I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 540 Cassandra and Hesione

Chapter 540 Cassandra and Hesione

Temple of Hesione.

This shrine dedicated to the goddess Hesione is located next to the palace, and it can even be said to be part of the palace guarded by palace soldiers.

Because the Temple of Hesione is the place where an important member of the royal family—Princess Troy, who served as a priestess, lived.

Roy walked into the interior of the temple illuminated by twelve oil lamps, and found that the whole temple was quiet, as if the people in the temple had already slept and rested.

Roy walked into the depths of the temple, looked up at the statue of Hesione on the throne, and found that the statue of Goddess Hesione was very similar to the statue of Metis and Amphitrite, as if they were made by the same Like three sisters born to one mother.

Just as Roy was seriously looking at the statue of Hesione, twelve female warriors holding spears and shields suddenly poured in from the two back doors of the temple to surround Roy.

"who are you?"

After twelve female warriors surrounded Roy, a beautiful girl in a white priest's robe and long black hair casually walked up to Roy and said.

"How dare you break into the temple at night, you have committed the capital crime of blaspheming the priest of the goddess."

"You are Cassandra, Princess of Troy?"

Roy looked at the girl's delicate and beautiful face, and couldn't help but be amazed.

When it comes to beauty and figure alone, Cassandra is no better than Procne, Philomela and other girls.

But as the princess of the Trojan royal family and the priestess serving the goddess Hesione, Cassandra has a holy and noble temperament like a goddess.

In the mythology of another world, the Greek allied forces saw Helen's beauty, and once expressed such emotion-for such a peerless beauty, it was worthwhile for a hundred thousand Greek allied forces to go to Troy and endure ten years of suffering.

Seeing Cassandra's beauty at this time, Roy couldn't help but sigh in his heart—most of the [-] Greek coalition troops died for her, and it was worth giving their lives.

She is so holy, noble and beautiful as a goddess, no wonder little Ajax desecrated the temple of goddess Athena for her.

No wonder Agamemnon, the commander-in-chief of the Greek coalition forces, forcibly took Cassandra away from Ajax.

You must know that as the commander-in-chief of the Greek coalition forces, Agamemnon forcibly took away the spoils of others, which would cause a huge blow to the prestige of the commander-in-chief.

Agamemnon dared to take the prize of Achilles, Brisaeus, because Achilles forced Agamemnon to return the daughter of Chryses, the priest of Apollo, to her father Chryses , Agamemnon took Brisaeus away in the name of revenge on Achilles.

There is no reason why Agamemnon took Kassandra from Ajax the younger.

In other words, Cassandra's beauty and charm can make the commander-in-chief of the [-] Greek coalition forces willing to give up the prestige of the commander-in-chief, and even lose the status of the commander-in-chief.

"Your beauty is indeed worth 10 people dying for you. Now this beauty belongs to me, because I will be your husband."

Hearing Roy's blasphemy, Cassandra frowned with displeasure and said.

"Speaking this kind of nonsense in front of me—do you really want to die? I am a priestess who serves the goddess, and I have nothing to do with getting married."

In the mythology of another world, Cassandra is indeed a priestess who does not marry for life.

She not only rejected the pursuit of the god Apollo, but also rejected the marriage proposal of the human hero Ethrymenius.

Cassandra remained unmarried until her death.

It is very common for priestesses who serve the gods to remain unmarried for life.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Loy, Emperor of Athens."

Roy said with a smile.

"Dear Princess Cassandra, I have made an agreement with your father Iros to make you my wife. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to your father Iros to verify."

"You don't need to ask your father for confirmation, I believe your words."

Cassandra said with a helpless wry smile.

"I said a long time ago that I would never marry and serve the goddess all my life, but my father didn't take my words seriously. Your Majesty the Emperor! I heard that you respect us women very much, and you don't allow women to be forced to marry someone they don't like. Husband. Now I hope you can respect my wish and let me fulfill my vow not to marry for life. I am not my father's only daughter, you can also marry my sisters."

Roy shook his head and said.

"Princess Cassandra! I am willing to be your father's son-in-law just because I am married to you. If you are not willing to marry me, the city of Troy is qualified to marry my girl—"

Having said that, Roy looked at the statue of Hesione behind Cassandra.

"Only the goddess Hesione you serve."


It's okay for Roy to blaspheme himself, after all, he is only human.

Roy even dared to blaspheme the goddess he served——

Seeing Cassandra's shocked reaction with wide-eyed eyes, Roy walked up to Cassandra, stretched out his right hand to pinch her small and cute chin and smiled.

"Cassandra, if you don't want to see Hesione being desecrated by me, then sacrifice yourself!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Cassandra gritted her teeth firmly, and then gave orders to the twelve female warriors.

"Do it."

Hearing Cassandra's order, twelve female warriors immediately attacked Roy at the same time.

boom boom boom-

Before the twelve female warriors stabbed Roy's body with bronze spears, a dazzling divine light burst out from Roy's body, causing the twelve female warriors to instinctively close their eyes.

When the eyes of the twelve female warriors could adapt to Roy's dazzling light, a pair of flame wings formed by the condensed fire of the sun appeared behind Roy, exuding a high temperature that is inaccessible to humans.


Looking at the flame wings behind Roy, Cassandra said in disbelief.

"Are you a great god?"

"That's right!"

Roy nodded.

"You have also heard about my resurrection from the dead! I have indeed been resurrected as a hero god, and I have also captured the godhood of the sun god Aleg. Dear Cassandra, now I know that you are going to marry the great god Zhi, do you still want to stick to your vow of not marrying for life?"

"I am a priest who serves the goddess Hesione. No matter whether you are a human being or a god, I will not betray the goddess Hesione."

"Then there is no other way! It seems that I can only attack Hesione, and let you serve me willingly as Hesione's dowry maid."

Roy looked at the statue of Hesione with a smile and said.

"My dear Hesione, will you marry me?"

"I don't want to!"

With Hesione's answer, the statue of Hesione on the throne became the goddess Hesione herself.

She looked down at Roy with cold eyes and said.

"Even my priestess, Cassandra, wants to imitate me and never marry. How can I betray Cassandra and give up my identity as a maiden god?"

First rejected by Cassandra, then rejected by Hesione.

Roy said with a sigh.

"I did make laws for the Athenian Empire, and it was not allowed to force girls to marry. But ah-these laws are for other people, not for me. Now, as the Emperor of Athens, I command you to marry I, the 10 people around the city of Troy, are the funeral objects for your rejection of this order."

(End of this chapter)

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