Priest of the Mysterious Resurrection

Chapter 393 Barefoot Ghost

"Captain, can't you change me to an evil ghost?" Zhao Liang followed Luo Yi with a mournful face, his body swaying in a funny way.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet. There were no shoes on them, they were just so bare, and the soles of his feet were black, as if they had been smeared with charcoal. Every step he took would leave deep black footprints on the ground , the insteps are not good-looking, black and blue, as if they have been beaten badly, with cuts and bruises all over their bodies.

This is a pair of ghost feet.

Unlike Jiang Shangbai's stalker ghost, Zhao Liang's ghost replaced his original soles, and it was corrosive to a certain extent, making it impossible for him to wear shoes.

Luo Yi said with a cold face, "No, it's just this one. If you don't want it, I'll dig it out for you."

Zhao Liang's eyes lit up, and he looked forward, "Will you die if you dig it out?"

"Death is not enough, at most it is lying in bed for a few months and becoming a disabled person."

When he heard that he was going to be disabled, he would have to rely on a wheelchair in the future, Zhao Liang shook his head like a drum, "Forget it, I don't think it's a bad thing to have big feet, you can get ahead if your feet are on the ground."

"It's more or less like this." Luo Yi saw that he was sensible, so he stopped scolding him, "I have already asked Rowling to register your ghost master information, and the code name is Barefoot Ghost."

"Barefoot Ghost", Zhao Liang repeated, "I originally wanted to call myself the Barefoot Immortal."

"Great Immortal?" Luo Yi sneered, "You are a newcomer who dares to call you by that name, I'm afraid you will be killed if you go out."

The captain of the headquarters is not called a great fairy. If Zhao Liang, a fledgling rookie, dares to be so high-profile, no one would dare to kill him because of Luo Yi's face, but he still dares to punish him and teach him a lesson.

You must know that he was hated by many people when he named himself a god, even Luo Qian nodded the first time he saw him: What a great name!
If it weren't for the continuous handling of many A-level and S-level incidents, coupled with the record of destroying the circle of friends, defeating Ye Zhen, etc., Luo Yi would not be able to keep the name of the god of worship.

While the two were talking, Luo Yi's ghost domain invasion had stopped.

In front of them is a huge shopping supermarket.

Usually, this kind of place is full of people, but now, the surrounding area is empty, no one, no cars, not even ghost slaves who died completely due to Luo Yi's supernatural interference.

It seems that there is a certain taboo in this place, and those people are not allowed to approach.

But there is no other thing that can make the evil spirit avoid it, except the evil spirit itself.

Luo Yi and Zhao Liang stepped forward step by step, and some scenes around the supermarket gradually became clear. Several automatic doors were opened and stopped working.

This phenomenon is very common in ghost scenes, because ghosts will interfere with the circuit and cut off the power supply, so crime scenes are usually relatively dark, coupled with the smell of corpses on the ghosts and the coldness of the ghosts, it will create a dark atmosphere. It exudes a sense of eerie horror, giving people a great psychological oppression, which makes people confuse themselves, and turns the original nine deaths into ten deaths and no lives.

This is why the survival rate in supernatural events is so low. Many people die not from the evil spirit itself, but from their own uncontrolled emotional backlash, panic and wrong choices made.

But these have no effect on Luo Yi at all. He is already an evil spirit. To him, the darkness is like water and fish. What he brings is only comfort and comfort, without any sense of restraint or trouble.

Stepping into the gate, a coldness suddenly rushed to the face, causing the hairs to stand upside down, and the spirit was shocked.

"The environment is cold, and the air smells of bloody corpses. Judging from the smell, there are not a small number of victims here. It seems that most of the evil spirits are inside." Zhao Liang analyzed.

Although he has only just become a ghost master, he has come into contact with many supernatural events as a messenger. In addition, he has been studying the supernatural materials that Luo Yi gave him recently. It can be said that his hands-on ability may not be very strong, but his theoretical knowledge has It is relatively rich.

This is the advantage of being backed by a powerful force, and his knowledge is definitely much better than that of Ye Luzi.

The inside is dark and oppressive, with a lingering cold atmosphere, and a strong smell of corruption in the air. It seems that something is rotten somewhere, and this smell cannot be dissipated even if the door is kept open for ventilation. Because there is a source.

The two of Luo Yi walked on the ground, the sound of their footsteps echoed in the empty room, there was not a single bit of noise around them, it was eerily quiet.

After passing through the long cash register, the two officially arrived at the shelf.

But when they really stood here, they were stunned by everything in front of them.

The shelves that were supposed to be covered with a dazzling array of goods were replaced by dead heads. These heads were placed neatly. There were old people, women, men, and young people, and each head was numb and indifferent. Eyes, pale, bloodless.

The upper, middle and lower floors of the shelves are densely packed with human heads.

Looking back from where the two were standing, these countless human heads stretched into the darkness behind, giving people an illusion of endlessness.

This is not a shopping supermarket, it is clearly a head supermarket where Li Gui chooses spare heads.

All the human heads were piled up on the shelves like cargo, becoming a candidate for a certain ghost.

Once the head occupied by the ghost has rotted, a new, intact head will be taken here.

It's like a headless ghost taking away a corpse in a mall.

"How did this happen? With so many heads, how many people will die?" Zhao Liang was dumbfounded, and the back of his back was soaked in cold sweat, which immediately wet his back.

Even if I had expected it in my heart, when these countless corpses appeared, it would still make people feel creepy and unbearable. This has nothing to do with personal qualities, but that this scene is really scary.

Because those heads are not props, but taken from living people.

Luo Yi's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Now he understood why there were no people on the streets of Dachuan City.

The extent of this city's erosion by ghosts is deeper than he imagined, and it has completely lost control. The extent may have surpassed the starving ghost incident in Dachang City.

"But what about the bodies of these heads?" Luo Yi discovered something contrary to common sense. Generally speaking, the motives of evil spirits and humans are the same, and they will work hard to find what they lack.

It is an instinct to perfect oneself.

Just like a headless ghost, it has no head, so it will kill people in the mall and take other people's heads as its own.

But the scene in front of him subverts this cognition, because here one after another is full of human heads, not bodies.

"Is it possible that it's because of the evil spirit's ability?" Zhao Liang speculated a bit, "We saw the evil spirit invade Li Leping and transfer his memory to an ordinary person's head. It can do this once, You can do it a second time.”

"It's possible", Luo Yi also agrees with this statement. Unconscious ghosts will act on instinct, but once they become conscious, ghosts may not necessarily act accordingly. They may choose to develop wisdom first, and then Through the layout, it attracts other puzzles to come here, and complements itself in this indirect way.

There are many evil ghosts who can do this. The wish ghost used the starving ghost, the newspaper ghost used the Caesar Hotel, the human skin paper used Yang Jian, and the ghost cabinet used Luo Yi.
All are so.

"To be honest, I'd rather believe that Li Leping's incompetence caused these people to be killed by the evil ghost, and I don't want to believe that this ghost has grown to this point." Luo Yi whispered.

The reason why people can fight against evil spirits with the weak against the strong is because they have wisdom, know how to guide the advantage according to the situation, and use their strength to fight. There is almost no chance of winning.

But whether you like it or not, when the facts are in front of you, the most important thing is to face and solve them.

"Find the ghost!" (End of this chapter)

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