from the wizarding world

Chapter 11 Rorschach's Concerns

Chapter 11 Rorschach's Concerns

What's interesting is that, because of his inexperienced young image, Luo Xia didn't need too many excuses at all, and got a lot of information from Su Xueqi very smoothly.

Most of them are about Panshi City, and there are very few related to the "Mountain City", but not many, because Su Xueqi has only been there once or twice before.

The destination of their caravan this time is the mountain capital, one of the four capitals of the Storm Empire!
The three major empires of the Gray Domain have their own characteristics in terms of political structure, and the characteristic of the Storm Empire is that the Dorag family is the royal family, and most of the time they cannot be resolved with a single word.

Because the establishment of the Storm Empire is inseparable from the full support of the four original blood families, and now the four capitals guarding the Storm Empire are controlled by the four original blood families, and they have reached a certain level with the Storm Royal Family. balance.

This is a situation that the Scarlet Flame Empire and the Titan Empire do not have, so even if the Storm Empire has the strongest comprehensive strength, it will be difficult to continue to expand externally.

Rock City, where the Burton family is located, is within the sphere of influence of the mountain capital, and it is the closest, so business exchanges are naturally indispensable.

Rex also had a history of popularizing the Empire of Storms with Rorschach before, so Rorschach is no stranger to the origin of these four capitals.

He even suspected that Su Xueqi didn't know as much as he did in this regard.

Rex used to be a member of the Storm Royal Family, and a real big shot in the Storm Empire. How could a small family like the Burton Family who entrenched in a small border town know what he knew?
However, for information, the current Rorschach naturally does not reject anyone who comes. No matter whether it is valuable or not, the advantages of having an extra perspective will always outweigh the disadvantages.

"So, Luo Xia, you and Senior Arthur are also planning to go to the mountain capital?" Su Xueqi saw that Luo Xia was obviously more curious about the mountain capital, and asked immediately.

"Yes, teacher, he has found his own path, so he doesn't need to practice painstakingly anymore. This time, he intends to take me to live in the mountain capital for a while." Luo Xia half-truthfully replied.

"I heard that the strength of ascetic knights is generally far superior to that of the same level. I didn't expect that Senior Arthur has found his own path...I really envy you." Su Xueqi showed a look of longing.

Luo Xia could tell that Su Xueqi might not be acting this time, but was really envious of herself.

Actually this is normal.

If the situation is really as Rorschach said, then he will very likely transform himself into a disciple of the Silver Knight in the near future!

If the Bronze Knight can only dominate in a small place like Panshi City, then the Silver Knight can be regarded as the number one figure even in the mountain capital.

Not to mention walking sideways, but no matter which side you turn to, you will be regarded as a guest of honor and treated with courtesy.

Looking at the gray domain, the Silver Knight is definitely a strong one.

Although Su Xueqi has a great background, her real background is far from that of the Burton family she was born in this world, but even if she is from the background of Water Blue Star, she will never underestimate a silver knight!
Therefore, she was really envious of Luo Xia's encounter with this 'stunned young man', and that's why she said what she said earlier.

"This Su Xueqi is obviously a newcomer, and she should be replaced once or twice more than me at most, but there is an unconscious sense of confidence in her words. It seems that her background is not simple..." Luo Xia analyzed secretly.

The pupil of the trash talk had reminded Su Xueqi when she was spying on her that she had a background, and Luo Xia originally thought that this background referred to her origin in the gray domain.

But after learning about the situation of the Burton family, he gradually realized that this was not the case.

In particular, Su Xueqi's unintentional display of confidence further convinced Luo Xia that her identity on Water Blue Planet might not be simple.

Only in this way can she explain why she has a sense of confidence.

Otherwise, even if ordinary newcomers survived the first replacement with the highest death rate by chance, they would inevitably feel a little confused about the future. This is how most people should react to unknown situations, not like her.

"She must know more about the replacer than I do, but it's a pity that she can't ask directly." Luo Xia thought with some headaches.

After leaving Twilight Village, the biggest trouble in his heart was no longer revealing his identity, but the man in the top hat who accidentally enlightened him.

Judging from the man in the top hat's previous reaction to a passer-by like him with murderous intentions, this guy is definitely not a good man and a believer, maybe he is the kind of stubborn stubble who kills people like hemp.

Like this kind of ruthless character, because he has also become a displacer, he suddenly realizes his conscience and acts as a guide for him without asking for anything in return?
Think about it and know it's impossible.

The existence of the man in the top hat is like an unavoidable landmine to Rorschach. He doesn't know when it will explode and how it will explode.

After he left the village, he had been thinking about this matter.

It's just that I really didn't think of a good way to break the situation.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, meeting Su Xueqi, a rookie colleague with obvious background, gave him some general ideas in his mind.

Of course, it was impossible for him to directly reveal his identity to Su Xueqi, because he didn't know whether Su Xueqi was trustworthy or not.

Although knowing the identity of each other's replacement is also a terrifying balance, because both of them can 'report' this identity to the people around each other, so as to achieve the consequences of mutual destruction.

But what if Su Xueqi is the kind of lunatic who is not afraid of death?

Although the odds are not high, before finding out about Su Xueqi's situation, Luo Xia didn't want to place a bet so easily.

Moreover, he couldn't explain how he saw that Su Xueqi was a replacement, because Su Xueqi had no flaws so far.

If Luo Xia was really just an ordinary replacement, he really couldn't see anything wrong with Su Xueqi when he asked himself.

Even if he really wanted to find a way to break the situation from Su Xueqi, he still had to wait for a plausible reason.

Thinking of this, he changed his mind, smiled and said to Su Xueqi: "My teacher and I will settle down in the mountain capital for a while, Stephanie, if you have time, you might as well visit here occasionally, Brother Clauser is not talking about your talent Is it very high, maybe the teacher will accept you as an entry-level teacher?"

" this not very good?" Su Xueqi showed an embarrassed expression.

But she was actually moved by what Rorschach said!

If she can become a disciple of the Silver Knight, it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for her!

Not only will the Burton family fully support her, and even increase resources towards her, even the real power behind her will not be indifferent!

Although she has an extraordinary background, she is not considered a core member among the forces behind her. If she hadn't finally succeeded in enlightening her spirit, she would probably leave the core circle of the forces behind her and be dispatched to the peripheral forces in a short time.

Even though she has successfully enlightened her spirit now, she started a lot late, and it is not easy to catch up with those real core members.

But if she can become a disciple of the Silver Knight, then the situation will be completely different!

The internal sequence of the forces behind her will definitely skyrocket and gain more authority and support!

How could she not be moved by this!

(End of this chapter)

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