I was a priest in the city-state era.

Chapter 568 Participating in the Citizens Meeting of Athens City

Chapter 568 Participating in the Citizens Meeting of Athens City

1597 BC.


Roy returned to the city of Athens thousands of miles away from India.

After enjoying a long-awaited wedding night with Procne and Philomela, the first thing Roy did when he returned to Athens was to attend the city's citizens' assembly in person.

Early the next morning.

Roy took Procne and Philomela to the Royal Opera House in Athens.

The Royal Opera House of Athens is not only a theater for singing and dancing, but also a venue for citizen meetings.

After all the citizens attending the meeting arrived, Procne, as the speaker presiding over the meeting, spoke first.

"Dear citizens of Athens! Today's citizen meeting is different from the past. Our great emperor also returned to the city of Athens and participated in this citizen meeting in person. Now I hope everyone can stand up and applaud to celebrate His Majesty's triumphant return from conquering the East."

Procne did not use a commanding tone.

All the citizens attending the meeting stood up and applauded spontaneously, and the thunderous applause echoed in the Royal Opera House of Athens.

When the citizens' meeting officially started, an old man with white hair left the auditorium and walked to the stage, directly questioning Lowy.

"Your Majesty, may I ask you a question?"

"of course can!"

Roy said with a smile.

"Although as the ancestor of the Athens Empire, I have supreme authority in the Athens Empire. But from a legal perspective, the emperor is only a defender of the law and has the power conferred by the law. When neither party violates the law, the emperor and Ordinary citizens are equal, and any citizen has the right to ask the emperor questions."

Hearing Roy's answer, the white-haired old man took a deep breath and said.

"Your Majesty the Great Emperor! One of my sons and one of my grandsons died on the battlefield as soldiers of the Athenian Empire. So I really can't help but ask you, when will your ambition be satisfied, and how much will you spend?" Soldiers sent to the battlefield? Now that the Athenian Empire has such a large territory, none of the surrounding barbarians can challenge the strength of the Athenian Empire. I beg you to stop foreign wars and let our soldiers usher in an era of peace."

After the white-haired old man finished speaking, a middle-aged man who looked like his son hurriedly ran to his side, trying to drag his father away from the stage.

All the citizens in the auditorium stared at Roy, as if they were waiting for Roy's fury.

Roy stood up, looked at the father and son who were pulling on the stage and said.

"Dear old man, first of all I want to apologize to you for not being able to bring your son and grandson back from the battlefield. Although you all think that I have endless ambitions, I must say that I am more powerful than any of you. Everyone hates war. Given the choice, I would not start any war again. But I can only tell you that for the sake of our future generations not to experience war, I will continue to wage war, and will be able to threaten all of our barbarians Conquest. I believe you are not naive, so you all understand that even if we don't attack the barbarians around us, these barbarians will attack us in order to survive. Don't you want to kneel to the barbarians and give food and wealth to the barbarians to beg? Is it peaceful?"

"I support His Majesty the Emperor!"

After Roy finished speaking, a one-eyed young man immediately got up and said.

"We are now able to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life in the city of Athens because there are thousands of soldiers fighting our enemies. I was an Athenian soldier myself and retired early due to injuries on the battlefield. But I do not regret losing a Only one eye, because my sacrifice is worth it. Even if I choose my own destiny again, I will become a soldier of Athens and give my life to His Majesty the Emperor."

Immediately afterwards, more and more citizens stood up in support of Lowe.

After all, this is the third year that the Athenian Empire was established, not the No.30 year when the Athenian Empire was established.

All the people present have experienced the difficult days three years ago, and know that the happy life now is hard-won.

After the white-haired old man and his son left the stage disheveledly, a businessman dressed in gold and silver came to the stage and said.

"Your Majesty the Great Emperor, I hope that our business citizens can get tax relief. We hire employees to solve the employment problem, which can be considered as a contribution to the Athens Empire. But the bigger our business is, the heavier the tax we bear .”

"Tax relief is impossible!"

Luo Yi refused without hesitation.

"If your business is not competitive, you can end your business. Today I meet your tax relief requirements, and tomorrow you will squeeze your employees to increase your income. I provide businessmen with a safe business environment and a huge market, If you want to do business in the Athens Empire, you must abide by the rules here."

Lowy isn't worried about businessmen winding up their businesses, creating employment problems.

Because the Athens Empire did not implement a twelve-hour work system, one person completed the work of two people.

The Athens Empire is not only an eight-hour work system, but also a two-day work system, and there are enough jobs to meet the needs of employment.

If the Athens Empire also had a [-]-hour work system, and one person could do the work of two people, it means that half of the population of the Athens Empire would be unemployed.

After the businessman left the stage in disgrace, a young man dressed as a priest stepped onto the stage and shouted frantically.

"Your Majesty the Great Emperor! You are the greatest human being of our time, and you are also the great sun god. You should be worshiped by everyone in the Athens Empire. As your believer, I want to establish a church to worship you and publicize your greatness to everyone." and faith."


Roy frowned and said coldly.

"The Athenian Empire prohibits the establishment of any form of religion. Just as power is only responsible for its own source, the gods are only responsible for their own source of belief. If the belief of a god comes from specific believers, the gods will inevitably favor believers and cause injustice. Therefore, all the gods of the Athenian Empire, including me, will only accept state offerings. The main beliefs of the gods do not come from specific individuals, and the gods will naturally not favor specific individuals."

The young man who claimed to be a believer in Loi immediately showed a look of being shocked.

Roy continued.

"Soldiers, take off his priestly robes and take him to prison for a year. In the Athenian Empire, no one can wear priestly robes to pretend to be priests except real priests. Serve The priests of the gods are a group that enjoys special treatment and are supported by the state and respected by the people. Impersonating a priest will be punished according to the severity of the crime.”

"Your Majesty, you can't treat me like this, I am your faithful believer!"

Hearing Roy's punishment for himself, the young man dressed as a priest immediately yelled.

Two wolf-like soldiers rushed onto the stage, quickly grabbed the young man like a hawk on a chicken, and carried him off the stage.

After the citizen meeting was successfully concluded, Roy took Procne and Philomela back to the Palace of Athens and began to formulate a new battle plan.

In order to complete the goal of turning the Mediterranean Sea into an inner lake, Roy decided to include the Germanic capital, the Gaul region, and the Iberian Peninsula into the territory of the Athenian Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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