from the wizarding world

Chapter 231 Change of Blood Prison Island!Jasmine Dean

Chapter 231 Change of Blood Prison Island!Jasmine Dean

Blood Prison Island, [Blood Prison Academy].

Murphy was preparing lessons in his office with a serious look.

Now he is already the great wizard of Sihuan Yueyao, and also the teaching director of this [Blood Prison Academy].

Its status seems to be only under the dean and the three vice deans.

But he himself didn't feel much about it. The reason why he stayed in [Blood Prison Academy] was only because it wasn't that complicated, and there might be intrigues, but compared to the outside world, it was rare.

If what he is after is greater power or more resources, there is absolutely no need for him to stay here.

Because the current Gristo family has also migrated from the Eighth Blood Prison. Since receiving Rorschach’s warning last time, the Gristo family has left the Blood Prison World Group. The Risto family did not choose to return to the Eighth Blood Prison after returning to the Blood Prison World Group.

The whole family moved to Blood Prison Island and took root here.

It is worth mentioning that with the breakthrough of the eighth Prisoner, the Wrathful Soul Wizard, and the departure of No.18 Prisoner Rorschach, the structure of [Prison Court] has changed again.

Since the first prison master, Gu, had been away from the wizarding world for a while, from the second prison master to the fifth prison master, Qi Qi moved forward one place.

Angry Soul has become the new fifth prison master, as if he is already the new boss of [Prison Court], and the status of the Gristol family has naturally risen.

In fact, Murphy's father had proposed that he go home and take charge of the Gristow family.

After all, he is now Sihuan Yueyao, at the same level as his father, and the ancestor, Wrath Soul, also takes extra care of him.

If he is in charge of the Gristol family, no one will have any objections.

But Murphy himself is not interested in this, he is not keen on these temperaments, otherwise he would not choose to go to [Blood Hell Academy].

What's more, with his current status in [Blood Prison Academy], he is actually higher than the patriarch of the Gristol family.

The dean of [Blood Hell Academy] is also the peak of the Sixth Ring, just like the deans of other colleges, and he, the dean, is equivalent to the chief steward of the college, and his status in the college is not lower than that of the vice president.

Of course, he became the dean after he refused to return to the family, and his father would not ask him to go back if he had had this position before.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the office door.

"Please come in." Murphy said without looking up.

"Are you still busy, dear?" A gentle woman wearing silver-rimmed glasses came in from the door, holding two cups of coffee in her hand.

"Why are you here? I remember you have class in the afternoon?" Murphy quickly put down what he was doing, stepped forward to kiss the visitor, took the hot coffee from him, and put it away to the table.

This gentle woman's name is Rebecca, she is a female tutor of the college, and she is the second ring morning star.

Previously, he and Murphy entered the [Blood Hell Academy] in the same batch. After getting along for a long time, they developed feelings and finally came together.

It is worth mentioning that Rebecca's father is one of the three vice-principals of [Blood Prison Academy], and a great wizard of the five-ring moon.

So she actually had quite a few suitors, but she still firmly chose Murphy, and Murphy at that time was actually only a ring of morning stars.

Many people felt that Murphy was not good enough for Rebecca, or wanted to use Rebecca.

It's normal for others to think so.

Although Murphy had an ancestor of the Eighth Prisoner, the ancestor was not his father, and the Great Wrathful Soul Wizard at that time was not Six Rings.

In the eyes of many wizards in Blood Prison Island, the Eighth Blood Prison is a remote place. How could Murphy, a guy from a remote place, be worthy of Rebecca?

But later developments swollen the faces of these people.

First, Angry Soul advanced to the sixth ring, and became the fifth prison master, officially becoming one of the real high-level people in [Prison Court].

Not long after, Murphy also rode like a rocket all the way. After being promoted to the third-ring morning star, it didn't take long to become the fourth-ring moon star.

Although in terms of his accumulation and aptitude, Sihuan Yueyao is already a certain peak for him, and it is extremely difficult to get promoted, but Yueyao is Yueyao, and it is absolutely no problem to match Rebecca.

