tearing up this letter.

If they can afford it, then tearing up the red letter is undoubtedly the best choice, which means that they can go to the second floor immediately.

But if the price they bear is too high, sending a letter is actually an option. After all, sending a letter with their ability is an easy task, at least the probability of success is much higher than that of ordinary people.

"Judging from the situation last night, Zhang Xianguang probably wanted to use the ghost post office to get rid of me, so relatively speaking, staying in the ghost post office is more dangerous."

In the ghost post office, although Zhang Xianguang does not have much supernatural power, as an administrator, he has a lot of authority. For him, it should not be difficult to mobilize some evil ghosts in the post office to deal with Luo Yi by making reasonable use of the rules. .

There may not be his plan behind this red letter.

Luo Yi raised his hand, "And this address, Fushouyuan, if I remember correctly, there should be a coffin nail in it."

Just aim at this.

"I have accepted this mission!" (End of this chapter)

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