I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 341 The Patron Saint of Athens with 1 enemy 2

Chapter 341
In the history of another world, the Thracians will migrate to the Asia Minor peninsula 500 years later and establish a powerful Phrygian kingdom.

However, only the coastal area of ​​Asia Minor Peninsula has a Mediterranean climate, and the inland plateau has a subtropical dry summer climate.

The Asia Minor peninsula is obviously not suitable for nomads to survive, so the Thracians turned into farming peoples in the Asia Minor peninsula.

For nomadic peoples, most of their food comes from grazing or hunting, so gods such as the earth mother god, plant god, and harvest god are hard to become the highest gods above the gods among nomadic peoples.

But for the farming people, most of the food comes from the output of the earth, so the goddess of the earth will have the supreme status among the gods.

In the creation myth of another world, Gaia, the goddess of creation, split herself into Gaia, the mother of the earth, Uranus, the god of the sky, and Pontus, the god of the sea.

The trinity of Gaia, the mother of the earth, Uranus, the god of the sky, and Pontus, the god of the sea——

This is Gaia, the most primitive goddess of creation, and she can also be called Chaos, the god of chaos.

The earth goddess Gaia has such a lofty status in Greek mythology, of course, because the Greeks are farming peoples.

The current Thracians are nomadic people who live on herding, fishing and hunting. Therefore, as the goddess of the earth of the Thracians, Cybele is far from being able to compare with Mnemosyne, who is also the goddess of the earth. .

After seeing the goddess battle between Mnemosyne and Cybele, and Kubele was completely suppressed by Mnemosyne, Heros, the harvest god of the Xerath tribe, immediately said to Helios.

"Your Majesty Helios, I will help Goddess Cybele."

After speaking, Heros rushed towards Mnemosyne with a wooden harvest scepter.

Because Helios didn't object, he just agreed with Heros to help Kubler.

In the history of another world, after the Thracians transformed into a farming nation, not only the goddess of the earth, Cybele, was regarded as the Great Goddess by the Thracians in the Asia Minor Peninsula, but Heros was also regarded as a high-ranking goddess in the Thracian region. Lord God.

Heros is not only the horse-riding god of war, but also the god of plants, the god of harvest and the god of the underworld. The shofar symbol that symbolizes him is engraved on coins by the Thracians to pray for harvest-this shows the status of Heros.

But that was all about thousands of years later, when the Thracians transformed from a nomadic people to an agricultural people.

Now that the Thracians are still nomads, Heros is just one of the gods of harvest and the many gods of war in the Thracian region.

Seeing Heros swinging the Harvest Wooden Staff to attack him, Mnemosyne was able to fight one against two with ease, without falling into a disadvantage at all.

Kubler and Heros teamed up and couldn't suppress Mnemosyne.

Gepelezis, the sky god of the Dacian tribe, immediately spoke to Helios.

"Your Majesty Helios, I will also help Goddess Cybele."

"Do you want to disgrace us Thracian gods?"

Helios scolded angrily.

"Don't you think that Cybele and Heros can't suppress Mnemosyne two-on-one, isn't it shameful enough?"

Hearing Helios' words, the sky god Gepelezis said in disbelief.

"Your Majesty Helios, do you think I can fight against Cybele and Heros three-on-one, and I can't defeat Mnemosyne?"

Helios didn't speak, apparently acquiescing to Gepelezis' guess.

At this moment, a seawater fell from the sky like a torrent.


Under the washing of this sea water, the sun fire around Helios' body was extinguished by the sea water.

Immediately afterwards, Amphitrite came to the battlefield holding a silver trident, and asked Mnemosyne, who was one against two.

"Dear sister, do you need me to help you?"

"Of course not!"

Mnemosyne said while unleashing a violent storm-like attack on Cybele, the goddess of the earth, and Heros, the god of harvest.

"Do I look like I'm going to lose?"

Seeing that Mnemosyne really didn't need her help, Amphitrite turned and said to Helios.

"You are my enemy?"

"and many more--"

Bendis immediately came to Amphitrite and said dissatisfied.

"Brother Helios is the king of the gods in the Thracian region, and only I am qualified to be his opponent. As a foreign god, you should, like Mnemosyne, go and fight with brother Helios. Subjects fight."

Amphitrite was not angry because of Bendis's words, she looked at Bendis with worried eyes and said.

"I have no intention of stealing the limelight from you! But I am the goddess of the sea, and my attributes can restrain each other with the sun god. The flames of the sun god can evaporate sea water, and my sea water can also extinguish the flames of the sun god. As the goddess of the moon You, in terms of attributes, are the same as the sun god—”

"This is not something you should worry about, Helios is my opponent."

"I understand!"

Facing Bendis' tough attitude, Amphitrite said with a gentle smile.

"Then I will fight with Helios' subjects and help you weaken Helios' divine power."

After speaking, Amphitrite pointed the silver trident at the gods behind Helios.

"Which of you will fight with me?"

Gepelezis, the sky god of the Dacian tribe, rushed over immediately, brandishing a blue stick to fight Amphitrite.

"Fight me with this outdated weapon—"

Amphitrite said sympathetically while waving the silver trident to suppress Gepelezis.

"You gods of nomads are pitiful. It is unfair for me to fight you."

Seeing the patron saint of the Kingdom of Athens suppressing the patron saint of Thrace in a one-on-one battle, Helios' expression turned extremely ugly.

Zalmoxis, the god of the underworld of the Geta tribe, said on his own initiative.

"I'm going to help Gepelezis."

The god of the dead, Zalmoxis, was also a god of the dead and the god of harvest.

The Geta who worship him will use human sacrifice rituals to pray to Zalmoxis to let them harvest more food.

In order to beautify this kind of living sacrifice ceremony, the Geta people declared that they were immortal, and the dead just went to Zalmoxis.

Every four years, the Geta will select a person by lottery as a messenger and send them to meet Zalmoxis in order to convey their needs to Zalmoxis through the messenger.

The specific method of sending is to lift up the messenger and throw it into the air, while others holding spears catch it below.

If the envoy was stabbed to death by the point of the erected spear when he fell, it meant that the envoy was accepted by Zalmoxis.

If the envoy is not dead, he will be regarded as a bad person who is not accepted by the gods, and another person must be replaced to replace the envoy.

Zalmoxis used the shepherd's whip as a weapon to attack Amphitrite. Amphitrite used the silver trident to suppress the sky god Gepelezis with ease, and at the same time created a huge The water serpent attacks Zalmoxis, the god of the dead.

Seeing Zalmoxis dodging the water snake's attack in a panic, Amphitrite said with a smile.

"If it is inland far away from the sea, my strength will be severely weakened. This battlefield is only a few dozen miles away from the Aegean Sea, and I will not lose even with one enemy and three."

(End of this chapter)

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