Today, of course no one talks that shit anymore.

However, Murphy and Rebecca were not affected much at all, and the noise from the outside world was not important to them at all.

"Isn't it just that someone came to see you, so I asked Morrie to help me with a class, and I also took a rest by the way." Rebecca laughed.

"Someone looking for me?" Murphy was taken aback.

"Why, don't you welcome me, third child?" A tall figure came from outside the office, with a huge cross scar on his face.

The face under the scar, as long as he smiled, would twitch the scar slightly, looking extraordinarily ferocious!
But Murphy naturally didn't feel that the other party was hideous, and said with a smile: "Why, boss, come to see me, and I will welcome him with both hands and feet."

Come, it's Garen!
At the beginning, he swore to be the eldest of the three brothers, but now, like Murphy, he is already Sihuan Yueyao.

Moreover, he also established a brigade of the Legion of Sin by himself, and he himself was naturally the captain of this brigade.

Over the years, Murphy and Garen have kept in touch.

But counting, the two hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, and Garen was almost completely absent from Blood Prison Island during this period.

"I don't think you are very welcome. You are still warmly welcomed by the siblings. When they saw me, they immediately brought me here." Garen pouted.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, why do you have time to come to me today?" Murphy scolded with a smile.

Hearing this, Garen became a little more serious: "I recently got some news from an underground force outside the territory, saying that an unknown force is collecting information about Blood Prison Island in a comprehensive manner recently. I think this matter It’s not unusual, so I’ll come to you to sum it up and see what you think…”

"Comprehensively collect information on Blood Prison Island?" When Murphy heard this, he didn't think it was a big deal at first.

But suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he remembered something, which also made his face change instantly!

"It seems that you have thought of it too." Garen's expression was also slightly serious.

"It's hard to think of this, after all, the entire blood prison world group has only been such a big event in recent years." Murphy smiled wryly.

What they said was naturally referring to the escape of the original treacherous mother.

This is also the most important event of the blood prison world group in these years, and even several other thrones have gathered to the blood prison.

However, in the end, it was natural that the wizarding world's calculations ended in failure, which surprised many people.

If it was before, they would not think it was a big deal when they learned that someone had comprehensively collected information on Blood Prison Island.

Because no one thought that someone would really be crazy enough to directly attack the entire Blood Prison Island, which would be equivalent to directly declaring war with [Prison Court].

Moreover, it is impossible for other wizard organizations on Blood Prison Island to choose to stand by and watch. Once faced with this situation, it will definitely be an all-out war.

Even though Blood Prison has fought against the old days for so many years, the old camp has never tried to attack Blood Prison Island in an all-round way, and they cannot afford the consequences.

However, things are different now.

Because someone really dares to do this, and the other party will definitely do it, the difference is only when it happens.

This other party, of course, refers to the original treacherous mother.

It is impossible for her not to hold grudges after being imprisoned by the [Prison Court] for many years, and with her strength and the original survivors she represents, she is also qualified to take revenge.

Therefore, when Garen learned of this situation, his first reaction was that the man behind the intelligence gathering was probably the original ghost mother who had escaped.

He came to Murphy just to remind Murphy to be careful.

Because once the original mother-in-law launches revenge, it will never be the kind of petty trouble, and the entire Blood Prison Island may fall into a place of eternal doom!

"Oh, it would be great if the second child was here, he must know how to deal with this kind of thing better." Garen suddenly sighed at this moment.

"No way, that incident made it difficult for him to accept it at the beginning. It is impossible for him to stay in [Prison Court] after that." Murphy shook his head and said.

What the two said was naturally referring to the fact that No.18 Blood Prison became a victim of the Nine Thrones plan. As the prisoner of No.18 Blood Prison, it would be strange if Rorschach had no grievances at all.

In particular, the Nine Thrones were planning behind his back. If he hadn't been cautious, even many of his own people would have died.

In this case, no one can remain indifferent.

However, Rorschach's stamina still exceeded their expectations, and he chose to leave the wizarding world directly.

