from the wizarding world

Chapter 69 A Sudden Illusion!

Chapter 69 A Sudden Illusion!
Rorschach originally thought that he would never see Tiki again in the short term.

Because last time after asking him to help Su Xueqi arrange a safe retreat place, Luo Xia had given him advice to try his best to find an opportunity to leave the mountain capital for a while, and it was best to bring his family along with him.

With Tiqi's mind, Rorschach felt that this was enough.

So in Rorschach's mind, Tiqi should have left the mountain capital after that, but he didn't expect to see him again within two days.

Only this time, he looked a little sad.

"Can't you leave?" Luo Xia asked straight to the point.

"It's a bit late." Tiqi said with a wry smile, "Although most people don't know what's going to happen next, they can still smell some tension. Now the city guards are not allowed to leave the mountain capital at will. , once someone leaves without authorization, they will be dealt with as deserters..."

When Luo Xia heard this, he also understood why Tiqi still stayed.

Staying in the city may be dangerous, but if you are regarded as a deserter, there is really nowhere to escape.

Even his family members will be treated together.

The only way to survive is to leave the Empire of Storms and flee to other areas, but after all, he is just a black iron knight, how can he escape so far with his family?

Judging from the actual situation of Huiyu, let alone bringing a whole family with him, even if he fled alone, the chances of him surviving were not high.

"What about your family?" Rorschach asked.

"If I don't follow, letting them go out of the city alone may not be safe, and now they have to resign themselves to fate." Tiqi looked bitter.

He may indeed have a lot of cleverness, and he can live a good life at ordinary times, but in this critical situation, he can only resign himself to fate.

This is the helplessness of the little people.

After thinking for a while, Luo Xia pondered, "If you really have no other options, let your family stay at the Copper Bell Hotel for a while. Although I can't promise you anything, it's still safer than staying outside."

When Tiqi heard this, he immediately wanted to kowtow to Rorschach, but Rorschach directly stopped him by raising his hand, "It's not too late, let's go."

"Yes, thank you sir." Tiqi trotted away hurriedly.

At this time, there are only two days left before the marriage of the two original blood families.

"Come on, accompany me to pick someone up."

After Tiki left, Rorschach was also ready to move, and the first thing of course was to drag Rex to the Brass Bell Hotel to sit in charge.

The head of the murderous knights definitely didn't plan to take Rorschach out of the mountain capital before the fishing incident was over. After all, he was still waiting to poach Aisha away from here and make him the logistics supervisor.

Luo Xia, the deputy head of the group who is under one person and above zero, has been running on both sides recently, and rarely sees Rex all day long.

But for the next big fight, Rorschach felt that it was better to be on the safe side, so he simply thought of calling Rex to the Copper Bell Tavern to stay for a few days.

With the giant Buddha like Rex sitting in town, the Brass Bell Tavern is probably safer than the inner city.

Abel is actually a little confused about this, because according to what he heard from Su Xueqi, his master's teacher seems to be the Bronze Horseman?
Although it is the kind of Bronze Knight who can break through to the silver level with only one step, it is not so unusual for Abel.

He himself is at this step, only a short distance from breaking through to the twisted real body of the third state, and his strength is stronger than that of blood-born knights of the same level.

If it was true as what Su Xueqi said, the teacher on my master didn't seem to be anything special, so why bother to ask for it?

Of course, he would not question Rorschach's decision.

Although he didn't understand, when Rorschach decided to do something, what he always thought was that Rorschach must have a deep meaning, but he still couldn't see through it for the time being.

With this kind of doubt, Abel didn't ask any more questions, and remained honest in front of his cowboy.

The reason why he is a cow husband is naturally because he is not leading a horse, but dumb.

Dumb, this guy is also very real, except for Rex and Rorschach, everyone else will be a little unhappy, including Abel and Su Xueqi.

So unless there are special circumstances, Rorschach will generally not force it to carry people. After all, it has helped Rorschach a lot.

Therefore, Abel also took a part-time job as a dumb breeder logically, and usually saddled Rorschach's cows.

"Did you notice anything wrong?" Rorschach, who was sitting on Dumb's back, was thinking about the next arrangement, but he vaguely noticed something strange, and immediately asked Abel in his mind.

If Su Xueqi was here, she would probably find it a little funny, because this question is too familiar.

"Not right?"

Abel naturally didn't dare to be careless about Rorschach's words, and immediately looked around calmly, but he found nothing.

Strictly speaking, it's not just Abel, because Duan didn't issue any warning this time either.

You know, even the last time he strayed into the realm of confusion and treachery, Dumb could sense something was wrong and specially reminded Rorschach.

In addition, Abel also felt that everything was normal, which made Rorschach wonder if he had been a little too sensitive recently, so that he had an illusion.


To be on the safe side, Rorschach activated the delusion-breaking effect of the Pupil of True Hell, but this time... the scene in front of him was completely different!

Originally, they should be passing through a fairly densely populated street on the way from Copper Bell Hotel to Silver Maple Hotel.

However, at this time, the original busy traffic was gone, and they were no longer on the original street at all!

Rorschach patted Dumb and signaled him to stop.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Abel asked in thought.

"We have been pulled into the illusion, and now we are not on the street you see at all." Rorschach said solemnly in his mind.

"What, is this an illusion?!"

Abel was completely shocked!

Because as early as when Rorschach asked him if he noticed anything wrong, he had already carefully observed the surroundings, but in the end, he didn't find any abnormalities, and he even double-checked.

But since Luo Xia said so at this time, of course he unconditionally believed that his master would not make a mistake, even if he still found nothing.

It's not that he hasn't had the experience of being targeted by illusions, but walking as a god, he is mentally stronger than most blood knights!

Although he doesn't know illusions, belief itself is also a kind of spiritual power.

With his state of walking among the gods at the peak of his second state, illusions below the silver level can be said to be completely ineffective for him. Even if it is a silver-level illusion, it is not easy to completely confuse him.

But at this moment, even though Rorschach had told him that he had fallen into an illusion, he still couldn't break free from it!
This is terrifying!

This means that if the person who pulled him into the illusion really wanted to attack him, he would not have the slightest resistance!

(End of this chapter)

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