from the wizarding world

Chapter 86 Confronting Gold-ranked Abel

Chapter 86 Confronting Gold-ranked Abel
"Wanted?" Rorschach put his hands on his forehead and said, "What the hell is Abel doing, asking him to pick up someone and put himself in it?"

Regarding the fact that Abel was on the Storm Empire's most wanted list, Su Xueqi learned about it through the intelligence network in the gray area, and then found Rorschach without stopping, and told him about the unexpected situation.

Rorschach was naturally quite speechless about this.

He asked Abel to pick up little David, never because he was worried about the safety of the little guy, and there was nothing to worry about at all.

If little David is allowed to take the initiative to fight against the enemy, he may have some unexpected situations due to various reasons such as lack of experience.

But if he just wants to protect himself, there is a ghostly existence of straw, not to mention the ultimate silver like the First Gentleman, even if he comes to a few gold ranks in one breath, he may not be able to touch a hair of him.

That little guy has already gone so far, Rorschach really has nothing to worry about.

Ask Abel to pick it up, because he is afraid that the little guy will make some big troubles, which will cause more troubles.

But Rorschach never expected that it was not little David himself who caused the trouble in the end, but Abel, the guy who ran to pick him up.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Do you know why you were wanted?" Rorschach asked again.

"It seems to have kidnapped the youngest son of the city lord of Biluo City, and killed all the people sent by Biluo City to recover the youngest son of the city lord." Su Xueqi said.

"Kidnapping the youngest son of the lord of Bi Luo City?"

When Luo Xia heard the reason, he immediately guessed what was going on.

Abel went to pick up little David, and then this incident happened, he didn't need to think about it, it must have been caused by little David's identity in the gray domain.

Little David's description of his own experience made Rorschach think that he was an orphan in Grayland, but he did not expect to have such a second-generation identity.

When Su Xueqi told Luo Xia about this, she also introduced him to the situation in Bi Luo City.

As a city on the northern frontier, although Biluo City is not comparable to the four major capitals controlled by the four original blood families, it is not a small city.

If all the cities in the Storm Empire are ranked according to their size, the first place is undoubtedly the Storm Empire Capital, and the second to fifth must be occupied by the four major cities, and Bi Luo City is also one of the top ten big cities!
The lord of Biluo City, 'Wood Heath', is also a gold-level powerhouse!
The Sith family behind him inherited the blood of the ancient green lizard, and the ancient green lizard, a descendant of the green dragon, is naturally one of the sub-dragon species.

Therefore, although the Sith family is not comparable to the four original blood families, it is definitely one of the largest blood families under these four families.

It's not surprising that Abel 'kidnapped' the young master of the Sith family and slaughtered all the pursuers.

"Actually, if it's just kidnapping, the Sith family may not be so jumpy. Even if they get angry again, they will definitely try to negotiate first. If it doesn't work, they will be arrested." When Su Xueqi said this, her tone was a bit weird.

"Has the Church of Bliss intervened?" Rorschach guessed.

"The boss is wise." Su Xueqi didn't forget to flatter her as a routine, and then she suppressed a smile and said, "I don't know how the Church of Bliss knows about this, anyway, Abel just killed the first batch of pursuers Not long after, the Church of Bliss directly claimed the matter, claiming that it was their revenge against the two original blood families, and the executor was their new priest."

Rorschach: "The fishing plan carried out by the two original blood families went to take revenge on the Sith family... Can anyone believe such an outrageous claim?"

Su Xueqi: "If you don't believe me, Abel won't be wanted so soon. Anyway, Abel is famous now."

Luo Xia: "Is it possible not to be famous? He was directly packaged as a rising star by the Church of Bliss... If he can withstand this pressure, his status in the Church of Bliss will skyrocket."

Su Xueqi: "Why don't you resist?"

Luo Xia: "Then it's just another new star. They don't care what people think of this kind of evil church."

Su Xueqi nodded, and found that it seemed to be the same.

"Oh, by the way, there is another situation. It seems that Abel is wanted together with his companion, who is a free hunter in Bi Luo City."

When Su Xueqi said this, she was a little puzzled, "But I checked through our company's intelligence network in Bi Luo City, and that person should be an ordinary black iron class, and there seems to be nothing special about it."

"Maybe it's someone from the Gentlemen's Club, just happened to meet him, don't worry about it, he will deal with the mess he caused himself."

Rorschach waved his hand, saying that he didn't need to continue to pay attention to this matter.

Today, Abel has advanced to the third state, and his strength is far beyond the ordinary silver level. In addition, he has the trump card of Little David by his side, so nothing will happen, not to mention that he himself is indeed a new member of the Church of Bliss. Priest.

The Bliss Church pushed him to the forefront, probably not because he really wanted to harm him, but because he was simply not afraid of things.

Presumably, he happened to discover that the incident in Biluo City was done by one of his own people, so he claimed it without hesitation, for fear that others would not know.

The Bliss Church is not the only one who would do this. If other churches encountered the same situation, they would have the same choice.

Can those who are afraid of big troubles still be called the remnants of the evil gods?

