I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 537 I Come to Conquer the Troy Region

Chapter 537 I Come to Conquer the Troy Region

After completing the agreement with Iobates and incorporating the Arzava region into the territory of the Athens Empire, Roy did not return to the city of Athens with the Athens fleet, but took the Athens fleet to the Troy region in the northwest of the Asia Minor peninsula.

Before 3000 BC, the Pilaski people migrated from the Troy area across the Dardanelles to the Greek area.

So of course, in the Troy area, there are also groups that worship the goddess of the earth.

In Greek mythology in another world, the city of Troy is dedicated to the goddess Athena, and Princess Cassandra of Troy is also a priestess serving the goddess Athena.

Athena is the exclusive patron saint of the city of Athens.

The Trojans certainly had no reason to worship the patron saint of Athens.

Therefore, the mythical archetype of the goddess Athena in the city of Troy is that the city of Troy worships the goddess of the earth who is the same as Athena.

Princess Cassandra of the royal family of Troy served as the priestess serving Athena, proving that the goddess of the earth is the patron saint of the city of Troy.

After the city of Troy was destroyed, the authority of Apollo, the patron saint of Mysia, surpassed the goddess of the earth in Troy, so in the fabricated myth, there was the illusion that Apollo became the patron saint of Troy.

In Greek mythology, the goddess of the earth - the temple of Athena is located in the city of Troy, and the temple of Apollo is located in Mysia, which may be a hint of the real situation.

There is no Temple of Apollo in Troy, so how could Apollo be the patron saint of Troy.

The current city of Troy is already the strongest city-state in the Troy region.

The king who ruled the city of Troy was named Iros.

He is also the well-deserved overlord of the Troy region.

Tantalus migrated to the Troy area with the Mycenaeans who followed him, not only established the city of Sipyrus, but also worshiped Zeus as the patron saint.

This kind of foreign ethnic group that refused to assimilate with the local ethnic group caused dissatisfaction with Iros, the king of Troy, so Iros led the Trojan army to destroy Tantalus and his followers. Tantalus' son Pelops was forced to go to the Peloponnese Peninsula to join his grandfather, Acrisios, king of Mycenae.

The opposite of what Tantalus did.

Teucerus migrated to Mycenaean in the south of Troy with the Mycenaeans who followed him, and defeated the Paleks who lived there—who worshiped Smintheus Apollo, and became the ruler of the Mycenaean region.

But Teucerus did not continue to regard Zeus as a patron saint.

Teucros dedicated his daughter to Iros, the king of Troy, and enshrined Smintheus Apollo, the patron saint of the Paleks, as the patron saint of Mysia, and successfully gained a foothold in the land of Mysia.

Teucros did not choose the goddess of earth of the Trojans to be the patron saint of the Mycenaeans, but chose to make Smintheus Apollo, the plague god of the Paleks, the patron saint of the Mycenaeans—because the Mycenaeans and the Paleks are both branches of the ancient Aryans, the plague god Smintheus Apollo and the plague god Mana [Hades] may have the same origin.

The city of Troy who worshiped the goddess of the earth, the city of Mysia who worshiped Apollo, the god of plagues, and the Paleks who worshiped Apollo, the god of plagues—

These are the three major powers in the northwest of the Asia Minor peninsula.

In order to bring the Troy region into the territory of the Athens Empire, Roy directly led the fleet to the city of Troy.

1598 BC.


Troy's large fleet arrives on the coast of Troy.

In Greek mythology from another world, thousands of warships and [-] troops of the Greek Allied Forces were stationed here and fought a ten-year war with Troy.

When Roy landed on the coast of Troy, he realized that there was no room for thousands of warships, let alone a [-]-strong army.

I'm afraid the people who made up the myth have never thought about how huge the [-] army is.

When the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian Empire fought the Kadesh War, the total number of soldiers on both sides was less than 5.

The population of the Greek region was not even half that of the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian Empire at that time.

If the Greek region had a population of one million at that time, the Hittite Empire and the Egyptian Empire combined had a population of 500 million.

With one-fifth of the population in the Greek region, more than twice as many troops were recruited——

This is obviously impossible.

In the history of another world, the Greeks did carry out wars of conquest in the western part of the Asia Minor peninsula.

But the Trojan War in mythology is completely fictional and exaggerated.

The arrival of the Athens fleet aroused the vigilance of Troy.

Before Troy's army landed, Iros, king of Troy, brought five thousand Trojan soldiers to the coast of Troy to confront Troy's army.

In order to avoid a war between the two sides, Roy went to the Trojan army in person and negotiated with the Trojan king Iros.

Iros stood on a chariot of gleaming bronze drawn by two horses, and his chariot was a relative of his.

When he came to Iros' chariot, Roy directly revealed his identity.

"Dear King of Troy! I am the emperor of the Athenian Empire, Troy. Do you want the Trojans to start a war with the Athenians? Both the Trojans and the Athenians are groups that worship the goddess of the earth, which proves that the Trojans and the Athenians have the same ancestors in ancient times. Please don't do this kind of cannibalism."

Iros is a middle-aged man in his 40s.

Hearing what Roy said, Iros immediately laughed.

"Young man, are you here to be funny? Brothers can kill each other in order to compete for profit, not to mention that the Trojans and the Athenians only had the same ancestors in ancient times thousands of years ago. But I really don't want to start a war with you, because the strength of the Athens Empire is well known, and it is difficult for the city of Troy to defeat the Athenian Empire. You need to tell me now why you led the army to the coast of Troy. As long as you can give me a legitimate reason, I will immediately lead the soldiers back to the city of Troy."

"I have come to conquer the Troy region and bring the Troy region into the territory of the Athenian Empire—this is my reason."

After hearing Roy's reason, Iros was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha—this is the legitimate reason for you to lead the Athens army to land on the coast of Troy? Should I say that you are interesting, or should I say that you are arrogant? Seeing that you have established a hegemony that far surpasses mine, I invite you to visit my palace now. Do you dare to accept my invitation?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Roy said with a smile.

"As long as our war can be avoided, I will be happy to prove my sincerity to you."

Hearing Roy's answer, Iros moved from the compartment of the chariot to the position of the driver, took the reins from the driver, and personally drove his chariot to Roy and said.

"Young man! As you are, it is worthy of me to be your steward. Now I invite you to take my carriage to my palace."

"Then I will follow the master's arrangement as a guest."

After speaking, Roy boarded Iros' chariot without hesitation.

Iros turned his chariot around and rushed towards the city of Troy. The chariot quickly passed the bank of the Scamander River and entered the huge city of Troy with a population of more than [-].

(End of this chapter)

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