Warhammer: I live under the watchful eyes of the gods

Chapter 216 The Lord in Yellow Clothes

Chapter 216 The Lord in Yellow Clothes (Single Chapter for Characters)
The thick darkness almost overwhelmed Constantine's consciousness.

It was also thanks to the fact that this was not the first time he had used the Sun God's Spear, otherwise he would have been completely lost in that eternal despair with just a moment's approval.

It is fundamentally different from the "truths" we have seen so far.

This place seems more like a real ruin than an illusion.

But rather than simple ruins, Constantine prefers to call it a relic of the battlefield.

But on the other hand, the scale of this battlefield relic can be said to be unbelievably large.

A large number of fragments are floating in the surging chaotic energy of the subspace.

At the intersection of nothingness and reality, countless kinds of wreckage and body parts almost filled this area.

If Constantine was allowed to walk on his legs, it would probably take him his whole life to traverse this terrifying battlefield.

Fortunately, he has a lot of experience in using the Sun God's Spear.

He kept hinting to himself that this was just an illusion.

Sure enough, after rounds of psychological hints, he felt a slight distance like a protective film between himself and the "truth" generated by the Sun God's Spear.

This distance allows him to break away from the limitations of this fantasy world itself from the perspective of an "outsider".

He wanted to figure out exactly what kind of truth he had just been drawn into just now.

Raising the angle of view gradually, he saw a part of the whole battlefield at a farther distance.

But in this process, it can be said that every inch he pulled up, Constantine felt an extra shock in his heart.

Among the broken wreckage, he saw many familiar emblems.

Ultramarines, Death Guard, Imperial Fist...  

It even included two legion emblems that he didn't recognize at all.

This terrifying sense of reality made Constantine feel a chill.

The Spear of the Sun God will not lie, at least in Constantine's impression, it can well show the "truth" of all those who are wounded by it.

But the scene in front of him was crazily stimulating Constantine's nerves.

dead, all dead.

The entire world seemed to be soaked in suffocating, desperate warp energy.

This despair even overwhelmed everything else in the warp, even the four evil gods that Constantine recognized.

Continuing to rise upwards, as the viewing angle zoomed out again, he recalled the name of the battleship in front of him - Emperor Dream.

The broken golden tail, the twisted muzzle and the one in the middle directly tore the huge irregular cracks of the entire battleship.

It felt as if something was suddenly born from this battleship, and then because the space above it was too narrow, it tore the entire Queen of Glory class battleship with force.

This seemed unreasonable to Constantine.

The Spear of the Sun God has never given a false "truth", but how does this explain what he sees in front of him.

In a darkness so thick that it cannot be melted away, everything is gradually withering and destroying.

Death is the normal state in this "truth" --- it feels as if, here is the end of human beings.

The huge sense of oppression almost caused Constantine to have a nervous breakdown.

But at this time, he still had a little luck.

What if this is a strange phantom caused by something wrong with the Spear of the Sun God?

Therefore, Constantine decided to go to the ruined Emperor Dream to verify it for himself.

And the closer he got to this huge ship, the more Constantine could feel its original magnificence and terror.

Its remnants of the ship are covered with broken statues and collapsed war temples. It is hard for him to imagine what kind of giant beast can break it from the middle like breaking a biscuit.

It was a terrifying force beyond the limits of his comprehension.

Of course, it seems a bit premature to draw conclusions like this at this moment.

Because after getting closer, he found some unusual marks on the surface of the Emperor Dream.

It was a huge crater that was melted through.

These densely packed craters extend all the way to the entire bow of the Emperor Dream.

There is a beak-shaped bow that has long been twisted and deformed, and even partially dissolved and broken.

Such terrifying scars made it difficult for Constantine to imagine the battle scene at that time.

Obviously, to sink such a huge ship, apart from the terrifying means of the monster born on it, it is extremely difficult.

But when Constantine gradually approached the outer deck of the Emperor Dream, he discovered the truth of these seemingly terrifying scars.

Those twisted and broken parts were not born in battle.

Rather than the horrible scars left behind, it is better to say that it is a warrior-like commemorative trace.

In other words, these seemingly terrifying scars to the Emperor Dream are actually decorations.

These scars did not completely destroy it, and it was still the black hand hidden in the mist that really destroyed this giant ship.

And when Constantine finally came to the edge of the deck of the Emperor Dream, he realized that these bullet holes were just a memorial.

Even this ship that looked like the Emperor Dream was not the Emperor Dream he knew.

According to the records on the surface of this giant ship.

It, or the original Emperor Dream, was destroyed in the Siege of Terra in 014.M31.

In an instant, Constantine's entire brain was about to burst.

What the hell is this.

He had a little fear of the giant ship in front of him.

You must know that it is only 004.M31 now, and the Spear of the Sun God will only reveal those "truths that have already happened".

What exactly does this mean.

Could it be that the 014.M31 he sees at this moment belongs to a distant other calendar?
Because only in this way can he explain the fake Emperor Dream that is currently placed in the "truth" he has seen.

But even so, he had to admit the battle that was about to take place on Terra.

That was really bad.

For the siege of Terra meant the Emperor was in danger.

And that represented Constantine's dereliction of duty.

With no time to take any more breaths, Constantine frantically absorbed all the documents he could see.

But the more he learned about the years recorded as the "Horus Rebellion", the more anxious and desolate Constantine became.

It was a desperate battle, a doomed ritual, a doomed sacrifice.

In front of the four gods, it seems that all struggles seem so insignificant.

Despair penetrated every inch of his nerves, and the feeling of suffocation was as frightening as soaking him in the deep sea and slowly drowning.