Murphy and Garen have also contacted Rorschach over the past 100 years, but they did not meet because of the distance.

Just communicated a few times in some indirect way.

According to what Luo Xia said, he definitely didn't plan to go back, and he had already established a firm foothold in Old Lington.

As brothers, it is naturally impossible for them to let Rorschach come back under such circumstances, and they can only wish each other a better life there.

"Do you need to notify the family and let them move in advance?" Garen asked.

"Let me tell them. I don't know if they are willing to leave. After all, if something happens to Blood Prison Island, the entire wizarding world will be in turmoil. Nowhere is absolutely safe. , how much difference does it make between walking and not walking." Murphy sighed.

"That's right." Garen nodded.

To this day, although most people don't know what a catastrophe is or is not, let alone the catastrophe of the end and so on.

But they could clearly feel that everything around them was becoming more and more chaotic, both inside and outside the wizarding world.

This obviously means that things are getting worse.

Murphy doesn't have any lofty ambitions, he just wants to protect the people around him, but this is obviously already a very extravagant thing.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly everything around them started to vibrate slightly!
"not good!"

Garen reacted immediately, and went out through the window to look outside.

However, the sky above the entire Blood Prison Island was already covered by a layer of colorful enchantment that was constantly changing colors!
The shock just now was because there were already strong men from the six rings trying to bombard the seven-color barrier, but there was no reaction at all when hitting it. Instead, the aftermath shook the Blood Prison Island.

Murphy and Rebecca had also come outside at this time, and Murphy's face darkened when he saw the scene in the sky!
"Is it still too late..."

Murphy and Garen glanced at each other, realizing the seriousness of the problem!
Except for the power represented by the original strange mother, there is probably no one who can seal the Blood Prison Island with such a battle.

You know, the Throne of Prison is now on this Blood Prison Island.

Isn't it courting death to wait for idle forces to do so?

"Boss, don't leave yet, just stay here and wait until the situation becomes clearer." Murphy said immediately.

"I understand." Garen didn't try to be brave.

Although the two of them are now Sihuan Yueyao, they can barely be regarded as famous people on Blood Prison Island, but that's all.

In the face of such a big crisis today, they can only drift with the tide.

Now staying in [Blood Prison Academy], at least there are still some top-notch fighters here, such as the dean of the sixth ring peak in the academy.

And Lord Klein, the guardian of the academy.

Yes, although most people in the academy were not aware of the existence of the blood-eyed black cat Klein, Murphy, as the dean of teaching, was naturally qualified to know about it.

Especially since he is still Rorschach's brother, Klein will naturally not hide his identity from him.

With these two six-ring peak guardians, there are few places on Blood Prison Island that are safer than this place except [Prison Court].

Naturally, Garen would not run around bravely.

What Murphy and the others didn't notice was that on the roof of the teaching building right behind them, a quiet woman was sitting on the edge of the roof, looking at the sky.

Beside him was Klein, the blood-eyed black cat.

"Sure enough, it's still here." Klein, the blood-eyed black cat, looked at the colorful barrier in the sky and sighed.

"It's up to you this time, Xiao Ke." The quiet woman smiled.

Her name is Jasmine, the principal of [Blood Prison Academy]!

Although the outside world knows that the dean of [Blood Prison Academy], like the deans of several other wizarding academies, is at the peak level of the sixth ring!

But few people have seen her true face, including Murphy, the dean of teaching.

In [Blood Prison Academy], there are only three vice-principals, plus Klein, who knows their true identities.

Because besides being the dean, Jasmine also has another identity, that is, the disciple of the Throne of Yu!
In fact, the deans of the six major wizarding colleges are all disciples of King Yu, and they are all orphans adopted by King Yu.

They all volunteered to help the Foolish Throne guard the Wizarding Academy, and even though the Foolish Throne had disappeared for many years, they never slack off.

As the disciples of the Throne of Fool, they naturally recognize Klein, the Throne of Fool's partner.

So Eric, the dean of [Grey Tower Academy], is also very familiar with Klein.

(End of this chapter)

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