However, Luo Xia didn't have time to pay attention to these things for the time being. The biggest gain for him from this return was undoubtedly to figure out the situation of [Grey Domain], and by the way, he also found a shortcut to become a wizard's apprentice, and succeeded in one fell swoop!
The next thing he has to do is to advance to silver as quickly as possible, and at the same time, think about the path of wizard apprenticeship.

The reason why Pupil of True Hell reminded him not to give up the path of Purgatory Knight must be for something. This at least proves that the potential of Purgatory Knight path will definitely not be lower than that of wizard path!
And this is mostly because of the blood of purgatory, after all, the blood of purgatory was left to him by Hughes, and judging from the hints given by the pupil of the true hell, even Hughes himself is not sure what the blood of purgatory is .

You know, Hughes is a real wizard!
So far, the information Rorschach has come into contact with from various aspects has one thing in common——

That is, real wizards are invincible!

Regardless of whether you are a high-ranking gold or a heir of an evil god, in front of a real wizard, you are all insects and ants, the difference is nothing more than size.

After all, it can be trampled to death.

Although Rorschach doesn't know much about wizards at present, it may make Hughes, a real wizard, unable to figure out the details of the blood of purgatory. Even in the world of wizards on the other side of the [Grey Tower], there must be a lot of people. backing!

Especially when he established a certain connection with purgatory, and after learning more about purgatory, he became more and more amazed at the inconceivableness of purgatory.

Because the existence of purgatory is actually not a concept of different worlds, but more like a dimensional concept that intersects with all worlds.

This is also the reason why he can establish contact with Purgatory at any time and will not be affected in any way, whether in the gray domain or on the water blue planet.

It was a very tricky way for him to combine the source blood of purgatory with mysterious origin and establish a connection with purgatory by means of blood smelting.

To achieve this, the completion of Purgatory Origin Blood, Blood Prison Witchcraft·Blood Refining Chapter, and True Prison Eyes is indispensable!

Of course, the blood of purgatory itself is definitely the most important, and one of the latter two provides a way, while the other increases the success rate infinitely.

Without purgatory origin blood, it would be useless to have only the latter two, but even if there is purgatory origin blood, without the latter two, you can only stare blankly.

All kinds of indispensable things came together to give birth to Rorschach, a purgatory knight who should not have existed. This alone is already irreproducible.

"I just don't know if the power of purgatory can have any impact on the wizard's path, maybe we can try it?" Rorschach thought thoughtfully.

Although he should be only a junior wizard apprentice now, and he doesn't have much concept of the wizard's path, but for now, the only difference between him and before is that there is an extra spiritual seed in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Since mastering the power of purgatory, Rorschach's greatest feeling is that it can transform almost all powers of different nature.

Whether it is the power of the blood of the blood-born knights or the power of faith of the gods, they will all be affected by the power of purgatory and get some kind of improvement.

Whether the same is true for the power of ghosts, Rorschach is not yet sure, it will have to wait for little David to come back to explore further.

But as far as Rorschach feels, the power of the ghost is probably no exception.

Then, can the power belonging to the wizard also change under the influence of the power of purgatory, and even produce a transformation where one plus one is greater than two?
Rorschach didn't know.

But certainly not always unclear.


"Why am I even wanted?"

When Martin saw his identity information in the gray domain on the latest issue of the wanted notice, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he felt that his life was gloomy.

This is no way for him to survive at all!

He is a little black iron knight, how can he let the Storm Empire, the head of the three empires, want him wanted?
Of course he understood that if he could escape from the Empire of Storms, the effect of this arrest warrant would naturally have little effect.

But the question is, with his strength, how can he escape?
There is no need for any chasing soldiers, just the dangers that may be encountered along the way can kill him.

But if he doesn't escape, it will be even more difficult with his strength, and every replacement in the future will be a nightmare for him!
"It's not fair!" Martin said angrily.

"You can turn yourself in, or report me." Abel looked at him with a smile on his face.

Although he was a little upset when he learned that he was cheated by Gou Ri's Bliss Church and was wanted, he was immediately happy to see Martin like this.

Because it really has nothing to do with Martin.

"My lord, you are joking." Martin forced a smile upon hearing this, and did not really leave.

It wasn't that he was worried about Abel's backlash, but that he knew Abel's identity now, and he was also very clear about the attitude of the three empires towards the remnants of the evil gods.

He has already been identified as an accomplice of the remnants of the evil god. Even if he voluntarily surrenders at this time, there is only death waiting for him.

No one would listen to his explanations, and some things couldn't be explained.

For example, how would he explain why Abel, the priest of the Church of Elysium, didn't kill him and let him go?

He surrendered himself at the door at this moment, and he would only die faster.

He wouldn't do it unless his brain was flooded.

"It's okay if you don't leave, but I can't take you in for nothing. I'll give you his recent daily necessities. If you don't satisfy him at all, you can wait for me." Abel finally said in a desperate manner. He made his own request, and pointed to little David.

No way, he is really inexperienced in taking care of children.

In addition, he is now on the cusp, whether it is the Storm Empire official or the Church of Bliss, all eyes are on him.

