Dachuan City has a vast territory and a large population. Although it still bears the name of the city, its actual jurisdiction area is equivalent to a province in the previous life, and the place where Luo Yi is located happens to be the central area of ​​the city. Such a place, Logically speaking, it should be very bustling and lively, but everything in front of him violated Luo Yi's inherent impression.

Not that hustle and bustle feeling.

On the street, gray layers are flying, vehicles in twos and threes pass by slowly, on both sides of the road, a few stores are open, even in the shopping mall, there are not many people, everything looks very deserted, as if you are not in the city center, the core It is not a business district, but a remote suburb.

There is always a faint smell in the air, as if something is rotting quietly in the dark.

There is a sense of lifeless depression.

Luo Yi looked at the people around him, they still acted the same, there was a brother who drove a taxi, there were also office workers carrying bags, and there was also a little brother in a yellow robe who delivered food.
There is no profession absent from the city, but specific individuals.

The emotions on each face are different, anxious, busy, relaxed, happy, frowning.
But in Luo Yi's view, these expressions always have a sense of falsehood, as if the clown is wearing a human skin mask, showing what needs to be reflected in the script.

Under those faces, old or young, male or female, there was the same indifference, coldness and dazedness.

"This city is dead!" Luo Yi walked in this place, his heart was rarely angry, he took out his phone, passed Tang Wanwan, and called Cao Yanhua.

In Dajing City, inside the headquarters building, in a bright office, a crisp bell rang.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, the man sitting on the seat raised his head in surprise, and followed his gaze. There were two satellite phones neatly placed on the solid wood table with clear lines and full paint.

These two phones, one white and one black.

White represents ordinary people, black represents ghost masters, and the black phone is ringing now.

Cao Yanhua looked at the phone number on the display screen. Unexpectedly, what was displayed on it was not a series of encrypted asterisks, but a code name and location.

Sacrifice God, Okawa City!
"Why did Luo Yi call me, especially since it's still on the territory of other city leaders, wouldn't they have a conflict?" Cao Yanhua's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this.

The last time this happened was in Dahai City. That time, Luo Yi used the ghost domain to span thousands of kilometers, and the boundless bloody ghost domain covered the city, nailing Ye Zhen, the former Asian No. 1, to the top of the Pearl Building.

"Dachuan City, Li Leping, no way!" Cao Yanhua didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly picked up the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, before Cao Yanhua could speak, a cold, suppressed voice with faint anger came from the opposite side, "Cao Yanhua, send Li Leping's information to my mobile phone. I want it now. Remember, it's all the information. Not even one less!"

Cao Yanhua's mind was blank, "It's over, it's not really a fight, this posture, it's going to be ruthless!"

"Well, Luo Yi, don't get excited, tell me what's going on, why are you in Dachuan City?" Cao Yanhua covered the phone, even he didn't realize it, he stood up now, with his head slightly lowered , the tone is not as tough as usual, but a bit weak.

Before he knew it, Luo Yi's power had overshadowed the powerful figure in the headquarters.

"Dachuan City is almost over!" Luo Yi's exit was the big news like an earthquake, and Cao Yanhua was so shocked that the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, what about Li Leping, is he dead?" Cao Yanhua hurriedly asked, if it was said that Luo Yi called him in Yuzhou City, then he would doubt whether it was the transmission of information between the two places There was a mistake, but now that Luo Yi made this call from Dachuan City, he must have seen something, which made him so angry.

"Not dead, but I guess it won't be too easy." Luo Yi said.

Cao Yanhua comforted: "Don't get excited, tell me about the situation, and I will immediately coordinate the corresponding personnel to cooperate with your work."

"You know that a lot of people in Dachuan City have left the city recently, right?"

"You're talking about this matter, then I know. Li Leping once reported that there was a supernatural event near the airport. In order to avoid the spread of the influence, he blocked the airport and the nearby train station, and put a radius of more than [-] Kilometers of people moved out."

The airport in Dachuan City is not located in the suburbs. It was built 20 years ago. At that time, the population of the city was not so large. Later, with the economic development and the expansion of the city, many buildings and residences were built there. As a result, the population there is a little more than that of ordinary small county towns.

"This incident is no longer what he reported. Now there are almost no living people in the entire city center. Even Li Leping has been invaded by evil spirits. The person who came to meet me at the airport today is not him at all, but A ghost slave who stole his memory."

Cao Yanhua was terrified in his heart, "Has even a captain been killed?"

"Everyone in Dachuan City can't be trusted now, because there is no way to distinguish who is a normal person and who has been controlled by evil spirits." Luo Yi reminded.

"Do you need me to coordinate people to come?" Cao Yanhua said.

"Is there a captain?" Luo Yi asked, "You know the old man Meng Xiaodong in Mingyue Community, she is dead."

Now Cao Yanhua is really scared. He has seen that old man before. He is a figure worthy of Qin's peers. The surrogate doll in the headquarters came from her hands. Such a ghost master from the Republic of China to the present died. , if one is not done well, I'm afraid it will be much scarier than the S-level incident.

"It seems that you already understand how difficult this incident is. If you are not the captain, it is basically difficult to get involved."

Cao Yanhua smiled wryly, "That may not work, the captains under the jurisdiction of the headquarters are all involved in supernatural events."

I don't know since when, more and more supernatural events have happened, and they have become more and more frequent and terrifying. Even the headquarters of a big family has no idle manpower.

Luo Yi thought for a while, "Forget it, even I find the situation here complicated."

Ghost Head, Li Leping, Meng Xiaodong, Zhang Youhong.
Difficult things seemed to gather together all of a sudden, making the already complicated situation even more turbulent. Even the well-informed Luo Yi had to think about where to start.

Because this is no longer a simple task of sending letters.

If you want to find the woman in the red envelope of the ghost post office, you need to find Meng Xiaodong first, and to find Meng Xiaodong, you need to go to Mingyue Community first, but the road from here to Mingyue Community is almost full of ghost slaves controlled by ghost shadow heads, In particular, something happened to Li Leping, and the evil ghosts on his body might also be scattered in these places.

It can be said that there are layers of obstacles.

If you want to find Zhang Youhong, you must solve the puzzles here step by step, and arrange all the influencing factors first.

"You want to know Li Leping's information, just to make a breakthrough from him?" Cao Yanhua calmed down and thought for a while.

"That's right," Luo Yi said with clear eyes, "Li Leping is the key figure in these matters, and he has the deepest understanding of Dachuan City. As long as he can be found, a lot of information will be clear."

"You just mentioned that his memory has been stolen by evil spirits, so you are not afraid of him." Cao Yanhua did not continue, because he felt that the consequences were unbearable.

The twelve captains have just been established, and if one dies immediately, it will be a huge blow to the headquarters and the entire spiritual circle.

Luo Yi pinched the phone and said word by word: "If you live, you want to see people, if you die, you want to see corpses!" (End of this chapter)

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