I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 502 First to annex the Amazon tribe

Chapter 502 First to annex the Amazon tribe

Nomads are usually all soldiers, only the old, weak, sick and disabled men do not need to participate in the battle.

In this model, every family in the tribe will be respected, so nomads have less internal exploitation than farming peoples-this is why nomads are very united.

In the history of another world, whether it is the Roman Empire in the west or China in the east, farming peoples with huge population advantages are always oppressed or even destroyed by nomads, because after entering the Iron Age, the problem of internal oppression of farming peoples became more and more more serious.

The Thracians of this era were standard nomads.

The Amazon tribe ruled by Hippolyta can summon up to [-] Thracian knights under the mode of all the people.

Roy's second day in the Amazon tribe.

The knights of the Amazon tribe were summoned to Byzantium by order of Hippolyta.

It was near noon.

Thracian knights gathered in groups of three or four on the grasslands of Byzantium, waiting for Hippolyta's food payment.

The reason why the nomads are very united is that the ruling class of the nomads does not seriously exploit the tribesmen.

The ruling class of the nomads is unwilling to oppress the people because the common people of the nomads are generally poor.

If the civilian class is squeezed, it is easy to arouse their resistance.

If the nomads live well, they will not risk their lives to attack the farming peoples.

Now there is a good thing about the pie in the sky-Queen Hippolyta suddenly wants to pay everyone, and the knights of the Amazon tribe certainly don't want to miss it.

Hot summer noon.

Roy and Hippolyta came to the center of the grassland where the knights gathered together.

Seeing Hippolyta's arrival, the knights lined up under the command of their respective leaders.

After the knights lined up, Hippolyta spoke loudly that everyone could hear.

"Everyone! As you have heard, today I will distribute one hundred catties of grain and one catty of salt to each of you. But there is nothing free in this world. All the things that are distributed to you come from the Athenian Empire. The emperor—my future husband, Roy. For this reason, I have decided to make the Amazon tribe a part of the Athenian Empire, and we will also be Athenians in the future, and I will manage you with the policies of the Athenian Empire."

Hearing Hippolyta's words, the leaders of the various vassal tribes said dissatisfiedly.

"Queen Hippolyta, why should we be Athenians?"

"We are Thracians, we have the beliefs and traditions passed down by our ancestors, are you going to betray our ancestors?"

"I want to withdraw from the Amazon tribe, and my tribe will no longer be your vassal."

Not only the leaders, but even ordinary knights said.

"The Athenians are farming people. Queen Hippolyta wants us to be farmers who plow the fields?"

"I just want to be a shepherd with horses and sheep, I don't want to work hard on the land."

"Queen Hippolyta not only betrayed us, but also her ancestors."

At this point Hippolyta was blamed by everyone - which was to be expected.

Just as the leaders of the various tribes were about to take the knights away, the sound of thunderous hooves approached suddenly.

Then, under the terrified eyes of the Thracians, Erechtheus came galloping with [-] Athenian cavalry and surrounded [-] Thracian knights.

Seeing the Athenian cavalry fully armed, the blades of the black iron spears reflecting cold light in the sun, the leaders questioned one after another.

"Queen Hippolyta, are you trying to kill us?"

"You called us together to use this kind of conspiracy."

"You mistress of the Athenians, we are all your people."

Seeing that Hippolyta was speechless under the accusations of everyone, Roy spoke loudly instead of Hippolyta.

"Shut up all of you! Hippolyta did this for your own good. Don't you really realize that as the Thracian population increases, the food you herd horses and sheep is no longer enough? to feed you. Do you want to starve yourself and your family to death if this continues?"

A tribal leader said immediately.

"Without food we can rob the Athenians, you Athenians have a lot of food."

"If you don't have food, go to those who have food - this is the experience passed down to you by your ancestors."

Roy said with a sneer.

"But can you defeat the Athenians?"

Hearing Roy's question, all the Thracians fell silent.

Hippolyta said at this time.

"We cannot defeat the Athenians. This is a fact that you all know. Although we Thracians have strength and courage that cannot be lost to the Athenians, the Athenians have sharp iron weapons. My fellow tribesmen! Everything I do is to protect you and enable you to live better. If you still believe in me, accept my order and join me in the Athens Empire. If you are unwilling to accept my order, I can let you go."

After Hippolyta finished speaking, Erechtheus led the Athenian soldiers to arrest the leaders.

Facing the vicious Athenian soldiers, some big and small leaders changed their tunes and expressed their willingness to obey Hippolyta's orders.

After all the leaders, big and small, were taken away, the leaderless Thracians were all lost.

Seeing the Thracian's reaction, Roy said immediately.

"Since you can't make a choice, then you should learn about the situation of the Athens Empire."

After Roy finished speaking, [-] Athenian soldiers walked into the [-] Thracians and began to tell them about the good life of the Athenian Empire, persuading them to join the Athenian Empire.

If there are leaders big and small to take the lead, the Thracians can still resist joining the Athenian Empire.

Now these Thracians have no leader. Under the orders of Hippolyta and the nagging persuasion of the Athenian soldiers, most of the Thracians agreed to join the Athenian Empire.

Roy also distributed rewards on the spot, and those who were willing to join the Athens Empire could receive one hundred catties of grain and one catty of salt.

Thracians who did not want to join the Athenian Empire would be expelled.

Seeing that the Thracians who joined the Athens Empire really received food and salt, plus the threat of expulsion-in the end, all [-] Thracian knights joined the Athens Empire.

Although all the Thracian knights of the Amazon tribe agreed to join the Athens Empire by using carrots and sticks, it was obviously impossible for Roy to give them a hundred catties of grain and a catty of salt every month.

So next, Roy will arrange work for them.

Let them either become soldiers of the Athenian Empire, or migrate to the mountains to continue to be shepherds, or become farmers with the help of the Athenian Empire.

three days later.

Ten thousand eligible Thracian knights became the cavalry of the Athenian Empire.

With the arrival of [-] Athenian infantry, Erechtheus had [-] Athenian cavalry and [-] Athenian infantry under his command.

While the Athenian Empire annexed the Amazon tribes, the various Thracian tribes in the Thrace region were also communicating with each other, preparing to resist the invasion of the Athenian Empire.

Finally, under the summoning of Aeetes, the tribal king of the Sun Tribe, [-] Thracian knights gathered in the lower plains of the Danube River.

Perseus also joined the Thracian coalition with [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, preparing to use the Thracian coalition to defeat Loy.

(End of this chapter)

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