from the wizarding world

Chapter 3 Replacement starts, scary old village chief!

Chapter 3 Replacement starts, scary old village chief!
Until the man in the top hat left, Rorschach still had a sense of unreality.

As a time traveler, it is reasonable to say that his nerves have been tempered enough by the time travel itself, but he has just adapted to his new identity not long ago, and suddenly he made a 180-degree turn in his style of painting.

One moment he was still a small social animal with a [-]-to-[-] job, and the next moment he successfully enlightened his soul and became some kind of displacer, and he had to go to a world full of dangers.

It takes time for everyone to digest this, and he is no exception.

As for the identity and intentions of the man in the top hat, Luo Xia is still not very clear about it. The only thing he can be sure of is that this guy is definitely not a good person.

On the other hand, the pupil of the trash talker was able to see the name of the man in the top hat and some information about his abilities, which really gave him a big surprise.

Because in the past, this function of simply seeing the other person's name and occupation was meaningless to him.

It wasn't until the man in the top hat appeared that the situation was completely different.

It's worth mentioning that Rorschach could actually see that the man in the top hat didn't have much expectations of him, and telling him about those experiences was more like a random bet.

Just a few words, and there is no need to pay any price.

That kind of mentality is probably similar to buying a lottery ticket at random, and the cost is only a few dollars. Not winning is expected, and winning is a surprise.

"There are still 10 minutes, please take a leave first."

Rorschach glanced at the time, and found that there were only 10 minutes left in the countdown to the replacement given by the mechanical voice at the beginning.

Although the man in the top hat had told him before that when they were in the exchange process, the time of the two worlds was relatively static, if he could come back alive, he should be able to catch up, and he might not be late.

But in this case, he still has a shitty class today, and if he doesn't come back, everything will be closed, and he probably won't be in the mood to go to work when he comes back.

Not long after, he had already asked for leave.

Waiting for the final moment to come.

"The replacement is about to start, the countdown is 1 minute."


"The replacement is about to start, the countdown is half a minute."


"Ten, nine, eight..."

When the countdown to the mechanical sound belonging to the super-dimensional spirit ended, endless white light suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xia's eyes until it completely covered his field of vision——

"Are you awake, little Rorschach?"

As a worried elderly voice sounded beside his ears, Rorschach gradually woke up and realized his current situation.

The 'little Rorschach' that the old voice spoke of was undoubtedly him, and this was no stranger to him who had time-traveling experience.

The only thing that made him feel a little bit astonished was that before he crossed the blue star, his name was not Rorschach, it was his name on the blue star.

But after coming to this mysterious new world, he is still called Rorschach?
The man in the top hat didn't mention this to him, and he didn't know if he forgot or for some other reason.

In addition, although he had a different name when he crossed over to Water Blue Planet, he had completely absorbed the memory of the original owner of his body.

But this time, he didn't receive any memory about his current identity. He could only understand the other party's language instinctively, and he could also use this language like a mother tongue.

This is not special to him, it is the same for all displacers after they arrive.

In other words, he didn't know anything about his current situation, and the only useful information he knew so far was that he was still called Rorschach.

This is also a very important link that the man in the top hat has emphasized to him. Many permuters fall on this level.

Due to the inability to receive memories, many displacers were noticed by the 'natives' of this world as soon as they woke up, and strangled them in their cradles!
Faced with such a bad start, of course, many permuters have tried to lie about amnesia, and there is nothing logically wrong with this trick.

If Rorschach hadn't received the memory of the original owner of the body at the beginning of the water blue star's crossing, there is a high probability that he could be fooled by this trick, but the success rate of this trick in this world is not so high.

Because there is a mysterious power in this world!
It is not only the replacer who can take the body, and the natives of this world are highly vigilant about amnesia itself!
Once she lied about amnesia, maybe it might not be the first time, but the next situation she faced would definitely be close to death!
Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, those replacers who have known some conditions of this world in advance will not easily lie about amnesia.

As for those rookies who are completely random enlightenment, at least half of them are planted in this link.

Its danger is obvious!
Since Rorschach had already learned about the situation from the man in the top hat, he naturally wouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

But seeing him propping his sides with his hands, he seemed to be trying to sit up by himself, and it was only then that he saw clearly the owner of the old voice——

An old man who looked about six or seventy years old, in terms of appearance alone, was more like the Polynesian race that Rorschach had known in his previous life.

At the same time, a reminder from the familiar golden phantom text of the pupil of trash talk appeared in front of Luo Xia's eyes:
"Name: Garcia Monn"

"Race: Human Race Beamon Blood"

"Abilities: Barbarian King's Secret Technique Lv.5, Life Breaking Technique Lv.1"

"Hint 1: As the village head of 'Twilight Village', Old Meng En's character must be nothing to say, otherwise he would not be unanimously recognized by all the villagers. Although he has many secrets, in this small town full of stories How many people in the village have no secrets?"

"Hint 2: If the little snake before is a human-shaped monster, the one in front of you is a human-shaped Godzilla. Of course, don't worry too much, because he has no malice towards you, expose it"



The pupil of trash talking really lived up to expectations and once again gave the old man in front of him an information reminder, just like when he saw the man in the top hat before, not only showed the other party's name, but even more detailed information.

However, this did not relieve Rorschach, on the contrary, his nerves became more tense!
"Why is this different from what that bastard Gao Tianlin said?" Luo Xia realized that he was in serious trouble.

According to the man in the top hat, although this world is full of various dangerous situations and supernatural powers, it is not full of superhumans.

In fact, most people are still ordinary people, and at most they are physically stronger than those powerless social animals on the blue star, and this is only because the industrial level of this world is only equivalent to that of the blue star. At the level of the Middle Ages, more physical work is required.

Although the man in the top hat didn't say it directly, Rorschach could hear some implication from his words, that is, the man in the top hat himself was not an 'ordinary person' in the conventional sense in this world, and probably had a certain status.

To put it bluntly, even the man in the top hat should do well here.

Based on this cognition, when Rorschach saw the old man in front of him, he never thought that the other party would be some kind of inhuman powerhouse.

Moreover, even from the appearance alone, the other party is just an ordinary old man, who doesn't even look as oppressive as the man in the top hat.

However, the pupil of the trash talk gave him a resounding slap in the face!

This amiable-looking old village chief named 'Meng' is obviously a thousand times more dangerous than the man in the top hat!
Although the other party didn't have any malicious intentions at present, just like the pupil of the trash talk reminded, it was because the other party thought he was still the original Rorschach, but they didn't know that this Rorschach was no longer the other Rorschach!
As long as he shows anything wrong, the old village chief looks so kind now, and I'm afraid he will be so cruel by then!
As soon as he thought of this, Rorschach's scalp felt a little numb!
(End of this chapter)

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