He didn't dare to accept that fact, but if he didn't accept this fact, he would be negating the spear bestowed on him by the Emperor—the Spear of the Sun God.

Now, soaked in an endless sea of ​​despair, he seemed to understand part of the truth behind the duel on the Grafinkel.

Perhaps it was knowing these "truths" that the guy named Carl Price would make such a "betrayal" behavior.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to lead the Space Wolves out of this trap that he chose to go to the Wolf Hall and make an appointment for this duel with him.

Isn't this a kind of hope?

Regardless, at least the timeline has changed.

Maybe that's why the Emperor gave him the spear that could see the "truth" of those he hurt.

With this glimmer of new hope, Constantine was temporarily given a chance to breathe like a drowning man finding a plank.

And taking advantage of this breathing opportunity, he is frantically absorbing all kinds of knowledge carved on the "reconstructed" Emperor Dream.

Although he still can't fully understand how these technologies work normally at this moment, he knows very well that this will become his biggest capital against the so-called destiny in the future.

As an imperial guard, no matter what position he is in, his original intention will not change.

As long as he can help the Emperor, that is his mission.

If there is a problem, then solve it;
If there is difficulty, overcome it;
In the Forbidden Army dictionary, apart from the string of names that are so long that the narrator is ashamed, there is no other meaning.

On this "reconstructed" Emperor Dream, which can be called a museum of technology and history, Constantine is doing everything he can to improve himself crazily.

Fortunately, unlike those ordinary Astartes fighters, as a forbidden soldier, Constantine still doesn't understand the principles of these techniques, but he can barely memorize them by force.

This is also a major difference between the Forbidden Army and other legions other than force.

They are not fighters purely for fighting, relatively speaking, they are more like being trained as all-around players.

So just like that, relying on the hope that was endowed in his heart, in this abyss of ruins called despair, he silently recorded a lot of knowledge, whether it came from the "past" or the "future".

After all, just like the script Tzeentch likes, the reader's pre-set point of view determines the clues he can discover.

=Among the words and phrases of fate, who is spreading lies? The final storm will come, will it be the savior or the destroyer? =
When Constantine's line of sight came across this line of text, an accident happened.

Through a hole at the end of the sentence, among the ruins floating in the darkness, he saw the terrifying giant floating in the distance with the faint light coming from nowhere.

Is that a planet?
No, that's a warship built from planets.

Although the huge power engine has long been fragmented, its huge structure still barely supports its existence.

And those huge abandoned muzzles all over it, with a caliber as large as the entire Emperor Dream, also reminded him of the horror of this giant.

Even compared with the Shanzhen number he had seen before, it was only a small toy that came with it.

This is the real steel forest, a flagship that belongs to the galaxy overlord civilization that should really be used?
Thinking of this, he even wanted to "swim" over there to see what the hell it was.

How did this planet-like giant ship break apart?

What kind of terrifying monsters were reflected on those distorted and broken surface armors.

Unfortunately, all this is just wishful thinking on his part.

The thick despair around him severely restricted his actions.

No matter how much he implies that this place is just an illusion, a false projection.

But the sense of reality coming from the surroundings is still negating any of his efforts.

Just like in the beginning, these thick darkness never stopped assimilating him.

The flame of hope that was briefly ignited is swaying in the increasingly turbulent wind of despair.

Everything seems to be warning Constantine to end everything immediately.

The gathering despair seemed to be whispering in his ears.

"Don't peep, don't search, that's not what you should know."

But just like Constantine's own character, the more adversity he faced, the more he wanted to fight.

He had a hunch that if he missed the battleship built by the planet in the distance, he would spend the rest of his life in self-blame and remorse just like those "failed" Forbidden Army.

At that time, the long life will give him almost eternal pain.

So it seems that there is a choice, but for him there is no choice.

Feeling the sense of despair rushing past him like a stream of water, he swam towards the broken star in the distance.

In the terrifying memories, he seems to have seen everything that happened here.

With the power of the desperate subspace, it suddenly hit like a wave, and black tentacles grew out of the battleship. Some kind of black ghost, which was more powerful than the big devil, made Constantine feel powerful, and harvested everything that had been there for a long time. The flesh of a drowned man in despair.

"In the final sacrifice, they sacrificed themselves."

It was the last words of a Chapter Master, who had already been torn to pieces at this moment.

Even if it's just an illusion, even if he doesn't know what the title of "Battle Leader" is, even if he doesn't know the name of this so-called battle leader, but his trembling voice is enough for Constantine to understand the despair up.


Constantine seemed to gradually begin to understand a small part of it.

So soaked in the ocean of despair, he continued to swim towards the broken star in the distance under the support of his faith.

Along the way, he tasted the experience of too many soldiers before they died.

Those desperate feelings that had fermented in the long immersion almost tore his sanity apart.

But in the end, he did it.

He finally knew the real name of this star-class battleship - Frank III

However, just when he wanted to continue to explore the surface of the entire battleship to learn more detailed information, a wave of despair that was much deeper and longer than before suddenly enveloped him.

It was a figure.

Although the background is also the dark deep space, the darkness seems to scare Constantine even more.

Because he knows exactly who that look represents.

As an imperial guard, he would recognize that armor even if it turned into ashes.

But at the same time, this familiarity also brought him great fear.

The figure seemed to be saying something all the time, but Constantine couldn't hear anything.

Despair and fear had overloaded his brain.

Before the illusion dissipated, he only remembered the last short hint with a treacherous tone.

"Find his true name and destroy him before it's too late."


(End of this chapter)

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