"Bear boy, dead?" Luo Yi raised his brows in surprise.

Xiong Wenwen controls an evil spirit that can predict the future. For the headquarters, this is no longer a special talent, but a general strategic core weapon.

This can be seen from the fact that Xiong Wenwen repeatedly pointed and cursed at other ghost masters arrogantly and walked around alive and kicking. The headquarters protected him more than any other ghost masters, but such a ghost master Dead, somewhat unbelievable.

"what happened?"

"Actually, it's not completely dead. His body is gone, but his consciousness is still there. You can see the details." Wei Jing handed over a photo with a stiff face.

After receiving it, there was a black and white photo inside.

In the photo, Xiong Wenwen looked frightened and frightened, as if he was experiencing something terrible when the photo was taken.

Regardless of whether Luo Yi accepted it or not, Wei Jing continued: "The last time Li Jun recruited Xiong Wenwen to participate in the ghost painting incident, Xiong Wenwen used a weird camera during the mission. You must know about this."

Luo Yi nodded, "I saw him use it once, but he was lucky and there was no accident."

"It's just that there was no accident in the ghost painting incident. He continued to apply for the right to use the ghost camera in the next supernatural incident. The headquarters was busy with the final implementation of the captain's plan, and did not pay much attention to him, so this time he Overturned."

Wei Jing briefly described what happened next.

As the ghost master of the headquarters, one has to pay while enjoying the privilege, even Xiong Wenwen.

"Presumably the ghost painting incident left an indelible impression on him, so he applied for the dangerous prop of the ghost camera, or he sensed the unusualness of the incident in advance, so he brought the ghost camera."

"It's possible." Wei Ding nodded. The more evil ghosts are, the stronger their ability to recover will be. Xiong Wenwen's perception in the past was only intermittent for two to three minutes, but in the ghost painting incident, he insisted on predicting it for 3 minutes in a row. Until now, maybe he can It is not necessarily vaguely aware of some risks.

"The camera is for ghosts, but there is a possibility of failure. Because of the failure of that supernatural thing, Xiong Wenwen was locked in the photo, and it became what it is now."

Luo Yi picked up the photo, and Xiong Wenwen looked terrified, and became quiet for the first time.

"What do you mean by headquarters?" Luo Yi asked.

"The headquarters wants to rescue him, and has prepared a generous reward for this."

"Why are you so sure that I can save him?" Luo Yi asked curiously.

"We're not sure, we're just trying. If you can't do it, I'll keep looking for people, Yang Jian, Liu San, Li Leping," Wei Jing said, "Look for the twelve captains one by one. Save this photo and announce Xiong Wenwen's death to the public."

"Emotional Headquarters has no good solution. It's just that the blind cat is killing the mouse. What about Wang Xiaoming, why doesn't he make a move?"

"Professor Wang has more important things to do."

"for example?"

"Resurrect me." Wei Jing didn't change his face, and there was no boasting on his face.

A Guicha Weijing with a very high upper limit of strength is indeed more valuable than a Xiong Wenwen who can only predict the future for a few minutes.

"Sure enough, it is Wang Xiaoming. He has a firm grasp of the quantification of personal value. He can put everything on the two ends of the balance for weighing. It is very simple for him to discard and choose."

Wei Jing fell silent, he couldn't judge these things.

"I have to think about it," Luo Yi said, "Reviving a consciousness is not a simple matter."

"Of course, I can wait, but you have to be quicker, because Xiong Wenwen won't be able to wait long. The consciousness of ordinary people is very fragile under the spirit of evil ghosts. According to our estimates, his consciousness will be destroyed within three days at most. Annihilated."

Just when the two were about to talk in detail again, there was a knock on the door, and Rowling walked in.

"Captain, a woman is here. Her name is Chen Shumei, and she is Xiong Wenwen's mother. I asked her to wait downstairs. See if you want to meet her."

"She also knows about this?" Luo Yi turned his head and asked.

"I know," Wei Jing said frankly, "It's hard to hide this matter. You also know that their mother and son have always depended on each other, but she doesn't know much, she's just an ordinary person."

