from the wizarding world

Chapter 37 Big-hearted Rorschach?

Chapter 37 Big-hearted Rorschach?
"Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with the gentlemen's club. If I really have any ill intentions towards you, it would be the seventh gentleman who came to the door directly. I think we should be able to reach a consensus on this point?" In order to avoid Zhang Xiaodao's reaction Rorschach said almost without a pause.

"Are you a replacement too?" Zhang Xiaodao's eyes were full of shock.

Strictly speaking, she is not considered a rookie replacement, and she used to have a master who was a senior replacement.

So she knew that although the number of replacements was increasing day by day, they were still rare, at least not everywhere.

She never expected that Rorschach, who lived downstairs, was also a replacement!
"It wasn't originally, but it has been since yesterday." Luo Xia spread his hands.

"You mean... you met Gao Tianlin yesterday, and you were accidentally enlightened?" Zhang Xiaodao asked in a strange tone.

This is too much of a coincidence.

"I know this sounds a bit too coincidental, but it's the truth. I didn't even know that there was such a group of displacers in this world before yesterday." Rorschach took a sip of Coca-Cola and continued, "Of course, I And I never imagined that the neighbor living above me would be so secretive."

"Hidden? It should be called the dog of the mourning family." Zhang Xiaodao looked lonely.

"Anyway, it's thanks to you that I can become a replacement."

"It's not a blessing. If I had a choice, I'd rather never have enlightenment, so at least I don't have to go home like I am now."

Zhang Xiaodao looked a little depressed, and also felt pain from the bottom of his heart that he had become a replacement.

From this point of view, she is actually not the same as Luo Xia and Su Xueqi.

Neither Luo Xia nor Su Xueqi had any resistance to the spiritual enlightenment itself.

Luo Xia felt that it was a bit of a surprise, and Su Xueqi waited for a long time before successfully enlightening her spirit. Both of them actually enjoyed this feeling very much.

Although there will be some critical situations, they still enjoy it.

But Zhang Xiaodao is obviously not like this.

Becoming a displacer changed her original life trajectory, turning her from a "child of someone else" who was admitted to Sith Academy to a lonely person who could only hide in the old city and dare not go out.

Even during the replacement period, she is not much better, because she is also in a state of being hunted down in the gray domain.

If it wasn't for an obsession that must be completed, she sometimes really felt that death might be considered a relief.

"...Wait, since you have just awakened, how did you know about the Gentlemen's Club? Gao Tianlin even told you all of this?" Zhang Xiaodao suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Whether it's Luo Xia's composure, or his outright denunciation of the Gentlemen's Club and Gao Tianlin's status as the seventh gentleman, it's all against harmony!

This is not at all like the state that a rookie who just finished a replacement should have!
"I thought you would realize the problem immediately, but it seems that your vigilance is still not strong enough." Su Xueqi smiled lightly, "You don't think that only you are special, do you, cute sister Xiaodao? "

"You?" Zhang Xiaodao glanced at Su Xueqi, and immediately lost his doubts, shaking his head and said, "I should have thought about it a long time ago, since you and Gao Tianlin are not the same, there must be a reason why Luo Xia brought you to see me. "

"The story in this is very tortuous, but it has nothing to do with this matter itself, so I won't repeat it." Luo Xia pondered, "We may not be friends, but now we all have a common enemy. I came to you mainly to see if there is a chance to solve our common troubles."

"You want to get rid of Gao Tianlin?" Zhang Xiaodao was a little surprised.

She really didn't expect Rorschach's heart to be so big.

Gao Tianlin is not a cat or a dog. As the seventh gentleman of the Gentlemen's Club, Gao Tianlin's strength is absolutely terrifying!

Like the "Little Rabbit" who communicated with her before, her code name in the zoo is "Blue Rabbit", and she is also a cadre of the zoo.

And also a Bronze Knight with extraordinary strength.

But even Blue Rabbit admits that he can only be regarded as the bottom one in the bronze class, and he is not sure that he can deal with even the tenth gentleman.

Not to mention Gao Tianlin, the seventh gentleman?

So Zhang Xiaodao never thought about getting rid of her current predicament by counter-killing, unless her master didn't have an accident.

"Although I don't know why the Gentlemen's Club is targeting you, they don't have much power to operate in Dayan territory. As long as Gao Tianlin is killed, it is enough to temporarily make them use the mouse." Luo Xia nodded and said.

"It's not that I want to be ambitious, but just because the two of us want to deal with a veteran replacement like Gao Tianlin, we really have no chance of winning." Zhang Xiaodao said bluntly, "Or...Miss Su is also a senior replacement?"

"No, she should not be as senior as you, and she has just fused blood." Rorschach shook his head and said.

"If that's the case, I don't quite understand why you think we can counter-kill Gao Tianlin, or do you not know his strength?" Zhang Xiaodao couldn't help pouring cold water on him.

"Of course I know he is very strong, and I won't take my life as a joke." Luo Xia said calmly, "But I'm actually a little curious. You should know that gentlemen's clubs are not welcomed by the Yan officials, right? Why don't you seek the protection of Yanlong, the one who is eyeing you?"

"I have my reasons." Zhang Xiaodao shook his head, obviously not wanting to explain this question.

Luo Xia didn't continue to ask after hearing the words. After all, everyone has secrets, and the two of them really didn't know each other well enough to talk about everything.

He himself had the same reservations.

"To tell you the truth, in fact, I was not absolutely sure that I could deal with him. I came to you to see if you are worth cooperating with. I didn't even decide whether to have a showdown with you until I entered the door." Luo Xia Said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaodao asked curiously, "So what made you decide to have a showdown with me?"

"Of course it's because I've determined the value of your cooperation. As long as you're willing to cooperate and don't dare to say anything else, it shouldn't be a big problem to solve Gao Tianlin." Luo Xia said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, let alone Zhang Xiaodao, even Su Xueqi was very surprised, but she was relatively restrained and didn't show it.

Because she wasn't sure if it was Luo Xia who was fooling Zhang Xiaodao, if she showed surprise, wouldn't it ruin Luo Xia's plan?
So the surprise was the surprise, but she didn't speak, she just quietly stood aside as her melon-eating crowd.

"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. What exactly do you mean by cooperation value, and what can I cooperate with?" Zhang Xiaodao asked straightforwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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