I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 327 Eurytion's Conditional Submission

Chapter 327 Eurytion's Conditional Submission

Eurytion, the leader of the Phthia tribe, was willing to marry his daughter Laodamia to Roy, but he was only willing to let Roy get one-third of his territory and wealth.

This shows that Eurytion had a son, and he wanted to leave two-thirds of the territory and wealth to his son.

After Luoy asked Eurytion's envoy to go back, Eurytion's envoy never returned. Obviously, Eurytion did not want Luoy to replace his son and get his territory and wealth.

The third day that the city of Iolkas was occupied by Roy.

Harmonia came with three thousand soldiers to take over the city of Iolkas.

Palace hall.

Roy sat on the throne with Harmonia in his arms, and told Harmonia about his plan.

"Harmonia! Divide two thousand out of the three thousand soldiers you brought, and bring five thousand men from the Aeolus tribe to the Otis area to mine iron ore! You and the remaining one thousand soldiers stay and manage Aeolus woman, so that I can lead the Iron Lancers to conquer the Phthia tribe."

Harmonia smiled happily.

"Dear! The city of Aiolkas is the main port of Thessaly region and the only city in Thessaly region. Now you let me manage the city of Aiolkas, are you planning to let me rule the region of Thessaly? ?”

Roy shook his head and said.

"There are four big tribes in the Thessaly region, which is equivalent to four city-states. If I make you the queen who rules the Thessaly region, you will become the queen who manages nine city-states and controls half of the territory of the Kingdom of Athens. This Not only will it make your authority too great, but it will also make the authority of the goddess Mnemosyne so great that it will threaten me."

Roy is so guarded against himself and Mnemosyne, Harmonia said dissatisfiedly with a puffy face.

"Then who do you plan to let manage the Thessaly region?"


Roy said with a smile.

"Now Kaione has become the priestess of the goddess Amphitrite, and she manages the Thessaly region. It happens that the goddess Amphitrite can be enshrined as the port city of Aiolkas and the whole of Thessaly. Patron saint of Salisbury."

In the history of the other world, the city of Aiolkas has been the main port city of Thessaly region.

In the mythology of another world, the patron saint of the city of Iolkas has always been the sea god.

When Pelias ruled the city of Aiolkas, Poseidon, the god of the sea, was regarded as the patron saint of the city of Aiolkas, and Pelias also became the son of Poseidon.

Later, Peleus ruled the city of Aiolkas, and Thetis, the goddess of the sea, was regarded as the patron saint of Aiolkas city.

Harmonia said with eyes widened in surprise.

"My dear! The city of Corinth is also a city-state guarded by the goddess Amphitrite. Do you intend to make Chione the queen of the five cities like me, ruling the four city-states of Corinth and Thessaly?"

Roy nodded.

"I really think so! With your talents, it should be no problem to rule five city-states."

Roy made Harmonia and Keone the queens of the five cities, not only to let them share their work, but also to let them become immortal gods with him.

Mnemosyne and Amphitrite became the goddesses guarding the five city-states. As long as they develop for a few years or ten years, they will be strong enough to make Harmonia and Chione a demigod hero , has the qualifications to be deified as a hero god.

After Roy became an immortal god, these girls who became goddesses would still be by her side.

the next day.

After handing over the city of Iolkas to the management of Harmonia, Roy led [-] Iron Lancers and set off for the Phthia tribe at the foot of Mount Olympus.

Mount Olympus is the highest peak in Greece.

After the Dorians ruled the area of ​​Thessaly, they regarded Mount Olympus as their holy mountain.

In the history of another world, when the Dorians dominated Greece, Mount Olympus, the holy mountain of the Dorians, not only became the holy mountain of all Greece, but also became the home of the gods of all Greek gods.

Geographically, the Olympus Mountains can be said to be the natural boundary between Thessaly and Macedonia.

The existence of the Olympus Mountains prevented the nomads of the Macedonian Great Plains from invading Thessaly on a large scale.

Mount Olympus has always protected the Dorians, perhaps this is why the Dorians regard Mount Olympus as a sacred mountain.

Roy led [-] Iron Lancers to the camp of the Phthia tribe. Eurytion, the leader of the Phthia tribe, neither chose to escape nor resisted.

Because running is a dead end, resistance is a dead end.

After Roy ordered the Iron Lancers to surround the Phthia tribe, seeing Eurytion not doing anything, Roy rushed directly to the largest tent of the Phthia tribe—that is, the leader's tent of Eurytion.

Roy came to Eurytion's tent on horseback, just in time to see Eurytion leading a beautiful girl out of the tent under the protection of dozens of personal guards.

"Eurytion! Do you want to fight or surrender? Don't think that if you don't resist or surrender, I won't attack you."

Facing Roy's questioning, Eurytion pulled the girl up to Roy and said.

"King of Athens! I have decided to marry my daughter Laodamia to you and make you my heir. But you must also promise me that Laodamia's child will be one of your heirs."

After Eurytion finished speaking, the girl beside him walked up to Roy and said.

"I am Laodamia! I will be your wife, I hope you treat my family and people well."

Glancing at Laodamia's small face and figure that would not lose to Heller and Alcestis, Roy leaned over and hugged Laodamia onto his horseback and said.

"Eurytion, I accept your daughter. Since you choose to surrender, your Phthia tribe must accept the transformation of the Kingdom of Athens, abandon the barbaric and backward nomadic culture, and no longer worship your ancestor Helen. "

Eurytion nodded and said.

"I already know about your transformation of the Ferris tribe. As long as you can guarantee food for us, the Phthia tribe can accept the same transformation. But the request I just made - let my grandson be one of your heirs, Do you agree or disagree?"

"Do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate terms with me?"

Roy gave Eurytion a dissatisfied look, then hugged Laodamia who was lying on the horse's back and said.

"As long as the child born to Laodamia is good enough, I will definitely make her child a stronger ruler than his grandfather."

Hearing Roy's words, Eurytion immediately smiled happily.

Unlike the Far East, which regards daughters as outsiders, the West also regards daughters and grandchildren as heirs.

Although he couldn't let his son become the next generation leader of the Phthia tribe, it made Eurytion feel sad.

But the grandson who inherited his blood can become a more powerful ruler, which is indeed something that Eurytion should be happy about.

Looking at Eurytion's smiling face, Roy said expressionlessly.

"Eurytion! You are going to take the Phthia tribe to migrate to the Great Plains of Macedonia! I want the Great Plains of Macedonia to be included in the territory of the Kingdom of Athens, and then let the Pheres and Phthia tribes work for me on the Great Plains of Macedonia. Raising horses."

(End of this chapter)

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