I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 382 The Instructions Before the War Begins

Chapter 382 The Speech Before the War Begins
If the Apennine Peninsula has already entered the city-state civilization, if Roy wants to conquer the Campania and Basilicata regions, he only needs to occupy a few populated cities.

It is a pity that the Apennine Peninsula is still in tribal civilization. If Roy wants to conquer the Campania and Basilicata regions, he must occupy all the Sabine and Latin tribes in these two regions.

The Campania and Basilicata regions have a population of around [-], representing at least [-] Sabine and Latin tribes in these two regions.

It is impossible for Roy to personally lead an army of [-] to occupy each tribe, because it would waste a lot of time and let the Sabine tribe and the Latin tribe unite to deal with Roy's army.

In order to conquer the Campania and Basilicata regions in the shortest time, Roy divided the [-] army into two thousands and sixty centuries.

Sixty Centuries, responsible for the occupation of the sixty Sabine and Latin tribes in the Campania and Basilicata regions.

Loy and Caesar led a thousand-man force into the Campania and Basilicata regions respectively to deal with attacks from other regions.

Let sixty centurions occupy sixty Sabine and Latin tribes, and Lowe was not worried that these centurions would fail.

Because the Sabine tribe and the Latin tribe usually only have a population size of about [-].

Even if these tribes can gather two hundred men, it is impossible to defeat a centurion composed of seventy iron spearmen and thirty soldiers with bronze spears.

What Roy is really worried about is that without his own control, the soldiers will kill and rob property at will in the tribes or villages they occupy, and even take the women of the tribes or villages as their own.

So before the war started, Roy specially gave a lecture to the soldiers.

Catanzaro city.

Eight thousand soldiers all gathered around the Temple of Persephone, forming a circle to surround the Temple of Persephone.

Roy stood on the altar outside the Temple of Persephone, speaking loudly that all soldiers could hear.

"Soldiers! Now we are about to wage a war that is sure to win, and now I have something to tell you. The Apennine Peninsula is already a Roman province of the Athenian Empire. Trurians, all are citizens of the Athenian Empire. You occupy the tribes or villages of the Sabines and Latins, and you must not harm ordinary villagers. The task I entrust to you is to destroy the Sabines and Latins who resist us. Latins, kill the leaders of the Sabines and Latins, and confiscate all the property of the leaders. Even if the leaders of the Sabines and Latins surrender voluntarily, you must drive the leaders away, because I no longer want to face Senate and elders of the Sabines and Latins. After occupying the tribes or villages of the Sabines and Latins, if you hurt the villagers at will, rob the villagers of their property, or even occupy women, I will definitely give you the most severe punishment. After this war is over, I will not only give you twenty catties of salt as a reward, but also arrange for an unmarried girl to go on a blind date with you."

Twenty catties of salt—this is a generous reward equivalent to a thousand catties of grain.

Roy will arrange blind dates for soldiers who have won the battle, which is something all soldiers know.

After hearing Roy's promise, all the soldiers shouted excitedly.

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Athenian Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Athenian Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Athenian Empire!"

After the lecture to the soldiers was over, Roy called together the sixty centurions and told them with a serious face.

"Centuries! This time you have a heavy responsibility, you must manage your soldiers well, and don't let them do things that violate the laws of the Athenian Empire. After this war is over, you will all be rewarded with forty catties of salt."

The centurions agreed, saying that they are capable of managing the soldiers well.

Roy then had another one-on-one chat with Caesar.

"Caesar, you lead a team of thousands into the Basilicata region. Your task is not only to guard against the Sabine tribes in the Puglia region, but also to monitor the centurions in the Basilicata region. If the hundred If the team does something that violates the law, you must tell me everything.”

Caesar said immediately.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely complete your order."

After all preparations were completed, Caesar's thousand and twenty centuries marched from the coastal plain to the Basilicata area.

Roy's Thousands and forty Centuries sailed for the Campania region in warships.

The fifth day of the war.

Caesar's thousand and twenty centuries entered Basilicata, and Roy's thousand and forty centuries also landed on the coast of Campania.

The Campania region and the Lazio region in the northwest are both areas where Latins who worship Mars live.

Because the Latins also lived a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural way of life, Mars was not only the god of reproduction and plants, but also the patron saint of livestock, farmland and farmers.

In the history of another world, the city of Rome was established in the Lazio region.

Romulus, who built the city of Rome, was deified as the son of Mars, the patron saint of the Latins.

It is said that the Latins originally lived in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula.

As the Etruscans, who worshiped the sun god Jupiter and the moon goddess Minerva, continued to invade, the Latins were forced to migrate to seize the territory of the Sicurs.

The Basilicata region, Puglia region, and Abruzzo region in the east of the Apennine Mountains are the territories of the Sabines who worship the god of war Quirinus.

1000 years later, the Roman city established by the Latins eventually conquered the entire Apennine Peninsula.

1000 years ago, the Etruscans were the most powerful ethnic group in the Apennines.

The Sabines are the second largest ethnic group after the Etruscans.

Latins are only the third largest ethnic group in the Apennines.

If the Calabria region, the last territory of the Sikurs, is also taken away, the Latins will become the weakest ethnic group in the Apennines.

Perhaps it is precisely because the Latins are in a weak position that in the myth of the Roman city builder Romulus, Romulus used deception to forcefully obtain the married princess of the Sabines and become the son-in-law of King Sabine. .

As the king of Rome, Romulus used the most despicable way to occupy the married Princess Sabine as his wife, which fully reflected the weakness of the Latins at that time.

Only by becoming the son-in-law of King Sabine and making King Sabine's grandson the successor of the city of Rome can Romulus ensure that the city of Rome will not be destroyed by the powerful Sabines.

This story is very similar to Agamemnon's occupation of a married Spartan princess in Greek mythology.

The situation of Agamemnon at that time was that he refused to marry the married princess of Sparta and forcibly became the son-in-law of the king of Sparta. Agamemnon might be killed by the king of Sparta.

In the myth of the city of Rome, when the angry Sabine king wanted to punish the city of Rome for robbing the Sabine girls, Princess Sabine, who had become the wife of Romulus, brought 29 Sabine girls to the outside of the city of Rome to stop them. The city of Rome was destroyed by King Sabine.

(End of this chapter)

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