In this case, it is definitely impossible for him to take little David back to the mountain capital to find Rorschach.

That was making trouble for Rorschach.

As the most loyal lamb of the Lord, it is impossible to do such a thing.

So he decided to take little David around outside for a while, and when the limelight passed, he would quietly join Rorschach.

But there is the biggest problem here...he can't take children!
If you ask him to kill, he will, and if you ask him to carry out terrorist attacks, he will also do it, but he really doesn't know anything about taking care of children.

That's why he spared Martin's life.

Otherwise, with the vileness of the third gentleman, so what if he agreed to spare Martin's life?

It is commonplace for him to break his promise and gain weight.

Martin was kept in order to have someone to help take care of the child, and Martin had no room for rejection.

As long as he is not tired of work, he knows what to do.

"Please don't worry, my lord. I promise to..." Martin suddenly remembered that he didn't know the name of the youngest son of the city lord.

"His name is David, just like you and me." Abel said lightly.

He didn't care too much about the fact that Martin knew that David Jr. was a displacer. Anyway, David Jr. was with Rorschach in reality, so it had nothing to do with it.

"I see." Martin understood instantly.

He was a little surprised at first, why Abel, the third gentleman who was notorious in Shuilanxing, actually took such good care of the youngest son of the city lord.

Even if it was really a kidnapping, it shouldn't be the attitude, right?
Now that Abel said this, he understood. Presumably, the two of them should have known each other in Shuilanxing, so Abel came to pick him up.

However, this also made him a little curious about the real identity of little David. Whose child could make Abel, the notorious third gentleman, do his best so hard that he even got a wanted warrant from the Storm Empire?
But he also understands, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, just be a good temporary babysitter, so that at least in a short period of time, you can save your life first.

boom! !

A muffled sound came from behind the three of them, making Martin's expression suddenly change!

He immediately looked back, only to see a middle-aged man in a green armor landed hundreds of meters behind them.

Even the ground was smashed into a big hole!
The muffled sound just now should be the sound of him falling from the sky.

At this time, a huge bird and beast was hovering high in the sky, and it made a sharp cry from time to time.

It looks like it's sending some sort of signal.

"Did you catch up so quickly... As expected of a gold class." Abel squinted his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in green armor not far away, but he didn't panic too much.

"Gold level?!" Martin was startled by Abel's words.

As a free hunter of Bi Luo City, although he has never met the Bi Luo City Lord, he also knows that the other party is a golden knight.

At this time, Abel's words made him instantly realize the identity of the visitor!
The Lord of Biluo City—Wood Heath!
At the same time, he is also the biological father of little David's current body!
"As long as you are willing to let me go, I can pretend that I haven't seen you today, and I can even find a way to help you get rid of the arrest warrant afterwards." After seeing Abel and the three of them, the middle-aged man in green armor didn't Shooting directly or approaching this side is obviously worried that Abel will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Although he was sure that he could easily kill the two of them, he couldn't guarantee that he could do it before the other party hurt his youngest son.

So I chose to negotiate the terms first.

Facing the conditions offered by the middle-aged man in green armor, Abel neither agreed nor refused, but suddenly laughed.

Just when the middle-aged man in the green armor was puzzled, Abel suddenly moved!
He actually took the initiative to attack the middle-aged man in green armor!

The green armored middle-aged man's face was livid, but in the face of Abel's active attack, it was impossible for him not to react!

It is true that he wanted to save his son, but he knew better that if something happened to him, his son would only die miserably.

"Don't bully people too much, you bloody remnants of evil gods!" The middle-aged man in the green armor raised his hand and sent Abel flying towards him.

However, he still held his hands back from this blow, so Abel just flew upside down, but he didn't really suffer any injuries, and soon stood up again.

He looked at the middle-aged man in green armor and grinned: "If you want to save someone, let me see the gap between you and me first, otherwise... my companion will not be soft-hearted, and you don't want to see your son What's wrong?"

If eyes could kill, the middle-aged man in the green armor would have killed Abel countless times.

He stared at Abel for a while, and then looked at the guy standing next to his son on the other side, his anger was almost uncontrollable!

Martin, who was glanced at by his ferocious eyes not far away, only felt that his legs were almost not his own, and he might kneel down at any time.

There is no way, this is the gap in the level of life.

He is a black iron rank, facing a gold rank who is hostile to him, he has tried his best not to faint.

But he also understands that he can't lose some points at this moment, otherwise it will be bad if the other party sees that they are putting on airs.

So even though his legs were about to go limp, he still stared straight ahead motionless, looking expressionless.

This image does indeed resemble the Remnants of the Evil God.

"It's not impossible to play with you, but don't expect me to be blackmailed by you just because my son is in your hands. I am not the only son." The middle-aged man in green armor said in a gloomy tone.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's talk after calling!"

Abel didn't bother to listen to the other party's talk, so he went straight to the fight, and this time he shot with all his strength, and his whole body had changed shape!
Compared with the regular third-state twisted walk, his purgatory twisted real body looks obviously more terrifying!
 first change

(End of this chapter)

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