"In that case, let's meet, you go and bring her up."

Two or three minutes later, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a mature and intellectual woman in her thirties walked in.

Although her expression is a bit haggard, she is still beautiful and gentle. This is a beauty with natural beauty.

Even Luo Yi has to admit that time is unfair to people. It will take away some women's youth, make them weather-stained and rickety, and endow some lucky ones with grace and grace, full of vitality. Feminine.

Chen Shumei is one of the best.

Although she has been married and had a child, her demeanor has not diminished, on the contrary, it has become more plump, making it hard to look away at first sight.

Especially at this time, the pear blossoms are raining, and the pitiful look with sad eyes, I don't know how many men's hearts will be captured.

"Sit down when you're here." Luo Yi greeted blankly. He did appreciate Chen Shumei, but he didn't have the hormonal surge between men and women, just like people watching gorgeous fireworks. He will only admire from the bottom of his heart, but will not give birth to the greed of taking it for himself.

"Captain Luo, Captain Wei Jing." Chen Shumei was stunned for a moment, but when she saw Luo Yi, her beautiful eyes lit up again, and she twisted her slender waist excitedly and started walking.

"A truly temperamental and elegant woman is hard for women to resist her charm." Rowling looked at her with envy in her heart.

Every frown and smile of this woman reveals a sense of beauty, elegant and charming, without being kitsch at all.

This is something revealed in the bones, it is inborn, even if it is plastic surgery, Meitu can't reach the height.

Even Luo Yi, who has no feelings, admits that Xiong Wenwen's mother is indeed a beautiful woman.

"We meet again, let's find a place to sit down." Luo Yi relaxed a little, and greeted again.

Before I went to Dajing City, because I had to deal with the circle of friends, Luo Yi once fostered Huang Shiyu at Xiong Wenwen's home for a few days. Chen Shumei was in charge of taking care of her at that time, so Luo Yi still wanted to be kind to her.

"Captain Luo, do you know what happened to Wenwen? Can he be saved?" Chen Shumei didn't sit down, but stepped forward and asked eagerly, but before Luo Yi could answer, she hurriedly said, "You first Don't rush to speak, please think about it carefully, and you must help, with Team Luo's strength, you must be able to save Wenwen, right?"

Chen Shumei was a little incoherent, speaking one question after another, asking and answering by herself, like a delirious person talking to himself.

But Luo Yi and Wei Jing didn't care about it. At this moment, she was just a panicked mother. For her, there was nothing more terrifying than losing a child.

After Chen Shumei finished speaking, she looked at Luo Yi expectantly.

Luo Yi pondered for a while and said: "Xiong Wenwen's matter is a bit special, even a bit complicated, it's not clear in a few words, it involves supernatural events."

"I don't understand those confidential things. I just want to know if Wenwen can be saved? Cao Yanhua keeps telling me that Wenwen is not dead, but he refuses to let me see him. I know that Captain Wei Jing came to see you. For the sake of Wenwen, I beg you to let me see him, no matter what he is now, let me see him."

She begged Luo Yi, even begging, if Rowling hadn't held her back, she would even kneel down and kowtow to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi looked at Chen Shumei, and was a little moved in his heart, but he quickly calmed down again, and said in a cold tone: "You know, I am a ghost driver, not a philanthropist. Last time you helped me take care of Huang Shiyu's favor." , I have already returned it to you."

"I understand, Captain Luo, as long as you can save Wenwen, I will give you whatever you want, even if you want me."

Luo Yi frowned and interrupted her, "You are not worth my shot. What I want is Xiong Wenwen himself. If I succeed in rescuing him, he will stay in my team in the future."

Chen Shumei made a joke, her charming face turned red all of a sudden, but she loved her son eagerly, after thinking about it, she followed the headquarters and followed Luo Yi, as long as she could save her son, there was nothing she couldn't agree to.

Thinking of this, he agreed directly and decisively.

"Good!" (End of this chapter)

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